Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 287 Kelly is a witch princess? Sudden attack!

If you suddenly see someone kneeling down to you, anyone would be confused and wonder if the other person is sick.

Kelly raised her knife and looked at the three women with this feeling, and then she also found something wrong with the three women: "You are banshees!"

There are always special ways to distinguish between the same kind, except for humans.

The royal sister nodded immediately and said respectfully to Kelly: "Your Excellency, we are also Saivan banshees."

Hu Qing was a little surprised. It was not the first time he heard the name of Saivan banshee.

Because Kelly and Kalinda are Saivan banshees.

And Saivan banshees are nobles among banshees, and their status is higher than that of ordinary banshees.

However, he has never seen ordinary banshees, but with these three, he has seen 5 Saivan banshees.

Among banshees, there won't be more noble Saivan banshees than ordinary banshees, right?

"Why are you kneeling to me?" Kelly saw the three banshees kneeling to her, obviously puzzled.

The queen banshee explained, "Don't you know? Your transformation ability is the noble among the Saifan banshees, and it is also the royal family among the banshees. For decades, only the queen has this transformation ability."

"Ah..." Kelly exclaimed in disbelief.

She didn't have this transformation ability originally, but she had this transformation ability because she used the crystal stone given by Hu.

She subconsciously looked at Hu Qing.

Hu Qing explained, "You must have that bloodline to strengthen the bloodline crystal."

He didn't expect that Kelly had such a noble bloodline among the banshees.

Before, he thought that every banshee would have the transformation ability like Kelly.

However, the three banshees knelt down immediately after seeing Kelly transform, and it seemed that there was a strict hierarchy among the banshees.

Kelly was a little shocked.

She didn't awaken the banshee bloodline at the beginning.

If she hadn't suddenly awakened when she was having sex with Hu, she would still be an ordinary person now.

The queen banshee said apologetically: "Your Excellency, I'm really sorry just now. We didn't know that it was you who had the blood of the queen who launched the attack with the magic mud puppet."

"Since you didn't know, it's not your fault. Get up first." Kelly ordered the three banshees.

Perhaps because they were of the same kind, she temporarily let down her guard against the three banshees.

After the three banshees stood up, she asked tentatively: "Why are you here?"

She guessed that the three banshees might also come because of the disappearance of the town of Feitu.

In response to Kelly's inquiry, the Banshee immediately explained: "We are here to find the queen. After the queen accompanied her human father to this town for vacation and disappeared, our Banshee tribe has no one to rule, and the crisis of division has appeared again."

"Moreover, the enemies of our Banshees have made a comeback. If we don't find the queen and unite the Banshees, we will have a disaster."

"Your queen accompanied her human father to this town for vacation and disappeared?" Kelly was stunned for a moment, then she subconsciously took out her mobile phone, called up a photo in her mobile phone and handed it to the Banshee: "Is it her?"

"It's Her Majesty the Queen!" The Banshee was actually excited when she saw the photo: "How do you have a photo of the Queen?"

Kelly opened her mouth in disbelief.

Her mother is the Banshee Queen?

"She is my mother!" Kelly also said to Hu Qing.

Hu Qing felt that the world was wonderful.

He had never thought that Kelly had this identity.

Then he would be the Prince Consort.

"Princess!" After hearing Kelly's words, the queen witch hurriedly bowed respectfully with the two loli witches.

They did not doubt Kelly.

Because the transformation of the queen's bloodline has already explained everything.

Kelly anxiously asked the Royal Sister Banshee: "Then you came to this church to look for the truth about my mother's disappearance?"

The Royal Sister Banshee did not hide it and nodded: "At that time, the queen accompanied her human father to this town for vacation. There were three elders accompanying them, but when the queen disappeared, only one elder escaped with serious injuries."

"We don't know the details. The elder died after giving a rough explanation."

"It seems that a light gate appeared in this town at that time. There is another world opposite the light gate, and there is a very scary creature."

"It seems that the queen entered that world and closed the light gate in order to prevent the scary creature from coming out. That world requires a special crystal that the queen once got to open it again."

"The elder took the crystal back at that time, but we have been studying it and have come to this town several times but have not made any progress."

"Until a while ago, we found that the crystal had fluctuated and a special rune was condensed, so we came back to check, but we didn't find it."

Hu Qing and Kelly looked at each other.

This seems to be similar to the information they have investigated, and they also know the important information on how to open the light gate.

Billy's eyes also showed a burning light, especially when he confirmed the news of another world.

He did not expect that there would be such an unexpected surprise this time. Perhaps this gain would be greater than his original purpose.

If he could control that world, wouldn't it be better than the recovery plan that his stupid brother was going to carry out?

The humans in this world have abandoned them, and those new guys are eyeing them covetously, so why not control another world?

At this time.

The royal sister took out a crystal stone that was all green, with terinary horns and runes.

Seeing the crystal stone, Kelly's eyes showed a hint of surprise, and she also took out a pendant inlaid with crystal stones from her collar.

The crystal stone on the pendant seemed to be the same as the crystal stone that the royal sister demon took out.

This crystal stone pendant was also one of the relics left to her by her mother.

Seeing this, the royal sister demon's eyes lit up, and she seemed to think of the reason why they had been studying crystal stones without progress.

She immediately handed the crystal stone in her hand to Kelly.

Kelly took the crystal stone, and just when she brought the two crystal stones close together, an accident happened. The two crystal stones suddenly lit up a bright light, as if they were attracted to each other, and the pendant was directly shattered, leaving only the crystal stone.

Kelly let go of her hand, and the two crystal stones actually floated up by themselves, and then they collided quickly, and one side was completely overlapped, and began to quickly restore unity in the light.

"No wonder the previous research was ineffective, there is more than one crystal stone." The royal sister demon and the two loli demons were very surprised.

On the side, Billy looked at the two crystals with greed.

He knew that this was the key to open the door to the world these people talked about. To control that world, one must first master this key.

But before he could do anything, footsteps suddenly sounded outside the church.

Then, a very strong force suddenly rushed in from outside the church.

This force was very strong and seemed to appear very abruptly.

It was a special blue energy.

Hu Qing also discovered this sudden energy.

But before he could react, this energy suddenly collapsed and turned into countless special starlights, rushing straight to Kelly at a faster speed.

The speed of the blue starlight was very fast and even more difficult to resist. Before Kelly could react, she was flooded with countless blue starlights.

Kelly suddenly felt weak all over, the power in her body was suppressed, and she directly exited the transformation state.

"Hit her."

"Go in and surround her."


With a few shouts, teams of figures armed with high-tech weapons rushed into the church and directly surrounded Hu Qing and the others.

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