The moment she saw Hu Qing, Serena was shocked.

She didn't expect that the other party would come to her door before she even called, and he actually knew exactly where she was hiding in the clock tower.

This situation made her heart beat more and more, as if she was already under the other party's surveillance.

Michael, who was behind, didn't know the situation. When Serena attacked Hu Qing, he also rushed towards Hu Qing.

He has been transformed into a werewolf, and his speed is not slow. Unfortunately, this speed is not enough in front of Hu Qing.

"Michael, stop." Serena was shocked when she saw this scene and shouted anxiously.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Michael had already rushed in front of Hu Qing, and then saw his body suddenly stagnant, as if some force suddenly pressed on his body, which was unbearable for him, and he knelt directly on the ground.

Naturally, Hu Qing used telekinesis pressure, and then slapped Michael flying out, hitting the wall behind him hard.

Michael rolled on the ground in embarrassment, and looked at Hu Qing again, with a look of horror on his face.

Serena hurriedly ran to Michael's side and helped him up. At the same time, she looked at Hu Qing fearfully: "Sir, Michael doesn't know your identity."

Hu Qing also looked at Michael. This blond white man is the male protagonist of "Underworld". He will become the first hybrid creature of Alexander's werewolf and vampire. He is also known as a powerful man, but he is always abused.

Apart from affecting Serena's views on human beings and life, it seems to have no effect. She is like a drag bottle. Later, she becomes the background directly, and she even appears to have been hanged by bloodletting.

Hu Qing didn't care about the other party, and looked at Serena with a smile: "Miss Serena, why didn't you call me? You look very embarrassed now."

Indeed, Serena was in a very embarrassed state now, with dust all over her body and hair, her leather jacket had several cuts, and blood stains were everywhere on her body.

This was caused by the werewolf ambush, because some parts were injured by ultraviolet bullets, and the wounds had not even healed, which was really miserable.

"Sir, actually... I was planning to ask you for help." Serena said in a slight panic.

Naturally, she would not say that she was afraid of the person in front of her, and had been hesitating whether to call him or not.

Now that the other party came to her door exactly, she was even more afraid.

She was even more sure that the other party had intentions. When she didn't understand what the other party was up to, she would never dare to let down her guard, even if she was not his opponent.

at this time.

Michael also learned the identity of Hu Qing from the conversation between the two. The other party was the terrifying existence that Serena had said.

And at that moment, he also felt the other party's terror.

He had no power to fight back in front of the other party.

Hu Qing looked at the environment of the bell tower and said with a smile: "Miss Serena, you are injured. The environment here seems not to be good. I will provide you with a place. Come with me!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked downstairs.

Serena gritted her teeth and could only help Michael follow.

She knew very well that this special person came to her door, and she and Michael could not do anything in front of each other.

She didn't want to do anything to offend the other party before she was sure of the other party's purpose.

However, one of her hands had already been subconsciously placed on a special dart in the crook of her leg.

This dart is specially made and produces a special explosive force when it flies towards the enemy.

This is also her trump card.

When facing those werewolves, she didn't choose to use it.

Hu Qing took Serena and Michael down to the bell tower, arrived in front of the Rolls-Royce, and invited: "Miss Serena, please get in the car."

"Selena, this car!" Michael's face was slightly startled when he arrived in front of the car.

Serena naturally felt that this car exuded a special energy.

As a supernatural creature, she could clearly feel that the car was a special kind of life.

Could this car also be some kind of supernatural creature?

But how is this possible?

Serena couldn't figure it out, watching Hu Qing get into the car, she could only follow Michael into the Rolls-Royce.

Hu Qing picked up the phone and made a call to Nutrilite.

at this time.

Nutrilite has also led people to watch this scene from a distance.

At the same time, his cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was Hu Qing's number, he hurriedly pressed the answer button: "Mr. Hu, what are your orders?"

Hu Qing's voice also came out: "Crown Hotel, two rooms."

Nutrilite received the order and immediately said: "Understood!"

After a while.

Hu Qing has already taken Serena and Michael to the Crown Hotel.

After getting off the car, Serena looked at the hotel and frowned slightly.

She had never thought of staying in a hotel while on the run, because that would expose her faster.

At this time.

A woman ran out of the hotel and came to Hu Qing respectfully: "Mr. Hu, the room has been arranged."

This woman is obviously the FBI from the Mysterious Incident Investigation Division.

