Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 222 The cannon fodder is very active! There are many resentful souls! They are really angels

(Sorry, I'm late for this chapter!)

Level 18 98440/135000, only 36560 experience points left for upgrading.

According to Constantine's description and the information he has, if this is a guardian angel, the other party should still be studying the souls of humans after death.

The resentful souls like today may be what the other party is studying. If there are more of these resentful souls, 5000 each, then maybe they can be upgraded.

Moreover, after reaching level 19, it seems that there are 4 more skills to learn.

The warrior's attack and killing swordsmanship.

The mage's instant movement and big fireball,

and the Taoist priest's summoning skeleton.

In addition, he is very interested in this guardian angel.

If he can seduce an angel as a summoned object, he may have a chance to seize the power of the archangel after the incident breaks out in the future.

In this way, there is no shortage of demons and angels.

However, if it is really a guardian angel, then according to what Constantine said, the other party's power is definitely at the level of a demon lord.

This can't be rashly approached.

It would be nice if there was a cannon fodder to test it first.

It was getting dark.

The door of Allen's bar was closed, leaving only a small door.

It was not open tonight.

Because tonight was the contact time for the bounty mission of the Exorcist Guild.

All the exorcists interested in this bounty mission would come tonight.

Hu Qing, Sam, Dean, and JO had also found a table to sit down.

Yu Zhi stood respectfully behind Hu Qing, while Thor jumped onto the table and lay down.

Allen was already waiting at the door with the contact person Fike.

Soon someone came. This person was wearing a black cloak and a silver sickle hanging around his waist. He was an exorcist.

The first thing this exorcist did when he came in was to observe the environment. He glanced inside, and then his eyes were fixed on Sam and Dean.

Obviously, Dean and Sam had been recognized by him.

The Winchester family is so famous that even those exorcists who don't know them have heard of the two.

Especially after the Exorcist Union established a website, the two brothers became the most famous, and their photos had already appeared on the website.

Soon, exorcists or exorcist teams arrived one after another, all of them were relatively famous.

JO also introduced an exorcist couple and an exorcist team.

The exorcist team was called the Source Fire Exorcist Group, which was more famous than Derek's exorcist team.

When these people came in, they found a seat to sit down and wait, and they all looked at the brothers Dean and Sam.

"Hu, I'll get you something to eat!" JO said to Hu Qing, then stood up and walked into the kitchen.

After a while, several more exorcists arrived.

Finally, a man with an expressionless face and hideous scars walked in from the outside.

Fick asked immediately: "Sir, who are you?"

Adam ignored Fick and walked straight in.

He also glanced inside, and when he saw Hu Qing, he swallowed his saliva and subconsciously found a table far away from Hu Qing to sit down.

Hu Qing looked at Adam with interest. This guy seemed to be the best cannon fodder.

How to trick him into testing the power of the guardian angel?

When it was almost time, Allen also closed the door of the bar completely.

At this time, Fick also walked to the middle of the bar and said, "It's almost time for everyone to arrive. I also know your personalities. You don't like nonsense, so I'll just get straight to the point."

"Before, the Exorcist Union discovered that there was a very strange force in Norfolk City, and it was very strong, so they sent an execution team to investigate."

"But the members of that execution team were found on the street by the cleaners of the union. Only two survived, and they were in a coma when they were taken back."

"After examination, it was found that their souls were damaged and they might never wake up in their lifetime, so there is this reward."

"Although this reward is 5 million US dollars, you will sign a contract with the other party after you agree to it, but this reward is also very dangerous. I hope you will consider it carefully."

Fick's words shocked the exorcists.

Because they knew the execution team, many members of the execution team were actually exorcists themselves, and their strength would not be weak.

But now an execution team has been destroyed, which also shows the danger of this bounty commission.

So, two exorcists have stood up, opened the door and left the bar, obviously giving up.

Fick did not stop them, because this is a common thing, and no one likes to lose their lives in vain.

Doing what you can is a good thing.

"Where is the place where the power is found?" Adam's voice suddenly sounded at this time.

Fick glanced at Adam.

This guy who had a cold face just now was the first to ask.

However, Fick also smiled and explained: "The place is in the cemetery north of Norfolk City. This location, plus the soul damage of the execution team, the union speculated that this may be related to the undead monster, and it is very powerful. You can discuss countermeasures tonight and act together tomorrow."

As Fick was talking, Adam had already stood up and walked out of the bar.

Because he already knew the location.

Other things are not important.

Hu Qing's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

He immediately understood that Adam was going to the cemetery.

This guy must have come here just to know a location, right?

Now that the location is known, given his personality, he will definitely go straight to the hard steel.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing also stood up and followed him out.

Yu Zhi and Thor naturally followed immediately.

