Kalinda naturally saw Liu Qingqing following her.

But she didn't say anything, instead there was a weird smile on her lips.

The town of Nidoya is not small, and the castle is some distance away from the town, connected by a specially built road.

Hu Qing summoned the Rolls-Royce and drove out of the castle. A Ford drove in along the road, and the driver reached out to make a gesture requesting to stop.

Hu Qing stopped in confusion and got out of the car.

A white man in his 30s also got out of the Ford.

The white man came forward with restraint and asked: "Sir, excuse me for interrupting you. I am Sanke, the mayor of Niado town. Are you the owner of this castle?"

Hu Qing nodded: "Well, I am the owner of this castle. My name is Qing-Hu!"

Sanke's face lit up when he heard Hu Qing's words: "Mr. Hu, it's a bit presumptuous to come to the door suddenly. Actually, it's like this. In a few days it will be the anniversary of the founding of our town. Our town will hold a festival at this time every year. Let the residents have a party.”

"And every year the judges, sheriffs, pastors of our town... everyone will get together in the town bar to discuss the details and plan the construction of the town."

"Mr. Hu has moved into the town now, so I took the liberty to inquire. I would like to invite Mr. Hu to discuss it with us. Mr. Hu is a big shot in our town."

As if he was afraid that Hu Qing would misunderstand, Sanke immediately said: "But please don't get me wrong, Mr. Hu, I'm not asking you to make a donation. The festival expenses are the town's financial expenditure."

Hu Qing knew that there were many gatherings of this kind in Stars and Stripes Country, and there were more commemorative festivals in various places.

It’s not unusual for a festival to be held on the anniversary of the founding of this small town.

However, according to Sank's words, whether it is the judge, the sheriff, the mayor, or the pastor who are gathered together for discussion, they are all relatively high-status people in the town.

I just didn’t expect that the other party would invite him as soon as he came.

Kalinda said instead: "Hu, we will live in a small town for a long time in the future, and it doesn't hurt to have a good relationship with everyone."

Hearing what the banshee said, Hu Qing also said to Sanke: "Mayor Sanke, I will go there in the evening."

The most important thing is that Kalinda just suggested to find some servants.

Supernatural creatures are hard to find, and in such a big castle, someone has to do the trivial tasks. He also plans to see if he can find two reliable people in the small town to take care of them first.

Sanke received the reply and said with a smile: "That's great. I will inform everyone. Mr. Hu, you are easier to talk to than I thought. I thought a rich man like you would refuse directly, so I won't disturb you first." ”

After Sank finished speaking, he got in the car and left without too much getting close or entangled, and he was obviously very measured in his behavior.

Hu Qing also took Kalinda and Liu Qingqing into the car and went to the town. Since it was their first time, the two women enjoyed it and spent half a day touring the town before returning to the castle.

Night falls.

Hu Qing also went to the bar mentioned by Sanke as scheduled.

Opening the door and entering the bar, there were already many people inside, mostly young people from small towns.

Naturally, the bar does not have the bright neon lights of big cities, and is more retro.

Hu Qing's arrival obviously attracted everyone's attention.

Chinese faces are so rare to see in small towns.

"Mr. Hu, you're here." When Sanke saw Hu Qing arriving, he came up to him as soon as possible.

"Mayor Sanke." Hu Qing also greeted the other party.

Sanke welcomed Hu Qing to a table.

There were several people sitting at that table. It was obvious that the young people in the town had a tacit understanding not to come near this place. Seeing Hu Qing being welcomed over, they all looked at Hu Qing more curiously.

At this time, Sanke did not forget to introduce to everyone: "Everyone, please be quiet. Everyone must be curious about who the gentleman next to me is. He is Mr. Hu, the new owner of the small town castle."

This obviously caused a stir throughout the bar.

"Is he the super rich guy who moved into the castle?"

"It seems I'm lucky today, I can actually see such a rich man."


Obviously, everyone knows that the person who owns that castle must be a super rich man.

It's just that they didn't expect that this super rich man would come to a bar like this if he was so shameless.

Hu Qing also smiled and said to the man behind the bar who was the boss: "Man, tonight is all mine, and there will be enough drinks for everyone."

He knew that since he was here, he should gain some favorability.

When the man heard this, he immediately became energetic.

He laughed and actually took a microphone and shouted loudly: "Cheer, celebrate, go crazy! Brothers, Mr. Hu said that the drinks for the evening are his."

This moment attracted everyone.

"Long live Mr. Hu!"

"I like this Mr. Hu."


The young people in the bar suddenly cheered, which made the atmosphere a little heated.

In fact, the town's economy is good, and no one is in need of a drink.

However, it always makes people feel good when someone treats them, and their favorability towards Hu Qing also increased a lot.