"Let's go, Miss Serena!" Hu Qing invited with a smile, and then followed the female FBI into the hotel until they reached the 8th floor of the hotel.

"Mr. Hu, rooms 814 and 816!" The female FBI gave Hu Qing two room cards and turned to leave.

Hu Qing took the room card and threw 814 to Michael: "This room is yours." After that, he took the 816 room card and shook it at Selena, saying: "Miss Selena, if you don't mind, come with me to this room. I have some questions to ask you."

While speaking, he had already opened the door of 816 and made an invitation gesture.

Selena frowned.

She always felt that something was wrong with the other party, but in the end she followed him into the room.

Perhaps, the other party's purpose can be known from the questions he wanted to ask.

Everything made her so confused, and she also wanted to know everything urgently.

Hu Qing smiled at Michael outside, and then closed the door.

This scene obviously made Michael's face show an inexplicable emotion, and he opened the door of 814 very irritably.

Hu Qing closed the door and looked at Selena's messy appearance, saying, "Miss Selena, you seem to be injured. You are covered in dust and blood. Maybe you should take a shower first."

Selena's expression was a little strange when she heard this. She said defensively, "Sir, if you have any questions, I will answer them truthfully."

Hu Qing obviously noticed the other party's defense. What did he think he was going to do?

Although this female vampire has a good figure, he is not a sea king who wants to take advantage of a beautiful woman. He just asked her to take a shower out of kindness.

However, seeing Selina's defensive look, Hu Qing also had a bad taste and said with a smile: "Miss Selina, my question is not urgent. I think it is too rude to let a lady talk to her when she is covered in dust and blood."

"Or is Miss Selina afraid that your young boyfriend will be angry if I am in the room?"

"For a female vampire who is hundreds of years old, twenty-something should be like tender grass that has just sprouted, right?"

"Once you are older, such tender grass should have a different taste."

"Michael is not my boyfriend." Selina suddenly felt annoyed when she heard Hu Qing's words.

Perhaps for a woman, age is always a sensitive topic, even if she is a vampire.

Especially when you are older, the topic of tender grass makes it easier for people to lose their temper.

Even if you know that the other party's power is terrifying, it is difficult for women to suppress their sensitive nature in this regard.

Selina obviously didn't want to dwell on this topic, so she simply gritted her teeth and walked into the bathroom.

"Not a boyfriend yet!" Hu Qing muttered to himself. From Selena's words, he roughly knew what the plot had reached.

A moment later, the sound of water came from the bathroom.

Hu Qing smiled, and a naked and hot picture inexplicably emerged in his mind.

That was a powerful and pornographic shot of Selena in "Underworld 4". She really came out of the container without any defensive objects.

This gave him some imagination when he looked at the bathroom.

Not long after, the bathroom door opened again, and Selena walked out awkwardly wrapped in a gray bath towel.

She forgot that she didn't change her clothes here, and just escaped into the bathroom as the other party said.

When he came out, he tightened his hand holding the bath towel, which contained her special dart. At this time, only by holding this only trump card tightly in his hand could he give her a sense of security.

Hu Qing looked at Selina with interest and appreciation. She was casually wearing a thin bath towel, and her long legs were completely exposed, and the S-shaped curves could not be covered at all.

The key point was that he knew that she had no defense at all.

Selina seemed to be unable to bear Hu Qing's gaze, and frowned and said, "Sir, you can ask any questions you have."

Hu Qing smiled slightly and asked, "Miss Selina, you should have discovered Lucien's experiment now, right?"

"How... do you know..." Selina was stunned when she heard this.

She discovered this problem, and after reporting it to Kraven, Kraven did not believe her and even stopped her from continuing to investigate the matter.

So, she had to investigate it herself and saved Michael.

But outsiders could not know this.

Hu Qing continued, "Moreover, when you went back to report that Kraven had come, he didn't believe you and wouldn't let you investigate. You could only investigate secretly, right?"

"You..." Selina was completely shocked. How did he know? It was as if he had seen these things happen with his own eyes.

Hu Qing continued to ask, "Miss Selina, you should be secretly investigating and ambushed by werewolves, right? But why didn't you go back to the vampire's lair, but came to Seattle to seek my help? Did you find a spy inside the vampires? Or Kraven, the acting leader?"

"You... who are you?" Selina took a step back subconsciously.

No matter who it was, they would be shocked if the other party knew everything they had experienced, even things that only she knew.

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