Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 173 Experience is too easy to gain! You like to commit suicide!

In front of the town hospital, after Wayne led his men away, Nutrilite and Bobby did not relax, but ordered the FBI to strengthen their vigilance.

In fact, the people of DHS are not liked by other law enforcement departments. Whether it is their FBI or the CIA, they are somewhat resistant to the people of this department.

This newly established department has always wanted to step on these old departments to get to the top, and because of the support of the black president, DHS has indeed developed rapidly and seized a lot of power from these old hands.

The key is that everyone knows that some people in DHS are very unruly in handling cases.

And obviously, Wayne is very similar to those unruly people.

"How could this happen?"

The exclamation suddenly came from the town hospital.

Hu Qing frowned and led people into the town hospital again.

I saw that the women who were called for examination had been divided into two groups.

One group was found to be pregnant and was isolated on one side.

The others who were not found to be pregnant looked at them with horror.

"WTF?" Nutrilite followed in and cursed.

Because the women who were just found to be pregnant had bulging stomachs at this time, and they were already showing their pregnancy.

"Why?" Susan couldn't believe it and said, "In that town a few years ago, women didn't show their pregnancy so quickly after they got pregnant. They all gave birth at normal pregnancy time."

"Nutrilite, let the irrelevant people go out, and keep an eye on the church." Hu Qing immediately ordered Nutrilite.

He knew that his previous guess was right. The women in this town got pregnant quickly and showed their pregnancy faster. That must be because the guys who appeared here were stronger than those in the town a few years ago.

Nutrilite called on the FBI to take action. In this case, other people also cooperated very well. Except for the pregnant women, all of them were asked to leave.

Hu Qing then looked at the pregnant women.

He would not let those silkworm spirits be born. It would be best to solve them in the stomachs of these women.

After all, in the movie, these silkworm spirits were in the form of babies when they were born, and they did not show the appearance of demons. At first, they were no different from innocent babies.

This is a very strange state, as if this ritual resurrection is limited. These silkworm spirits will grow up slowly before their demonic nature is stimulated and they start to kill.

It would be difficult for a person who is not a psychopath to act rationally in this infant state.

But he doesn't have time to wait for these silkworm spirits to grow up. He doesn't have any psychological pressure to solve them in these women's stomachs now.

The pregnant women also looked at Hu Qing with panic on their faces.

They knew that this person must be a big shot in the FBI, and the FBI listened to him.

They also knew that something incomprehensible must have happened to their bodies, and they didn't know what the FBI would do to them.

"Mr. Hu, what should we do now?" Susan asked anxiously. She had experienced this demon child incident a few years ago, so she was very worried.

"Abortion, get rid of them." Hu Qing directly said the solution.

Susan frowned and said, "Mr. Hu, I'm afraid this won't work. I actually tried this method a few years ago. Our medicine doesn't seem to have any effect on those monsters, unless they are removed by surgery. Moreover, surgery may have unpredictable situations. They are too weird."

"Ordinary things can't deal with them, use this." Hu Qing took out a bucket with quality 3 holy water in his hand.

But those pregnant women, including the FBI around, looked at the bucket in Hu Qing's hand in disbelief.

Susan was the closest, and she was shocked and stared at the glowing liquid in the bucket.

Mr. Hu had nothing in his hand just now.

Is this conjured?

"Mr. Hu... Mr. Hu, what is this?" Susan asked with a shocked face.

"Holy water, something specifically for dealing with demons, yes, it's the kind of holy water you think of, something given by God to believers, but this thing is not only made by God." Hu Qing said, and flipped his other hand, and there was another bowl.

But at this time, except for Kelly and Billy, everyone else looked at Hu Qing as if they were suffocating.

The people of the United States of America are very devoted to Christianity. Now, seeing Hu Qing talking about God lightly and creating this kind of glowing holy water out of thin air, everyone's heart can't help but have an indescribable wave.

Hu Qing poured a bowl of water, walked to a pregnant woman and said, "Drink this holy water."

The pregnant woman took the holy water in a daze, and did not dare to disobey. She drank the holy water in the bowl in one gulp, and then she heard a strange howl from the woman's abdomen in an instant.

The woman's face also changed, and she rushed to the toilet next to her, and then a groan sounded.

[Experience +500]

At the same time, a prompt sound appeared in Hu Qing's mind:

This is obviously the method of abortion with holy water. Moreover, abortion can actually have 500 experience, which is really an unexpected surprise.

After a while, the woman who drank the holy water came out. Her belly was no longer bulging, but her face was very pale, after all, she had just had an abortion.

But when she thought of what she had pulled out, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Susan's face was filled with disbelief. She couldn't help but run into the toilet. She knew very well how difficult those demon fetuses were to deal with. When she got in, she saw that in addition to blood, there was also burnt carbon ash mixed in the blood.

She opened her mouth in a daze.

Is this the effect of the holy water? It's incredible.

After passing through that town a few years ago, she investigated some mysterious legends and read stories about using holy water to abort demon fetuses.

She didn't believe it before, but now she finally believes the stories of missionaries using holy water to abort demon fetuses.

