In the hall, Yu Zhi didn't spend much time to clean up all the stone remains and threw them on the beach outside the villa.

However, the master took the woman upstairs, so he could only wait quietly in the hall.

Liu Qingqing's pretty face was already a little impatient, obviously coming for her business.

These two people...



Hu Qing and Cynthia came down from upstairs.

Cynthia had changed into a blue casual denim and a short T-shirt that exposed her belly button. Her mature pretty face also had a hint of moisturized blush, which made her look a little charming.

"Sister Cynthia!" Liu Qingqing immediately greeted Cynthia, and her mouth was as sweet as it could be.

Cynthia looked at Liu Qingqing's eager eyes and said, "Where's the thing? Let me see!"

Hu Qing thought about it and took out the special Death God Transformation Stone (Spirit Envoy).

Cynthia took the thing, studied it for a while, and then asked in confusion: "This thing seems to be different from what I know. Qingqing, do you really have that special feeling with this thing?"

Liu Qingqing nodded with certainty: "Sister Cynthia, the feeling is the same as what you described."

Cynthia was surprised: "In that case, as long as we follow the method in the information, this thing should also be able to be used."

Liu Qingqing asked anxiously: "Sister Cynthia, where is the information?"

"Let's go, that thing is not with me, I just saw it from someone else." Cynthia immediately greeted and walked out.

"Where are we going now?" Hu Qing followed and asked curiously.

"Cordona Town." Cynthia said.

"Cordona Town?" Hu Qing had heard of this town, because this town is too famous in Seattle, and it is one of the few agricultural cluster towns in Seattle.

I heard that there was a female agricultural professor named Onies who led the town residents to become rich through agriculture. This female professor was also the most famous agricultural expert in the Stars and Stripes.

Now there are farms all over the town of Cordona, and they have good harvests every year. The crops that were not suitable for the town's soil have been cultivated to adapt to the soil here through the efforts of Professor Onies, and have become new varieties of crops.

Moreover, those new varieties of crops are very delicious and are very popular with the wealthy class in the Stars and Stripes. Unfortunately, those crops seem to have no way to survive outside the town, and many companies have tried to copy them but failed.

It seems that those new crops are exclusive to Cordona, bringing them endless wealth.

Some people even joked that this town is blessed by gods.

Could it be that there are really gods in this town?

Otherwise, Cynthia, the goddess of the spirit, would not take them here.

Cynthia walked to a red lady's car in the yard. Seeing that Hu Qing also took people to the Rolls-Royce, she asked Hu Qing to follow and started the car and went straight out of the villa area.

Cynthia did not notice that a stone mouse appeared under her car, hanging firmly on the chassis.

The two cars left the villa, left the beach area, and drove out of Seattle.

Not long after, a car stopped on the beach next to the villa area. The driver was a sturdy flat-headed man with a ferocious face.

The car door opened, and two stone mice ran into the car, got on the sturdy man, and then the stone merged into the man's body.

"Those two stone warriors were killed, damn Olympus gods!" The man said viciously.

The next moment, he started the car and drove in the direction where Hu Qing and Cynthia left.

The town of Cortona is a typical agricultural culture with a strong surrounding area of ​​rare plains, only interspersed with small pieces of woodland.

As soon as you reach the town, you can see farms with amazing crop growth.

Mechanized agricultural machinery can be seen beside the farm, and the people in the town drive luxury cars in and out of the town.

Obviously, the people in the town are very rich.

Hu Qing and Cynthia parked the car in the parking lot of the town.

As soon as they got out of the car, Cynthia explained: "Hu, you must have heard the rumors about this town. Everyone says that there are gods here, and there are indeed gods here."

"It is because of her existence that the agriculture of this town is so developed, and even famine can still have a good harvest. I saw the information here. Her grandfather is Thanatos, the god of death under Hades, one of the three main gods of Olympus. So, she has some information left by the god of death, including about ghosts transforming into spirit messengers."

Hu Qing naturally knew Thanatos. In other pantheons, the god of death is at least very prestigious. Even in the evil forces, the old man of the death knight is a transcendent existence.

In the Olympian pantheon, Thanatos is Hades' lackey and a tool for Hades to collect sacrifices from the human world.

Hades would order Thanatos to release death in the human world, and only when Hades got enough sacrifices would he order him back to the underworld.

But Hu Qing was very confused. Thanatos was the god of death. How could the granddaughter of the god of death farm? And could she make the crops harvest well? Shouldn't the crops wither?

Cynthia seemed to see Hu Qing's confusion and explained, "Hu, you should have heard of her. She is Ones, the most famous agricultural professor in the United States."

