Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 188 The ghost car crossing the road! Titan God!

(More than 200 words were swallowed up by the system at the end of the previous chapter, and they have been added. Readers who have read it will not be affected at all!)

In the live broadcast, as the door flew towards Cynthia's position, two tall figures who appeared at the door also walked into the room.

But at this moment, the live broadcast on the mobile phone stopped abruptly.

Cynthia's live broadcast room exploded, and everyone could see that Cynthia was attacked.

On the train, the expressions of Hu Qing and Liu Qingqing also changed.

"Mr. Hu, something happened to this goddess." Liu Qingqing said anxiously.

Hu Qing also frowned. If he hadn't been on the train and hadn't arrived in Seattle, he would have rushed over to help immediately.

The train is still running fast, heading for Seattle.

Hu Qing was a little worried about the goddess, so he took his mobile phone and dialed Cynthia's number.

There was a message on the phone that it could not be connected.

His frown deepened.

This goddess didn't know what trouble she was in.

Along the way, Hu Qing made continuous calls, but Hao undoubtedly failed to get through.


The train arrived at Seattle Station.

As soon as he got off the train, Hu Qing summoned a Rolls-Royce directly on the platform.

The sudden appearance of the luxury car shocked all the passengers who got off the car.

"My god, what kind of magic is this?"

"He conjured a Rolls-Royce!"

"There are no props or scenery here. How did he do it?"


Hu Qing took people into the Rolls-Royce. Time was running out, and he couldn't care less. He directly activated the Rolls-Royce's ghost car ability of illusory penetration, and then rushed out, directly from the wall behind the platform. Weared it.

This scene made everyone's eyes widen in shock, and then the entire platform was in chaos.

Hu Qing drove the Rolls-Royce out of the train station, then stepped on the accelerator and crashed into the building on the other side.

This building is an office building and is rented to many companies.

On the first floor are various shopping mall shops, which can provide the shopping needs of corporate white-collar workers in office buildings.

At this time, employees from many companies had already come down to shop.

Lunch is not popular among white-collar workers in the Stars and Stripes Country, so they can still prepare some snacks, hot dogs, bread, etc.

Suddenly there was a rush of car sounds.

The white-collar workers were stunned. How could there be a car sound here?

These people subconsciously looked towards the place where the car sounded, and saw a gray titanium Rolls-Royce piercing through the wall, then crashing into the wall of another store, and passing through the wall of that store again. passed.

"Hey, is this a ghost car?" A female white-collar worker with long legs fell to the ground in surprise.

The car just passed by her.

"You saw it too, wasn't it my hallucination?" Another female white-collar worker also opened her mouth.

Everyone was shocked. A car drove out of the wall and ran so rampantly without damaging anything. This could only be a ghost car.

But how could there be such a thing?

Hu Qing drove the Rolls-Royce through a wall again, finally reached the nearest road, and then ran directly on the road.

Although it is the first time to use the ghost car's ability in this way, there is no doubt that this ability is really awesome in this situation.

Hu Qing knew that his incident would definitely cause a sensation soon, but this was Seattle, and even if it caused unrest, the mysterious investigation department would take over the case as soon as possible.

Therefore, he immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Nutrilite.

Indeed, after the ghost car incident, someone immediately called the police.

The nearest police station received the case, but the case had just been transferred to the Internet backend, but it miraculously disappeared from the police station records.

After the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department was established, in addition to proving the existence of the mysterious incident, and the previous incident between the National Party and Abby, Trin not only recommended Nutrilite and Bobby for promotion interviews, but also provided various resources and maximum support.

He thought that behind Nutrilite and Bobby, Aibike was standing, and now he also had a lot of relationship with the national parties. This meant that he was treating the two as some kind of allies, not just subordinates.

Therefore, the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department has become more and more powerful in Seattle, and its functions have become more and more complete.

Naturally, the case that disappeared from the police station was automatically transferred to the mysterious incident investigation department.

This is a special case screening program written by many IT elites hired by Nutrilite, and it connects all law enforcement departments in Seattle.

Nutrilite and Bobby were holding a meeting with several people in the office at this time. These people were all selected action team leaders from the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department.

Among them is Hobbes, a muscular man with a strong body.

He has left the original DSS and joined the mysterious incident investigation department in Seattle.

A special alarm suddenly sounded in the conference room, and a report sounded: "Boss, there is a ghost car incident at the West Railway Station."

Nutrilite’s phone also received a message at this time.

Seeing this information, he immediately picked up the intercom and ordered: "This ghost car case does not need to be dealt with, and it will not cause any disturbance. However, I don't want to cause a sensation about the ghost car, let alone on the Internet and in the news. Saw the news about this.”

Although this order is strange, the people in the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department still understand that it is to suppress the relevant information about this matter.

This is not difficult for their department's current level and authority.

