Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 106 Hurting each other! Bobby's enemies!

Dean immediately looked at JO. Every time he acted like this, he knew that it was his mission to protect girls.

JO looked at Hu Qing, and immediately said with a smile: "Hu, Ellen and I will join you."

Ellen looked at her daughter from behind and nodded, then walked behind Hu Qing.

My daughter is not stupid.

Faced with such a big boss who can always provide them with that kind of holy water, they need to be more proactive.

"Uh..." Dean's open mouth closed subconsciously when he saw the scene. .

"BOY, it seems you are out of luck. After all, people think you are better than you." Bobby Singer seemed to stab Dean on purpose, and patted Dean on the shoulder with a smile.

"Bobby, do you still need water to rinse your mouth?" Dean immediately acted shamelessly and tried to hurt each other.

After being divided into groups, Hu Qing and Dean entered the forest and looked for the caves marked on the map.

"Hu, are you sure you want to take Thor with you and not put him in the car? This is very dangerous." JO said worriedly as soon as he entered the forest and looked at the Chihuahua following Hu Qing's feet.

"Woooooo!" Thor immediately shouted to JO again, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Why does this human woman always want her owner to lock her in the car?

Liu Qingqing covered her mouth and smiled: "She is very worried about Thor. When she sees Thor's true form, she may be shocked like last time!"

"JO, believe me, Thor can take care of himself." Hu Qing smiled, took out his compass and started searching along the signs on the map.

"Woo." Thor obviously agreed with his master's words and took the initiative to run ahead. Not only could he take care of himself, but he could also explore the road.

Ellen was holding a map at the side, and very wisely did not participate in the young people's conversation. Instead, she glanced at her daughter from time to time, with a kind of hint in her eyes.

Hu Qing and the others were relatively inexperienced in their search. Even Hu Qing himself encountered zombies for the first time.

He had never thought about the appearance of zombies in the Star-Spangled Congress of this world.

Moreover, how could anyone get this thing out of China?

If he hadn't been able to find some ways to deal with it from the book left by his second uncle Hu Bayi, it would have been too much for the Wen brothers alone.

The day passed quickly.

When the sun went down again, neither Hu Qing's group nor the Wen brothers' group searched all the locations marked on the map, but no trace of the zombie was found.

The two parties contacted each other and had to come out of the forest to meet up.

Dean frowned and said, "Hu, it seems we can't find it this way. We don't even know if it's still here."

"Yeah." Hu Qing agreed.

In the time between the two brothers' escape and now, the zombie will definitely not stay still, and may have gone somewhere to look for food.

"Oh Maigade, come and watch this news."

Sam, who was working on his laptop, suddenly exclaimed.

Unlike Dean, he likes to rely on the computer network to find some information and the latest situations for analysis.

This also makes him very good at making up for Dean's shortcomings, and he can make the most accurate judgments in many cases.

Now he has apparently discovered something.

Hu Qing and the others approached and saw a news item being played on the laptop.

It seemed to be a crime scene, which was guarded by the police, and three bodies were taken out.

Sam explained: "Last night, three young people in the nearby town of Bosley did not return home. Their bodies were found outside the town today. Moreover, a reporter rushed to find that the three young people had blood on their necks. There were two blood holes, and the whole body was pale and seemed to have lost its blood.”

"Now that the reporter has reported it, the other party suspects that it was a vampire. Everett's FBI has already taken over the case."

Hearing this, Hu Qing and the others understood that this must be the zombie.

"This is bad." Dean said with an ugly face: "The truck driver was bitten before, and he began to undergo transformation overnight. If these three people were bitten last night, then they will have mutations tonight. Change."

"The key point is that the zombie will still appear in that town." Hu Qing said without any doubt that if the zombie successfully forages for food in this town, it will habitually go to this town when it wants to suck blood. town.

Without any hesitation, the group got in the car and headed to the small town of Bosley.

Shortly after.

When they arrived outside the town, they clearly saw a place surrounded by security and an FBI warning site sign was placed.

Driving into the town, Hu Qing could clearly feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

After all, three people died and all their blood was sucked dry. In a society where weird legends are rampant in Stars and Stripes, and most people believe in Christianity, they believe that some vampire has appeared.

