The forest suddenly seemed very quiet.

Dean and Sam had subconsciously leaned together.

Bobby, Ellen, and John also took out weapons to fight monsters from the car at the first time.

The long experience of exorcising monsters made them sense a murderous aura and a faint evil aura at the first time.

"There are two guys." Sam reminded.

"Here they come." Dean also shouted.

Two figures really jumped high from the grass in the forest and landed on the road. Although they were all human figures, there was a purple evil light in their eyes.

"A few humans." One of the figures said calmly.

"Deal with them and take her back. The adults want the crown of divine power in her body." The tone of the other figure was also calm.

They obviously ignored the Wen brothers.

Or they didn't take humans seriously at all.

This also annoyed Dean and Sam.

What is the life creed of the two brothers? Fight if you don't obey, no matter what kind of monster you are.

Dean was already holding a cross silver sword, rushing out at a very fast speed, and slashing at one of the figures.

As the blood of the saints of the Winchester family was gradually stimulated, his physique was also rapidly strengthened, until he could withstand the power of Cain entering his body.

And this cross silver sword was once obtained by him in the ruins of a church, blessed by the holy light, and many evil monsters would be hurt by this special silver weapon.

The figure showed a playful look when facing the silver cross sword, and flashed up, and when the cross silver sword slashed down, he grabbed Dean's arm holding the sword.

The speed was faster than Dean.

Dean was shocked.

"Still an ignorant human exorcist." The figure looked at the cross silver sword technique with disdain, kicked Dean out with one foot, and hit a big tree across the road, knocking down countless fallen leaves.

Seeing this, John also held a hatchet stained with the blood of the saint and chopped at the two figures.

The blood of the saints dates back to ancient times and contains strong supernatural power, and can also deal with most kinds of supernatural monsters.

In the countless years of exorcism heritage of the Winchester family, they have many such props, and the trunk of the Winchester brothers' car is almost full.

This is also the reason why the two brothers want to apply for the Stars and Stripes COSPLAY membership card.

First, they can better pretend to be FBI, plumbers, decorators, priests... Anyway, if they are exposed, they are COSPLAY enthusiasts experiencing it.

Second, these exorcism props naturally become COSPLAY props.

Unfortunately, John just rushed to the two figures, and one of the figures waved his hand, and actually condensed an energy rune to hit John, and directly hit John out.

Seeing this, Bobby and Ellen also waved the exorcism props in their hands to attack, but they were also hit by the energy runes condensed by the two figures and flew out, spitting blood and rolling on the ground.

After a while, John reminded in a panic: "What a strong force, they are not ordinary monsters."

"Monsters?" One of the figures was angry when he heard this: "Ignorant humans, we are gods. The gods are declining, and you seem to have forgotten to respect the gods. Sooner or later, the sacred fire of Olympus will shine on the earth again."

"Olympus? How is it possible?" Bobby was obviously shocked when he heard this.

Allen and the Wen family were also shocked.

They knew that gods existed, and even saw many exorcism cases where gods were killed, but those gods were transformed by phantoms, and they were created by energy similar to faith.

The Olympian gods are another kind of gods.

This kind of gods is very old and powerful. Even many records record that the gods transformed by phantoms are not recognized by these gods at all, and they will even be eliminated as heretical gods.

But the Olympian gods have long disappeared in history, and have never shown their divine power as in the legend.

Now they have encountered such gods? Is this bad luck? Just solved the problem of the gate of hell, this trouble came again.

"Kill them." Another figure has already approached Sam and the others with a cold face.

Sam did not dare to hesitate at all. He immediately raised his hands and aimed at the two figures. His expression began to change slightly, and a trace of black air began to appear in his eyes.

In an instant, the figure suddenly stopped as if it was under a huge pressure. Affected, the body even bent subconsciously.

This is the power of the devil, and it is also a kind of telekinetic pressure.

Azazel once gave Sam the blood of the devil to drink when he was a child and conducted experiments.

This time, he and Zack were both stimulated by the power of the devil's blood. It is precisely because of this, coupled with his own Abel's saint blood blessing, that the latter power can easily control the devil, and even have the ability to drag Lucifer into the seal again.

"Damn, this is the power of the devils in hell." Another figure cursed. He also felt that special power and his body was slightly bent under pressure.

The two figures looked gloomy, and the next moment the runes on their bodies surged faster, their energy fluctuations became stronger, and their bodies began to slowly straighten up, obviously trying to get rid of Sam's attack.

Seeing this, Sam could only grit his teeth and even hold his breath, so that he could concentrate and slowly press the bodies of the two figures down.

But he also had a nosebleed.

He was desperately trying to control the demonic power in an overloaded manner, and even the black air in his eyes became thicker and thicker.

The two figures felt the pressure on them increase again, staring at Sam fiercely, with murderous intent in their eyes.


