Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 329 A technological life force crystal core exploded!

As soon as Hu Qing came in, he heard the arrogant words of the tech boy.

Odin can't find this guy?

This guy probably doesn't know how he was abused by Odin in "American Gods".

Looking at the tech boy, Hu Qing replaced the demon in his hand with the Golden Sea Soul, raised his hand and cast a lightning spell on this guy.

At that moment, the tech boy looked up in horror, and a terrifying thunder appeared above his head.

Mr. World stood up in shock.

This is the space constructed by his data rules and divine power. Even gods can't cast divine spells here. How could such a terrifying thunder power appear?

He almost subconsciously urged all his strength. On the white floor, mosaics condensed crazily. At the moment when the thunder fell, a shield was formed to cover the tech boy.

Boom! ~

The thunder instantly hit the mosaic shield, and the terrifying electric current instantly tore the shield to pieces, and then hit the tech boy.

The Tech Boy instantly stiffened, sparks flew wildly from his body, and he was directly hit by the thunder on the white ground.

Even with the mosaic shield condensed by Mr. World, he was still severely injured by the thunder of 81 magic power.

If it weren't for Mr. World's shield, he might have died under this thunder.

After launching the attack, Hu Qing's figure also appeared.

Mr. World and Tech Boy all looked at Hu Qing in disbelief.

Tech Boy's face instantly became extremely ugly.

He understood that the lightning was released by this human.

But the other party could actually chase him in here? This scene frightened him.

"How did you get in? This is impossible!" Mr. World said in disbelief.

Let alone casting magic in this place, others can't get in at all. Even Tech Boy would have to be brought in by him to appear in this place.

Now a human has come in silently, and the key is that he doesn't even know how the other party got in.

Can a human be so powerful?

Hu Qing ignored Mr. World at all. He used the Golden Sea Soul in his hand to subdue demons and cast poison on Mr. World.

He came to cause trouble, not to chat.

In an instant, Mr. World experienced the same situation as the Tech Boy. First, his whole body turned green, and then turned scarlet.

The effect of the poison immediately began to affect Mr. World, causing a distortion on his body, but his distortion was the flash distortion with data jump errors, which was different from that of the Tech Boy.

Mr. World immediately urged his strength to resist the green and red poisons, and his body turned into a dense data state, but that dense data state was also red, and there was no way to get rid of the influence of the green and red poisons.

Mr. World had to restore his appearance as a middle-aged man, but at this time he found that the surroundings had turned into a sea of ​​fire. In an instant, he was also covered by the flames.

Mr. World's face was gloomy, and he immediately urged the energy. Countless data streams of energy surged out of the white floor to cover the flames.

But the flames were covered and surged out again in a blink of an eye.

The fire wall spell had not expired, so it was obviously impossible for him to extinguish it.

This made Mr. World panic, especially after he was poisoned, the corrosion became more and more serious over time.

But this flame forced him to use energy to resist, which kept wasting his energy.

After Hu Qing changed to the Golden Sea Soul and cast the fire wall spell, he waved his hand and cast a lightning spell on Mr. World.

The terrifying thunder power appeared above Mr. World's head and fell instantly.

Mr. World was shocked and urged a mosaic shield to cover himself.

The mosaic shield was also torn apart by thunder in an instant, and the thunder power hit Mr. World.

"Asshole!" Mr. World was furious. The 81 magic lightning spell + poison spell + fire wall spell obviously had a huge impact on him.

Now he knew why this human could defeat Odin.

"Mr. World, save me." The panicked cry for help from the tech kid sounded.

He was poisoned and seriously injured by lightning. Now he was in the wall of fire and was about to be unable to resist.

"This is the consequence of acting on one's own initiative." Mr. World was full of annoyance. He turned into a stream of data and rushed to the side of the tech boy. In an instant, a mosaic door condensed in front of him and then went straight in.

Then, Mr. World closed the mosaic door.

[Special channel found, locked, close or enter? ]

Hu Qing's mind suddenly appeared again. He now understood that these new gods of data, technology, and systems were nothing in front of his golden finger.

At least Odin would not be directly locked like this when he opened the ruins of the kingdom of God.

It's just that Mr. World is weaker than expected. No wonder he has a lot of modern beliefs, but he was calculated by Odin several times.

It seems that a discussion on the Internet in the previous life is still reasonable. The decline of gods in "American Gods" is due to the lack of faith.

