Vulkan was unlucky to be killed by Odin.

Who let him be found by this unreasonable guy Odin?

Odin is bent on launching another divine war, and the gods he seeks out are his enemies if they don't follow him to defeat the new gods.

Vulkan didn't want to get involved in this war at all, he just wanted to remain neutral.

His attitude is: You, Odin, ask me to make a sword and I will help you make it. The New God asks me to make bullets, and I will make them too.

But Odin is unhappy. If you don't obey me, then go to hell.

After Odin tricked Vulkan into forging a weapon, he killed him.

However, after knowing Vulgan's identity, Hu Qing also had thoughts.

In the world of exorcism, this guy is an exorcist who is very good at making exorcism props, but what he is really good at is making weapons with divine power.

What would happen if the other party could imitate and transform the Colt gun, and create a gun that could not only deal with demons, but also supernatural monsters, and then mass-produce it?

If it is used by Kelly, JO, Kalinda and others, or even equipped to people in the Mysterious Event Investigation Department, then there is no need to worry about demons and monsters below the power of the King of Hell.

This kind of thing cannot be done by others, but it should be possible for Vulkan, the god of forging.

Vulkan didn't know that he was being targeted, and suddenly said: "You can go to my trunk and take a look, it should give you a surprise."

Dean and Sam looked at each other. Their minds were smart and they guessed something. They immediately left the bar and went to Vulcan's car.

In a moment, Dean and Sam walked in holding a very special golden fish net.

Everyone guessed that this should be the legendary golden net that trapped Ares.

Vulcan said: "The net used to deal with Ares was destroyed. This net was made with some ordinary materials. Although it is far from comparable to the previous net, the gods have declined, and Ares The power cannot be compared to before. I hope this network can help you."

"Your Excellency Hephaestus, thank you very much." The effect of Cynthia's net will definitely help her man. At least when this net captures Ares, Hu can attack Ares calmly.

"No need to thank me, but I hate the name Hephaestus." Vulcan stood up and waved his hand: "Okay, it's time for me to leave. I hope you have the ability to kill Ares, otherwise, even if you use This net is useless."

After saying that, Vulkan walked out of the bar.

Although he wanted to kill Ares, he also knew that Ares was very powerful. He didn't know if these people could kill Ares. He came to deliver this net just to hold Ares at least disgusted. thought.

Suddenly, when Vulkan walked to the door, his expression changed: "Damn it, why did this evil star come to the door?"

Vulkan sighed, hurriedly walked back to the bar and sat down, and then said to Ellen: "Please pour me another glass of wine."

Ellen didn't understand what happened to Vulkan suddenly, but still poured Vulcan another glass of wine.

Vulkan picked up the wine glass, but this time he did not drink it immediately. Instead, he frowned while holding the wine glass, something was obviously wrong.

"Another god is coming." Cynthia also said at this time.

Hu Qing frowned slightly, JO's bar was a little busy today, the gods were coming one after another.

At this moment, there was another car sound outside the bar.

A car pulled up in the bar's small parking lot.

A middle-aged man wearing a white suit and a short trench coat and a black man walked down.

The middle-aged man's glasses are actually different colors. The black man is very strong and has a shaved head.

The bald black man frowned and asked the middle-aged man in the trench coat: "Wednesday, why did you come from that small town to this old small bar again? Is the person you are looking for here?"

"Is he in there? It's not easy to find him." Wednesday walked into the bar with a smile. As soon as he entered the bar, he looked at Vulcan at the bar.

Vulkan also turned around and saw Wednesday coming in, and his expression turned bitter.

Hu Qing looked at the two people who came in and was stunned for a moment, because the clothes of these two people looked too familiar to him.

Isn't this the Shadow and Odin in "American Gods"? They thought of each other just now, but the other party immediately appeared.

Odin assumed the alias Wednesday and was planning to declare war with the New Gods.

According to the current time, the other party obviously came to Vulkan to help build the Sword of Odin.

In other words, the death of Vulkan, the god of fire and forging, is coming.

"It's him!" Cynthia exclaimed, obviously recognizing Odin.

Odin also looked at Cynthia and said in surprise: "It seems that I am lucky this time. I met a god with a crown of divine power. This goddess, maybe we can talk about the current situation facing our gods."

"Sorry!" Cynthia only said two words.

She knew that Odin wanted to get her to join him, but she had no interest in getting involved in the so-called divine war launched by Odin. Many gods were avoiding him now.

"That's such a pity. A god with a crown of divine power should be able to accomplish a lot." Odin looked very sorry when he heard Cynthia's words.

However, after being rejected so decisively, the corners of his eyes twitched obviously, and he began to feel annoyed.

Hu Qing also frowned slightly at this time. He accurately discovered that something was wrong with Odin.

Moreover, he had watched "American Gods" and was very clear about Odin's character. In order to defeat the new gods and make humans believe in him again, he had completely gone to extremes and was out of control.

In this extreme situation, anyone who agreed with him was a close brother or sister.