But when Susan turned to go out of the bathroom, she didn't notice that there was a trace of black air floating in the blood and then went into the sewer.


After Hu Qing got 500 experience points, he immediately took out the second bowl of holy water and handed it to the second woman.

You know, there are no less than 20 pregnant women in front of you, which is a lot of experience.

At the same time, he also shouted outside: "Nutrilite, let your people call all the women in the town for examination, and send all the pregnant ones in."

After the first woman had the effect, the second woman did not hesitate and drank the holy water immediately.

A moment:

[Experience +500]

[Experience +500]

A total of 21 pregnant women drank the quality 3 holy water given by Hu Qing, which gave him 10,500 experience.

As Nutrilite took the FBI to the town, he returned with 7 pregnant women soon after.

This time, there was no need for a doctor to check, because the women's stomachs also bulged in a short time.

Hu Qing decisively let these women drink the holy water again, and then got 3,500 experience again.

A total of 28 women became pregnant, and 28 silkworm spirits were aborted, giving him a total of 14,000 experience, bringing his experience to level 16 14005/75,000.

This can be said to be the easiest time for him to get experience.

It was also because of the bad luck of these silkworm spirits that they had to hold a ceremony to revive here, and he and Kelly came here to investigate the experimental werewolves, and he happened to have holy water specifically for dealing with demons, which was quality 3.

I really hope to encounter this kind of good thing more times, then he will upgrade faster.

But this is just a thought, how can it be possible to encounter it all the time.

"Mr. Hu... Mr. Hu..." An anxious voice came from outside.

Hu Qing frowned. This is the voice of Demi-Frege.

What happened again?

Hu Qing walked out of the town hospital, and Demi-Frege immediately stepped forward in a panic: "Mr. Hu, please help Ge Li."

"Gree? Your friend in the pet store? What happened to her?" Hu Qing asked in confusion.

Demi-Frege explained: "Mr. Hu, a gentleman from the FBI asked Ge Li to come for a check-up before. She suddenly had morning vomiting, but she was caught by some soldiers halfway."

"There are still fish that slipped through the net." Hu Qing couldn't help but be surprised.

Nutrilite said in annoyance: "Mr. Hu, it must be Wayne's DHS guys. Many people in DHS always break the rules when handling cases."

"Now that the other party has taken a pregnant woman away, they will definitely do some experiments. Who knows what trouble they will cause, but now they should have gone far away."

As he got deeper and deeper into supernatural events, he always had awe for them. If he could solve them, he would definitely ask Mr. Hu to completely eliminate them, otherwise the scene of their department being wiped out that time was still vivid in his mind.

Wayne, this guy, is ignorant and fearless.

Demi-Freiger immediately said: "I'm worried about Ge Li. I drove far behind them. Those people didn't leave. They set up a camp in an open space in the woods outside the town."

"Let's go, everyone get in the car with me." Nutrilite immediately shouted at the FBI.

The FBI drove at almost the fastest speed, and police cars started one after another.

Hu Qing also took Kelly to a police car and ran directly out of the town.

Since there is still one experience, even if there are only 500, they will never let it go.

At this time,

In the camp of the DHS people, Wayne also looked at the tied-up Ge Li in front of him in disbelief.

It can be seen that Ge Li's abdomen also bulged in a short time.

This growth rate surprised Wayne, but when he saw the value of the instrument on Ge Li's abdomen, his face was full of excitement, even a little crazy.

He held a mobile phone in his hand and said excitedly: "Claire, did you see it? The gene activity attribute of this fetus is much higher than the standard value you are looking for."

A woman's excited voice also came from the mobile phone: "Wayne, your discovery this time can be of great help to our experiment. Our Energy Gene Company's experimental data lacks these things. As long as these things are solved, the genetic behemoths tens of meters high, the terrifying destructive power, and the super war weapons can be tested, and you will get everything you want."

This made Wayne laugh even crazier, but he didn't notice that under Ge Li, a stream of black air drilled out and rushed into Ge Li's body.

Ge Li's eyes widened in horror, and a trace of silver appeared in her pupils, and the silver seemed to be spreading.

But she couldn't make any sound.

Wayne hung up the phone, but didn't look at Ge Li again, and walked out of the tent directly.

In the tent, Ge Li suddenly uttered a faint and angry voice: "Die... Everyone will die..."

Wayne didn't know this, and soon went to another tent in the camp, where there was a video instrument.

It played the video that the recorder had taken in the town before, and several people were carefully checking it.

"How is the analysis going?" Wayne asked several people.

He naturally wanted to find out who attacked him with supernatural power in the small town hospital before.

One person immediately adjusted the video and fixed it on Hu Qing, Kelly, and Billy.

The man pointed at Hu Qing and the other two and said, "Mr. Wayne, it should be one of these three people. You were in front of them at the time."

"Also, when you were attacked, the video showed snowflakes, but for a moment you could see ripples around these three people. Although they disappeared in a blink of an eye, we still found them."

Wayne's eyes were directly locked on the appearance of Hu Qing and the other two, and his eyes showed a falcon-like look, which was the look he would show when he had prey.

And once they became his prey, no one could escape, even if the other party was a supernatural power controller.

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