Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 116: Horrible poisoning technique! Pickaxe!

The long dark night passed in the fierce battle.

The small town of Bosili is surrounded by mountains, and there is still a layer of white mist in the morning light. The beautiful scenery is like a beauty who is still sleepy and has not yet fully woken up.

JO's face is a little lazy. After a night of fighting, she just wants to hug Hu Qing's waist tightly and lean on his chest to enjoy the breath that makes her feel at ease.

This night is probably the most peaceful and relaxing night she has slept since she became an exorcist, because she believes that Hu will protect her, and she doesn't have to be nervous and alert at all.

Even though she didn't sleep for a long time that night, she was always tormented by Hu.

"Hu, I'm a little greedy for this feeling." JO said softly, and got into Hu Qing's arms again.

"Then let's continue?" Hu Qing stroked the hair on JO's face.

"That's not what I mean." JO said coquettishly.

Hu Qing smiled. He probably knew what JO meant. Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, she was a strong exorcist, but in fact she was still a woman who longed for protection.

Taking advantage of the tender time, Hu Qing also looked at the data on the light screen in his mind:

Level: 14

Defense: 14 (related to physical attack resistance)

Magic Defense: 14 (related to non-physical attack resistance)

Attack: 16 (related to strength, physical attack, weight, etc.)

Magic: 10 (related to magic skill power)

Taoism: 10 (related to Taoism skill power)

Agility: 16 (related to movement, attack speed, reaction speed, etc.)

HP: 280/280 (health value, this data cannot be fully digitized and changes according to the degree of injury)

MP: 370/370 (magic value, an important energy value for spellcasting skills.)

Experience: 1275/30000

Upgrading to level 14, each data has increased by 1 point, attack and agility have reached 16, defense and magic defense are 14, and Taoism and magic have also exceeded 10.

Then, Hu Qing looked at the Uncle Da gift pack in the inventory.

Before JO rushed over like that, he hadn't had time to open the gift package.

Now he hoped that JO could bring him some good luck.

He immediately chose to open the gift package.

With a flash of light, the gift package disappeared, but 5 more items appeared on the item bar at the same time.

This time, Uncle Da's gift package actually gave 5 things directly, which really deserves to be called a big gift package.

The first thing is a skill book, which is also a reward he expected.

Poisoning is a skill of Taoist level 14. According to the gift rules of Uncle Da's gift package, this skill will definitely be given at level 14.

"Poisoning: This is a curse technique. With special powder, the enemy can be poisoned by the toughness curse and life curse.

Toughness curse poison: The skin of the cursed person will turn red, and the physical and magic defense capabilities will be reduced. The effect is affected by Taoism. Requirements: special yellow powder.

Life curse poison: The skin of the cursed person will turn green, not only will the recovery of injuries be suppressed, but also the vitality will be corroded. The effect is affected by Taoism. When Taoism is strong enough, the curse poison can even directly take the life of the poisoned person. It can be used in combination with toughness curse poison. Requirements: special gray powder.

Learning level: 14."

The skill effect of this poisoning technique is no different from that in the game.

Simply put in the game vernacular: red poison and green poison.

Red poison reduces defense and magic defense.

Green poison reduces blood defense and life value recovery.

For example, Yu Zhi's defense is terrible, and bullets can't penetrate him. Give him a red poison. As long as the Taoism is strong enough, bullets can easily penetrate his body.

For another example, the recovery ability of the werewolf is not very strong? Give him a green poison, as long as the Taoist magic is strong enough, it can make the werewolf lose its recovery ability, even worsen the injury, lose health until death.

This poisoning technique is an indispensable skill for Taoists to fight monsters and PK.

What troubles Hu Qing is that this poisoning technique requires special yellow powder and gray powder.

Where can he find these two kinds of powder in reality?

If there is no powder, this skill is no different from waste.

When Hu Qing looked at the crystal-like thing, he was slightly relieved.

This crystal is actually something related to the poisoning technique.

"Poison Rune Stone (small): A special poison stone. Because of the trouble caused by the cumbersome special powder when Taoists fight, King Biqi summoned poison makers to develop this special poison stone.

There are two kinds of poison patterns engraved on the poison stone, which can absorb and slowly produce the special yellow toxin and gray toxin needed by Taoists to assist in the use of poisoning.

Quantity: 200/200 (the number of times it is used can be slowly restored)."

This thing can be regarded as an improvement in Uncle Da's legend.

In the past, when a Taoist priest went out, he had to bring a bunch of poison powder, which was not only troublesome, but also took up a lot of inventory.

