Loki looked at the thunder power above his head in surprise.

Thunder is the power of the royal family in many pantheons, and even most of the time it belongs to the power of the king of gods, such as Odin of their Norse pantheon, Zeus of the Greek pantheon, and Shiva of the Indian pantheon...

Their power is the power of thunder.

Even if other main gods master this power, it is difficult to exert too much power, and they cannot compare with Zeus and his people.

As for human magicians, there are fewer who can master the power of thunder, and the power they can exert is also weaker.

Even if such magicians exist, all pantheons will be eliminated at the first time and defined as blasphemers.

After all, the gods must maintain the purity of the power of Zeus, Odin, Shiva... these kings.

Loki did not expect that the magician he met today was not a pure fire magician, but a blasphemer.

In an instant, Loki swung a green magic energy and hit the lightning spell.

Loki sneered.

In addition to being a warrior, he is also a powerful magician.

Using magic power to deal with him is definitely the most difficult to work.

Boom! ~

The green magic energy instantly hit the lightning spell.

The two energies made a dull collision sound, and a shock wave instantly swept around, as if a strong wind was set off.

But then, Loki found that a series of electric current aftermath rushed towards him and fell on him.

Loki instantly felt numb all over, his body trembled slightly, and his slightly curly hair stood up.

"Damn it."

Loki cursed in annoyance, staring at Hu Qing with an increasingly unfriendly expression.

If this level of lightning power was placed in ancient times, he would not have to take it seriously at all, but now he couldn't resist it completely.

It's really an era that is very unfriendly to gods.

Hu Qing frowned and looked at Loki.

The power of his lightning spell has now reached the level of 58 magic, but it was actually resisted by Loki.

Although the aftermath also fell on Loki, the power seemed a bit ridiculous.

In this era, the gods have declined, and many gods have even lost their power, but gods of Loki's level obviously still have strong power.

The lightning spell with a power of 58 magic is ineffective.

This Loki is probably the strongest one he has met, except for Crowley and the yellow-eyed demon Azazel.

And at this moment, Loki's body began to tremble again. This time it was not struck by lightning. As he trembled, his body began to split into a second Loki, a third, a fourth, a fifth...

In a blink of an eye, Hu Qing saw more than a dozen Loki.

Similarly, he also saw the names that appeared on those Loki.

[Loki Clone]

[Loki Clone]


This seems to be a clone magic.

More than a dozen Loki rushed towards Hu Qing.

Hu Qing did not dare to hesitate, and instantly cast Hellfire, and a terrifying wave of fire instantly swept towards those Loki.

But in an instant, those Loki rushed out of the Hellfire. Although each clone was in a mess, the Hellfire failed to completely defeat them.

At this moment, a series of soul fire symbols had already shot out and met these Loki.

Bang! ~

Bang! ~

A series of impact sounds were heard.

The power of those soul fire symbols impacted those Loki. As the flame-like power exploded, those Loki were also impacted and flew out, making a sound like breaking in the air, and all dissipated one by one.

Loki's clones were obviously not that difficult to deal with.

A sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded at this time, and a Loki suddenly rushed to Hu Qing's front, and slashed at Hu Qing with the double blades in his hands.

The clone was just a trick, and the original body was the killer move.

Seeing this, Hu Qing instantly had a ring of fire on his body and spread out.

After resisting the ring of fire, he exerted telekinetic pressure on Loki again.

Loki had a ferocious murderous look on his face, and slashed at Hu Qing with his double blades. He thought he had succeeded, but the sudden impact of the ring of fire made his body stagnate for a while, and he lost a lot of strength.

Before Loki could react, he felt a huge pressure on his body.

Resisting the fire ring or the telekinetic pressure alone obviously couldn't deal with Loki.

But the two together made Loki's face look surprised.

Then, another thunder appeared above his head and fell down instantly.

This time, Loki obviously didn't have time to resist and was directly hit by the lightning spell.


Loki's angry curse sounded instantly. He had designed a killing move, but who knew that he was countered by the opponent.

In an instant, he felt the terrifying power of the lightning spell and knelt on the ground instantly.

