Ten days passed in a flash.

The huge main body of the Legend Castle is always the first to be bathed in sunlight in the morning in the town.

Shaq, the big guy, got up early in the morning and started working hard.

In a scenic room in the castle, Hu Qing was also working hard in front of the window.

Kalinda's charming call always made him unable to stop working hard.

After the refreshing morning exercise, the two washed up and went downstairs.

Kalinda took Hu Qing's arm and asked: "Hu, Kelly was in the police station again last night. She seemed to have found some information."

"Yeah!" Hu Qing nodded.

After Selena left 10 days ago, perhaps out of guilt for cheating, he planned to go home to compensate Kelly and develop more postures with her.

But who knew that Kelly became very busy during this time. She made a breakthrough in her investigation of the town of Feitu and accidentally found key information.

Hu Qing knew from the beginning that Kelly was deeply obsessed with the disappearance of her grandfather and parents. If he could really find a result, he would be happy for Kelly.

Therefore, the compensation for developing new postures these days fell on Kalinda, and with Kalinda's full cooperation, the results were remarkable.

When the two went downstairs, the ghost chef Chen Dalong had prepared a table of breakfast.

However, Kelly still didn't come back.

Breakfast was over.

Hu Qing went to the basement of the castle.

The basement has two floors, both of which are very solid architectural designs and very large spaces.

Except for storing some wine on the first floor, most of the space is not used.

As for the second floor, it was already brightly lit, and there were sounds of fighting.

Hu Qing just came in and saw a figure flying out and hitting the wall next to him.

Looking at this figure carefully, it turned out to be Hobbs, who was covered in muscles. The only difference was that his eyes were white and there was a pair of fangs at the corners of his mouth.

He is now obviously a Pangu zombie.

Hu Qing asked Nutrilite and Bobby to select 10 members for transformation. In addition to Nutrilite and Bobby, Hobbs was the first one.

This transformation was actually based on the principle of voluntariness.

But after participating in more and more supernatural events, Hobbs did not have much resistance to transforming into a supernatural creature.

Power is not only a temptation, but also a responsibility for him.

In the movie, he is a good guy who sticks to the bottom line.

And now, he is a white-eyed zombie.

In a short time, he has the power equivalent to that of a demon leader.

A moment.

Nutrilite, Bobby, and other FBI also flew out and rolled on the ground.

It can be seen that these people also have fangs at the corners of their mouths, and their eyes and fangs are also silver-white.

With the help of Yu Zhi, the yellow-eyed zombie, they also have the strength of white-eyed zombies.

This is also the characteristic of Pangu's descendants. The stronger the strength, the faster the descendants can improve their strength.

For example, Yu Zhi is now a yellow-eyed zombie. With his help, the strength of the descendants he develops will quickly rise to the level of blue eyes, which is one level lower.

Naturally, this is also a limitation.

Except for special mutations, it is difficult for descendants to surpass, and they will always be one level lower.

Originally, the transformation of 10 Pangu vampires was to be carried out in the Mysterious Events Investigation Department, but something unexpected happened. Seattle FBI boss Tlin was suddenly promoted and a new boss came.

As soon as this boss came, he paid attention to the Mysterious Events Investigation Department. It seems that he also found that this department was a little out of control, and he actually tried to insert his own people into the Mysterious Events Investigation Department.

For the sake of caution, Nutrilite and Bobby let Yu Zhi bring people here for transformation, and deal with the FBI boss later.

If the other party is as sensible as Tlin, then they don’t mind living in peace. Otherwise, they have to consider separating the Mysterious Events Investigation Department from the FBI, or killing the FBI boss.

The Mysterious Events Investigation Department has developed to this point, and it is destined not to be controlled by politicians and ambitious people.

No politician can control this department.

Yu Zhi also clapped his hands and walked forward. When he saw Hu Qing, he said respectfully: "My Lord!"

"Mr. Hu!"

"Mr. Hu!"

Nutril, Bobby, Hobbs and other 10 FBI also stood up and greeted Hu Qing respectfully.

"Can they all control it freely now?" Hu Qing asked Yu Zhi.

Yu Zhi nodded and said: "They can now control their transformation freely. They are not afraid of sunlight and the props to deal with zombies. They just need to be careful when drinking blood. They will still be affected by some problematic blood. However, with the ability of their department, it is no problem to find fresh blood."

"Yeah!" Hu Qing nodded and said to Nutrilite and the others: "Okay, now you can go back. Now that you have become a white-eyed zombie, your strength is not weak. You can also deal with some tricky supernatural events."

"Thank you, Mr. Hu." Nutrilite's face was obviously more respectful.

This was influenced by Yu Zhi. After all, he is now a descendant of Yu Zhi.

