Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 160 Demonic Painting! Glutton: Beelzebub!

When Hu Qing walked in with Liu Qingqing, Yu Zhi, and Thor, the beautiful witch was obviously stunned for a moment. She probably didn't expect to meet this person after finding a detective agency.

Hu Qing found a seat and sat down, and also looked at the beautiful witch: "We meet again, Miss Witch."

But the beautiful witch said with a smile: "I can see you sir. It seems that I found the right detective agency. By the way, sir, my name is Jenna!"

"Okay, Jenna, now let's talk about the case you want to entrust!" Hu Qing said with a smile.

He suddenly became sexually interested in a case that a witch could entrust.

Maybe I can get started with experience.

Jenna also said at this time: "I want to entrust your detective agency to help find a painting. That painting is very dangerous. If the other party gets it, it will cause a big disaster."

"Can you be more specific?" Hu Qing's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

He smelled experience,

Jenna explained: "There is a group of demons sealed in that painting, Gluttony: Beelzebub. If they escape from the painting, it will be in trouble."

Hu Qing's first attention was on a group of demons.

This is indeed experience delivered to your doorstep.

Only then did he notice the name of this group of demons, Glutton: Beelzebub.

Gluttony Beelzebub is one of the seven deadly sin demons in mysterious legends. He is a great demon with the same name as the fallen angel Lucifer. He looks like a super big fly, so Beelzebub is also called the Lord of the Flies.

It will devour anything it encounters and spread various diseases and plagues. It is an extremely terrifying existence in mysterious legends. .

However, what Jenna is talking about here is a group of gluttons: Beelzebub. This obviously cannot be the big demon of the Seven Deadly Sins, otherwise it would not be sealed in the painting.

This group of demons should all be subordinates of Beelzebub.

Many demons have no names, but when many subordinates of the same kind of demons walk around the world, they are named according to who they belong to.

For example, the subordinate demons of Beelzebub are all called Beelzebub, and similar demons with the same name and subordinates can all have some of Beelzebub's abilities.

Jenna had already added at this time: "At the beginning, this group of Beelzebub was summoned by a dark witch before the War of Independence. They destroyed several small towns."

"Later, a heritage witch and her companions defeated the dark witch and sealed the group of Beelzebubs into the painting."

"The painting has been buried in a mausoleum and has been guarded by the descendants of the witch from generation to generation. However, decades ago, the painting was stolen by a thief due to negligence, and there has been no trace since."

"Until the painting appeared in Seattle not long ago, I have been tracking it down, but I missed it because of my father's affairs. Now I also find that a dark witch seems to be targeting me. She must also be here for the painting."

"So, I would like to ask you to help find the painting. This should be easier for you. Naturally, as a reward I will give you a treasure map, which is said to contain a supernatural treasure."

"Hu, do you want to answer it?" Kalinda's eyes brightened when she heard the supernatural treasure.

"Take it!" Hu Qing nodded.

He is also very interested in this group of Beelzebub, but he doesn't know how much experience they will gain.

"Then I'm sorry to bother you." Jenna immediately expressed her thanks.

"Jenna, let's make detailed information!" Kalinda heard Hu Qing's words and also made an invitation to Jenna.

After spending some time, Hu Qing and Kalinda also understood everything in detail, as well as the painting.

It was a painting of a gentleman's dinner, where a group of gentlemen gathered together to eat. There were a swarm of flies flying around the gentlemen in the painting.

Those flies were none other than the glutton sealed in: Beelzebub.

Now that we have taken this case, the next step is to find this painting, and then release those Beelzebubs to kill them.

Jenna specially gave another instruction: "You two, after you find the painting, I hope you can hand it over to me as soon as possible. You must not let those Beelzebubs be released, otherwise it will be a big trouble."

"Well, the painting will be handed over to you as soon as possible!" Hu Qing agreed without hesitation.

Kalinda asked: "Hu, how can we find this painting as soon as possible?"

Hu Qing smiled and said: "Is there any way to investigate things faster than the law enforcement agencies? As long as they are willing to search with all their strength."

Kalinda understood instantly and said immediately: "I'm asking Kelly for help!"

Hu Qing smiled. How could Kelly, the head of the police's serious crime team, be as fast as the FBI? He called Nutrilite directly.

"Mr. Hu, what are your orders?" Nutrilite answered the phone almost immediately, with a respectful voice.

Hu Qing directly handed over the hair painting matter to Nutrilite. With the efficiency of the FBI's mysterious incident investigation department, it would definitely be found soon.

But sometimes a slap in the face comes quickly.

Hu Qing had just finished explaining Nutrilite when Kalinda exclaimed: "Kelly, seriously, have you seen that painting?"

"???" Hu Qing.

Hu Qing did not expect this ending at all. It seems that everything is not absolute, and there will still be many surprises.

Within 10 minutes, Kelly appeared in the detective agency, with Billy behind her. Apparently she heard that Kalinda had a supernatural case and it was related to something she had come into contact with, so she came directly.

Kalinda came forward and said, "Kelly, tell me where the painting is."

Kalin asked, "Kalinda, what's going on? Shouldn't you share the case with me?"

Billy behind him was also eager to fight.

