Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 107 Hu is really the boss! Resurrection!

(Big chapter!)

“NO, NO, this is just a misunderstanding, we will leave immediately.” Sam saw the family member making a phone call and immediately explained.

Hu Qing and his group had to leave the church.

Outside, Dean came to Bobby and said viciously: “Bobby, he will regret it, he knows nothing.”

Although this unpleasant episode happened, Hu Qing and his group naturally could not leave.

For Hu Qing, this is already three experiences.

For the Wen family, this is the responsibility of exorcism and also to make up for their own mistakes.

Now that the pastors of Carl are in the church, the other party has taken advantage of the emotions of the family members. If they don’t want to have a conflict, they have no way to deal with the three bodies.

So, they can only wait.

Hu Qing simply invited everyone to the best restaurant in the town to have a good meal and conserve their energy first, after all, they have been searching in the forest for a day.

Others had no objection to this.

But not long after they entered the restaurant, they saw a group of FBI rushing in and then surrounded them.

"The informant said that they are the ones who want to burn the body!"

"Four men, two women, and a middle-aged man, no mistake, go over and surround them."


The sudden appearance of these FBI agents startled the other guests in the restaurant.

As people from the United States, they have good qualities to deal with such situations. They stood up and ran out of the restaurant as soon as possible.

For a while, the whole restaurant was empty.

Sam was directly annoyed: "Bobby, they actually called the police?"

"Carl is such a person, he doesn't mind causing some trouble for others." Bobby sighed.

This old acquaintance who was very hostile to him, although he was dressed as a pastor, he always lacked the peace and magnanimity of a pastor in his bones.

"SHIT!" Dean cursed directly.

However, they brothers have encountered such a situation before, so they were prepared to deal with it.

Dean immediately stood up in a pretentious manner, and took out a FBI ID from his pocket, saying, "Hey, brother, we are all family. We heard about this case and came here to check it out. I think there must be some misunderstanding?"

This ID is of course fake, and the two brothers are masters of fake IDs.

Generally, at the scene, whether it is the police or the FBI who see the ID in their hands, it is difficult to distinguish them with the naked eye, unless the ID number is checked using the internal network.

But obviously, the police or FBI of the United States will not offend such a "colleague" and make the other party feel uncomfortable if they don't clearly know that the two brothers are fake.

That will not benefit anyone.

So, most of the time, the two brothers get away with it without any danger.

Of course, if they really meet someone who is serious, then sorry, they are just two cosplay enthusiasts, and they have registered as senior members on the largest cosplay website in the United States.

"The informant said that the person who wanted to burn the body would also impersonate our FBI. It seems to be true." The leading FBI sneered, snatched the ID from Dean's hand, and then took out an instrument and began to look at the ID and input the ID number.

Dean was in trouble now.

Is it really okay for Carl to do this?

We are all exorcists, and this method of impersonating identities is something everyone will use.

The leading FBI quickly entered Dean's ID number and saw a prompt showing that there was no ID information registered.

In other words, this ID is a home one.

He immediately took out his gun and pointed it at Dean: "Raise your hands."

The other FBI also pointed their guns at Dean.

Dean raised his hand very tactfully: "I'm just a COSPLAY enthusiast, do you believe it?"

The leading FBI looked at Dean with a bad face. Did this guy treat him as a fool?

He snorted directly: "Pretending to be an FBI, I now suspect that you have some special purpose, and it is related to the murder case in the small town. I am afraid you will have to go with us."

The FBI surrounded him and had already taken out handcuffs.

"There will always be such accidents." Sam waved his hand when he saw this.

Jo's mother and daughter obviously squinted helplessly, and they were not too panicked. They were used to this kind of situation as a single exorcist, but it was inevitable that they would have some trouble when they got out.

"Mr. FBI, I think you should take another look at this certificate." Hu Qing remembered the certificate given by Nutrilite, and took it out and handed it to the other party.

This made the Wen family twins, JO, Ellen, and Bobby all look at him.

The three words FBI on the certificate are too conspicuous.

But the key is that Dean has been exposed by this trick just now. If he uses this trick again, he will either treat these FBI as fools or himself as a fool.

The key is that Hu's certificate is actually with gold-rimmed words. How can it be useful? ?

Doesn't he know what the certificate with gold-rimmed words means?

It is a very high-level certificate, and there are not many people with such certificates in the FBI department of a city. Impersonating such a person is like a thief putting himself in the spotlight.

