Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 264 Goodbye Serena! Bullets are useless to me!

Michael looked at the note in Serena's hand in confusion: "What is this?"

Serena frowned and said, "It's a phone number. The other party is scary. I don't know if I should call this number."

"The other party is in Seattle?" Michael asked speculatively.

Serena nodded: "Well, this number is from Seattle, but I don't know anything about the other party. The other party gave me this number out of nowhere."

Thinking of what happened in that forest, she felt really baffled.

The other party could obviously kill her, but he insisted on saying that he owed her a favor and even left her a phone number.

The other party also said that if she encounters a crisis that is difficult to deal with in the future, she can call the other party and ask the other party to return the favor.

But she really didn't know where the other party owed her any favors.

Sometimes she even wondered if the other party knew that she would encounter this crisis and intentionally left her number?

But thinking about it makes me laughable.

How is this possible?

No one can know what will happen in the future.

There was no reason for the other party to leave his number and help her.

The only possibility is that that person has ulterior motives for her.

It's just that she couldn't figure out what the other party was planning.

For a moment.

Serena put the note away temporarily and did not call the number.

She didn't know what would happen after making the call.

Moreover, it is not a last resort.

Time passes.

A Rolls-Royce enters Seattle.

inside the car.

Hu Qing had already flattened his seat, half-lying down, holding his cell phone to watch the location map sent by Bobby.

No one was controlling the steering wheel, but it was turning by itself. The car was running fast and steadily, with no signs of losing control.

After all, it is a ghost car and does not necessarily need a human to drive it.

Hu Qing looked at the location map on his phone. With just a thought, the ghost car could automatically go there.

Across the street, a Chevrolet drove over. The driver glanced at the Rolls-Royce, and then his eyes widened in shock: "Shet, where is the driver?"

That Rolls-Royce didn't even have a driver.

The car is running on its own.

In an instant, the driver felt a cold sweat break out on his back, and three words came to his mind: ghost car.

boom! ~

Then there was a crash.

When the Chevrolet driver came to his senses in shock, the car had hit a street light.


The Rolls-Royce stopped in an alley on a street.

When Hu Qing got out of the car, Hobbs came forward and said, "Mr. Hu, are you here?"

"Hobbes, how are you in this new department?" Hu Qing greeted the other party with a smile.

The strong man in "The Fast and the Furious" now specializes in dealing with mysterious events, and things are really strange in the world.

Hobbes smiled and said, "Mr. Hu, I like what I'm doing now, at least compared to before when I was catching thieves with my car."

"Where's Nutrilite?" Hu Qing asked again.

Hobbs explained: "Mr. Nutrilite was on the rooftop, making a phone call to deal with the troubles of several reporters. Those werewolves acted in public, and they were still in their transformed state. Many people saw it, including several reporters."

"It's easy for ordinary people to handle, but in Stars and Stripes, reporters are a very troublesome bunch of guys."

Hu Qing agreed with this.

When I watched American TV series and Hollywood movies in my previous life, journalists were just as powerful as politicians and were one of the powerful troublemakers. Many doomsdays and disasters were caused by the two professions of politicians and journalists.

Of these two professions, one is confident that he can control everything, is not afraid of anything, and then causes big trouble.

Politicians who realize that they are hiding something are not afraid of anything if they insist on finding out, and then they will cause big trouble.

Arrived at the rooftop.

Hu Qing heard Nutrilite cursing on his cell phone: "Don't care what newspaper those damn reporters are from. No matter how big their background is, get the video back for me. Whoever dares to stop us, we all have the authority to do it to him."

Putting down the phone, Nutrilite saw Hu Qing and immediately greeted him respectfully: "Mr. Hu, you are finally here. This time I have to rely on you again."

Hu Qing asked directly: "Where are those werewolves and that woman now?"

Nutrilite gave Hu Qing a telescope and explained: "The woman is in the bell tower in the distance. Those werewolves actually entered the sewer. We dare not follow her in for the time being."

Hu Qing picked up the telescope and looked at the bell tower. Serena seemed to like the bell tower very much.

I remember watching "Underworld" in my previous life. Many of Serena's cool looks were in the bell tower.

However, the four sides of the bell tower are airtight, and it is difficult to see the scene inside even with a telescope.

Nutrilite couldn't help but asked curiously: "Mr. Hu, these werewolves not only use human guns, they are also very organized and purposeful. They seem to be different from the werewolf information we know."

Hu Qing nodded and did not hide anything. He explained: "It is a little different from the conventionally known werewolves, because werewolves are also divided into many types. These werewolves originated from a man named Alexander in the 14th century more than 600 years ago."

"Do you know about the Black Death in the 14th century? Countless people died, including where Alexander is."

