Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 105 Goodbye JO! The smell of holy water!

Hu Qing didn't have much taboo. Liu Qingqing was a ghost after all. Even if they shared the bed, they couldn't do anything. After washing, he lay down in his clothes, leaving half of the bed for Liu Qingqing.

Liu Qingqing didn't have a body, but she felt her heartbeat speeding up.

This was the first time.

Mr. Hu actually let her get on the bed.

She lay down awkwardly, and the first thing she thought about was how far away she should keep from Mr. Hu when sharing the bed.

But suddenly, a Chihuahua jumped up and lay comfortably in the middle of the bed.

Liu Qingqing pouted.

Well, don't think about it, just keep a dog's distance.

One night passed in a flash.

The next day, Hu Qing got up and went out with a ghost and a dog. He found that the room of the Wen family's two evil spirits was already open. I think they had woken up and went downstairs.

As soon as he got downstairs, he heard Dean's voice, which was a little pretentious, pretending to be deep.

In his previous life, he would only do this when he was flirting with girls in Supernatural.

Sure enough, a girl's voice sounded immediately, and it was familiar to him.

When he came out, Hu Qing saw JO's beautiful figure.

No wonder he felt familiar.

There was also JO's mother Ellen next to them. In addition to them, there was also a middle-aged man wearing a hat and holding a pipe.

Seeing this middle-aged man, Hu Qing also recognized him.

The other party was Bobby Xingge, an experienced exorcist and a good friend of the father of the Wen brothers.

In the future, he will also be the godfather of the Wen brothers. Under his guidance, the exorcism ability of the two brothers has improved significantly.

Seeing Hu Qing coming out, Dean and Sam came forward.

Dean introduced Hu Qing with a smile on his face: "Hu, let me introduce you to a beauty, um, she is a great beauty..."

"Hu!" JO spoke first with a look of surprise when he saw Hu Qing.

"Uh, I know her..." Dean opened his mouth in astonishment, and JO seemed to be more enthusiastic about Hu than he was.

Ellen saw a hint of surprise on Hu Qing's face, and subconsciously looked at the water gun hanging around her waist.

The holy water that the other party gave to her daughter is really very useful.

A few days ago, the mother and daughter used this holy water to clean two vampires, and the process was easier than ever before.

"JO, you are here too." Hu Qing also smiled and greeted JO.

"Hu, do you still have a Chihuahua? But why did you bring it here? I heard from Dean and Sam that the Chinese vampire is very dangerous." JO looked down at Thor squatting at Hu Qing's feet, and said with some concern: "Let's put it in the car when the time comes!"

"Woo woo woo!" Thor immediately raised his head and shouted, as if to protest this proposal.

Sam smiled and stepped forward to introduce: "Hu, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of monster, so Dean and I have also asked other helpers. Ellen and JO seem to know each other. That's Bobby Xingge."

Bobby looked up and nodded at Hu Qing.

He was also very curious about this Chinese exorcist. He heard from the two brothers that the other party was very powerful.

Sam added: "Hu said last night that this kind of Chinese vampire is called a zombie. It is afraid of sunlight, or rather, it does not like sunlight. It hides in dark caves during the day."

"Dean and I sorted out the locations of the caves recorded in the nearby forest overnight last night. We just need to look for them one by one today."

Dean also greeted a few people and said: "But before that, we have to change some weapons first. Don't doubt that our previous methods are useless against this kind of zombie."

He opened the trunk of the car and took out two copper coin swords, several mahogany swords, and the water released by Simon.

This made JO, Ellen, and Bobby all greeted them curiously.

As an exorcist, encountering this new exorcism method, he could not stop his curiosity to study it.

"Dean, are you sure this can deal with vampires?" JO asked curiously holding a wooden sword.

"Don't be mean to me. We have done experiments with Hu, and it will be done in a moment." Dean said with a smile.

After that, Dean took out the bucket of liquid and said, "Everyone, bring an empty bottle. Once this stuff is sprinkled, the effect is very good."

"What is this?" Bobby looked at the yellowish liquid curiously.

"Well, you can use it as holy water to deal with this kind of zombie." Dean said with a strange look.

This made Bobby curious. Holy water has always been difficult to make because of the lack of a cross with sacred attributes. The few that can be made are not very effective and difficult to obtain.

Now Dean and Sam have actually got such a large bucket of holy water.

After taking the empty bottle to receive the holy water, Bobby curiously put his finger in to dip it, and then put it in his mouth to taste it.

This is his habit, he wants to see if he can analyze the composition of this holy water.

"Oh, Bobby, don't..." When Dean saw it, he wanted to stop it too late.

"What the hell is this thing..." Bobby put his finger in his mouth, and his face suddenly became very exciting.

"Bobby, this is not my fault, you moved too fast..." Dean said embarrassedly.

"Dean, fuck you!" Bobby yelled with a livid face, and was about to smash the boy's urine in his hand.

"NO, NO, NO, Bobby, calm down..." Seeing this, Sam got anxious and came up to stop him immediately: "Bobby, this thing does have the effect of holy water, but it can only deal with Chinese zombies, and it must be a virgin. The older the virgin, the better the effect."

After hearing Sam's words, Bobby's livid face eased a little.

Although Dean is his brother, he is definitely not as reliable as Sam in his eyes. Feeling the taste in his mouth, he went to the side with a disgusted face and took out mineral water to rinse his mouth.

Dean, this pitfall guy.

After a while, JO and Ellen looked at the liquid in the bottle in their hands, and also showed a weird look.

The monsters in China are afraid of this thing?

They really want to know how the first person found it.

"Okay, everyone, now I will distribute the weapons to you." Sam distributed the copper coin sword and the wooden sword, and then emphasized: "Don't underestimate this wooden sword. The sharp machetes in our hands can't cut through the defense of the zombies. They can do it easily."

JO, Ellen, and Bobby looked at the wooden sword and the copper coin sword and didn't know what to say.

If they were left to deal with it by themselves, they would probably never think of using these things.

Afterwards, Dean sent a map to everyone's mobile phone, which marked the caves recorded in various parts of the forest where the zombies disappeared.

Bobby Xingge looked at the map and said: "Such a large area, the workload is not small, it seems that we need to act in groups, and which group will use flares to notify the other group if they find something."

This proposal was agreed by everyone, after all, this will increase efficiency.

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