Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 321: Revenge for being cheated on by Ares!

In the bar!

After learning about the gods from Cynthia, the Winchester brothers and their father John became nervous, and then took out the Winchester family's exorcism notes, trying to find out if there was any way to deal with gods like Ares.

Bobby, Ellen, and JO also found several stacks of information to check.

After all, it was the Winchester brothers who killed two of Ares's men, and Ares would definitely settle accounts with them.

This kind of enemy is something they have never encountered before.

Even Cynthia is helping.

This time, being injured by Ares made her clearly know how powerful Ares is. Even if she is now protected by Hu Qing, she hopes to find another way to deal with Ares and help Hu Qing.

Everyone is busy, and Hu Qing also begins to estimate Ares's power.

In "Supernatural", the gods are declining, and the power of gods is generally not strong. Only those main gods with the crown of divine power can still maintain some power.

If you can have the source of the divine body, even the power will not be affected at all.

Unfortunately, only the ancient gods have the source of the divine body. The surviving gods, even Zeus and Odin, do not have the source of the divine body.

Or they do not know how to condense the source of the divine body. The ancient gods almost all perished in the incident in Purgatory. In addition, they absorbed the power of human faith to increase their strength quickly, and they also focused more on developing believers.

Who could have known that humans would eventually develop to this extent?

And among the gods, Odin, Zeus, and Shiva's wife Parvati should be the strongest.

Odin was busy launching a war against the new gods and had no time to be distracted by the World God Conference.

Zeus was busy lingering among the female stars and models in the Hollywood entertainment industry.

So, in "Supernatural", Shiva's wife Parvati was the leader of the World God Conference and finally died at the hands of Lucifer.

Now Ares wants to participate in the leadership, so he should have considerable strength, otherwise he will not be recognized.

In this way, Ares is likely to have the same power as Zeus and Odin.

Loki, the god of magic, is Odin's brother and one of the most powerful gods in the Norse pantheon. In the era of the decline of the gods, his power should not be much different from Odin.

In other words, Ares is stronger than Loki, the god of magic, but he should not be much stronger.

Compared with the time when he dealt with Loki, the god of magic, his power has also increased a lot. With many trump cards, there is no problem dealing with Ares.

Instead, he is more looking forward to Ares's arrival, wanting to see how capable the Greek god of war is.

Although the gods are declining and no longer have the glory of the past, killing gods is still exciting. After all, in the legends of mankind, gods are always high above, and humans seem to be ants in their eyes.

This is a typical human mentality.

It's like he had this human mentality when he first slept with Cynthia, the goddess of the goddess.

Time passed, and soon the sun set.

The Wen brothers and Bobby were more or less impatient.

They still couldn't find a way to deal with gods like Ares.

"Everyone, take a break and eat something first." Ellen prepared dinner for everyone, and then asked everyone to stop and eat something together.

It was late at night.

Ellen made arrangements for everyone, because she didn't know when Ares would come to the door, so it was best not to separate everyone, so Ellen gave her room behind the bar to Cynthia, and she rested at the bar.

There was also a recliner in the bar.

"Sam, Dean, John, Bobby, you go to the car to rest." Ellen said to a few people, and then she cleaned up at the bar.

As for Hu Qing, she didn't need her to arrange it at all, and she must have gone into her daughter's room.

Dean and the other four naturally had no objection. As exorcists, they had spent a lot of time sleeping in the car in the wild.

The four people went out, and when they got to the car, they opened the car door and saw a car driving into the small parking lot of the bar.

The Wen brothers looked over and saw a middle-aged man with an ugly face coming down. He was holding a silver cane in his hand and limped into the bar.

"Is it him?" Bobby was surprised to see the middle-aged man.

"Bobby, do you know this man?" Dean asked curiously.

John said, "Vulcan is also famous among the older generation of exorcists because he is very skilled in making exorcism props. It's just that it's not easy to ask him to make exorcism props."

Bobby also echoed, "It's just that this Vulcan is very low-key and doesn't show up much. You young people rarely know him. Ellen is one of the contact points of the Exorcist Guild. He should have something to do."

This aroused the interest of the two brothers and they followed in.

After all, they often need some exorcism props when they exorcise demons.

John and Bobby also followed in. They were also a little curious about this Vulcan.

In the bar.

Cynthia suddenly stood up.

"Sister Cynthia, what's wrong with you?" JO asked.

Cynthia frowned and said, "A spirit has come outside."

Hu Qing also looked at the door of the bar and sensed that someone had come outside.

The next moment, a lame middle-aged man with a cane walked in.