Fick didn't care about Hu Qing and Yu Zhi's departure. Just like the exorcists who left before, it was normal for an unknown person to cherish his life.

Dean and Sam looked at each other, and obviously guessed that something was wrong.

The two of them didn't waste time and hurried out of the bar.

"Sam, Dean, why are you..." Fick was stunned. Before he finished his sentence, the two brothers had already left the bar!

But the one he counted on the most this time was the Wen brothers.

I thought that with these brothers, this matter would definitely be solved.

Why are the Wen brothers leaving now?

Do the two brothers know some inside information?

Is this case more dangerous than imagined?

Fick thought so, and those exorcists who knew the Wen brothers would naturally think so too.

"The Wen brothers left in such a hurry. Is there something we don't know about this case?"

"Let's investigate it carefully ourselves? Then we'll see if we should get involved?"

"Let's go first and find out what's going on. The Wen brothers must know the inside story!"


These exorcists were talking, and then they saw exorcists standing up and walking outside one after another.

Even the people from the Source Fire Exorcist Group followed them out of the bar. Their exorcist group was well-known, but they were not fools. They would not be smart enough to find something wrong and not investigate it clearly.

In a blink of an eye, only Allen and Fike were left in the whole bar.

"???" Fike was dumbfounded looking at the empty bar: "This... I shouldn't be dreaming, right? What happened?" "Sorry, I don't know what happened either." Allen waved his hand helplessly, indicating that he could not help. This time, Fike's title as the best liaison of the Exorcist Union might be ruined.

JO also came out with a tray of things, looking at the empty bar in astonishment: "Where are the people?"

After Hu Qing left the bar, he saw Adam had already boarded a motorcycle on the street, and then rushed directly to the north of Norfolk.

Hu Qing also got on his Rolls-Royce as soon as possible, and after Thor and Yu Zhi got on the car, he started the car and rushed out.

Sam and Dean chased out, and also got on their old cars at the fastest speed and chased out.

The Norfolk Cemetery is in the northernmost direction, and it is one end and one end away from Ellen's bar.

Hu Qing followed the map navigation and took 2 hours to get to the cemetery.

As soon as he got off the car, Dean's old car caught up.

Dean said as soon as he got off the car: "Hu, I knew you were here."

Sam also asked in confusion: "Hu, what's the situation?"

As soon as these words fell, a sharp and evil cry suddenly sounded in the cemetery, and a special wave came out.

"Someone else got there first?" Dean was surprised. Then he remembered something and asked, "Hu, is it the guy with scars on his face who asked for the location just now?"

"Yeah!" Hu Qing nodded and walked directly into the cemetery with Thor and Yu Zhi.

"No wonder you left after the other party left." Dean also followed with Sam.

The group quickly entered the cemetery and could see the location where the screams and waves came from afar.

There, Adam was already holding the axe in his hand, and he was surrounded by strange figures.

The feet of these figures were surging with black liquid, half of their bodies were melted in the liquid, and half of their bodies were exposed.

This scene shocked Sam and Dean.

"How can there be so many resentful souls?"

"Hu, maybe your previous guess was right, the guardian angel created the resentful souls."

"That's right, otherwise with so many resentful souls, Norfolk City would not be so quiet, and this city would have suffered a disaster long ago."

At this time, Hu Qing's eyes began to become hot and stared at the resentful souls.

It's all experience.

At this moment, the resentful spirits all let out sharp and evil cries and began to attack Adam, with black water chains shooting at Adam like intertwined swords.

The water chains were very fast, and all the people in Derek's exorcist group had died under them before.

But Adam's strength was not comparable to those of Derek.

Facing those water chains, he moved quickly and dodged them one after another. Moreover, he rushed to the front of a resentful spirit, and the hand axe in his hand suddenly lit up with runes and light, and chopped it down fiercely.

The resentful spirit let out another sharp cry, and then was directly chopped away.

Adam's hand axe was obviously a magic weapon.

After solving a resentful spirit, Adam had dodged the flying water chain again, and rushed to the front of the second resentful spirit again, and chopped down with the hand axe, and another resentful spirit was solved.

This scene made Dean and Sam dumbfounded.

"So strong!" Dean!

"Where did he come from?" Sam.

The two brothers were far less powerful than Adam. Seeing the other side dodge freely among so many resentful souls and even kill them, they were shocked.

Hu Qing was anxious at this time and wanted to go out to grab monsters.

This was all experience. Kill one less.

But before Hu Qing rushed out, he looked at the sky above Adam in astonishment.

Dean and Sam also widened their eyes in horror.

A terrifying energy wave fell from there.

It was a figure with three pairs of wings on its back.

He floated above Adam.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor saw this figure and suddenly let out a low hum, obviously a little impatient, because he felt the danger.

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