In the past, when there was a shortage of games, as the first popular online game, players would not say anything.

But now, which legend dares to do this? Players must let the game company know who is the boss.

Not only this poison stone, but also the magic blood stone that restores HP and MP, these are all things made for easy operation.

The difference is that the number of times this poison stone is used in the game is not recoverable, but the number of times he casts it can actually be restored, which is equivalent to providing continuous firepower for the poisoning technique.

This also made Hu Qing feel at ease to choose to learn the poisoning technique.

The skill book turned into a little light and disappeared, and the information about "Poisoning" and the method of practicing it also instantly flooded into his mind.

Information about Poisoning also appeared on the skill bar.

"Poisoning LV0 (0/100): It can consume 15MP and use special powder to cast special curse poison. The current skill level, Taoist power +4, time effect 10 minutes, 14 level can be upgraded to LV1."

That is to say, after poisoning the enemy, the skill will not only increase the Taoist power by +4, but also have a 10-minute effect.

Within 10 minutes, the enemy's defense and magic defense will be weakened by the red poison, the recovery of injuries will be suppressed by the green poison, and the green poison will continue to corrode and reduce the health value.

10 minutes is basically enough to solve a battle.

Hu Qing has no way to experiment with this skill now, so he looks at the other two things for the time being.

One is a bundle of 6 bottles filled with pink liquid, and the other is a bundle of 6 bottles filled with blue liquid.

"Golden Wound Medicine Bundle (Medium): HP+50, this is an auxiliary potion developed by the Bicchi Pharmacist Union to help the Three Saints Professional Awakeners fight. After taking it, it can continuously restore HP, quantity: 6."

"Magic Medicine Bundle (Medium): MP+80, this is an auxiliary potion developed by the Bicchi Pharmacist Union to assist the Three Saints Professional Awakeners in fighting. After taking it, it can continuously restore MP, quantity: 6."

Hu Qing didn't expect that Uncle Da would actually give these two things this time.

Red medicine and blue medicine are indispensable in the game.

But sometimes he would explode similar things when killing monsters in reality, such as life essence crystals and energy crystals.

In his inventory, there are still a lot of life essence liquids that have not been used up, and there are 200 MP of energy crystal liquid that have not been used.

He has never encountered a time when his MP is exhausted but the battle has not ended.

However, this does not mean that this thing is not important.

After all, he has not really encountered a big crisis, and has not encountered groups of powerful monsters. Once he encounters them, the medicine to restore MP is the guarantee to keep fighting.

Looking at the last item, Hu Qing suddenly looked weird.

It was a pickaxe-shaped hoe, which turned out to be the pickaxe used for mining in the game.

In Uncle Da's Legend, this thing was not very useful, but in the original Legend, holding a pickaxe, lighting a candle, and queuing in the mine to mine and sell for money to buy medicine should be the experience of most players.

The ding-ding-ding sound should also be deeply remembered by countless players.

However, this pickaxe seems to be a little different from the one in the game. The pickaxe in the game is dark and nothing special.

But this pickaxe does have special runes on it, flashing a mysterious glimmer.

"Pickaxe (Full Enchantment +5): Attack +8. A warrior accidentally dug up a special enchanted crystal while mining. The violent knocking caused the crystal to explode and the warrior died on the spot. However, this pickaxe was accidentally enchanted and turned into a very powerful weapon with magical power. It can not only restrain evil, but also make the owner as elegant as a crane when mining.

Enchantment attributes: Magic +5, Taoism +5, Attack +5.

Required level 14."

Seeing the notes, Hu Qing was a little unbelievable. It turned out to be enchanted.

There are enchanted props in Uncle Da's Legend that can increase the power of weapons and armor. In the game, absolutely no one will use enchanted props on the pickaxe.

But the warrior in the note didn't know whether it was lucky or unlucky to dig up the enchanted crystal while mining.

With this enchantment attribute, this pickaxe is equivalent to: Magic +5, Taoism +5, Attack +13.

This is a top-notch product.

In other words, the ebony sword will be eliminated.

Hu Qing had thought before, when the ebony sword would be eliminated, and what weapon would be eliminated, but he didn't expect it would be a mattock.

But no matter what, it's a good thing.

Hu Qing and JO were affectionate for a while, and then he asked: "Are you going to get up?"

"Well, Ellen said that something happened at our bar, and we have to go back this morning." JO nodded, and there was obviously some reluctance in her tone.

"Then get up, let's take a shower together." Hu Qing picked up JO with a smile and walked into the bathroom, and there was another burst of joy.

Not long after.

At the exit of the town, two cars stopped.

Hu Qing got out.

