Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 223 The Terrifying Guardian Angel! Life-65

The figure with three pairs of wings shocked Hu Qing and the Wen brothers.

It looked like an angel.

An angel with three pairs of wings.

Moreover, the aura of this angel was so strong that it could be felt from a distance.

When the angel fell and was illuminated by the lights of the cemetery, Sam said in disbelief: "What's wrong with his wings?"

Hu Qing also saw the abnormality of the angel's wings.

In the legend, angels are holy and have white wings. It was not until Lucifer rebelled and entered hell that fallen angels with black wings appeared.

But the wings of the angel in front of him were neither white nor black, but grayish white.

This should be the guardian angel.

Maybe because of the loss of faith, the other party lost the white wings like the fallen angel, but the other party did not become a demon, which was obviously different from the fallen angel like Lucifer.

Fighting place.

Adam also looked up in horror and looked at the guardian angel.

He naturally felt the powerful force surging from the guardian angel.

The guardian angel stared at Adam coldly: "Very good, someone comes to disturb me, Amidos again, and it's a guy with such a strange body, just right for me to study."

Almost at the moment when the words fell, Amidos had already fallen to the ground, and the wings on his back shook and retracted into his body.

The next moment, he ran straight to Adam at an incredible speed and appeared in front of Adam in an instant.

Adam was shocked and subconsciously swung the hand axe in his hand to chop at Amidos.

But the axe missed.

Amidos's figure disappeared in front of him in an instant, and then he widened his eyes in horror, and a strong wind came from the side at a high speed.

The next moment, Adam flew out like a cannonball and crashed into a piece of public tombstones.

He couldn't avoid the speed of this attack at all.

Not far away.

Sam and Dean frowned tightly.

"Hu, is this the guardian angel? He's so fast."

"That guy is no match for this angel at all, Hu, what should we do now?"

Hu Qing was also surprised.

He knew Adam's strength. He could easily knock Adam away. This guardian angel might be as Constantine said, with at least the strength of a demon commander.

"Sam, Dean, you and Yu Zhi and Thor leave first. I'll go meet this angel." Hu Qing turned to the Wen brothers and said, then walked towards the place where the battle took place.

This guardian angel is very strong, and he is not sure he can win.

Although one of the Wen brothers will awaken the power to control demons, Abel's power will also explode, and one will get the power of Cain, it will be easy to kill such an angel, but they are not opponents at all now.

The power of Thor and Yu Zhi will also hinder him when facing this guardian angel.

If he is alone, even if he is not an opponent, there are random scrolls that can fly away directly.

Dean and Sam were obviously very self-aware. Just by feeling the power fluctuation, the two brothers knew that staying would only be a hindrance, so they walked out of the cemetery decisively.

Thor and Yu Zhi followed the two brothers out after receiving the order.

At this time.

Adam looked at the ghosts who surrounded him and his face was extremely ugly.

He was not afraid of these ghosts, but the weird angel was not something he could fight against. The attack just now made him know the gap between himself and the other party.

But what he didn't understand was why an angel would be mixed with these ghosts?

At this moment, Adam subconsciously rushed to the side, trying to avoid the strong wind that hit him again. Unfortunately, he still felt a sharp pain, and then he was knocked out again.

He smashed another row of tombstones.

Where he was standing, the figure of Amisius appeared.

"What the hell are you?" Adam climbed up in embarrassment and shouted.

"Hmph!" Amisius just snorted coldly, and his figure rushed out and appeared in front of Adam again. With one blow, Adam was knocked out again.

Adam fell to the ground, rolled several times in a row and stopped, and the ground was cracked.

This time, he was obviously seriously injured. After getting up in a mess, his body shook and he almost couldn't stand steadily.

"It's over now. Maybe you can be a good container for resentful souls, and maybe you can create a new life form." Amisius walked towards Adam coldly, with a terrifying wave surging on his body, pressing firmly on Adam's body.

Adam's face was extremely ugly, and he was helpless to see Amisius coming.

Perhaps, today will end.

Suddenly, a strong energy wave appeared in the sky.

Amisius and Adam looked up almost at the same time, and saw a thunder energy condensed instantly.

Adam was stunned for a moment.

This scene made him familiar, because he had just suffered from this thunder.

A blue lightning instantly fell towards Amisius.

Amisius's face darkened, but facing this lightning spell, he did not have the slightest intention of dodging. He swung his hand, and a half-meter-long cone blade appeared in his hand.

A gem was inlaid on the cone blade, and runes were surging on it, emitting a kind of light.

Amisius instantly swung the cone blade towards the lightning.

In an instant, the cone blade collided with the lightning, but the lightning was actually directly split apart by the cone blade the next moment.

Snap! Crash!

The sound of electric currents running in an instant rang out.

The electric arcs hit all around.

Amisius looked in one direction with a gloomy face: "Another human who is looking for death, and a magician."

Adam also looked at Hu Qing who suddenly appeared in disbelief.

Hu Qing held the Golden Sea Soul in his hand, and frowned as he looked at Amisius, especially the weapon in his hand.

The lightning spell with 49 magic power was his strongest attack, but it was dissipated by the lightning.

That weapon should be the angel blade in the evil force, right?

However, it seems to be different from the ordinary angel blade. There are no gems or runes on the ordinary angel blade.

This angel blade is obviously very special.

At that moment, Hu Qing saw Amisius walking towards him. He did not hesitate. As soon as he thought about it, a hellfire rushed towards Amisius at that moment.

The lightning will be split, so what about the hellfire?

Unfortunately, when the hellfire hit Amisius, he swung the angel blade again, and the runes on it burst into a light. With a fierce slash, the hellfire was actually split into two halves.

The two halves of the hellfire rushed past Amisius on both sides, without causing any damage to Amisius.

"Since I got this angel blade that specifically restrains magic, no magician has come to me to die for a long time." Amisius looked at Hu Qing and walked towards him with a playful face.

[Experience +5000]

[Experience +5000]

The experience prompt appeared.

This is the hellfire that Amisius split and rushed to both sides, swallowing the two resentful souls.

But this increased 10,000 experience, which obviously did not surprise Hu Qing, because the angel blade, which meant that his two strongest magics, hellfire and lightning, were useless.

Other countermeasures must be considered.

Unless he used the warrior's means, the warrior's attack, 20 + mattock's 13, is only 33, plus other equipment, only 37.

There is also a paralysis ring.

If there is a chance to paralyze the opponent, it can also be solved.

Just when Hu Qing was thinking about countermeasures, Amisius had already attacked him, and at a very fast speed.

Hu Qing almost subconsciously replaced the sea soul in his hand with a mattock with a stronger attack, and then the fourth form of the basic tactics rushed towards Amisius.

But one move, two moves, and three moves, all missed.

Amisius's speed was too fast. At that speed, his agility must be more than 40.

His attack could not reach the opponent's body at all, so the paralysis ring could not work.

After Hu Qing finished one move, he was about to continue to perform the next move, but he felt a pain in his shoulder and was directly held, and then his body was suddenly thrown up and slammed on the ground.

Under the impact, Hu Qing groaned, and the ground collapsed and cracked.

【Life -65】

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