Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 159 Types of witches! Things that restrain witches!

One night passed.

The news that Harriet was killed at the door of the National Party base spread in a certain circle.

Especially among the National Party in Seattle.

They all knew that there was a very scary Abik in Seattle, and this was done by him.

When the several Seattle National Party bosses who were caught approached Abik again, their attitude towards Abik was obviously much more respectful.

The so-called elite warriors brought by Harriet also left Seattle as quickly as possible.

FBI Mystery Investigation Department.

Nutrilite and Bobby wrote a case report on the ghost car and sent it to Trin's office.

As a big boss of the Seattle FBI, Trin has great power.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to raise the authority of the Mystery Investigation Department to the current level.

However, Trin felt that it was still worth it, at least it had been confirmed that there was indeed a mysterious power.

For example, in the last kidnapping case of those children, the ghost ship came out. If the cult was not stopped in time, he didn't know what would happen.

The reason why the ghost ship incident did not cause too much waves was also because they covered it up behind the scenes.

This time, the ghost car incident was also beyond the ability of the ordinary FBI department to solve, so the mysterious incident investigation department took over.

"Has the ghost car issue been resolved?" Tring asked when he saw Nutrilite and Bobby enter his office.

"Mr. Tring, the case has been closed. Here is the report!" Nutrilite frowned and handed the report to Tring, feeling a little uneasy.

After all, this time Wies-Baden was killed, and the other party had a close relationship with the bigwigs of the Seattle National Party, and Mr. Tring couldn't handle it.

However, Mr. Hu said that he could handle it, so they had no choice but to believe Mr. Hu.

Tring took the case report and read it, but after just a moment, his face changed: "Did you kill Wies-Baden?"

As the FBI boss of the Seattle Field Department, he naturally knew how much Wies-Baden was involved, and the other party was behind the bigwigs of the Seattle National Party.

Although their FBI is national and not under the jurisdiction of the city of Seattle, the National Party is also national, and 14 presidents of the National Party have lived in the White Palace.

Now that the Mystery Investigation Department has killed Wies-Baden, it has slapped the faces of the National Party bosses in Seattle. If they want to make trouble, it will be a big trouble.

Nutrilite explained embarrassedly: "Mr. Trin, the ghost car this time was made by Wies-Baden. He killed that Laudley, crushed his body and buried it in cement with the car, and then the ghost car appeared."

Trin frowned and said: "Then you can't kill him. This is troublesome. I'm afraid the National Party will investigate me soon and call to question me."

Almost as Trin finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

Seeing the cell phone number, his face immediately turned bad and said: "Look, trouble is coming."

This number is Du Ruisser, the head of the Seattle National Party.

The other party called at this time, and you don't need to think about it to know why.

Trin answered the phone with a frown. He was about to explain the Wies-Baden matter to Duresser, but Duresser spoke first: "Mr. Trin, Wies-Baden did a good job. This kind of cancer should be completely eradicated."

This made Trin stunned and a little unresponsive.

Nutrilite and Bobby killed Wies-Baden. Shouldn't the other party come to ask for punishment?

At this time, Duresser said again: "Mr. Trin, we are all family members in the future. We can contact more often, especially the FBI chief who eradicated Wies-Baden."

This is naturally because the people of the Seattle National Party and Abik have re-negotiated.

They thought that the FBI was involved with Abik and was Abik's people, so they called to show goodwill and to show that the matter was over.

Trin was completely confused and didn't react for a long time after hanging up the phone.

But he was not stupid. He looked at Nutrilite and Bobby in astonishment. There was only one possibility for this abnormal situation, that is, there might be a lot of power behind Nutrilite and Bobby.

The power behind the two people dealt with those nationalists.

That's terrible.

Trillin thought for a moment and said to Nutrilite and Bobby: "Well, Nutrilite, Bobby, you have done a good job during this period. Maybe I should recommend you for an interview, and the mysterious investigation department will not be under my name in the future."

This is obviously a show of goodwill, or looking for an opportunity to contact the existence behind the two people first.

Nutrilite and Bobby's eyes lit up.

They naturally knew what Mr. Trillin meant.

At the same time, the two knew in their hearts that it must be something Mr. Hu did, which might make Mr. Trillin have such an attitude, which was too incredible.

After leaving Trillin's office, the two looked at each other silently. They knew that they had to go to Mr. Hu.

They left the headquarters almost immediately and rushed to Hu Qing's villa.

They parked the car and entered the yard to see Hu Qing scraping plaster with a red brick.

"Mr. Hu!" The two men stepped forward and said respectfully.

"You look so happy, so everything should be fine, right?" Hu Qing looked at the two men and asked.

Nutril nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hu. Mr. Trin is recommending us for an interview now, which means that the mysterious incident investigation department will be completely under our charge in the future."

