Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 115: A great gift package of good fortune! Delivered to your door!

JO was put into a strange contemplation by what her mother said.

She felt that her life was really too pale. After witnessing her father being killed by the vampire, her life was only monotony and nightmares.

Monotonous training, monotonous exorcism, no daily routine for a normal woman, saying goodbye to all friends, and traveling around with her mother.

Fighting and killing monsters is everything in her life.

Her nerves were always tense and she dared not relax for a moment. She didn't even dare to sleep too hard, and always had to be alert.

For a long time, she always had some neurasthenia and often had nightmares, dreaming that her father covered in blood asked her why she hadn't found the vampire yet.

This state would make people collapse. She had to find something to divert her attention. She couldn't be as strong as her mother Ellen.

So, she became addicted to those bloody and violent arcade games. She vented through games, and sometimes she even indulged in gambling, using the excitement of winning or losing gambling to fill the monotony and tense nerves.

Naturally, this also often caused her to lose all her exorcism work.

The sudden ringing of the cell phone brought JO out of this strange meditation.

She looked at Hu Qing's note on the phone, and she was inexplicably a little disturbed.

"Hu, what's wrong?"

"JO, come over, I've prepared some holy water for you."

"Really? That's great. Ellen must be very happy."

JO hung up the phone and told her mother next to her the news: "Ellen, Hu prepared holy water for us again. He asked me to go get it."

"It's for you, not me!" Ellen couldn't help but scan her daughter again, and once again made the same joke: "It's good to have a beautiful daughter with a good figure."

JO was slightly embarrassed by the teasing: "I'll go to Hu to get holy water."

"I hope there will be the same amount as last time, so I don't have to worry about whether to use it or not." Ellen nodded, watched her daughter walk out of the church, and reminded her inexplicably: "JO, Hu obviously cares about you, otherwise he wouldn't have prepared holy water for you again."

This obviously touched JO inexplicably.

After all, it feels good to be cared for by others, but does Hu really mean this...

JO quickly returned to the hotel and knocked on Hu Qing's door.

Hu Qing opened the door and saw JO outside and smiled: "JO, come in, I have a surprise for you."

"Is there anything more surprising than holy water?" JO smiled and walked into the room, looking at Hu Qing in confusion as he walked inside. He picked up a bucket and walked towards her: "Hu, what are you doing with the bucket? Did you prepare a bucket of holy water for me?"

This was a joke.

After all, she heard from Ellen that holy water of that quality was difficult to make last time, and the fact that Hu could prepare two more water guns for her would make Ellen very excited.

A bucket of holy water of the quality of last time, unless she was dreaming.

Even if Hu really cared about her a little as Ellen said, she didn't dare to have such a luxury.

But when she saw Hu Qing holding the glimmering liquid in the bucket, she showed an unbelievable look: "Hu, this... is this holy water?"

"Well, it's better than the last time I gave you." Hu Qing smiled and nodded.

This definite answer really surprised JO.

Hu actually prepared a bucket of holy water for her, and the effect was better than last time.

She looked at Hu Qing, and her eyes were completely different in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Hu Qing noticed this look.

"Hu, why are you so good to me?" JO was surprised and couldn't help asking inexplicably.

Hu Qing didn't think much about it, and smiled: "Because you are JO."

This made JO inexplicably happy: "Hu, then I really took this holy water away. With so much holy water, Ellen will definitely be very excited."

Hu Qing nodded: "Well, tell me when you're done, I will always satisfy you."

JO went out with the holy water with indescribable excitement.

Back to her room, she called her mother over with a phone call.

Ellen entered the room and asked anxiously: "JO, seeing your happy face, Hu should have prepared a lot of holy water for you this time."

"Ellen, you will never imagine how much." JO pretended to be mysterious and brought a bucket behind him to Ellen.

"Oh my god...!" Ellen exclaimed when she saw the bucket of holy water: "Glowing holy water? The legend is true, there is such a thing."

"Legend has it that some powerful exorcists with saintly blood in ancient times could make this kind of glowing holy water, which made countless monsters afraid, and even powerful demon leaders had to retreat."

"But this is the holy water made by Hu." Jo said in surprise.

"That means Hu is very strong, stronger than we thought, JO, you are so lucky." Ellen couldn't help but exclaimed.

She pulled out the luggage from the bedside, took out a piece of vampire skin for the experiment, and then dipped a little from the bucket.

The last time the holy water only made the skin burn and curl up in an instant, this time, the vampire skin actually burned in an instant.

"JO, maybe we should find a shatterproof container to hold this holy water." Ellen stared at the bucket of holy water with shining eyes.


The night gradually fell, and when it was completely dark, Hu Qing had already arrived at the church, as well as JO and Ellen's mother and daughter.

The mother and daughter still had a hint of joy on their faces because of the bucket of holy water, and their eyes looked at Hu Qing a little differently.

Inside the church was Verdu, who was on guard with the FBI.

Although he knew that the corpse would not turn into a corpse during the day, Hu Qing still asked Verdu to take people to watch it in order to prevent accidents.

Verdu respectfully stepped forward when he saw Hu Qing: "Sir, do you have any instructions?"