"He won't last long."

"Don't take us too seriously." Winchester-John stood up, went directly to the back of the car and took out a bucket of clean water, then took out a cross necklace with sacred attributes and threw it into the water.

"Holy water?" Ellen was stunned.

John hurriedly said: "Whether they are gods or not, they carry a dark evil spirit on their bodies, and holy water must be useful."

After saying that, John recited the spell to make holy water, but he suddenly stopped halfway through, and looked at Ellen in astonishment as he took a small bucket of fluorescent liquid from the car and poured it at the two figures.

"Glowing holy water! This kind of thing actually exists." John was surprised, looked at the bucket of water in his hand, and silently put it down.

The two figures screamed in an instant, and their skin began to be rapidly corroded by the holy water, and black gas was madly emitted.

Just as John guessed, the dark evil spirit of the two figures made the holy water have a great effect.

Allen was relieved to see this. This was all that was left of the bucket of holy water Hu had sent before. Fortunately, it worked.

The two figures were panicked. Stimulated by the corrosion of the holy water, they could not resist Sam's telekinetic attack with all their strength.

Suddenly, a gust of wind sounded, and Dean took the opportunity to rush forward and swung the cross silver sword to cut it.

The two heads flew up in an instant and rolled to the ground.

Everyone was relieved until the two bodies fell to the ground.

No matter whether these two guys were gods or not, they had been solved anyway.

Sam was also relieved, but suddenly his body softened and fell down.

"Sam, how are you!" Sam hurried forward to hug Sam.

Sam fainted because of the overload of demonic power, which caused great damage to his body.

John frowned and said, "Let's leave here quickly. If these two guys have companions, we will be in trouble if they come."

"What about this woman?" Bobby asked, "She seems to be a trouble."

"Take her with you, otherwise she will be in danger." Ellen decisively stepped forward and picked up the fainted woman and walked towards her car.

The two cars started and left quickly.

As John guessed, two women appeared at the same place again soon.

"They were killed, and there seems to be human breath."

"Go back and report to Lord Ares."

The two women frowned, picked up the two bodies, and rushed into the forest at a speed that humans could not reach.

The night passed quickly.

Hu Qing and JO woke up from the room.

A night of madness gave JO's pretty face a charming ruddy look.

Satisfied women always look radiant.

"Hu, do you want to get up?" JO leaned lazily in Hu Qing's arms: "Ellen and the others will be back in the morning, they should be here soon."

"Get up!"

"I'm going to take a shower!"


Hu Qing looked at JO's perfect body and followed him in decisively. In a moment, JO turned into a musician in the bathroom and sang beautiful songs.

[Experience +1]

It took them a long time to finish composing the beautiful music, came out and dressed, and then left the room and entered the bar hall.

The bar hall was in a mess, especially the bar counter, where decorative objects rolled to the ground, and many tables and chairs were also overturned.

The bigger the bar is, the bigger the battlefield is, and the wider the coverage of the artillery fire is.

The whole bar needs to be tidied up.

"Hurry up and don't let Ellen see it when she comes back." JO said with a blushing face.

It took some time to tidy up the bar, and two car sounds were heard outside the bar.

"It must be Ellen who is back." JO showed a happy look on his face and opened the door of the bar to greet him immediately.

Hu Qing followed and saw the iconic vintage car of the Wen brothers.

However, after Ellen and the Wen brothers got off the car, they were all a little embarrassed. Sam seemed to have problems and was supported by Dean with a pale face.

"Ellen, are you okay?" Seeing this, JO hurriedly went up.

Dean also saw Hu Qing and hurriedly said, "Hu, treat Sam quickly, he is in a very bad condition now."

"Dean, what happened to you?" Hu Qing asked with a frown. The two brothers were obviously fine when they separated at the gate of hell.

Dean hurriedly explained, "Hu, we encountered a trouble when we came back. We met two guys who claimed to be gods..."

Hu Qing also cast a healing spell on Sam. After 5 consecutive healing spells, Sam's face returned to ruddy.

This also shows that Sam's HP has exceeded 300. It must be that the devil's power and Abel's bloodline have been stimulated.

"Hu, thank you!" Sam said.

"Ellen, who is she?" JO looked at Ellen in confusion as he helped a beautiful woman out of the car.

"I'll tell you later." Ellen said and looked at Hu Qing, saying, "Hu, please treat her too, her injuries are quite serious."

Hu Qing looked at the woman that Ellen was helping and was suddenly stunned.

Because he was familiar with this woman, and he could even say that he was familiar with every inch of this woman's skin, and it turned out to be Cynthia.

The goddess spirit was a little weak at this time, and when she saw Hu Qing, her face showed an incredible look, obviously she had never thought of meeting this man in this situation.

These people who saved her actually knew Hu?

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