Bobby immediately expressed his position: "In the future, Mr. Hu will tell us what to do. We will definitely complete what Mr. Hu tells us first."

Nutril also nodded in agreement, then remembered something and reported to Hu Qing: "Mr. Hu, there is another thing, that is, Wies-Baden's son, Ni-Baden, also died last night. The way he died was the same as Wies-Baden. It should be the witch who did it."

Hu Qing nodded and said, "I know, you can go back first if you are fine. I still have things to do."

Nutril and Bobby retreated respectfully after hearing Hu Qing's words, which was very tactful.

Hu Qing also entered the villa with the scraped red brick dust. After a while, he carved some magic array patterns on the ground and stirred the red substance in the bowl in his hand.

He was making something to restrain witches, and the formula was naturally obtained from the Wen brothers. The demon-killing notebook in the hands of the two brothers recorded a lot of good things.

This time when he met the beautiful witch, he felt it necessary to prepare some things to deal with witches.

In the mysterious legend data, there are many types of witches, such as traditional witches, dark witches, taboo witches, and inherited witches.

Traditional witches are divided into: compromise witches, kitchen witches, green witches, lone witches, etc.

Taboo witches have no fixed classification, but they like to use insects to make witch dinners, like to operate ghosts, like to use astrology to cast witchcraft, use tarot cards to cast witchcraft... and so on.

Dark witches are some witches who learn black witchcraft.

In order to pursue rapid power improvement, these witches learn black witchcraft. Some of them become dark witches with terrifying power, and more are backfired by black witchcraft and become monster voodoo curses.

He helped Abik solve a voodoo curse that was backfired by black witchcraft before.

The other is the inherited witch. This type of witch is more powerful than other witches. Their witch power is inherited from their blood.

Their power is innate, and they have different powers. They can control various elements, stimulate different abilities, and then cast corresponding witchcraft.

That beautiful witch is obviously an inherited witch.

However, one thing is certain, no matter what type of witch, there are things that can restrain them, it's just a matter of strength.

And what can restrain witches is the witch-ban powder made by mixing red brick ash with blackthorn and grass.

Blackthorn and grass are also one of the plants that often appear in mysterious legends like verbena to restrain supernatural creatures, and the older the age, the stronger the effect.

Hu Qing went deep into the woodland forest and found some blackthorn and grass with a long age.

Of course, red brick ash is not an ordinary red brick, but it must be made into a building with people living in it, and it must be exposed to wind and rain for more than ten years.

After getting these three things, and then matching them with special magic circles and spells, you can make witch-ban powder.

This thing is a sharp weapon for dealing with witches. Even the powerful witch-banning powder can restrict the witch's power, and then make her powerless. You can do whatever you want, and she will not have any resistance at all.

As long as this witch-banning powder is made, it will be a great help if you really fight against witches in the future.

This is also a precaution.

Fortunately, the spell this time is not in Latin, but in popular English.

After preparation, Hu Qing grabbed the bowl of mixed red-to-gray, and began to chant the spell to communicate with the magic array.

After a moment, you can see that the magic array turned into rays of light and floated up, and then merged into the mixed red brick gray, blackthorn, and grass.

As the light merged, the red mixture in the bowl seemed to be undergoing some kind of deformation combination, and then was given a special power.

When the magic array was completely transformed into light and merged, the witch-banning powder was also considered to be completed.

Hu Qing put the witch-ban powder into the inventory and saw the message:

"Witch-ban powder (quality 3): This is something that restrains witches. The higher the quality, the greater the power. This is also something that witches are very troubled by."

Quality 3, the same as the quality of the holy water he made.

The production of this kind of thing seems to be related to the strength of the maker. The stronger the strength, the higher the quality and the better the effect.

After that, Hu Qing continued to make it, and made 5 bowls of witch-ban powder in a row. He stopped when he felt a little exhausted.

These five bowls of witch-ban powder should be enough.

When Hu Qing stopped to rest, Kalinda's phone suddenly came in.

After answering the call, he asked with a smile: "Kalinda, you called at this time. Is it right that there is a supernatural case?"

"Hu, maybe you should come to the detective agency!" Kalinda's voice was obviously a little wrong: "I haven't confirmed whether this case is a supernatural incident, but the client doesn't seem to be an ordinary person. I can feel that the power in her body is very strong."

This made Hu Qing stunned. After hanging up the phone, he didn't hesitate. He summoned the ghost car Rolls-Royce, got in the car directly, and took Thor, Yu Zhi, and Liu Qingqing to Kalinda's detective agency.

When he entered the detective agency, he saw Kalinda entertaining a beautiful figure.

When he saw this beautiful figure, Hu Qing was stunned.

"My lord, it's her!" Yu Zhi also whispered.

Hu Qing now understood what Kalinda said on the phone. It was her.

But why did she come to Kalinda's detective agency to entrust a case?

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