Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 285 Real and Fake Billy! Sudden change!

Billy's face looked a little bad when he heard the police officer's words.

He recalled the situation before he fainted.

He didn't remember why he came to the archives room?

It didn't matter.

He seemed to have received a heavy blow, and then his eyes went black and he knew nothing.

He was not an ordinary person, and ordinary people had no way to knock him out.

Moreover, the one who could make him faint without even the power to react could not be an ordinary person, but definitely a very terrifying supernatural creature.

Thinking of this, Billy's face looked even uglier.

He hurriedly ordered a police officer to find him a piece of clothing to put on, and then went directly to the monitoring room.

"Captain Billy."

The police officer in the monitoring room immediately stood up and greeted him.

Billy didn't even have time to respond, he sat down and started to operate, and in a moment he saw the surveillance video of himself entering the archives room.

What surprised him was that after he entered the archives room, a man wearing green clothes and long curly hair followed him into the archives room.

The key point is that there were police officers from the police station passing by this man, but those police officers didn't even notice this man.

"Did you see this man at that time?" Billy asked a police officer who followed him in.

Because this police officer passed by the man in the surveillance video.

The police officer widened his eyes: "I didn't see this man at all."

In the surveillance video, the man walked into the archive room as if nothing had happened.

Billy is not stupid, so he naturally knew that it was this man who knocked him out.

A moment later, something happened that shocked Billy.

He actually saw himself walking out of the archive room in the surveillance, then went to the deputy director's office, and drove away from the police station with Kelly, the deputy director, in a police car.

"Captain Billy, what's going on?" The police officer just asked embarrassedly.

"Damn, someone impersonated me." Billy subconsciously touched his body, trying to find a mobile phone to make a call, but was annoyed to find that the mobile phone was also taken away by the other party.

He left the monitoring room immediately, found a police phone, and called Kelly.

But a moment later, there was a message that the call could not be connected and the service area was no longer available.

On the highway, the police car moved forward quickly.

In the car, Hu Qing was holding the information in his hand and looking at it carefully.

The town of Feitu was originally very famous in Seattle because it was close to a bay and the corner of the Ala Mountains. There were mountains and water, and more importantly, there were low-lying hot springs.

Therefore, Feitu Town was also developed into a tourist town with a large scale and prosperity.

Otherwise, Kelly's grandfather, a wealthy man, would not have disappeared in this town.

To be precise, in addition to Kelly's grandfather, many wealthy people who came to Feitu Town for vacation disappeared.

The answer these wealthy families finally got was as officially announced. A terrible virus appeared in Feitu Town, most people died, and the survivors were moved to other places.

This statement has a lot of loopholes, but the official forces are promoting it, and this is the result in the end.

As for the families of the rich, after receiving the death confirmation, they rushed back to find a lawyer to divide the family property. None of them was like Kelly, who was unwilling to investigate the matter.

As for ordinary people, it is easier to fool them.

Of course, this is just the news announced to the public. What really happened in the Fenfeitu Town is not simple.

From the information that Kelly bought through special channels in New York and the findings of this period of investigation, it can be determined that a supernatural event occurred in the Fenfeitu Town, which led to the disappearance of people in the entire town.

After reading the information in his hand, Hu Qing found the two most important points.

A special light gate once appeared in the town and was photographed.

Moreover, a special knight on horseback appeared in the town.

The disappearance of the people in the town may be related to the light gate and the knight. Maybe the people in the town were taken into the light gate by those knights.

Moreover, this kind of thing happened in an aristocratic castle in ancient times. It was also a similar situation. A light gate appeared, a special knight appeared, and then everyone in the aristocratic castle disappeared.

There is also a legend that a young man picked up a fallen star, which was a crystal stone.

The young man also opened a door through the crystal stone and entered that world. When he came back, he told people about the legend of the terrible knight, but no one believed it.

This story seems nothing if it is taken out separately, but if it is put together, even a fool would think there is something wrong.

"Picking up a star..." Hu Qing murmured.

Why does this plot feel familiar?


The police car could see the outline of an abandoned town from a distance.

That is the abandoned Feitu town.

Billy drove the car into the town. After being eroded by time and no one took care of it, many buildings in the town collapsed, and the whole town was even covered with vines.

The car could not go forward after driving a distance into the town, so Hu Qing and his friends had to get off.

Kelly took some tools and an old map of the town to Hu Qing, pointed to a location on the old map of the town and said: "Hu, the place where the light gate was photographed is at this location. It was originally a church."

"Last night, I compared the photos I got before with other information. The light gate that was photographed at the time seemed to be opened in this church."

Hu Qing nodded and followed the map route to the location of the church.

Not long after the three entered the abandoned town of Feitu, a special convoy began to appear not far away.

There was obviously a vehicle with a satellite on top in the convoy.

At this time, several people in the car were staring at the satellite in front of them to shoot pictures and videos.

The pictures and videos were divided into frames, and they all shot scenes in the town of Feitu.

And one of the pictures and videos was actually Hu Qing and the other two heading towards the town church.

"After waiting for so long, we can finally start."

"After so many years, the woman's daughter came to the door herself. This is a gift from God."

"Once she can trigger the light gate, we will solve her as soon as possible. With SSS-level power, we can't let her have the opportunity to hinder us."

While the people in the car were talking, several teams wearing high-tech weapons got off the convoy and moved into the town.

In the town.

Kelly and Billy were already holding a knife and started to clear vines and weeds while moving forward. It took some time to reach the location of the town church.

The church had long been abandoned and collapsed.

"It should be here." Kelly was eager to run to the church.

"Don't worry, something is wrong." Hu Qing frowned and pulled Kelly: "The surroundings have just been cleaned up, someone just came here."

Kelly was too anxious just now, and now she calmed down, and sure enough, she saw that the vines and weeds around the church had been cleaned up.

"Be careful, go and have a look!" Hu Qing said, letting Kelly stay behind him, and then frowned and walked towards the church.

Someone got here before them.

At this time, there were several annoyed voices in the satellite monitoring car outside the town.

"Damn, who asked you to clean up this church?"

"Isn't this reminding them that there is a problem?"

"It's not our people who did it."

"The situation we filmed before was not like this."

Suddenly, a cry of surprise rang out: "What is this?"

This cry made everyone in the car look at a satellite monitoring video. At this time, it can be seen in the video that a pink mist suddenly appeared around the church, and it began to quickly surround the church, and it also spread to the surroundings.

This scene made the faces of the people in the car change again.

This sudden change was beyond their control.

In front of the church.

Hu Qing and the other two also found something unusual.

Before the three entered the town, they found the pink mist all around.

"Hu, what is this?" Kelly subconsciously leaned towards Hu Qing.

Hu Qing didn't know, and before he could react, the pink mist around them spread faster and covered them and the entire church in an instant.

The vision around them was restricted.

Beside him, Billy stared at one direction of the pink mist, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

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