Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 174 Demon leader! The consequences of overestimating one's own capabilities!

"Bring out the information of the three of them." Wayne said to one of them.

The man did not dare to hesitate and started to operate immediately. After a moment, he reported: "Mr. Wayne, two of these three people are police officers in the Boskan District of Seattle. There is nothing special about their information."

"The third person's information shows that he is just an ordinary Chinese, but we found that he has a high-level confidential file in the background. We don't have enough authority to view it."

As he spoke, Hu Qing's photo appeared on the video.

"Try it with my authority." Wayne stepped forward and entered his number authority on the instrument.

But the result that popped up in the end was still insufficient authority, and the viewing authority was two levels higher than his.

This also made Wayne determine the target.

The person who controls the supernatural power must be this Chinese.

The FBI actually controls this supernatural power.

Presumably, those fat pigs sitting in the office at the headquarters will also be very interested. After all, what the FBI has, the DHS cannot do without.

It would be a pity not to make good use of this information when he returns.

Wayne was thinking proudly when a soldier ran in in a panic: "Mr. Wayne, the FBI are coming towards us and will be here soon."

Wayne frowned when he heard the news: "Gather people."

The FBI convoy drove very fast and arrived outside the camp built by DHS in a blink of an eye.

When Hu Qing and Nutrilite got off the car, the DHS people had already built a defensive formation.

The weapons of those soldiers were already aimed at them.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor suddenly became a little impatient when he got off the car, and shouted at the DHS camp, and then went to Hu Qing's feet and shouted at him again.

At that moment, Hu Qing showed a look of surprise.

He actually received a thought from Thor, a dangerous reminder.

There was a very strong demon inside, which forced Thor to have new abilities.

Wayne also walked out of the camp with a gloomy face at this time.

His first glance was at Hu Qing.

After confirming that the person who controls the superpowers is Hu Qing, this Chinese is his new target.

However, with the FBI here, it is not easy for him to take action now.

So, he instantly retracted his gaze from Hu Qing and looked at Nutrilite, the FBI commander: "I wonder what Mr. Nutrilite is going to do?"

"Humph!" Nutrilite snorted coldly and got straight to the point: "Wayne, you know very well what I am here for, hand over the pregnant woman."

Wayne laughed when he heard this: "Mr. Nutrilite, I don't know what pregnant woman is, and are you going to lead people to attack our DHS camp now? You are violating the internal law enforcement regulations."

"Now our law enforcement recorder has been turned on. Mr. Nutrilite led people to surround our DHS camp. If this is reported back, I am afraid that both the FBI and our DHS will be in trouble."

This made Nutrilite frown.

He naturally knew the internal law enforcement regulations, which were constraints on several departments like their FBI.

This regulation was even revised and strengthened once because DHS did not follow the rules. The purpose was to prevent conflicts between departments. Even if they were robbing a case, they had to stay within the rules.

He did not expect Wayne to play this trick now.

Nutrilite reminded him: "Wayne, you don't know the inside story of this case at all. This case is not something you can touch."

"Mr. Nutrilite, maybe I know more than you, and what I know may not be known to you. Besides, I really don't know what pregnant women are." Wayne was smiling and didn't care at all.

As long as the other party didn't dare to take action and couldn't enter the camp, as long as he refused to admit it and was not caught, with the internal law enforcement regulations, the other party would have no way to deal with him.

When his cooperation with Claire and her brother was successful, he would let the other party know who was the one who didn't know the inside story.

Wayne thought proudly, but a burst of rapid gunfire suddenly rang out in the DHS camp.

Almost at this moment, Thor shouted at Hu Qing more impatiently.

"Devil leader?" Hu Qing looked at Thor in surprise.

He had encountered many demons before and had dealt with several of them. Except for Crowley, they were all ordinary demons.

Now he had to meet a demon leader?

The demon leader was already a higher level of combat power than ordinary demons. If the real body appeared, his eyes would already be green.

The demon leader was definitely powerful. Even the current Zha Kang might not be able to deal with it safely. Even the Wen family's twin demons were almost killed by a demon leader in the early days.

Moreover, the rules were not completely broken, and the demon's real body could not enter the human world. The demon leader was not only possessed by humans, but also had no way to fully burst out his power.

When Wayne heard the gunshot, he hurriedly pressed the headset to ask: "What happened?"

"Mr. Wayne, we don't know either. It's the tent where the woman is imprisoned. I'm taking people back to check." An anxious voice came from the headset.

But just a moment later, there was another scream in the headset.

