Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 323 Invasion of the Kingdom of God! Powerful Odin!

Odin looked at Cynthia jokingly and walked towards her slowly.

Cynthia decisively grasped the crescent pendant on her neck, and a series of blue bright lights lit up from the pendant, turning into a curved half-moon and rushing towards Odin in an instant.

Odin sneered, dodged the attack with a flash.

"Don't bother, you are not my opponent." Odin accelerated his pace and said with a teasing tone: "In fact, I don't understand why some gods can go forward in order to regain their glory, while some gods are willing to become cowards?"

Cynthia frowned and said: "Odin, everything you do is meaningless. You are just for yourself. You might as well participate in the World God Conference instead of participating in your so-called battle formation."

"Humph, the World God Conference is important, just as important as the wars of those new gods." Odin snorted coldly, and his figure flashed, and he also came close to Cynthia.

But at this time, he was stunned, and a figure appeared in front of him and Cynthia.

Hu Qing had already put on his equipment, holding the Shura Axe and slashing at Odin without saying a word.

Odin's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously dodged backwards, avoiding Hu Qing's axe attack.

"Impossible, how did you get in?" Odin looked at Hu Qing in disbelief.

This ruins of the kingdom of God, he, the king of God, had not used magic, and no one else could get in.

But now a human actually ran in.

Moreover, the opponent's axe attack just now was very fierce.

"You deserve to die?" Odin looked at Hu Qing with a gloomy face.

This ruins of the kingdom of God is his trump card, and this uncontrollable situation in front of him made him feel a sense of crisis.

The next moment, a set of armor appeared on Odin's body, and a very terrifying breath began to surge.

"Hu, be careful!" Cynthia felt this power and reminded immediately.

Hu Qing nodded and stared at Odin.

He had seen "American Gods" and knew that the other party was not wearing real armor, but an illusory form, which was the effect given by the ruins of the kingdom of God. This also allowed Odin to exert stronger power in the ruins of the kingdom of God.

Of course, this illusory form is not unique to Odin. As long as the former king of Asgard can have this ability.

In "American Gods", Odin almost died in the hands of the previous king of Asgard in the ruins of the kingdom of God.

And this king of God was also an unlucky guy calculated by Odin. If Odin hadn't calculated him, Odin would not have become the king of Asgard.

"Human, you will regret breaking in here." Odin raised his hand and a golden rune was swung towards Hu Qing with a surge of energy.

This golden rune is very strong. Before it gets close, people can feel the oppressive fluctuations.

Hu Qing immediately performed the assassination sword technique, and the blue axe light on the Shura Axe condensed, and it suddenly slashed out, impacting Odin's energy.

A violent impact instantly spread out in all directions.

Under this impact, Cynthia subconsciously dodged backwards to avoid it.

Hu Qing frowned, put on his equipment and Shura Axe, and then performed 10 attacks of assassination swordsmanship. His previous attack reached 82.

This attack was actually comparable to Odin's casual attack.

Odin is much stronger than the god of magic Loki.

"It's really surprising that a human has such power." The murderous aura in Odin's eyes became more intense: "Unfortunately, this is my domain, you will not be my opponent."

"Your domain?" Hu Qing snorted coldly and immediately performed the fire wall technique.

[MP reduced by 500! ]

In an instant, in an area around, a series of ground fires instantly impacted and formed a dense fire wall coverage.

Odin was surrounded by flames, and his energy surged, easily dispersing the flames, and then he said disdainfully: "This kind of flame... Damn, what's wrong with this flame?"

Odin's curse sounded again. These flames were obviously easily impacted by his energy, but in the blink of an eye, they condensed again, as if there was no end.

This is naturally because the fire wall has not expired.

But Odin has no way to ignore these flames.

He can only condense energy around him to block those flames outside his body.

This will undoubtedly affect his energy. In the blink of an eye, this area seems to have become the opponent's domain.

Hu Qing's weapon in his hand was instantly replaced by the Golden Sea Soul. He raised his hand and cast another lightning spell on Odin.

The thunder instantly condensed above Odin's head and fell.

Odin had almost no extra reaction time. He raised his hand and condensed the golden rune energy again to resist.

The thunder and lightning exploded, and Odin's condensed energy was also dispersed.

Hu Qing frowned even more deeply. The lightning spell with the power of 81 magic still failed to hurt Odin and was completely blocked.

Odin also frowned at this time.

He blocked the thunder, but he also felt a trace of thunder rushing into his body. This human could actually have such a terrifying thunder magic.

Then, Odin suddenly found that his whole body turned green, and the green just appeared and turned into scarlet.

"What kind of weird magic is this?" Odin was shocked to find that his body was corroded by a force, and this corrosive force could not be resisted by his urging power.

After Hu Qing performed the poison spell, he immediately changed to the Shura Axe, performed the assassination swordsmanship, condensed an axe light and took the opportunity to attack Odin.

When Odin came to his senses, the Shura Axe had already attacked him.

Bang! ~

Another violent impact erupted, and Odin was finally pushed back by the dual effects of poison and fire wall.

Hu Qing's face lit up. Although this skill's full attack still failed to cause substantial damage to Odin, he could defeat Odin by continuing to attack like this as long as the effect of the paralysis ring was triggered.

Hu Qing rushed forward and attacked Odin, but suddenly, he felt a palpitation.

In front of him, a strange light appeared in one of Odin's eyes, locking him firmly.

Hu Qing was shocked and almost forgot about this. He retreated almost instantly and distanced himself from Odin, retreating to Cynthia's side, and at the same time, a crystal stone appeared on his palm.

Odin also has a trump card, which is one of his eyes. He hides a power from his past in it. Once this energy erupts, it will be several times stronger than his current power.

Hu Qing knew very well that he could not hurt Odin even if he used all his trump cards. Facing this trump card of the opponent, he would definitely be in trouble.

Moreover, the opponent's energy locked his aura, and I'm afraid that the invisibility spell would be useless, after all, the invisibility spell cannot prevent the opponent from attacking.

However, he was not too anxious, because he also had the ultimate move: summoning the king of hell!

He still had two Judas silver coins, which could summon Crowley, the king of hell, twice. The crystal in his hand was the summoning stone given to him by Crowley himself, which could summon Crowley to attack once.

Odin looked at Hu Qing who was retreating, but his face was extremely gloomy. The corroded state of his divine body was still unstoppable. If this continued, his divine body might have problems.

This human actually mastered this strange magic.

He wanted to kill the other party.

Next, he only needed to strike, and he could directly wipe out this human and the cowardly goddess spirit, and then get the crown of divine power.

Odin stared at Hu Qing, and the strange light in that eye became more and more intense, and a terrifying and suffocating power fluctuation also appeared in the scarlet light.

"How could he still have this kind of power?" Cynthia exclaimed instantly, her face turned pale.

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