So, as time went by, the incident caused by Hu Qing did not appear on the Internet. Even many people who took a little video found that the video was deleted before they posted it online, and there was no chance for it to spread.

Not long after, Hu Qing's Rolls-Royce arrived at the seaside villa area posted by Cynthia, and then stopped in front of one of the villas.

Hu Qing walked into the villa as soon as he got out of the car.

Entering the hall, it was a mess.

There were broken limbs and even two severed heads on the ground.

But these severed heads and limbs were made of stone, as if the sculptures were smashed by someone.

"Cynthia!" Hu Qing saw Cynthia appearing on the second floor. She was a little embarrassed, and her clothes were covered with a layer of dust.

"You're here? Hurry up and help, throw these guys out." Cynthia pointed at the stumps on the ground and said unhappily; "These bastards caused me to have a live broadcast accident, and they are wasting their brain cells to make up excuses."

After Cynthia finished speaking, Yu Zhi took the initiative to sort out the stone stumps without Hu Qing's instructions.

How could the lord do such a thing?

At this time, Hu Qing came to Cynthia and asked: "Cynthia, what happened? Who attacked you?"

But Cynthia came forward and hugged Hu Qing's neck, saying seductively: "I'm covered with dust now. I want to take a shower first. If you don't mind, I'll tell you while I'm washing."

"Do you think I mind?" Hu Qing snorted lightly, picked up Cynthia without saying a word and walked to the second floor.

Liu Qingqing behind stared at this scene blankly, without turning her eyes away.

This happened just now, and these two people are still in the mood to **? How big are their hearts?

Hu Qing followed Cynthia's instructions and went to a room with a bathroom on the second floor. When he opened the door, he had already started to touch Cynthia's armor.

The goddess spirit wanted to ** together, so there was no reason for him not to accompany her.

But Hu Qing also found that the goddess spirit was unwilling to lag behind and began to disarm him.

So, when the sound of water flow sounded, the two of them were already facing each other in the purest and purest state.

After a while:

[Experience +1]

After Hu Qing got to the point, he also asked: "Tell me, what's going on... um..."

Cynthia explained: "It was the last time... that demon exchanged... the Crown of Power that caused the trouble..."

"What happened to the Crown of Power?" Hu Qing remembered that when he first met Crowley, Crowley used a Crown of Power to exchange the Judas silver coin in Cynthia's hand.

This Crown of Power was something that only powerful gods could condense a long time ago. With this thing, the power of gods is not just based on faith.

The reason why the gods declined later was that most of them relied on faith to gain power and failed to condense the crown of divine power. Modern humans abandoned them and emphasized science, so they began to decline and their power slowly disappeared.

But the gods who had condensed the crown of divine power could maintain relatively strong divine power even if their power declined.

Could it be that Crowley also tampered with the crown of divine power at that time?

If so, this guy is too hateful.

Cynthia began to breathe more and more heavily: "Hu, there is no problem with the crown of divine power. I have absorbed it, and my power is stronger than before."

"But this crown of divine power was condensed by Crius, one of the twelve main gods of the Titans. You also know the grievances between our Olympus panting system and the Titans."

"Yeah!" Hu Qing nodded while working hard.

Everyone in the world knows that the Olympus panting system was usurped. Originally, the entire Olympus panting system was under the control of the twelve main gods of the Titans, and Zeus and his children were also under the jurisdiction of the Titans.

But one day, Zeus' children suddenly gained strength, overthrew the twelve Titan gods, and killed these former masters.

Zeus and his women became the new twelve gods of Olympus.

Naturally, after successfully usurping the throne, Zeus naturally made up many great and righteous legends for his believers, and classified the twelve Titan gods as evil gods of darkness.

Anyway, those who understand will understand and will not believe these beautified legends.

Cynthia added: "It is precisely because this crown of divine power once belonged to Crius, the power of the twelve Titan gods. You must know that even in the war between gods, there is no way to kill all the Titan gods."

"So, this seems to be a curse. I absorbed this crown of divine power, and the descendants of Crius discovered it, and found me through some method."

"Crius is the main Titan god who controls the power of the land. Although the opponent's descendants must be weak, the opponent can obviously still use the power of the land. The power seems to be very strong. It can use the power of the land to condense stone warriors. These are the things that attacked me before."

At this moment, Hu Qing also roughly knew what was going on with the residual value of the stones in the hall.

However, he didn't think much about these things now. After the battle between him and the goddess spirit is over, he will think about how to deal with it.

[Experience +1]

[Experience +1]

[God Source +1]


Just when Hu Qing and the goddess spirit were attacking each other, a stone was seen moving on the pile of rocks on the beach near the seaside villa area, and then the second and third stones...

These stones rolled down, and then you could see some stone particles falling, as if they were carved by an invisible hand.

A few magical stone mice appeared, and they rushed into the villa area as quickly as real mice.

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