After becoming an orc warrior, he felt bored with dealing with ordinary cases.

He would be a super policeman if he dealt with those ordinary cases, but it was more exciting to deal with supernatural cases, even if he was more likely to get hurt.

Kalinda nodded and told Kelly about the painting sealing a group of Beelzebubs.

After hearing what Kalinda said, Kelly did not dare to hesitate and said immediately, "I was investigating information at a bank before and saw that the bank had received the painting. It seemed to be a bankruptcy mortgage. If you are willing to pay, you should be able to easily buy the painting from the bank!"

"Then go!" Jenna stood up and said immediately.

It can be seen that he cares about this matter very much.

Kelly looked at Jenna, scanning her beautiful face and hot body, and didn't know what she was thinking.

Kalinda hurriedly explained: "Kelly, her name is Jenna, and she is the customer who commissioned this time."

Kelly nodded: "Let's go!"

The group left the bank and soon arrived at FHI Bank.

Seeing this bank, Hu Qing felt that things were simple.

Because his deposit was in this bank, after Tangmen and Abike transferred tens of millions of yuan, this bank also assigned a special customer service manager.

After entering the bank, Hu Qing called the customer service, and a moment later, a woman dressed in a flashy and revealing uniform came out, walking in a coquettish manner, as if she was afraid that others would not ** her.

However, when she came to Hu Qing, she looked at Kelly, Kalinda, and Jenna, and her expression immediately became serious again: "Mr. Hu, I am your customer service manager Lida. I wonder if there is anything I can do for you?"

Hu Qing also said directly: "I want to buy a painting of yours that is mortgaged by bankruptcy. I hope I can get what I want."

Lida nodded: "Mr. Hu, please tell me the details of the painting, and I will check the information!"

Hu Qing also described the painting of the gentleman's dinner in detail.

"Mr. Hu, wait a moment!" Lida said politely, and then walked inside.

After a while, Lida came out again and said apologetically: "Mr. Hu, I'm sorry, you are late. The painting was taken away by an auction house a few days ago, but the other party seems to hold an auction on a large yacht tomorrow night. If you want to buy this painting, you can go to that auction."

This news disappointed Jenna a little.

Hu Qing also frowned slightly.

This is a waste of time again.

But fortunately, I know where the painting is, and experience is not to be escaped.

"It seems that we can only go back and investigate the auction again!" Kalinda frowned.




But at this moment, an accident suddenly occurred.

A burst of gunfire suddenly rang out in the hall, and several gangsters with masks on their heads rushed in.

The bank security guard wanted to fight back, but was hit in an instant and fell directly into a pool of blood.

These are several murderous gangsters.

"All of you, hold your heads and lie down, or I will blow your heads off!" One of the gangsters shouted, and he pointed his gun at the ceiling and fired a burst of shots.

This scared the people in the bank and they all lay down, not daring to hesitate.

The customer service manager Lida saw this scene and turned pale, and immediately lay down on the ground decisively.

But a few did not move, and they stood there very abruptly.

It was Hu Qing and his men, and they obviously had no intention of lying down.

Yu Zhi was already staring at these robbers.

Liu Qingqing also looked at these people coldly.

Obviously, someone was going to be unlucky.

The gangsters also looked over, their faces were very gloomy, this was a provocation to them.

One of the gangsters immediately pointed his gun at Kelly: "There is another police officer? However, I don't like being provoked, especially by the police. Believe it or not, I will shoot you, the police bitch, in the head."

"No!" Kelly shook her head decisively.

Hu Qing also smiled and said: "Kelly, it seems that you haven't come in vain, there is a credit coming to your door."

This further stimulated the gangster, and he pointed the gun directly at Hu Qing: "Are you looking for death?"

But at that moment, Liu Qingqing snorted coldly, and the gangster flew back in astonishment, and at the same time, he felt a sharp pain in his head.

He fell to the ground, and he covered his head with a hideous face and howled miserably. He couldn't bear the severe pain.

The other gangsters were shocked when they saw this scene, but Liu Qingqing didn't give them time to react. She attacked them with her mind. The gangsters flew out like cannonballs, hit the wall hard and fainted.

Kelly picked up the phone calmly and dialed a number: "Send two cars to take the robbers back."

Soon, two police cars arrived at the bank. The police officers were shocked and escorted the robbers and weapons out of the bank.

These robbers were well-equipped, but they didn't seem to make any noise.

The robbers were also handcuffed and taken to the car with a confused look on their faces. They didn't understand what had just happened.

They had made a careful plan for half a month. This time, the bank robbery must be successful. What happened just now?

The customers were also confused. They didn't understand what was going on.

Kelly had already gone to the bank monitoring room, and naturally wanted to destroy the video just now to reduce unnecessary trouble.

The others were lying on their backs, not knowing how these robbers were dealt with.

The robbers were taken to the car, but in an alley not far away, the driver of a car widened his eyes: "He was caught, how was he caught? This is the end, that scary guy will make a big deal when he knows his brother was caught."

Obviously, this is a driver who is waiting for the bank robbery to succeed, and then drives out to take people away.

The driver was panicked and drove away. He had to leave. If that scary guy came to his door, the other party might not let him go.

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