Hu Qing exited the illusion and put his equipment back into the inventory when he heard hurried footsteps outside the door.

The door was opened and Kalinda walked in with two slave demons: "Hu, did you bring them back? They actually fought over housework."

Hu Qing brought these slave demons back and just told them to work without telling Kalinda.

He never thought that these slave demons would fight over work.

Do they really regard work as their life?

The two slave demons started yelling when they saw Hu Qing.

"Sir, I started working first..."

"Sir, he worked very slowly..."

Hu Qing glared at the two slave demons, scaring them so much that they dared not speak. Then he looked at Kalinda and explained: "Kalinda, they are a special kind of demons, harmless, and they only think about working."

"As long as they are given work to do, they will be very happy, and they don't have to pay wages. From now on, they are our servants."

"In addition, they are absolutely loyal and will not do anything to harm us."

Kalinda put the two slave demons down in surprise.

There are such demons?

She asked again: "Hu, do they have their own names?"

Hu Qing was stunned: "No."

Kalinda asked: "Should we give them a name?"

Hu Qing smiled and said: "Of course, you are the mistress, you have the right to give them a name."

As he said, he said to the two slave demons: "Call all your companions to meet the mistress, she will give you a name."

"Name?" A slave demon was suddenly stunned.

"Master is going to give us names?" The other slave demon couldn't believe it.

The two slave demons looked at Hu Qing excitedly, and even couldn't wait to get a definite answer.

Hu Qing reacted, most of the demons in hell didn't have names.

There are only three ways for demons to get names.

The first is to become a high-ranking demon, that is, to reach the level of demon lord, so that you can give yourself a name.

The second way is to be given a name by the demon lord you belong to. This naturally requires that you are liked by the demon lord. It is rare for each demon lord to name the demons in his territory.

The third is to transform into a subordinate demon and use the same name as the demon lord you belong to.

For example, the group of Beelzebub we met before, their name as a group is Beelzebub.

And the demons who can have names are all liked by their lords, and their status is also higher, which is completely different from other demons.

In hell, countless demons are eager to get names, and these slave demons are the same.

So, they are so excited when they hear that they are going to be named.

Hu Qing nodded to the two slave demons: "Well, I'll give you names and call them all over."

"Ah, names!" A slave demon ran out excitedly.

"Name, name..." Another slave demon also reacted and shouted while running.

Kalinda looked at this scene in amazement: "Hu, they seem to care whether they have names or not."

Hu Qing nodded and explained: "Well, in their hearts, we give them names, which means we like them and that they are different."


The other slave demons were all found back, standing side by side in front of Hu Qing and Kalinda, saying in unison: "Master, mistress."

"Hu, they are very smart." Kalinda was obviously very satisfied with the title of mistress: "Then I can give them names."

"Well, okay!" Hu Qing nodded.

"What should I call them? I need to think about it seriously." Kalinda said, but she was worried.

When she really wanted to give names, she found that she didn't seem to be very good at it.

But looking at the expectant eyes of the 11 slave demons, she could only bite the bullet and say: "Hu, how about giving them serial numbers as names?"

"Uh!" Hu Qing thought that this banshee could come up with some names, but this is the result?

But he was not good at naming, let alone 11 at a time, so he decisively accepted Kalinda's suggestion and said to the slave demons: "Then your name is Hu Yi, your name is Hu Er..."

After a while, from Hu Yi to Hu Shiyi, these slave demons had their own names.

"Master, Hu Yi wants to work!" Hu Yi shouted again.

"Master, Hu Er also wants to work!" Hu Er also shouted.

"..."Hu San


After having a name, the 11 slave demons were very excited, and then they started to beg to work again.

Hu Qing looked at Kalinda: "So, mistress, you can arrange their work now."

Kalinda was very interested and said to the 11 slave demons: "Go and clean all the yachts in the lake."

Hearing the order, the 11 slave demons almost immediately rushed out the door, as if they were afraid of falling behind and not doing enough work.