The leading FBI was stunned when he saw the certificate in Hu Qing's hand.

In their FBI department, the certificates are different. The higher the authority, the more significant the characteristics of the certificate.

For a certificate with gold-rimmed words like this, only the head of the department at the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has the authority.

That level is definitely at the boss level for an action team leader like them.

Suddenly seeing the other party take out a certificate of this level, even though he knew that it was probably fake, the other party's companions had been exposed, so for him to do this, he really thought he was a fool.

But what he was thinking about was that if it was true, then offending such a big boss, even if the other person was from another city, could easily put him in danger of losing his job, or even make him more unlucky.

Therefore, even though he knew that the other party was fake, he still cautiously took the ID in Hu Qing's hand and began to enter the ID number to confirm.

As long as it is confirmed to be false, the other party will be unlucky.

"Top confidentiality level authority, your authority is insufficient!"

After entering the ID number, this prompt suddenly appeared.

This almost made the FBI leader lose control of the equipment.

This level of certificate is already high, but it still has such confidentiality authority, which is definitely not something that a small grassroots management like them can touch.

The next second, the head of the FBI had a flattering smile on his face and handed the ID to Hu Qing respectfully: "Sir, please keep your ID. We didn't know you were here, and we also received the report. ,I am so sorry."

The scene where the FBI apologized repeatedly made the Wen brothers, JO, Ellen, and Bobby all dumbfounded.

This scene was something they had never imagined. Is the certificate in Hu's hand genuine?

Several people just felt incredible, how could an FBI executive of this level become an exorcist? The key strength is still very strong.

The two evil spirits of the Wen family were obviously even more envious. They thought that when they were in the villa, Hu would just make a phone call and two people who seemed to have high status would run errands for Hu.

Does Hu actually have such a high status in the FBI now?

This is incredible.

Ellen glanced at her daughter subconsciously. The person her daughter met was indeed a big shot, whether in the exorcism industry or outside the exorcism industry.

Hu Qing took the certificate, but he didn't expect that this book would be as useful as Nutrilite and others said in other cities.

He looked at Dean and said, "He is a new FBI agent in our department, and the information has not been updated yet."

"Yes, I understand." The FBI leader immediately nodded respectfully.

Hu Qing looked at the other party's attitude and asked, "What's your name?"

The head of the FBI immediately returned: "Wildoo!"

Hu Qing nodded and said: "Wildu, the cases in this town are somewhat abnormal and even very dangerous. We are here just for this case. Now I want to recruit you. Do you have any objections?"

Nutrilite had previously said that this certificate could mobilize people from various departments and bureaus in Seattle. Although this was not Seattle, seeing Verdu's attitude, he wanted to give it a try.

Verdu didn't think too much, maybe because he was shocked by the authority of Hu Qing's certificate. He nodded without thinking much: "Sir, don't worry, I will summon everyone here to follow your orders."

At the same time, he thought that the authority of the certificate was confidential, so this case should also be kept confidential.

He immediately ordered his subordinates, "Take people outside and tighten the security. No one is allowed to come in before we leave."

The FBI nodded one after another and went to enforce martial law outside the restaurant.

"Hu, do you still have this status in the FBI?" JO took the opportunity to come to Hu Qing's side while Verdu was on the phone and asked in a low voice.

"Would you believe me if I told you I didn't?" Hu Qing said with a smile.

"Only a ghost believes you." JO didn't realize that he was a fool.

"Mr. Hu, I believe you, I am a ghost!" Liu Qingqing said with a smile.

She was even a little proud of it.

As for the person who knows Mr. Hu the most, except for a building and the goddess, no one can compare with her.

Soon, another FBI police car stopped outside the restaurant, and all the FBI who arrived in this small town were summoned here.

This naturally attracted the attention of everyone on the street, but the outside of the restaurant was under security, so no one knew what was going on inside.

"What's going on here?"

"These FBI seem to be catching serious criminals, such a big movement."

"Indeed, I was eating inside just now, and the FBI surrounded several people. There seemed to be a conflict."


A figure on the roadside heard these words and looked at the restaurant jokingly.

This man was wearing a priest's clothes, and he was the priest under Karl.

The FBI would come here, so naturally it was Carl who ordered him to call the police like this.

Karl didn't want these people to hinder him from solving the vampire in the dark.