Anyone who did not join was either killed by him as a traitor to the old gods under the pretext of being a traitor, or sold to the new gods as a stepping stone, so that the new gods could deal with the old gods and force the old gods to join.

He could even treat his son Thor in this way, and finally forced Thor to commit suicide.

The gods declined, the gods lost their power, and Thor, the god of thunder, was no exception. Thor was even so poor that he could only perform in the theater to break stones on his chest to make a living.

With the outbreak of World War II, Thor had an opportunity to completely restore his divine power. That was when the mustachioed leader, who had absorbed part of Satan's power through the Judas silver coin, wanted to create another powerful artificial god of war.

The people of the Thule Society under the Führer approached Odin and wanted to cooperate, that is, to make Thor a combat hero through the battlefield, let the army believe in him, restore his divine power, and become the God of War.

Under the arrangement of the Thule Society, Thor did begin to restore his divine power during the invasion of the Führer's army, but before he could be happy, he found out that his father's cooperation with the Thule Society was to let him recover a certain amount of divine power and then let him fight with the resurrected person created by the Thule Society (Chapter 79), and the condition was that Thor must lose to the strongest resurrected person.

In other words, Thor was a stepping stone at the beginning, first let his prestige reach the extreme, and then use him as a wedding dress to achieve the strongest resurrected person.

In this way, the strongest resurrected person will be able to directly replace this prestige and become the new God of War.

As the God of Thunder, Thor is proud, and he almost collapsed after knowing his father's deal.

But even so, Odin forced Thor to achieve his goal, and finally Thor chose to commit suicide for his dignity and pride.

Later, a group of saints, elite exorcists and the mustache leader perished together, the Thule Society was destroyed, and Odin was left empty-handed.

As a human being, Hu Qing had no good feelings towards Odin. After all, humans advocate dignity and freedom, and what Odin wanted to do was to make humans believe in him again.

What is the belief in the gods? That is to be a spiritual slave, constantly providing the power of faith to the gods.

Odin didn't pay much attention to Hu Qing at all.

For him, the humans of this era, even those exorcists, were not a threat.

"Vulkan, old friend, you made me look for you." Odin smiled and walked to the bar, sat next to Vulkan, and then said to Ellen: "Madam, do you mind giving me a glass of wine?"

Ellen frowned, but still took out her own brewed liquor and poured a glass for Odin.

Vulkan drank the liquor in the glass in one breath, and then said with courage: "Wednesday, I don't want to get involved in your affairs. I'm used to my current life."

Odin was rejected again, and his face was not good: "Vulkan, it seems that you have betrayed us, betrayed our old gods."

Vulkan immediately said: "I didn't, Wednesday, you can't accuse me of this."

"I didn't wrong you, you are already making bullets for the new gods." Odin snorted coldly, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Vulcan said immediately: "Wednesday, it's not like that. They came to me and I had to do it. Moreover, I gave them the same answer. I just want to remain neutral."

This made Odin sneer, but in the blink of an eye, he smiled and said to Vulcan: "Old friend, since you are in this position, I won't force you. However, since you have helped the new gods to make bullets, do you also have to help me make an Odin sword? This is neutrality."

"Okay!" Vulcan breathed a sigh of relief and did not refuse Odin's request.

But he didn't know that in the plot of "American Gods", when the Odin sword was completed, Odin would use it to kill him.

"Then let's go now. There is no time to lose. I don't have much time to waste." Odin stood up with a smile and drank the wine in his hand.

Vulcan nodded, stood up and followed Odin to walk out of the bar.

But just as Odin passed by Cynthia, he suddenly said, "Goddess, I think we should talk again."

The next moment, a special space fluctuation appeared, covering Odin and Cynthia, and then, Odin and Cynthia disappeared in the bar.

This scene shocked everyone in the bar.

"What's going on? Why is Sister Cynthia gone?" JO frowned and asked Vulcan.

"God's kingdom!" Vulcan explained, "Although it's just a small piece of ruins."

Hu Qing frowned, he knew what was going on.

In "American Gods", those former gods all have their own kingdoms, Zeus's Olympus, Odin's Asgard, although the gods' kingdoms were broken after the gods declined, there were always some ruins left, and Zeus and Odin opened them with enough power to enter.

And in the ruins of the kingdom of the gods, Odin and Zeus, as the king of the gods, can exert stronger power in the kingdom of the gods.

Odin used this to kill the enemy.

At this moment, a prompt suddenly appeared in Hu Qing's mind:

[Found the entrance to the special space, do you want to enter? ]

After a whirlpool-like tearing feeling, Cynthia found that the surroundings had turned into a dim space.

Cynthia's face suddenly became ugly. She didn't expect that the Crown of Divine Power she got through Hu would always bring her troubles, first to Ares, and then to Odin.

Odin stood opposite Cynthia and said jokingly: "Since you don't want to contribute to the old gods, please lend me the Crown of Divine Power. I will find a suitable owner for this Crown of Divine Power."

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