More rapid gunshots came from the DHS camp.

"Follow me." Wayne didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately called most of the soldiers to rush to the camp.

This made the remaining soldiers look at Nutrilite nervously, fearing that Nutrilite would order an attack on them.

But Nutrilite walked up to Hu Qing the first time: "Mr. Hu, is the demon in that woman's belly coming out? How come it's so fast?"

"Because this time the demon may not be simple." Hu Qing explained: "Let your people spread out and monitor, let's watch a good show first."

"Yes!" Nutrilite naturally obeyed Hu Qing's orders and immediately waved to the three chariots.

These three things finally came in handy.

In the DHS camp, the gunfire became more and more intense.

When Wayne led his men to the tent where the woman was imprisoned, he saw that the soldiers he brought were shooting wildly at the camp.

The tent was beaten to pieces, and the bodies of two soldiers could be seen at the entrance of the tent.

Suddenly, a shocking scene happened, and a figure slowly walked out of the tent.

It was a child without clothes, with silver hair and green eyes.

The moment Wayne saw the child, he knew that the other party should be the demon child mentioned in Susan's file.

The child walked out facing the bullets, and the bullets flew around him, but were obviously blocked by a twisted energy barrier.

The bullets fell to the ground one after another.

This scene made all the soldiers dumbfounded.

When have they encountered such a scene?

"WTF?" Wayne also exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Guns have always been the most powerful weapons in their hands, how could the bullets be blocked?

Is the supernatural power so strong?

In the file that Susan reported to the authorities, it clearly said that the demon children were solved by ordinary people.

If this demon child has such power, how could ordinary people solve it?

This silkworm demon walked out of the tent completely, with a hideous face and terrifying murderous eyes.

It already knew that its companions were dead, but they had been resurrected together through rituals again and again, sealed together, and broke through the seal together.

What they wanted was to have their own territory again like the silkworm demon who was promoted to the demon lord.

Now they were killed by the humans in front of them.

But their residual power also made his power recover quickly, becoming stronger, and completely entering the level of the demon leader.

And these humans are going to die.

The green eyes of the Silkworm Demon began to light up with a strange and bright light.

At that moment, the sound of gunfire suddenly weakened, and many of the soldiers surrounding him stopped shooting.

Then, they cried out in surprise one after another.

"What's going on?"

"Why is this happening? I can't control myself!"

"No... don't..."

The soldiers pointed their guns at their companions' heads one by one.

They couldn't control their bodies, and facing the black muzzle of the gun, everyone's face showed fear.

"Damn..." Wayne's face was also extremely ugly.

At that moment, he saw that the soldiers' guns were all aimed at their companions.

Bang! ~

Bang! ~


A burst of rapid gunfire sounded again, this time with blood gushing out, brains spurting out, and the heads of those soldiers turned into rotten watermelons at the same time.

They shot each other in the head at the same time.

This scene made the other soldiers scared and turned around to flee.

"Damn Susan!" Wayne was also shocked and sweating. He felt that Susan must have made a false report. This kind of power is definitely not something that ordinary people can kill.

If there was no problem with Susan's report, he would not bring people here like this, and he would definitely make all preparations.

Then he thought that the other party would rather help the FBI than cooperate with him. After returning, he must make this woman look bad.

Thinking of this, Wayne decisively turned around and retreated, but he was surprised to find that the demon child had already looked at him.

The next moment, Wayne's eyes widened in horror, and his hand holding the gun actually slowly raised up by himself, and the muzzle of the gun began to point at his head.

Wayne's face was full of horror, and he hurriedly used his other hand to stop it, but the hand was raised and it was put down again without his control.

Finally, the gun in his hand was against his own head.

"No..." Wayne spit out a word with despair on his face.

Bang! ~

The gunshot sounded immediately.

The bullet instantly shattered Wayne's head, blood and brain splattered, and the body slowly fell down.

This is probably the end of ordinary people who try to control supernatural powers without knowing their own abilities.

When Wayne died, the remaining soldiers were completely confused, and they fled in panic.

The Silkworm Demon looked at these soldiers cruelly: "Die... You damned humans actually killed them, you all have to die... die..."

Following the Silkworm Demon's ferocious voice, the soldier running at the end suddenly stopped and pointed his gun at the soldier running in front.

Bang! ~

Bang! ~

The gunshots rang out, and the fleeing soldiers' backs splattered with blood, and they all fell down unwillingly.

In an instant, the DHS camp was completely in chaos, and killing broke out.

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