Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 263 The first army of experience! The old phone note!

In the bar.

As big guy Shaq squeezes his way out of the bar, the atmosphere is restored and it's lively again.

"Mr. Hu, I hope Shaq has not affected you." Sanke poured a glass of wine for Hu Qing, and then made another promise: "In addition, I can guarantee that Shaq will not affect the security of the town. Although Shaq It’s an outlier in a small town.”

Hearing this, the person opposite picked up his wine glass and echoed: "I can guarantee this."

This man is the town's police chief.

Hu Qing was obviously not worried about any security issues. Instead, he asked curiously: "Mayor Sanke, can you tell me about Shaq? He seems to be a storyteller. I like to listen to stories."

Sank sighed and said: "Shaq is a poor man. Originally, there was a doctor with good medical skills in our town. He also had a beautiful wife. If anyone in the town got sick, he would come to him for treatment."

"But once, two wanted criminals came to the town and broke into the doctor's house. Although the two wanted criminals were eventually shot dead by the town police chief, some things are always irreversible."

"I remember it was a winter, and the doctor's clinic was closed. Some residents came to ask for help and found that the doctor and his wife had left, leaving only Shaq. It was very cold at that time, and Shaq was almost suffering from a high fever from the cold."

"This is really a sad story, what happened next?" Hu Qing frowned slightly.

Although what Sank said was not too straightforward, he could understand it with no problem.

Sank continued: "Shaq was rescued and was initially sent to an old couple's home for adoption. Later, it was discovered that there was something wrong with his IQ. He seemed to be different from ordinary people. He might have been frozen."

"A few years later, it was discovered that he also had health problems. He was very good at eating, and it was unimaginable that he could eat. The old couple were middle-class, and they were fine when they were there, and they could keep him fed. Later, the old couple passed away one after another. It’s more difficult.”

"At that time, every household in the town would constantly send him food, but he never had enough to eat, so he started digging through trash cans all over the town, and after that, it always looked dirty."

"But the key point is this. The hungrier he is, the bigger he gets, and then the more he eats. It's like a vicious cycle."

Hu Qing asked doubtfully: "Shaq's intelligence doesn't seem too bad. He just bowed to me to thank me."

Sank nodded: "Indeed, Shaq is very polite and gentle, so he is not angry even when some children in the town make fun of him."

Hu Qing asked tentatively: "Mayor Sanke, in this case, if someone finds him some physical work, he should be very capable, right?"

Sank was also sure about this: "Mr. Hu, you are right. Shaq is indeed very capable. Anyone in the town who has physical work is willing to find him. But the key is that he is so good at eating. Even if he does physical work The living wage is several times that of others, but it is still not enough to fill his stomach.”

"Moreover, the town has no way of providing him with a long-term position that can satisfy his hunger, so it can only let him continue to dig through trash cans."

Speaking of this, Sank suddenly thought of something and asked Hu Qing: "Mr. Hu, your castle is very big and you should need help. If possible, can you provide Shaq with a job?"

"Even if you don't need a salary, as long as you give Shaq food, he will be very satisfied."

"Moreover, even though he was very hungry, he never did anything illegal, nor did he snatch food from others. Instead, he went through the trash can. He was just too good at eating."

"I'll think about it, and if I can, I'll give him a job." Hu Qing actually already had the idea to take this big guy back and use white boar essence and blood on him.

Intelligence doesn't matter, as long as you listen to him.

As for the issue of being able to eat, it is not a problem for him.

However, he did not reveal his true purpose to Sank and gave an ambiguous response.

Even so, Sank's face was filled with joy and he continued to persuade: "Mr. Hu, Shaq is really a good guy. As long as you feed him, he is willing to do a lot of work for you. He has a lot of strength."

Hu Qing smiled and nodded again.

After that, Sanke was very measured and did not dwell on this issue again. He led a table of people to discuss the festival party and toasted to Hu Qing. After drinking, everyone at the table boasted that they had a good drinking capacity.

However, when Hu Qing stood up and left the bar, everyone at Sanke's table had already fallen down.

These people obviously had no idea what kind of monster they were drinking with.

Overall, Hu Qing gained something from coming to this party tonight.

Discovering the big guy Shaq was an unexpected surprise.

Others at the table like Sanke didn't know it, but at least Sanke, the mayor, gave people a good first impression.

However, I can't be completely sure even after meeting him twice. There are many sanctimonious people in this world.

After leaving the bar, Hu Qing suddenly received a message on his cell phone. He took it out and saw that it was from Nutrilite again.

"It's so late, is there another experience delivered to your door?" Hu Qing clicked on the message in confusion, and when he saw the photo inside, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Woman in black trench coat and tight leather jacket.

Isn't this the heroine Serena of "Underworld" whom I met when the temptation was over?

He remembered giving the other party his phone number before.

Now this woman shows up in Seattle? Are you being targeted by Nutrilite and the others?

This photo was taken from a distance, apparently under surveillance by the FBI from the Mysterious Incident Investigation Division.

I turned to the photo below, and it turned out to be a picture of werewolves besieging Serena.

Seeing this scene, Hu Qing was surprised.

This is the beginning of the plot. Lucian, the werewolf leader, has begun to hunt Selina?

At this time.

The phone rang, and it was Nutrilite calling.

