When Hu Qing saw Crowley, he asked immediately: "Sir Crowley, does it seem that there is news?"

"My people have indeed sent me the news. The other party took action faster than I expected." Crowley nodded, and as he spoke, his eyes were suddenly attracted by Thor, revealing an incredible look: "Demon Lord?"

Crowley was obviously shocked. This strength was improved too quickly.

He knew how long this hellhound was born. It was impossible for it to grow into a demon leader in such a short time, let alone a demon lord.

But now this hellhound has indeed become a demon lord.

Could it be that the mutant hellhound he was experimenting with had some kind of mutation?

Thinking of this, Crowley suddenly felt a little annoyed. He was too excited to get the Satan silver coin before, so why did he lose the little guy?

What was the purpose of his experiment on the mutant three-headed dog? Or was it not to control the hellhound clan?

But the hellhound king was created by Lucifer and only obeyed Lucifer's orders. The key is that the dog is still very powerful and rules most of the hellhounds.

He just wanted to make a dog to replace the hellhound king?

But the experiment has never been successful.

Who would have thought that this little guy who was accidentally lost by him would have such potential?

"Woo woo woo!" Thor saw Crowley staring at him and barked at him.

This made Crowley's heart twitch.

Originally his dog, now it was completely abducted by someone else, and it looked like it was going to bite him.

Inexplicably sad.

The key is that he is now an ally of this human for the time being, and he has no way to seize this hellhound.

Besides, there is that power behind the human, and he doesn't want to do anything rashly without figuring out who that power is.

Crowley still looked at Thor, he was unwilling, maybe he could borrow this hellhound, and then with other female three-headed dogs...

"Woo woo woo!" Thor barked at Crowley again.

It always felt that the guy in front of it had bad intentions towards it, and after barking, it hid behind Hu Qing again.

"This little baby is so cute." Crowley smiled awkwardly, then took out a Hell Soul Grass that exuded a special orchid light and handed it to Hu Qing: "Drop a drop of your blood on it, and it can be activated." Hu Qing was still on guard against Crowley, so naturally he would not do what Crowley said. He first put the Hell Soul Grass into the inventory. As long as Crowley tampered with this thing, he would definitely not escape the system's notes. "Hell Soul Grass: A special plant that grows in hell. It is very rare. It can keep living beings in hell from being affected by the hell environment, air, magic, and other conditions. It can also simulate the breath of demons, so that other demons think it is a companion. Time limit: 48 hours." Hu Qin took the thing out again after reading the notes and dropped a drop of blood on it. Crowley seemed to still have integrity and did not tamper with the thing. The Hell Soul Grass instantly absorbed Hu Qing's blood, and turned into a faint orchid light that penetrated into Hu Qing's body. Then, Hu Qing felt that he was somewhat different, and a trace of demonic energy began to emerge on his skin, making him look a bit like a demon.

"Hu, you can enter hell safely now, but I still have a favor to ask you for." Crowley suddenly said, "I will send a few demon lords to follow you, and please deal with the demon lords under my command."

"Kill your men????" Hu Qing looked at Crowley in confusion.

And there is also this good thing of giving away a big experience package?

Crowley explained, "Before Azazel appeared, many demon lords did want to nominate a king of hell, but after Azazel appeared, especially knowing that Lucifer might be rescued, some lords' mentality changed, otherwise why would Azazel escape every time I chased him..."

Hu Qing understood.

Crowley absorbed Satan's free energy and advanced to the level of the King of Hell. Therefore, when there was no King of Hell in Hell, the demons pushed him to the position of the King of Hell.

But suddenly they found that Lucifer, the King of Hell, might return. How could Crowley compare to Lucifer? Some demons regretted it.

Simply put, Crowley was a spare tire.

So in the later period of "Supernatural", Crowley repeatedly asked the Wen brothers for protection. This was really helpless. First, he couldn't beat the villains in the later period, and second, there were really no demons available.

Now Crowley naturally wanted to use his hands to clean up this kind of demons.

"Sir Crowley, how many do I need to kill?" Hu Qing would naturally not refuse this kind of experience that came to his door. A demon lord has a lot of experience.

"Kill them all." Crowley said coldly.

"Uh!" Hu Qing was stunned.

Crowley had already cast a spell. After a moment, a red energy vortex appeared, forming a special passage.

"Hu, let's go!" Crowley called out and went directly into the passage.

Hu Qing followed closely behind, leading Thor into the passage and into a dim palace.

Crowley waved his hand, the passage disappeared, and he smiled and opened his hands and said, "Hu, welcome to hell. You should be the first human I have seen who entered hell alive."

Hu Qing looked around.

The palace's architectural structure was dark and gloomy.

Moreover, as soon as he entered the palace, Hu Qing felt a suffocating smell of sulfur in the air.

Ordinary people living in this kind of air will soon die of sulfur poisoning without being attacked by demonic energy.

But because of the Hell Soul Grass, the sulfur had no effect on him.

"Woooooo!" Thor shouted, looking around, looking left and right.

There's something familiar about it.

At this time, a female devil with a hot figure, wearing an OL suit and black stockings came out.