And Karl has deduced that the vampire who sucked the blood of three people here was out of control, controlled by instinct, crazy and bloodthirsty.

Therefore, the other party will also be driven by instinct now. Three people are looking for food here. Under the instinctive trend, the other party will definitely come again.

This instinct is often the way to death for these out-of-control vampires.

Their exorcists are able to use this to set traps and deal with them.

Seeing that the FBI in the small town had arrived, this man also smiled. It was probably those people's resistance that caused a big reaction from the FBI.

The restaurant was under martial law, and he had no way to investigate the specific situation, so he had to go back and report to Karl first. Anyway, the result should not be much different from what he thought. The other party would definitely be taken back and locked up for one night today.

at this time.

In the restaurant, after the FBI arrived, Wildu also respectfully led people to Hu Qing: "Sir, everyone is here, I wonder if you have any instructions?"

Hu Qing nodded and ordered directly: "Take people to patrol around the town. The murderer will definitely appear at night. Remember, as long as you find a jumping figure, report to me immediately. Don't think about taking action on your own. It's very dangerous."

"Yes, sir." Wildu nodded immediately and immediately called the FBI to rush out of the restaurant. According to Hu Qing's instructions, they first drove away the people outside the restaurant, and then dispersed into various parts of the town.

Hu Qing naturally wanted to use these FBI to find the zombie.

Although he knew that the zombie would come again, he didn't know when and where it would appear. The scope of this town is not small.

The Star-Spangled Country is vast and sparsely populated, and the construction of small towns is very scattered.

Now that these FBI are running errands for free, it's a waste.

Hu Qing and his group also left the restaurant and prepared to go to the church to look for opportunities. According to Dean and Sam's inference from the previous white zombie, it should also be transformed into a zombie.

Because they were bitten by the same zombie, as long as the zombies were not too different in strength or affected by the outside world, the time of transformation would not be too different.

The pastor had also returned to the church. At this time, the family members had also returned. Family members were not allowed to be in the church before the funeral in the Stars and Stripes Church, because this was the night when angels took souls away, and ordinary people were not allowed to see it.

Although it was just a saying, and no one had really seen it, some things once deeply rooted became a habit and a rule.

Carl had also taken other pastors to prepare some props to deal with vampires, silverware, crosses, verbena powder, garlic...

They were familiar with these. Carl, the exorcist, had a very loud name in the Exorcist Union. He was called a violent pastor and was best at dealing with vampires.

They also sprinkled verbena powder around the three coffins to prevent the corpses from turning into vampires.

Although it was said that no vampires actively transformed, so people who died from blood sucking would not turn into vampires, but there were always exceptions to everything, so be careful.

Seeing the priest coming back, Carl asked, "Andor, how is it going?"

Andor smiled and said, "Mr. Carl, don't worry. They seem to be resisting. The FBI has all gone there. Bobby won't come to hinder you."

"Very good, now it depends on when the vampire appears." Carl sneered. In fact, it was the easiest for him to deal with such out-of-control vampires.

Suddenly, a thumping sound was heard.

This made everyone stop. It was the sound coming from the coffin. Carl and his people looked at each other.

Sure enough, there was an exception. Resurrection from the dead means becoming a vampire.

"The sound came from the coffin in the middle." Carl said.

"Give it to me." Andor took the silver cone and walked over like asking for credit.

Carl was not worried. Special verbena powder had been sprinkled around the coffin. With his careful arrangement, even if the vampire who hurt people came, he would have to lie down, let alone this accidental transformation?

The other party can move now, but under the effect of this verbena, I am afraid he can't even get out of the coffin.

As long as Andor pierces the silver cone into the opponent's heart, he can solve the new vampire.

Andor is naturally familiar with the route. When he arrived in front of the coffin, he saw the corpse open his eyes: "Poor guy, just resurrected and transformed, he has to die again."

He pressed the silver against the opponent's heart, slapped it with his palm, and then froze.

How is it possible that the silver can't penetrate?

Hiss! ~

A beast-like sound sounded in the coffin, and then the corpse-transformed young man grabbed Andor's neck.

Andor was shocked and wanted to struggle immediately, but he felt a huge force and was pulled into the coffin, and then he felt a sharp pain in his neck.

"Ah!" Andor screamed.

This scene instantly changed the faces of several other priests.

"How is it possible!" Carl exclaimed.

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