Hu Qing ordered: "You just take people to guard outside, and you can close the case after night."

"Yes, sir." Verdu led people out of the church with excitement on his face, and then closed the door of the church.

He had already checked that Coker was a wealthy man with a lot of assets, and the leaders above would definitely be very satisfied.

If the leaders were satisfied, he would definitely be satisfied.

The bodies of those pastors under Carl had already been tied together.

As time passed, a corpse moved and began to turn into a corpse.

First, the palm moved, then opened its eyes, showing fangs, and the whole body began to struggle.

Hu Qing had already held the ebony sword, and seeing this, he stabbed the corpse into the heart.

[Experience +400] [13400/15000]

Hu Qing frowned.

Only 400 experience.

This is the corpse bitten by the three corpse-turned young men.

It seems that the experience of the bitten corpse after the mutation is also related to the strength of the zombies that bit them.

The zombies that are bitten and mutated are always weaker than the zombies that bite them, so it is not surprising that they have less experience.

The second corpse also began to change, followed by the third, the fourth...

Hu Qing successively solved these three corpse-turned zombies, and each of them had 400 experience, and three of them had 1200 experience, which brought his experience to level 13 14600/15000.

Only 400 experience is needed to upgrade.

Finally, the last two corpses bitten by Yu Zhi also began to change.

After the two corpses were transformed, their strength was obviously stronger, and they directly broke free from the ropes that bound them.

Hu Qing also stepped forward immediately, and the ebony sword easily pierced the hearts of the two zombies, killing the last two zombies.

[Experience +800]

[Level Up]

[Experience +800]

Three consecutive prompts appeared in Hu Qing's mind.

After the corpse bitten by Yu Zhi turned into a zombie, the experience was indeed 800 again.

After killing the two zombies, his level was raised again, reaching level 14 1200/30000.

After the upgrade, there was an extra 1200 experience.

But when he saw the 30,000 experience required for another upgrade, he suddenly lost his joy.

The upgrade experience requirement doubled, is it reasonable?

However, when he looked at the inventory, his face was surprised again.

"Level 14 Uncle Da's Gift Pack (Large): This is the real legend recommended by Uncle Da. Players can receive the gift pack prepared by Uncle Da when they upgrade. When players are lucky, they can also have a chance to get a big gift pack!"

He suddenly got lucky, so he got a big gift pack this time?

The big words in the brackets made Hu Qing look pleasing to the eye.

This big gift pack can't be as stingy as the previous gift packs, giving only one thing, right?

At this time, Hu Qing was like playing games in his previous life. He got a new gift pack and was inexplicably looking forward to it.

After saying hello to JO and Ellen, he immediately left the church and went back to the hotel.

For this kind of big gift pack, he planned to open it when he went back to choose an auspicious time. The sense of ceremony should be sufficient, so as to be worthy of Uncle Da and his rare generosity.

Yu Zhi followed closely behind like a loyal bodyguard.

Thor also followed closely at the feet of his master like a loyal lackey.

JO looked at Hu Qing who was leaving in confusion. What happened to Hu?

At this time, Ellen said with a hint of meaning: "JO, we will go back to the bar early tomorrow morning."

"So soon?" JO was stunned.

Ellen nodded: "The bar called in the afternoon and said something happened. An exorcist made trouble and caused some trouble. If you want, go tonight!"

JO gritted his teeth and ran out of the church after hearing this.

After returning to the hotel room, he took out his mobile phone as soon as possible, intending to check the time and pick a time that he thought was good to open the gift package.

This made him feel the anticipation of opening gift packages in games in his previous life.

But before he could choose a good time, the doorbell rang.

He got up and opened the door in confusion, and saw the delicate JO standing outside the door. There was obviously something wrong on her pretty face, and even her eyes looked at him with a fiery light.

Without waiting for him to react, JO rushed forward, tightly wrapped her hands around his neck, and kissed him.

Hu Qing couldn't react at all.

Is he attacked by JO?

To be honest, he had a good impression of JO. He admired this character when he watched Supernatural in his previous life.

But he really didn't think of the situation in front of him. After all, he and Dean were friends. Logically, JO should also get together with Dean.

Obviously, the situation was completely different from what he thought. After JO attacked him, he actually began to take off his coat.

"JO, wait a minute!" Hu Qing said anxiously.

"Hu..." JO looked at Hu Qing in a daze.

"Go to your room!" Hu Qing glanced at the ghost girl and the three-headed dog of hell next to him, picked up JO and walked out of the room.

At this moment, he was not afraid, and he didn't need to worry about Dean, after all, the other party and JO were not together in this life.

It even seemed that he knew JO first.

Then in this life, he would protect JO to the end!

In the room, Liu Qingqing and Thor looked at Hu Qing who walked out of the room

Liu Qingqing couldn't believe it, why would JO be so bold?

This is more direct than the goddess spirit before. Is Mr. Hu so popular with women?

The key is that he didn't know how to refuse?

He had already cheated on the goddess spirit.

He is really a playboy...

Hu Qing quickly carried JO to the outside of her room and took her key.

He opened the door and closed it with a bang, and saw clothes flying in the room.

Soon after:

[Experience +1]

[Experience +1]

[Experience +1]

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