Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 288 Laser weapons! There is another SSS-level force!

Those people entered the church, aiming their high-tech weapons at Hu Qing and the others.

A man with two knives on his back walked in, his eyes burning as he stared at the two crystals that were merging.

He immediately said into the headset: "We have taken control of the situation. The woman with SSS-level power can't exert any power now, and there is a new discovery. There are actually two of those crystals."

A surprised voice came from the other side of the headset: "Get rid of all the guys who are in the way, and then control the two crystals. This must be the key to opening that world."

Outside the town, the people in the satellite monitoring car were obviously excited.

After so many years, the plot for that world has finally taken a step forward.

Now the global population, resources, environment... crisis is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more contradictions are generated.

And that world can make them the saviors of the world.

In the church.

The man with two knives on his back also stopped and shouted directly: "Get rid of them all."

Billy's face was gloomy when he heard this.

He was about to take action, but someone came to make trouble.

Besides, who gave the other party the courage to snatch food from a tiger's mouth?

Billy rushed directly towards the man with two knives.

Whoosh! ~


Two strange sounds rang out.

The high-tech weapons in the hands of two of them shot out a beam of white light, which hit Billy at an extremely fast speed.

Billy was hit and flew backwards. He rolled on the ground twice and then stopped moving. White smoke was still coming out of the place where he was hit by the white light.

Hu Qing looked at the high-tech weapon subconsciously.

This seems to be a laser weapon.

In the previous life, I saw this kind of weapon appear in Hollywood movies.

But after traveling to this world, I really haven't seen this kind of weapon.

The key is that this weapon is obviously more powerful than normal weapons. These people are not simple to take out this kind of weapon.

"Billy." Kelly looked at Billy worriedly.

She was now weak and couldn't do anything.

After dealing with Billy, those people pointed their laser guns at Hu Qing and others.

Hu Qing instantly hugged Kelly and dodged backwards. Almost at the same time, lasers fell on the place where he was standing, stirring up dust and making the ground bumpy.

"He dodged it. He was very fast."

"On the left, locked on to him."

Several figures wore glasses on their eye sockets, with data and lines appearing on them. It was another high-tech product.

In an instant, the others raised their laser guns and aimed at the position where Hu Qing appeared.

Then, another laser was shot at Hu Qing.

Hu Qing flashed out again at the moment when the other party raised his gun.

The power of this laser was unknown, and he didn't dare to resist it casually.

Those laser attacks missed again and hit the wall behind, creating gaps in the wall.

Bang! ~

Hu Qing directly broke through a wall while holding Kelly and rushed out.

"Ah!" A miserable howl sounded.

Three banshees rushed out after Hu Qing, but the queen banshee rolled on the ground, holding her abdomen with a pale face, trying to stand up with difficulty, but she couldn't do it at all.

Her abdomen was hit, and blood gushed out like a spring through the gaps between her fingers pressing the wound.

Hu Qing stared at the church with a gloomy face.

He didn't like to kill his own kind, and if the other party was looking for death, he didn't mind fulfilling their wish.

Putting Kelly down, he raised one hand to the sky, and a stream of terrifying flames instantly appeared above him out of thin air, and then gathered.

The three banshees almost immediately discovered the abnormality, and they all showed shock when they saw the huge fireball that condensed.

They could clearly feel the terrifying power of the fireball.

In the church.

The man with two knives on his back saw Hu Qing leading people to escape from the church, and sneered: "Don't let them escape, don't leave any of them."

In an instant, those figures holding laser guns chased out of the church.

But as soon as they rushed outside, they all stared at the huge fireball with a diameter of 6 meters.

In the church,

He was about to look at the fused crystal stone, and suddenly found that the instrument in his hand began to jump letters quickly, starting from A, then to B, C... and then stopped at SSS.

"How is it possible, that woman is obviously infected." The man exclaimed.

Outside the town, in the satellite monitoring car, there were also several exclamations.

"SSS? How is it possible?"

"Didn't that woman already get infected?"

"Where does this SSS-level power come from?"

The reason why they stopped the plan before was because they found that the other party had SSS-level power, and they needed time to bring materials to deal with SSS-level power?

Now that the woman has been infected, it is impossible for her to exert SSS-level power.

Could it be that the other party still has an SSS-level power? This is definitely a fatal mistake.

In the church.

The man holding the two swords had his eyes wide open in horror. Through the broken hole in the church, he could see the flames covering everything and pressing down with a terrifying heat.

He could even see the air twisted by the steam under the heat.

Bang! ~

The man only felt a violent impact outside, and then he saw the wall in front of him being torn apart and overturned by a terrifying impact.