Hu Qing asked Yu Zhi to send Nutrilite and the others back, then he left the basement, went up to the bell tower, and killed the three little demons summoned by Miguel today, harvesting 4,500 experience points today.

In these 10 days, his experience points have increased a lot.

The little demons summoned by Miguel provided 45,000.

Kalinda provided nearly 1,000, and she made great contributions.

Total experience reached level 23 62245/400000.

Hu Qing retracted his gaze, returned to the room, began to sit cross-legged, and entered the special training room.

After a moment, a lightsaber condensed around him and revolved around him.

This was practicing the attack and kill sword technique.

At level 23, several skills can be upgraded. The first one he chose to upgrade was the attack and kill sword technique. The reason was simple. With the Shura Axe, his melee power was the strongest now.

And improving the attack and kill sword technique can continue to enhance the melee attack.

In the past 10 days, he would practice the attack and kill sword technique whenever he had free time. He was only a little bit away from upgrading the level.

Sure enough, in less than 2 hours, Hu Qing received a reminder of skill upgrade.

Opening his eyes and looking at the skill bar, the attack and kill sword technique really became LV2.

"Attack and Kill Sword Technique LV2 (0/1400), the advanced sword technique of the warrior, has a total of 4 sword techniques, one can be learned at each level, and is not restricted by weapons. When performing sword techniques, there is a chance to trigger sword energy attack (LV2 probability increases by 20%): triggering consumes 40MP, releases a sword energy, attack +20, and can be upgraded to LV3 at level 27.

LV2 attack and kill sword techniques, not only the chance of triggering sword energy has increased, but the increased attack has also become 20.

In this way, with the upgrade adding 2 points of attack, plus the Shura Axe attack blessing, once the attack and kill sword technique sword energy is triggered, his attack can reach 82 attacks.

Even if the sword energy is not triggered, each attack has 62 attacks, and the demon lord can be easily killed.

Hu Qing stood up and was about to take a break and practice other skills when he saw Kelly walk in with excitement.

"Hu, maybe I found the reason why my grandfather and mother disappeared."

"Really? That's great."

"I need to go to the town of Feitu. "

"Kelly, you definitely need me."

"Well, I'm afraid something will go wrong if I go alone. Hu, I need you to go to Feitu Town with me."

Perhaps because she was too excited, Kelly pulled Hu Qing out while talking.

"Kelly, tell me what happened." Hu Qing also let Kelly pull him out.

He couldn't ignore Kelly's affairs, but the inexplicable disappearance of all the people in Feitu Town and the cover-up were obviously not simple. He must know the detailed information so that he can respond to avoid any problems.

"Hu, explain on the way. It's a long way to Feitu Town. "Kelly was a little impatient. Finding the reason for the disappearance of her grandfather and mother has always been her obsession. Now she wanted to take Hu Qing to the town of Feitu to find out.

Kelly quickly pulled Hu Qing out of the castle, but she didn't know that someone in the town was already monitoring the direction of the town from a distance.

In a car, a figure reported to the headset: "The target has entered a castle. I think she will go to Feitu Town soon. I will investigate the information. I think she must be anxious to try it."

A cold laugh came from the headset: "That woman did something bad at the beginning. This time, let her daughter help us open the door. Remember, set the target as her. The material for SSS-level power can only be used once. "

"Don't worry, the target has been set as her." Another voice sounded in the headset.

Outside the castle.

Kelly pulled Hu Qing out, and there was already a police car waiting outside.

"Mr. Hu, get in the car." Billy stuck his head out of the driver's seat and greeted with a smile on his face.

"Hu, I only brought Billy this time. "Kelly explained, "I'm afraid that there is something wrong with that town, and ordinary police officers will get into trouble."

After Hu Qing and Kelly got in the car, Billy started the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove out.

Soon, the police car left the town and drove in one direction.

Kelly also took out a stack of information and handed it to Hu Qing: "Hu, take a look at these materials, they are all about the town of Feitu."

"Yeah!" Hu Qing took the information and started reading.

The two did not notice that Billy, who was driving in front, glanced at the rearview mirror, and a playful look flashed across his mouth.

He stepped on the accelerator suddenly, and the car drove faster.

He didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain this time.

Seattle, Boskan District Police Station.

A female police officer entered the archives room to check the information, but a moment later, the female police officer screamed, attracting the police officers of the police station.

There was a naked figure lying in the archives room.

A police officer hurried over to check, and exclaimed a moment later: "It's Team Leader Billy! What's going on? "

The police officer checked immediately and found that Billy was just unconscious. He shook Billy hurriedly: "Captain Billy, wake up."

Billy woke up confusedly and looked at the police officer in front of him in confusion. Then, he found out what happened to him and cursed: "Fuck, what's going on?"

A police officer hurriedly explained: "Captain Billy, we don't know either. Dali found you unconscious in the archives room like this."

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