Hu Qing and Kalinda walked to the balcony and saw Hu Yi and his men rushing to the artificial lake in a moment. They even rolled and crawled in order to keep up with the work.

Kalinda sighed: "It's amazing that there are such demons in the world."

Hu Qing smiled and asked: "Kalinda, why did you come back so early today?"

Kalinda explained: "I packed my luggage and took a case. I am going to go on a business trip with Jenna. However, based on our experience, it is probably not a supernatural event, but they pay more money."

"Well, then you should be careful and call me if you have anything." Hu Qing smiled and said.

Kalinda Detective Agency is actually a well-known paranormal detective agency now, and it often receives paranormal cases.

However, most of the cases had nothing to do with supernatural events, and the few supernatural cases were trivial and did not require his intervention. Kalinda and Jenna easily solved them by themselves.

It's just right that Kalinda is on a business trip now. After all, he has to go to JO's bar, and he will definitely have to spend the whole night with JO to gain experience and won't be able to come back. This saves him and Kalinda the trouble of making up excuses.

"But Jenna and I's flight is at night!" Kalinda said, hugging Hu Qing charmingly: "Hu, Kelly is not here. In order to prevent you from making mistakes, I will squeeze you dry first. It leaves you with no energy to do bad things.”

As soon as he spoke, Hu Qing found that his defense had been lifted by Kalinda, and then he was violently thrown to the balcony by the banshee.

[Experience +1]

[Experience +1]

When the sun went down and night fell, Hu Qingcai and Kalinda came out of the bathroom. Kalinda got dressed and gave Hu Qing a satisfied kiss before heading out to the airport with Jenna.

Just as Kalinda left, Hu Qing reappeared in the backyard of the bar with a teleportation.

If you have many girlfriends, sometimes it is inevitable that you need to keep moving.

Thanks to Uncle Da for the teleportation.

The light on the bar door was on, but the door was half closed and it was still not open.

Hu Qing walked into the bar and saw JO wiping his hands listlessly at the bar.

"Hu!" When JO saw Hu Qing coming in, surprise appeared on his face and he rushed towards him.

"Where are Dean and Sam?" Hu Qing hugged JO and asked.

JO replied: "Ellen called. They won't be back until tomorrow morning. Ellen actually left me this time. I decided to ignore her for a month."

After hearing this, Hu Qing realized that he still didn't know where the Gate of Hell was.

He has teleportation and can travel back and forth easily. It would take time for Sam Dean and others to get back from the Gate of Hell.

JO then turned his attention and said, "Hu, they won't come back until tomorrow. There's no one in the bar right now. I miss you so much..."

"Let's close the door!" Hu Qing understood instantly, hugged JO and closed the door of the bar, then carried her towards the bar.

The bar soon became charming.

On the other side, the Wen brothers who came back encountered trouble.

On a night road in the forest, there were two cars driving quickly in the dark.

It was Sam and Dean who were in the two cars.

John said: "Sam, you can find a motel first and go back tomorrow morning."

Sam, who was driving, nodded immediately, but suddenly, he saw a figure jumping out of the woods and landing in the middle of the road.

Sam was shocked and immediately stopped the car. Bobby behind him also stopped the car and got out of the car. When he saw Sam, he asked: "What's going on?"

"Someone is there." Sam replied, then walked forward and found that lying in the middle of the road was a very beautiful woman with blood stains on her body. "There's something wrong with her. She doesn't seem to be a normal human being." John stepped forward and frowned.

"There is no evil spirit." Dean also nodded and stepped forward to help the woman up: "Beauty, wake up!"

It seemed that the call had worked. The woman opened her eyes, but said in a daze: "Come on, Olympus...gods..."

After saying a word, the woman fell into coma again.

At the same time, Sam and Dean subconsciously looked towards the forest. There was movement inside. After a moment, they saw two figures slowly walking out of the shadows in the forest.

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