"Mr. Hu, it seems that the young people in the town will like you very much." Sanke smiled, asked Hu Qing to sit down, and introduced several people at the table to Hu Qing. They were the judge and the police chief of the town. , pastors...these are relatively high-status people.

Several people were obviously a little cautious when they saw Hu Qing, and they obviously did not expect Mayor Sanke to really invite this rich man.

Even though they have some status in the small town, they know very well that with Mr. Hu's financial resources, they absolutely cannot offend him.

Just when Hu Qing sat down, suddenly, the door of the bar was pushed open again, and then a huge man squeezed in.

"Why is it this freak? What is he doing in the bar?" Sang Ke stood up at once, a little angry.

Hu Qing was surprised.

The freak Sang Ke mentioned was a super fat man, who was definitely more than two meters tall. Moreover, the other party's skeleton was obviously very large, and with that body of flesh, it was like a mountain of flesh. He had to squeeze in when he entered the door.

However, the other party was wearing tattered clothes and looked a little dirty.

After this guy squeezed in, the atmosphere in the bar seemed a little wrong.

Those young people seemed to have a kind of annoyance in their eyes.

Moreover, facing this guy, those young people were not afraid, but cursed one by one.

"Shaq, what are you doing here?"

"You shouldn't come here. The trash can outside is where you should go."

"Shaq, you can't pay. Mayor Sangke and the others are here today. Don't make everyone unhappy."


These young people were trying to drive the big guy away, but the big guy seemed to have a good temper. He was not angry. Instead, he said in a muffled voice: "I heard outside that there was a Mr. Hu who invited us to dinner. The bill was his. He didn't say I couldn't come in."

This made the young people look at Hu Qing.

The bar owner also hurried to Hu Qing and said: "Mr. Hu, this guy is also a poor man. Don't bother with him. I'll drive him away now."

Hu Qing hurriedly said: "No, count him in. Give him as much wine as he wants."

He looked at Shaq, and three words appeared in his eyes: white wild boar!

The more fat in the white wild boar's blood, the stronger the effect after use. Looking at Shaq's fat like a mountain, how effective would the white wild boar's blood be?

Hearing Hu Qing's words, the bar owner nodded, walked up to Shaq and said, "Shaq, today is your lucky day. Mr. Hu said that you can have as much wine as you want."

Shaq grinned immediately, without any politeness, walked to the corner of the bar where the wine was placed, and directly carried a barrel of wine and walked towards the door.

When he arrived at the door, he seemed to remember something, bowed deeply in the direction of Hu Qing, and then squeezed out of the bar with the wine.

This action alone made Hu Qing have a better impression of this guy.

While Hu Qing was interested in a fat man, Nutrilite took the people from the mysterious incident investigation department to stare at an abandoned warehouse not far away.

Hobbs reported on the side: "Boss Nutrilite, the werewolf who hurt people in the city today finally came to this abandoned warehouse."

"Well, let everyone change to silver bullets." Nutrilite nodded and gave an order.

With enough silver bullets, it is not difficult for them to deal with a werewolf.

But just when Nutrilite was about to send someone into action, a series of wolf howls suddenly came out of the abandoned warehouse not far away.

"Not a werewolf!" Nutrilite's face changed drastically.

The next moment, he saw figures rushing out of the abandoned warehouse. These figures all transformed into werewolves, and they shouted frantically at the top of the abandoned warehouse. There seemed to be something on it.

Nutrilite and Hobbs were surprised to find that there was a figure on the top of the abandoned warehouse at some point. It seemed to be a woman wearing a windbreaker and a spirited leather jacket.

The woman jumped down from the abandoned warehouse, and at the same time, she had pulled out the two guns on her thighs and shot at the werewolves frantically.

The key point is that the woman's shooting skills are extremely accurate. When she fell, two shots hit two werewolves, and the two werewolves fell down directly after being shot.

The woman's gun was obviously loaded with silver bullets.

Something even more incredible happened. The woman fell to the ground and instantly rushed in front of a werewolf at an incredible speed.

The speed was so fast that people couldn't react, but the werewolf was kicked out by the woman.

Nutrilite was shocked. He knew how strong the werewolves were. How much strength this woman must have to do this.

In a blink of an eye, several werewolves were killed by this woman.

But suddenly, something strange happened, and a roar rang out: "Selena, you can't run away."

In an instant, dense figures rushed out from all around the abandoned warehouse, and they were all werewolves.

Nutrilite and Hobbs's faces became even uglier. The two hurriedly asked their men to hide and not make any noise.

This was obviously a trap for the woman.

They almost rushed in just now. If they rushed in, the consequences can be imagined.

But how could there be so many werewolves in Seattle?

"Quickly notify Mr. Hu!" Nutrilite said anxiously.

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