But the new gods obviously occupy countless beliefs, why can't they even deal with Odin who has lost his faith?

This is probably what netizens in the previous life called binary belief!

For example, the new media goddess has countless people believing in and admiring new media, movies, films, music, news... and so on.

But what humans believe in and worship are the new media tools in their hands. They use these tools to entertain themselves and relieve boredom, and ultimately they are happy.

This is different from the ancient beliefs. Ancient humans believed in God like spiritual slaves, giving their whole body and mind to God. That is the pure and powerful power of belief.

Therefore, even if the new God occupies countless modern beliefs, it still cannot destroy the old God.

Hu Qing decisively cast an invisibility spell on himself again and chose to enter the new channel opened by Mr. World.

In an instant, the scenery around Hu Qing changed. The walls were completely composed of dense and jumping data, and the ground was white.

Various furniture were placed in the middle.

This is the same as before.

The only difference is that the fire wall spell he cast was gone.

When Hu Qing saw this, he immediately felt like the legendary stone tomb array and Zuma Pavilion.

The stone tomb array and Zuma Pavilion are mazes with rooms that are exactly the same.

Mr. World sat on a sofa like Tech Boy again, the only difference was that this time the sofa turned into a bunch of data streams, wrapping the two of them inside.

This should be healing.

Tech Boy was full of fear: "Why is a human so scary?"

Mr. World said coldly: "Now you know you are afraid, you should know how you were born, that is, you were born in human beliefs."

Tech Boy didn't dare to be crazy this time, and said embarrassedly: "Will that human not catch up?"

"Don't worry, although I don't know how he got in there before, he can't chase me here again." Mr. World had a confident look on his face.

Cunning rabbits know how to make several nests, so it is naturally impossible for him to prepare only one nest.

He would not be as ignorant as Tech Boy to think that Odin would not find the place. Once any clues were found, Odin would definitely find a way to get in there.

Don't underestimate anyone, don't underestimate the former God King of Asgard.

But I didn't expect that the place had not been found by Odin before, but was found by a human first.

However, that human could find the previous place, but it was impossible for him to find this place. This place was used for the first time, and no clues were exposed at all.

If the other party can still come in here, he will end it himself.

As soon as this thought came up, a thunder force appeared above Mr. World's head.

"Impossible!" Mr. World turned over from the sofa in shock and anger, and subconsciously condensed a mosaic shield, and lightning fell instantly.

The mosaic shield was torn to pieces again! Mr. World was hit by thunder again, his face became uglier, and the data distortion on his body became more intense.

Looking at Hu Qing who showed his figure, he retreated in disbelief. How did this human do it? The other party was really a human, or he simply couldn't believe that there was such a terrifying human.

Mr. World didn't hesitate at all, and directly took the technology boy next to him, with a sinister look on his face.

The tech kid seemed to sense something and asked in panic: "Mr. World, what are you going to do?"

"This is a matter, but you caused it." Mr. World said and threw the tech kid towards Hu Qing: "Human, this guy provoked you, don't bother me."

"No..." The tech kid was thrown towards Hu Qing and shouted with fear on his face.

Seeing this, Hu Qing changed his weapon to the Shura Axe, and stabbed with the sword technique, and an 82-attack axe blade directly chopped on the tech kid's body.

The tech kid tried to resist and urged all his strength to condense a shield, but his shield was torn apart the moment it touched the axe blade, and then a terrifying force rushed into his body unstoppably.

The tech kid's body was instantly shattered into pieces by the impact, turning into twisted ripples and dissipating.

[Experience +20000]

The 20,000 experience prompt also appeared in Hu Qing's mind.

Sure enough, he is a weak chicken, just like the prank Loki.

However, there was a ball of light floating where the Tech Boy disappeared.

Something exploded again.

An Ares, a Tech Boy, the explosion rate of new and old gods is quite high.

Hu Qing stepped forward and put the light into the inventory, and took a curious look at the note:

"Technology Life Divine Power Crystal Core: This is a special divine power crystal core that can only be exploded in some new gods. It can transform high-tech products to produce technology divine power life, and is bound to the master by default."

Hu Qing was surprised when he saw the note information of this thing.

What is technology divine power life?

Robot? Transformers? Gundam? Or something else?

When Hu Qing was confused, Mr. World took the opportunity to condense another mosaic channel and escaped in.

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