Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 337 White Boar Shaq! Can game skills be taught?

Although Shaq decisively stood in front, Hu Qing could hear some panic in his voice, obviously afraid of the demon.

But he was obviously very scared, and he stood in front at the first time, which was enough.

Hu Qing knew that there was no need to continue acting, because the goal had been achieved.

"Ah, monster, get out of my way..." Shaq shouted to give himself courage, and actually rushed towards the little demon.

Shaq is a big guy, and he is definitely a strongman among ordinary people, but facing the demon, even if it is a little demon, ordinary people are not enough.

Shaq ran to the little demon, trying to knock it down and create an opportunity for Mr. Hu to escape, but was thrown to the ground by the little demon.

"It hurts!" Shaq cried out in pain, and rolled on the ground and hugged one of the little devil's legs again, and shouted to Hu Qing again: "Mr. Hu, why don't you run, this monster is so powerful."

The little devil looked at Shaq who was hugging his legs again, and swung his legs hard, and Shaq's huge body rolled out again and came to the side of Hu Qing.

Hu Qing gestured to Sam in the dark.

Sam immediately controlled the little devil to stop.

Hu Qing squatted down again and asked Shak: "Shak, do you want to defeat this monster?"

Shak's simple intelligence did not delve into other things. He just nodded when he heard Hu Qing's words: "But Shak can't beat it, it hurts Shak very much."

Hu Qing smiled and looked at the inventory:

"White Boar Blood Essence: This is a special blood essence potion unearthed from the stone tomb of ancient ruins. After using it, people can gain the ability to transform into white boar warriors.

It is rumored that it was developed by a great governor in ancient times who gathered countless pharmacists and magicians. The effect is more powerful than the orc blood essence developed by Bicchi.

Bicchi Pharmacist Union once tried to crack it, hoping to restart its blood warrior research plan to fight against the monster army, but failed.

Usage conditions: You need to have enough fat to bear the blood essence. The amount of fat determines the strength of the blood essence effect."

This thing has been out for a long time, and it can finally be used today.

Hu Qing took out the white wild boar blood essence and handed it to Shaq, saying: "Shaq, drink this thing and you can defeat this demon, but you may become very ugly."

Shaq had no concept of ugliness. Hearing that he could defeat this demon, he took the white wild boar blood essence from Hu Qing's hand without hesitation and poured it into his mouth.

But in a moment, Shaq's body began to change. His arms, legs, and face swelled rapidly. That was the fat in his body squirming and the white wild boar blood essence took effect.

And as the fat squirmed, a mysterious and strange rune began to condense on Shaq's skin, and these runes began to generate a kind of energy fluctuation.

This was the beginning of Shaq's transformation. His already huge body actually grew again at this time, and the clothes made a sound of being torn.

At the same time, Shaq's skin also changed, becoming thicker, turning white all over, and even a kind of rough white fluff grew.

Sam saw this scene not far away and showed an incredible look.

Just now he saw Hu give Shaq a bottle of red liquid, and then Shaq's body began to change.

Moreover, he could feel that Shaq began to have stronger and stronger energy fluctuations.

Could it be that Shaq was also a supernatural creature?

Hu asked him to cooperate in this play just to stimulate Shaq's power?

Sam seemed to have discovered some great secret. He thought that he might know why Hu's men had so many powerful supernatural creatures.

He must have mastered some ability to stimulate the power of supernatural creatures.

Not long.

When Shaq's change stopped, his body of more than 2 meters had turned into a behemoth of more than 3 meters, and his head had turned into a ferocious wild boar, with a pair of long fangs at the corners of his mouth.

That look was exactly like the legendary white wild boar. If he could be equipped with a large meteor hammer, it would be even more like it.

"Mr. Hu, I feel that I have endless strength in my body." Shaq seemed to be a little excited and patted his chest, and rushed towards the little devil again.

This time, Shaq's speed was very fast.

From this speed alone, Hu Qing could tell that Shak's agility was definitely over 25.

The little demon was knocked out before he could react, and it directly broke a big tree, and then it stopped when it hit the big rock behind it, but it was no longer alive.

Shak walked forward and pushed the little demon. Seeing that there was nothing for a long time, he excitedly said: "Mr. Hu, the monster is dead, it's dead."