"Ones' grandmother was a subordinate of the goddess of agriculture. That was a long time ago. Ones did not inherit the power of the god of death, but inherited her grandmother's power and had special abilities in agriculture."

"This ability had no effect in the ancient times when the gods were glorious. Any god could kill her."

"But in this era when the gods are declining and many gods have even lost their power, this is an enviable ability."

"Hu, can you imagine? No one cared about the descendants of the goddess of agriculture in the past, but now there are many remaining gods from the Olympus pantheon who have come to join her."

"Because the gods of this era are disappearing, dying, and losing power. Even the gods have to struggle for survival."

"I heard that the dark evil gods of the Nordic pantheon made a living by killing cows on farms, and there was even a first goddess who made a living by dancing and drinking."

"In this era when the gods are crying, Onis's special ability in agriculture has made her the leader of those gods. Just look at this town and you will know that the gods who come to seek refuge live very wealthy lives."

"To be honest, I'm a little envious of her."

Hu Qing was a little stunned when he heard this.

This is indeed a change in the sea. Perhaps these gods who were once infinitely glorious and radiant never thought that they would one day fall into such a situation.

But according to Cynthia, there is more than one god in this town?

Is this a town of gods?

Moreover, he heard about the evil god who kills cows and the goddess who makes a living by dancing and drinking. Isn’t this the plot of an American drama he watched in his previous life?

"Cynthia, I didn't expect it was really you!"

While the two were talking, they saw a slender woman wearing sportswear, but unable to cover the two big waves on her chest, running over in surprise.

Hu Qing was surprised when he saw this woman. The waves were rolling. He had never seen a slender woman with such a big figure.

The key is not only the size, but also the good looks.

When the woman came closer, she looked at Hu Qing and the others in surprise, especially Thor and Liu Qingqing who had turned into Chihuahuas: "Cynthia, you brought your friends as guests."

Obviously, she could see Liu Qingqing and Thor's true form. She was no ordinary person.

Cynthia immediately introduced: "Hu, she is Vido, and she is also a god, but her main god has died long ago, and she doesn't have much power left."

"However, she is the captain of the women's basketball team in the small town of Cortona. She has played in many continental-level basketball games. The WNBA once wanted to invite her to play, but she refused. She is still an Oñez in the small town. "Assistant."

"Hello!" Wei Duo smiled and extended his hand to Hu Qing: "Sir, you are very special. If you don't mind, I think we can make friends."

When Cynthia heard this, she immediately slapped Wei Duo's hand away, then hugged one of Hu Qing's arms and said: "Vi Duo, Hu is my boyfriend, don't make any decisions. You can buy a different boyfriend than you." The clothes are still diligent. ”

Vido snorted softly: "Cynthia, if you talk about your friends like this, I'm going to be angry. You know, I don't take advantage of my friends' men unless my friends agree."

"Uh!" Hu Qing felt something was wrong while listening to the conversation between the two women.

He felt that the two women seemed to be driving, and they were driving very fast.

And what does Vido mean when he says his friends agree?

The two goddesses seemed to have had enough fun, and Vido asked: "Cynthia, you came to Onis for something, right? She has been inviting you before, but you didn't come."

"I'm not used to the farming life in a small town, and I'm used to the Internet celebrity career of getting something for nothing." Cynthia said with a smile, and then got down to the topic: "Vido, I am indeed here to see Onies. Something happened, where is she now?"

Vido smiled and said, "She is researching new crops in the laboratory. I will take you to meet her!"

Cynthia nodded, followed Wei Duo with Hu Qing, and walked in one direction of the town.

Not far from the town, in the woodland mixed with the plains, a car also stopped, and a figure stepped out of the car. It was the man with a flat head and a fleshy face.

He looked in the direction of the town, then closed his eyes, making strange gestures with his hands, and muttering something in his mouth. After a moment, his eyes widened in surprise: "There is more than one Olympian god, and... It’s those traitors who usurped the throne, these damn bastards.”

The man's face showed uncontrollable anger, making the flesh on his face even more ferocious: "You should wash away the humiliation of the Titan God with blood. The remnants of the Titan God, please come out..."

With an angry voice, he took out a spar, and more than a dozen spirit bodies flew out of the spar and penetrated into the surrounding ground, and then the ground began to shake.

I saw countless stones gathering, blending, and then turning into tall sculptures.

These sculptures walked out of the woodland one by one. As they walked outside, their bodies slowly turned into flesh and blood, no different from real people, but each of them looked angrily in the direction of the town.

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