But at this moment, a crystal appeared on his body, and a series of divine power runes emerged from it, which began to spread all over his body to resist the power of the lightning spell.

Crack! ~

The crystal also shattered and dissipated instantly, and similarly, Hu Qing's lightning spell was also resisted.

But obviously, Hu Qing had the upper hand again.

Loki also flashed, and immediately distanced himself from Hu Qing: "This is really an infuriating era. Blasphemers like you had no right to live in ancient times. Today, I will kill you too."

As he spoke, twisted ripples suddenly appeared around Loki, and thick green mist surged out from under the ripples.

The monster's voice also rang out in the mist.

The next moment, I saw 3 giant snakes, 3 giant wolves, 3 giant one-horned horses, and 3 giant bats with strange shapes.

The size of these four monsters is very huge, each one is nearly 5 meters.

As soon as they came out, they screamed, and strong energy fluctuations surged through their bodies.

Hu Qing's eyes lit up when he saw these four monsters. This must be a great experience, right?

Moreover, this seems to be a kind of summoning technique.

Thinking of Loki's great experience of fucking snakes, wolves, horses, and bats, he couldn't help but think maliciously, this guy wouldn't sacrifice his body in order to perform this summoning technique, would he?

After all, the snakes, wolves, horses, and bats that were fucked by the other party were all monsters and gods in Nordic mythology.

These 12 monsters rushed towards Hu Qing as soon as they appeared.

Regarding the monsters summoned by Loki, Hu Qing did not dare to slack off. As soon as he thought about it, more than a dozen amulets (thunder and lightning) appeared in his hand.

The soul fire talisman was cast, and those talismans flew out.

At the same time, streaks of thunder appeared in the sky above these monsters, and instantly fell on those monsters.

In an instant, those monsters let out shrill howls, and at the same time, their bodies were torn apart by the lightning technique, exploded into rain of blood, and fell to the ground.

【Experience +6500】

【Experience +7000】

【Experience +6000】

A row of experiences instantly appeared in Hu Qing's mind, a wave of 12 experiences, a total of 75,000 experiences.

This made Hu Qing stunned.

Do these monsters summoned by Loki have this much power?

This is simply a gift of experience, okay?

If Loki summons more waves, the experience gained will be great.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing looked at Loki expectantly and said, "These guys you summoned are too weak. How about you summon some more?"

"Hahaha!" Loki laughed at this time and sneered: "Do you think these monsters are summoned to fight? They are just materials, materials for magic."

As soon as he finished speaking, crystal stones suddenly poured out of Loki's body.

Those crystals flew out instantly, floated around Hu Qing, and then exploded.

Before Hu Qing could react, the corpses of the monsters on the ground instantly decomposed and turned into scarlet magic runes that floated up and headed straight for Hu Qing.

Hu Qing subconsciously avoided it, but the magic runes followed him like a shadow and couldn't be avoided at all.

But being entangled by the talisman, he didn't get any hint of HP reduction, and it didn't cause him to be harmed.

Only then did Loki's laughter sound: "This is the purpose of summoning them. Blood Curse Magic can block any magician's magic. This is my exclusive magical skill, Loki. I am the God of Magic."

Hu Qing was stunned when he heard this, and tried to use the thunder and lightning technique on Loki, but found that the thunder and lightning technique really couldn't be used.

One of the main gods of Northern Europe, the legendary Loki, indeed has some abilities.

"So, your death has come, and now in the name of God, I will judge the end of your life." Loki raised his double blades again and ran straight towards Hu Qing. This time, the opponent would not be spared.

The two swords were raised and slashed towards Hu Qing.

At that moment, Hu Qing swung out the golden sea soul in his hand. However, at the next moment, he took back the golden sea soul and turned it into a Shura ax in his hand, slashing at Loki fiercely.

Loki looked at the giant ax hitting him and was obviously stunned for a moment. He didn't even notice how the opponent had changed his weapon.

Clang! ~

The double blades collided with the giant axe, and sparks exploded.

"How could..." Loki exclaimed immediately. He felt a huge force coming from the double blades. In shock, he was sent flying by the impact and rolled to the ground.

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