Allen just came out with a recliner and frowned when he saw the lame middle-aged man, "Sir, our bar is closed today."

The lame man said, "Is this the contact point of the Exorcist Guild?"

"It turns out that you are an exorcist, and I am one of the contact points of the Exorcist Union. I wonder if you want to inquire about information or replenish supplies?" Ellen's attitude immediately improved.

Everyone is an exorcist, and she knows very well how dangerous the job of an exorcist can be sometimes.

She promised herself that this place would become one of the contact points for the Exorcist Guild, and she also hoped to help those colleagues.

But the lame middle-aged man sat in front of the bar and said to Ellen: "You don't mind giving me a glass of wine first. I heard that the homemade wine at your contact point is good."

Ellen nodded, took out a bottle of wine under the bar, poured a glass and handed it to the lame middle-aged man, and then reminded: "Sir, this wine is a bit strong, don't drink too much in one sip."

The lame middle-aged man drank the glass of wine in one gulp, and then said without finishing his thoughts: "The wine is indeed strong enough. By the way, my name is Vulcan."

Ellen was immediately surprised when he heard the name: "Vulkan, the master of exorcism weapon manufacturing!"

Naturally, she had heard of the name of the exorcist Vulkan, but he had not appeared in the exorcism world for a long time.

"It seems that someone still knows about me!" Vulgan smiled and added: "But let's get down to business. The Wen brothers killed two of Ares's men. Ares must have come here now. "

"Everyone knows that Ares is a murderous person, and he will deal with his enemies ruthlessly. Your situation is not good."

Ellen was startled by these words. He took out a shotgun from under the bar and pointed it at Vulcan: "Who are you?"

Hu Qing also walked towards the bar, his eyes already locked on Vulgan.

Sam and Dean, who came in from outside, also heard Vulcan's words and subconsciously closed the door of the bar.

Vulcan looked back at Cynthia slightly and said, "Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm. I'm just here to tell you how to deal with Ares. I also want Ares to die."

"How do you know that we killed Ares' men?" Cynthia asked with a frown.

Only they and the people in Ares should know about this matter. It is impossible for outsiders to know about it, and there is definitely something wrong with those who know about it.

Vulkan smiled and said: "After the gods declined, the world among the gods was actually very small, and many things could not be hidden from each other. What's more, the gods have declined. Modern society pays attention to money and power. Ares conquered God and his descendants will definitely be loyal to him, why can’t there be someone arranged by me? This is not the ancient era when the majesty of the Lord God was supreme.”

Cynthia couldn't refute these words. Isn't her profession as a goddess a female internet celebrity?

As for why you became a female internet celebrity? Isn’t it just to make money?

Hu Qing said curiously: "Do you have a grudge against Ares?"

These words made Vulcan's face become a little gloomy, and he said fiercely: "Does he need to be killed to take revenge on his wife? There was no chance before, but now that he appears again, there is no chance that there will be no chance."

When Hu Qing heard this, he subconsciously looked at the top of Vulcan's head. It turned out that he was greened by Ares.

Cynthia was suddenly surprised and said: "You are Hephaestus, and Vulcan was your pseudonym in Rome."

"It's him!" Brothers Dean and Sam were both surprised.

Who would have thought that an exorcist skilled in exorcism tools would be that god.

Hu Qing was not surprised that a god became an exorcist. Compared with a god who accompanied him as a dancer, an exorcist was at least more decent.

He was more surprised by Vulkan's identity, but he was not surprised why he wanted to kill Iris.

Hephaestus is the god of fire, the god of forging, and the god of cuckolds in Greek mythology.

His wife is the goddess of love, who is known as the most beautiful goddess. It is said that this goddess of love dislikes her lame husband and likes the powerful god of war Ares, and then the two have been living together for a long time.

This was eventually discovered by Hephaestus.

Hephaestus used the threads of a terrifying monster from ancient times to make a golden net specifically to deal with Ares. When both the God of Love and Ares had removed their defenses, they were covered by a golden net. Ares will spend a lot of time destroying the golden network.

But during this time, Hephaestus had already invited the gods to watch the ceremony, making Ares embarrassed in front of the gods.

From that day on, the Goddess of Love hid in her temple and refused to go out or see Hephaestus, because she was ashamed of her own behavior and worried that she would suffer further revenge from Hephaestus.

As for Ares and Hephaestus, they naturally hate each other and hate each other.

Moreover, Hu Qing also remembered at this time, isn't Vulkan the unlucky Vulcan in "American Gods" who was approached by Odin, coaxed into making a sword and then killed by Odin?

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