"Everyone died, but Alexander survived. His body mutated during the plague and became immortal."

"Later, he gave birth to three sons. The eldest son was bitten by a bat and mutated into a vampire by inheriting Alexander's genes. The second son was bitten by a wild wolf and mutated into a werewolf."

"These werewolves are from Alexander's second son, and the woman is called Selina, a vampire, from Alexander's eldest son."

"The two sides have been at war for more than 600 years because of a woman."

"Vampires and werewolves are brothers?" Nutrilite was surprised, and even Hobbs and the FBI looked at each other in disbelief.

This is the first time they have heard of this legend.

But when it came from Mr. Hu, none of them doubted it.

Hu Qing said again: "For more than 600 years, this group of vampires and werewolves have been fighting endlessly. Both sides have formed a strict organization. Now the hatred is getting bigger and bigger, and it has reached the point where they must eliminate each other. The werewolves you found should only be the outposts of chasing Selina."

Hearing Hu Qing's words, Nutrilite's face suddenly became ugly: "Mr. Hu, does that mean there are more werewolves?"

Hu Qing nodded, and added: "Well, there are more vampires."

"Ah..." Nutrilite is completely miserable now.

Their mysterious incident investigation department has developed to the point where they are confident that they can easily capture one or two werewolves with silver bullets.

But if it is a werewolf army and a vampire army, they will still use modern human weapons.

The key is that if the two sides fight in Seattle, it will definitely be a big deal.

Nutrilite hurriedly asked: "Mr. Hu, can you deal with those vampires and werewolves?"

Hu Qing looked at Nutrilite and smiled and said: "Don't worry, the vampires and werewolves of Alexander's lineage are not a threat even if there are more of them."

"Don't think that they have learned to use human weapons, but this just shows that their power is not too strong."

The power of bullets is indeed very strong. In order to eliminate each other, the werewolves and vampires of Alexander's lineage have also developed bullets targeting each other.

But for supernatural forces, bullets are useless when they reach a certain level.

For example, Yu Zhi, when he had not yet mutated, he was not at all affected by the bullets fired by a team of mercenaries. At that time, he only had 19 defense.

When Yu Zhi was captured, he only had a defense of 13. He was shot at about 100 meters away, and the bullet was stuck in his shoulder, causing no penetration or tearing damage.

Now he has a defense of 24, and with the silver bracelet and cloth clothes, his defense can reach 29, which is far more than Yu Zhi's initial 19 defense.

Therefore, if he is not afraid of two-handed silver bullets and ultraviolet bullets, the guns in the hands of werewolves and vampires can't hurt him at all.

Compared with the vampires and werewolves in Twilight, Alexander and other werewolves and vampires are actually a bit low.

Those vampires are even afraid of sunlight and dare not go out during the day. They can only move at night, so it is called "Underworld".

It was not until Selena drank Alexander's blood that she was no longer afraid of sunlight and ultraviolet bullets, and her strength was greatly improved that she had a relatively strong combat power. At that time, she should be able to fight with Alice, who is not good at fighting in the Cullen family.

Therefore, the werewolves and vampires of Alexander's lineage are purely experience, and it is easy to harvest experience. The key is that there are many of them, which is more satisfying.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing went downstairs again, got into the Rolls-Royce, and drove towards the clock tower.

Since Selina didn't call him when she arrived in Seattle, he would go to see her in person.

After all, the werewolves under Lucien were hunting her, and later, Draven, the acting leader of the vampires who cooperated with Lucien, the werewolf leader, would also send people to hunt her.

Whether it is for werewolves or vampires, Selina is a bright light, or bait.

Only when this bait is tied to your fishing rod can you let the experience come to you.

After a while, Hu Qing arrived at the clock tower, stopped the car, and walked up to the clock tower.

On the top floor of the clock tower, Selina and Michael were already looking for information with their mobile phones. The two of them didn't know the origin of their werewolves and vampires, let alone that they originated from the Alexander legend.

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps startled the two.

Moreover, the other party had a strong aura, not an ordinary person.

Selina took out her gun at the first time and fired two shots at the figure that appeared at the stairs.

The bullet passed through the darkness, looking a little dazzling, and hit the chest of the figure the next moment.

But then, something happened that shocked Selina. The bullet hit the other party's chest, but it didn't cause any damage to the other party. The other party patted his chest, and there was a sound of two bullets falling to the ground.

"How could it be..." Selina couldn't believe it.

At this time, Hu Qing also came up with a smile and teased: "Miss Selina, we meet again, I didn't expect you to greet each other in this way."

"It's you!" The moment Serinda saw Hu Qing, she exclaimed directly.

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