JO and Ellen also got out of the car.

JO went straight up to hug Hu Qing and kissed him fiercely.

Liu Qingqing in the car curled her lips, and she became so unscrupulous in front of the audience in one night.

After being released by JO, Hu Qing said, "JO, I have a gift for you."

As he said that, he took out two things like a magic trick and handed them to JO, which were the ebony sword and two bottles of golden wound medicine (medium amount).

"It's this sword!" JO's beautiful eyes lit up.

This is the weapon that Hu has been holding.

She knew that this sword must be extraordinary. Ellen guessed that it was a magic weapon.

Hu Qing explained, "This is an ebony sword that can restrain evil things. I'm not with you, it can help you, so you have to practice swordsmanship when you go back. There are also these two bottles of liquid medicine. Use them at critical moments. As long as you are not dead, they can save you and you can recover quickly."

This obviously shocked both JO and Ellen.

As long as you are not dead, you can save you and you can recover quickly? Is there really such a medicine in the world?

This is also because they have never seen Hu Qing perform healing magic, otherwise they would not have such doubts.

JO received the gift and kissed Hu Qing fiercely again.

She could feel Hu's concern.

After a while, JO reluctantly let go of Hu Qing and walked back to the car.

Ellen also stepped forward and hugged Hu Qing politely: "Hu, remember to come to our bar when you are free. JO sometimes needs someone to accompany her, otherwise she is always addicted to violent and bloody arcade games and gambling."

"I will, Ellen!" Hu Qing nodded.

He could hear Ellen's concern for JO.

When watching Supernatural in the previous life, it can be seen that Ellen was too obsessed with finding vampires and exorcising demons, and she was not good at caring for JO as a mother.

It was not until she was desperate and sad holding JO's body that she realized that perhaps exorcism and revenge were not all she wanted.

After JO and Ellen got in the car and started the car to leave in one direction, Hu Qing also got in his own car and started the car to drive towards Seattle.

Not long after the car started, Hu Qing's cell phone rang, and the number was Kelly's.

Hu Qing straightened his mind and answered the call: "Kelly, do you miss me?"

"Hu, have you finished your business?"

"Yes, I'm already returning to Seattle."


While driving, Hu Qing chatted with Kelly as if nothing had happened.

This made Liu Qingqing curl her lips in the car.

Mr. Hu had just finished his affair, and he could still chat with a building as if nothing had happened.

She suddenly realized that Mr. Hu seemed to be a scumbag.

It was dusk when Hu Qing returned to Seattle.

At night, Kelly came back from overtime, and before she was surprised by Yu Zhi's appearance, Hu Qing carried her upstairs, served her bath seriously, and then worked harder to let her experience the happiness of being a woman.

Time passed.

Soon another 2 days passed.

In the hall of the villa, Hu Qing opened his eyes, exited the special training room, and finished practicing the "Poisoning Technique".

He had received a prompt in his mind:

[Poisoning Technique skill level upgraded! ]

After returning, he began to practice the poisoning technique and upgraded the poisoning technique level to level 1.

"Poisoning Technique LV1 (1/300): can consume 15MP, use special powder to cast special curse poison, current skill level Taoist power +6, time effect 20 minutes, 17 level can be upgraded to LV2."

After the poisoning technique was upgraded to LV1, the skill Taoist power became +6, and the skill effect became 20 minutes, both the power and time effect were stronger.

Hu Qing went out of the villa directly and went to the woodland park. When he arrived at an open space, he put the poison stone on the equipment bar, waved his hand and cast a green poison on a tree.

As the poison stone on the equipment bar consumed a little, the tree suddenly appeared a layer of green color, flashing with a strange curse light.

Now the power of his poison spell is 10 spells of his own + 6 spells of his skill.

After the green poison with the power of 16 spells appeared, the tree was corroded in an instant, withered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the leaves turned yellow and fell like rain.

The effect is very obvious.

However, Hu Qing can only experiment with the green poison for the time being. There is no experimental target for the red poison, but from the effect of the green poison, it can be known that the effect of the red poison must be strong.

As soon as the thought came, a mattock with a special glimmer appeared in Hu Qing's hand, and the magic was blessed by 5 points.

He cast the green poison on another tree again. This time, with the 5 points of magic blessed by the mattock, the tree withered faster than the previous one, and the leaves fell more densely.

Not long after, two crackling sounds were heard one after another. The two trees were completely dead under the influence of the green poison, and they broke and collapsed.

The power of this level is obviously very terrifying. If it is used on ordinary people, I am afraid no one can resist it. It can make people die without knowing how they died.

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