This demon's eyes are purple-red, a special type of eyes among demons.

She is a crossroads demon.

The Crossroads Demon is also the only demon Crowley can trust, after all, he was originally the King of Crossroads Demons.

It's a pity that the Crossroads Demon is good at trading, not fighting.

And, it has to be said, the all-female Junction Demon is really pretty, pretty in the truest sense of the word.

This female crossroads demon looks a bit like a Hollywood female star in his previous life, but her figure is much hotter than that female star.

When crossroad demons trade with humans, they will always perform rituals such as kissing, or even deeper rituals, as long as your soul is not enough to attract them.

It's no wonder that Crowley has risen so quickly. All the female demons under his command are like this, and many men will get dizzy and trade with them, and finally give up their souls.

The female devil came in, seemed to be in a good mood, and paid homage to Crowley: "King."

"Elizabeth, it seems that you are in a good mood. You should have gained a lot of souls." Crowley had a good attitude towards the female devil. He also did not forget to introduce Hu Qing: "Hu, this is my most powerful business. Member, Elizabeth Hurley.”

"Let me tell you, her trading methods are different from other crossroad demons. She likes to pretend to be Satan. Sometimes she even lets her male colleagues pretend to be God to play with humans."

"Moreover, when making deals with humans, she also likes to test humans. She allows the other party 7 chances to realize her wish. In fact, she also gives humans 7 chances."

"Because there is always a clause in her contract: as long as the humans involved in the transaction have any desire for selfless dedication, the contract can be terminated."

"Unfortunately, all the people who have been dealing with her have been obsessed with power, fame, beauty, money... and have ignored this self-rescue clause."

"The Wishes of Gods and Ghosts"?

Hu Qing thought of a movie he had seen in his previous life. In the movie, a female devil with a hot and sexy figure who liked to wear OL suits and black stockings signed a contract with the male protagonist to make a deal, allowing the male protagonist to make 7 wishes. In the end, the male protagonist The Lord made a wish with selfless devotion, and finally invalidated the transaction contract.

No wonder Crowley, the ace salesman, looks so much like the Hollywood actress from his previous life.

I see.

"Wang, who is this?" Elizabeth also looked at Hu Qing in surprise, especially Thor at his feet.

It was a terrifying three-headed hell dog, probably with the power of a demon lord.

She had never seen Hu Qing, but it was definitely more terrifying to have a three-headed hell dog at the level of a demon lord by her side.

"He...well, he is the Death Lord, Death Hu. This time he will lead those lords to destroy Azazel." Crowley thought and made up an identity for Hu Qing.

"I've seen Lord Death!" Elizabeth smiled and bowed to Hu Qing, then reported to Crowley: "King, those demon lords have gathered in the main hall outside."

"Hu, go meet those lords!" Crowley and Hu Qing made an invitation, and then led Hu Qing outside.

This scene puzzled Elizabeth.

She felt that this Death Lord was not simple, and the king's attitude did not seem to be towards his subordinates.

In a moment, Hu Qing followed Crowley into the hall outside, and saw six weird-looking demons at a glance.

Some of these demon lords have scales, some have horns, some have several hands, some have long tails, and some have similar appearances to humans.

The only difference is that these demon lords have strong fluctuations and demonic energy surging in their bodies.

As soon as they saw Crowley coming out, these demon lords looked at Crowley and Hu Qing.

"King!" These demon lords all knelt down on one knee towards Crowley.

"Get up, you also know what you are called to do. There is news about Azazel." Crowley said to these demon lords: "You are all one of the demon lords who first elected me as the king of hell. If you let me If Azazel releases Lucifer, it will not be easy for you."

"This is Lord Death. His name is Hu. I gave him the power to kill Azazel." Crowley pointed at Hu Qing and said, "Wait a minute, he will lead you to the gate of hell. And I will go out with great fanfare first and lure those ancient demons away. Then you can leave through the secret passage of the palace. Remember, you cannot let Azazel survive this time, and you must disperse the demon army summoned by the other party. ”

When the demon lords heard Crowley's words, they all responded: "Yes, King!"

Crowley also looked very satisfied with the attitude of these demon lords. After a moment, he turned into a scarlet smoke column and rushed out, eager to attract the ancient demons.

He was not too worried about Hu Qing. With that power behind humans, Azazel was doomed. As for the demon army, they were all temporarily assembled. They were not subordinate demons of Azazel, nor would they be loyal. They would not dare to fight against high-ranking demons. As long as Azazel died, they would scatter.

Hu Qing complained that Crowley's strategy was a bit too rough and a bit too impatient. Wasn't he afraid that these demon lords would be suspicious?

However, when Hu Qing looked at the six demon lords, he found that these guys didn't seem to doubt it. It seems that the rumor that most demons don't like to use their brains is true.

It's just right to be brainless, after all, these are six experience pigs.

The experience of the demon lords is not low.

After Crowley left, the six demon lords looked at each other.

One demon lord looked at Hu Qing with an inexplicable look in his eyes, which was a kind of teasing.

Will they be unlucky when Lord Lucifer comes out? It's not certain who will be unlucky...

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