After pressing the answer button, Nutrilite's anxious voice came over: "Mr. Hu, did you see the message? I can't believe that those werewolves can actually use weapons. They actually attacked with guns."

Hu Qing naturally knew that this was also the characteristic of Alexander's werewolves and vampires.

They are not the strongest among werewolves and vampires, but with the development of technology, they have learned to use human thermal weapons and specially developed bullets to deal with each other.

Vampires use special silver bullets.

Werewolves use a special ultraviolet bullet.

Hu Qing asked directly: "Nutrilite, how is the situation now?"

Nutrilite hurriedly explained: "Those werewolves ambush that woman, but that woman was so powerful that she managed to break out of the ambush, and now those werewolves are chasing her."

"We have activated the Sky Eye system and controlled electronic surveillance throughout Seattle to target these guys. However, there are too many werewolves and we dare not attack rashly."

"Send me the latest location immediately and wait for me to come over." Hu Qing walked towards the Rolls-Royce without hesitation.

After waiting for so long, one of several experienced armies is finally coming to my door.

Even if it's just a minimal army of experience.

Hu Qing started the Rolls-Royce directly and drove towards the city of Seattle.

On the other side, Nutrilite breathed a sigh of relief after talking to Hu Qing on the phone, and immediately said into the headset: "Bobby, did you hear that? Send the latest location to Mr. Hu in real time."

"Don't worry!" Bobby's voice came from the headset, but then he cursed angrily: "Damn it, they rushed towards Linka 56 Street, where a private night running team passed by ”

"Damn it." Nutrilite also cursed angrily and hurriedly led people towards the location Bobby mentioned.

There are many activities in Stars and Stripes, and private night running competitions exist in first-tier cities.

But now a group of werewolves were chasing a woman, and both sides were holding weapons and firing, and something big was going to happen.

In the night.

A woman with a fiery figure was walking quickly through the alley, and the sound of a werewolf hissing could be heard behind her.

Serena's face didn't look good.

She knew she had been too imprudent this time.

Originally knowing that Lucian's men were chasing him, she wanted to go over and kill him, but she didn't know that it was a trap set by him to lure her out.

Now she has to get rid of these werewolves.

After walking out of the alley, Serena's expression changed.

There were a lot of people outside, and there was obviously some kind of competition going on.

"Shet!" Serena cursed in annoyance.

She obviously didn't expect that she would bump into so many people by taking a lonely road.

Da da! ~

Suddenly gunfire rang out.

Serena was so shocked that she couldn't care less and turned directly out of the alley.

Bullets whizzed past, with traces of blue light trailing behind them.

That's a UV bullet.

The bullet lost its target and immediately rushed towards the pedestrians on the street outside. Screams suddenly sounded, and someone was affected by the bullet.

Then there were screams and panic.

Serena's face turned gloomy when she saw this.

Before that, due to hundreds of years of education, in her eyes, humans were actually animals that provided blood.

But these days, under the influence of Michael, her thinking has gradually changed, and she regards human beings as beings just like herself.

The werewolf's roar also sounded.

The werewolves rushed out of the alley and saw the panicked humans outside, but they didn't care whether it would cause a sensation. They chased Serena directly, shooting wildly with the weapons in their hands.

After all, this Seattle is not their territory. Even if it causes panic among humans, it is something that the supernatural creatures in Seattle should worry about.

The already panicked people outside were completely shocked when they saw these werewolves.

The upright monster with gray fur and sharp claws ran directly in front of them and rushed past.

"My dear, what are they?"


"How could there be such a thing?"

"They were still armed."


The werewolves chased Serena, but caused an earthquake.

Nutrilite and Hobbs arrived quickly with the FBI, but only saw a chaotic crowd. They knew that what they worried about had happened.

"Nutrilite, you must deal with the people you saw at the scene. Many of them took videos." Bobby's voice rang from the headset, followed by an angry curse: "Damn it, someone has already posted it on the Internet. There are still people in this competition. Journalists, we have to come up with a better excuse."

"These bastards!" Nutrilite yelled again, and then ordered to Hobbs: "Go find the reporters and deal with them first."

They are most afraid of these supernatural events happening under such circumstances, which makes them waste a lot of brains in dealing with the follow-up and make up many scripts to cover up the facts.

If Hollywood gets the information they compiled, it might be able to make a hit movie.

"Yes." Hobbes waved his hand and led the people into action.

Compared to the previous car chases with Xiao, Dom, and Brian, and facing some bad things every time, what he does now obviously makes him more passionate, at least he feels that this is protecting the human world.



In an alley.

Selena rushed in, and was relieved when she was sure that there were no men of Lucien chasing behind her, and then she went to an old clock tower and hid in it.

"Selena, you seem to be in a bad state." A voice sounded inside, and a blond man came out, and the man was obviously injured.

He is Michael, a human doctor, but now he has been bitten by the werewolf leader Lucien and has become a werewolf. He is also injured and hit by a silver bullet.

Selina explained, "I was injured, but I've gotten rid of Lucien's men."

Michael asked in confusion, "Selina, why did we come to Seattle from such a long distance? Now Lucien's men are catching up, but we are not familiar with Seattle at all."

Hearing this, Selina frowned slightly and took out a piece of paper from her clothes.

You can see a string of numbers on the paper, which is a phone number.

Seeing this note, the horrific experience in the forest once again appeared in her mind, as well as that horrible figure!

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