He almost subconsciously lay on the ground, and felt a terrifying heat wave and countless rubble rushing over his head.

When he calmed down, he looked around. The church was shaking a little. The wall in front of him had completely collapsed. Outside the wall, there were broken limbs and bodies. The bodies of the people he brought were torn into pieces and completely charred.

Obviously, these teams chased out and gathered in the area in front of the church. Facing the group attack of the big fireball, no one could escape.

Even the pink mist around was dissipated by the power of the big fireball, leaving an empty area.

This also allowed the people in the satellite monitoring car to see the satellite footage again.

Looking at the charred bodies with broken limbs and broken bodies, the faces of the people in the car all became very ugly.

Several teams of elites were actually solved like this.

Just now, they were blocked by the fog and didn't even know what happened.

In the church, the man with two swords on his back had a look of fear on his face: "This... is this SSS-level power?"

The next moment, Hu Qing appeared in front of him and slowly walked into the church.

The man was shocked, jumped up suddenly, and drew out the two knives on his back to slash at Hu Qing, but unfortunately the speed was too slow and the force was too much.

Hu Qing easily raised his hand and grabbed the two knives and held them in his hand. Even with his current defense, the opponent's blades could not cause any damage in his hands.

The man was even more frightened when he saw this scene, but the next moment he found that his hands loosened and the two knives had fallen into Hu Qing's hands.

Before the man could react, he found himself flying up, and then he saw his headless body, and the flush neck cut was sprayed with blood.

As a head rolled to the ground, the man finally welcomed the swallowing of darkness and spent the last second of his life.

At the moment of the man's death, everyone in the satellite monitoring car was silent.

The last green light on a monitor went out.

This is to monitor the life information of the action team members, which now means that all the action members who entered the town have died under that SSS-level power.

"These damn supernatural creatures, they deserve to die."

"Why can't we master such power."

"Why are you hindering us? Whether he is SSS-level power or not, he will die. Try to use that thing."

"The people in the car looked at each other and finally nodded in unison.

In addition to the material that can deal with SSS-level power, they also brought a modern weapon that can destroy everything.

One person took the walkie-talkie and gave an order: "Pull out the ground artillery and aim at the direction of the church to destroy them."

A transport vehicle lifted the green canvas, and a high-tech artillery armor appeared on it.

You can see that there are 9 huge half-meter shells exposed outside the muzzle.

If someone sees this weapon, they will be terrified.

These 9 shells can probably destroy a large area directly.

This is their other means.

If the material that can deal with SSS-level power fails, or even when a crisis occurs, then this thing is their plan B.

One person quickly operated the artillery armor.

"Start locking the target!"

"The target has been locked! "

An electronic sound rang out on an electronic screen of the armored artillery, and the screen was connected to the scene around the church taken by satellite.

At this time, an aiming icon had locked onto Hu Qing who came out of the church.

"Begin the countdown for the attack! "

As the operation was performed, the electronic sound sounded again, and then, a series of whistling sounds rang out, and the shells whistled out with rapid flame tails.

Hu Qing dealt with the man with two swords and returned to Kelly's side.

Although the blue light that the other party had just created did not cause any harm to Kelly, it made her feel weak all over. Even if he cast a healing spell, it had no effect.

This also made him relax a little.

In other words, Kelly did not lose HP now, and the blue energy just now could only limit her strength.

Suddenly, Hu Qing raised his head and looked outside the town.

He could clearly see the shells flying in, at a very fast speed, and they rushed into the town before he could even react, and the target was right here.

Hu Qing did not have time to think, and at that moment he directly cast the Soul Fire Talisman. A dense amulet appeared around him, at an extremely fast speed. They covered the incoming shells and collided with each other less than 50 meters above the shells.

At that moment, Hu Qing hugged Kelly and protected her under his body.

The power of the Soul Fire Talisman also exploded instantly, impacting the shells, and then a series of loud noises appeared in the sky.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

Following the continuous loud noises, a dazzling light appeared in the sky, and waves of terrifying flames instantly swept around.

At that moment, the space in that area was filled with terrifying flames, which was extremely terrifying.

Hu Qing could feel the terrifying impact and heat 50 meters away.

Even the buildings below that area were directly shattered by the upward and downward force, and then a raging fire ignited.

The people in the satellite monitoring car all looked at this scene with ugly faces.

They knew the power of this armored artillery very well.

"It was... It was intercepted!"

"This... SSS-level power is too terrifying. "

"Let's go, let's go quickly. We don't have any trump cards to deal with the SSS-level power now. If we are discovered, our position will be bad. "


These people panicked.

In an instant, they saw this mysterious convoy turn around and quickly flee from here.

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