The car stopped outside a store, and Hu Qing saw the Wen brothers pretending to go in to buy something just like in the TV series, and then they talked to the clerk while singing and drinking.

Soon, the two brothers got the news and came back, but they didn't buy anything.

"I heard about it and the body was taken to the church in the town."

"The family members invited a priest to perform funeral prayers and drive away vampires."

The two of them got into their cars as they spoke.

The Stars and Stripes people still care about funeral ceremonies, and they are no worse than the Chinese in this regard.

However, funerals in the Star-Spangled Kingdom are basically held in churches. Family members hope that their loved ones will go to heaven after death, even if they are a heinous villain who only deserves to go to hell.

The night before, they would place the body in the church, ask someone to dress it up, and ask a priest to perform the ceremony the next day.

The Wen brothers and Hu Qing arrived outside the small town church, parked the car and slipped in.

As expected, there were three coffins placed in the center of the church, each with a young man lying inside. The circles under his eyes were obviously starting to turn black.

Hu Qing stepped forward, picked up a young man's palm and examined it. The flesh and blood had become very hard, and the nails had indeed begun to grow longer.

He pinched the young man's mouth open again and found that the fangs inside were also exposed.

This is almost turning into a zombie, and it will definitely turn into a zombie tonight.

After checking the body of another young man, Dean frowned and said, "Hu, these three guys are going to be transformed, I think it's better to burn them first."

Hu Qing was a little confused. Although the white zombie gave him 800 experience points, these three corpses obviously had not completed the transformation, and he did not know whether they had any experience.

Just when Hu Qing was struggling, an angry shout came from the door of the church: "Sure enough, someone sneaked into the church."

Immediately afterwards, several people suddenly rushed in. They were all wearing priest's clothes, but all of them were strong and burly, with guns in their hands. The middle-aged man who shouted angrily had a scar on his face, saying that he More like bandits.

Behind these priests, there were several people who were obviously family members. When these family members saw Dean and the others digging through the bodies, they were also very angry.

A middle-aged white man asked angrily: "Who are you? Why did you touch the bodies of Kent and others?"

"I think this is a misunderstanding..." Dean stepped forward awkwardly, trying to explain.

But at this time, the scarred middle-aged pastor pushed Dean away and looked at Bobby behind him: "I told you who it was. It turned out to be Bobby, who is as timid as an elk. How dare you appear in my house?" In front of me, you seem to have forgotten my warning."

Hu Qing and Dean both frowned.

This man obviously knew Bobby, and there seemed to be a grudge between the two parties.

Bobby looked at the middle-aged priest and frowned: "Karl, I know it was me who killed her, but please don't be blinded by hatred. You need my help this time. This monster is the same as you have met before. The difference is that these corpses must be burned immediately, otherwise there will be big trouble. "

Karl stared at Bobby coldly, not accepting this kindness: "Bobby, I have no hatred for you, I just look down on you. You obviously don't have much ability, and you still look self-righteous. You are just dealing with vampires. Do you think Are you better than me?"

"I'm warning you again, the people in the town have invited me. This is my business. If you dare to touch my business, don't blame me for being rude to you."

While speaking, Carl had already raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Bobby's head.

Several other priests also raised their heads one after another, pointing their guns at Hu Qing and the others.

Hu Qing frowned. This was the first time someone pointed a gun at him like this.

"Mr. Hu, do you want me to teach them a lesson?" Liu Qingqing asked immediately.

Hu Qing shook his head. It was not difficult to deal with these people.

But this was just right. Anyway, he didn't know whether killing these three corpses now would affect his experience.

Let these people see the zombies of China, and he will clean up the mess later.

"Bobby, take your little elk and get out of here now." Carl looked at Bobby provocatively again.

After saying that, he actually turned to the family members and said: "Guys, maybe you can call the police. The FBI people are not in the small town. I think they are very interested in these people who try to burn the bodies of your family members. Maybe the small town case has something to do with them."

These words easily aroused the emotions of the already grieving family members, and someone actually took out their mobile phones and made a call.

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