Hu Qing looked at Shak's hideous and rough white wild boar image with interest.

In the game, the white wild boar can explode various level 30 equipment, and there is even a chance to explode a level 35 skill book. In the background story of the original legend, it was the strongest tomb guard of the great governor who was infected and transformed by the red moon demon's magic energy, and had very terrifying power.

Now that Shak has become a white wild boar, his strength is obviously very strong. However, the blood essence of the white wild boar does not directly give the strength data like the blood essence of the half-orc, but depends on the fat of the user.

Therefore, how much strength Shak has now needs to be tested to know.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing directly summoned Yu Zhi to his side.

"My Lord, is he Shaq?" Yu Zhi could sense Shaq's aura.

Hu Qing nodded and said, "Go and test his strength."

Yu Zhi rushed to Shak as soon as he heard the order, and rushed to Shak in front of him, punching Shak in the belly.

There was a snap, and then Yu Zhi was embarrassed, Shak did not move.

Hu Qing looked at this scene in surprise. Yu Zhi is now a level LV4 green-eyed zombie, and his attack is 50 without transformation.

Now Yu Zhi's 50 attack did not cause any damage to Shak, that is to say, Shak's defense is far more than 50, and Yu Zhi cannot break his defense.

Hu Qing shouted again: "Shak, Yu Zhi hits you once, you hit him back, and I will reward you with a roasted whole lamb."

Shak's eyes lit up when he heard the roasted whole lamb, and he looked at Yu Zhi decisively: "You hit me first, you hit me back, and I will give you half... a lamb leg!"

As he said, Shak punched Yu Zhi. He felt that he had discussed it with the other party. One lamb leg for one punch, and he still earned 3 legs.

Yu Zhi was stunned, and only felt that this fool didn't play by the rules, and hurriedly punched to block it.

Bang! ~

The two punched each other, producing a strong impact, and the ground under Shak's feet cracked, but Yu Zhi couldn't control his body and was pushed back by the impact.

"My lord, this big fool is so strong now." Yu Zhi said in disbelief.

Hu Qing showed satisfaction. Yu Zhi didn't transform and attack 50, so this direct punch was repelled by Shak, which means that Shak's attack also exceeded 50.

This white wild boar blood essence was surprisingly effective for Shak to use. Compared with this, the blood essence of the half-orcs was dregs.

After some time.

Hu Qing took Yu Zhi, Sam, and Shak out of the woods. Shak had returned to his human form, and his clothes were tattered.

However, Shak obviously didn't care at all, and kept muttering about roasting a whole lamb. He was obviously reminding Hu Qing not to forget about the lamb.

Hu Qing would not cheat Shak out of a sheep. Many residents in the town have small farms and raise a lot of poultry, cattle and sheep. He simply asked Yu Zhi to go to the townspeople to buy a few sheep and let Chen Dalong cook them, so that everyone could eat roasted whole sheep in the evening.

Anyway, Chen Dalong, the ghost chef, would not be tired.

So, when Kalinda, Jenna, Mig and others came back, they saw that a rack had been set up in front of the castle, with whole sheep that had been processed.

Chen Dalong, the ghost chef, was sprinkling ingredients on it.

Shak was already guarding a sheep, and he pulled Yu Zhi, pointing to a sheep leg and said, "This leg is yours!"

"..." Yu Zhi was a little helpless, he didn't eat meat, it would cause diarrhea.

On the other side, Hu Yi and other slave demons were constantly wiping their mouths with their hands, and the smell of roasted whole sheep was really fragrant.

Hu Qing was instructing Vulcan to wait for his god furnace to arrive and make a meteor hammer for Shak first.

Finally, Chen Dalong's first roasted whole lamb was ready. At this time, a row of experience tips suddenly appeared in Hu Qing's mind:

[Experience +1300]

[Experience +1500]

With previous experience, he knew that this must be the rhythm of Amisius.

It seems that Selina is still looking for Marcus to kill this Alexander vampire ancestor.

[Experience +1300]

[Experience +1350]

[Level Up! ]

After more than 30 experience tips appeared, the level up prompt also appeared, and it was directly upgraded to level 28.

Hu Qing immediately looked at the light screen in his mind:

Level: 28

Defense: 36

Magic Defense: 36

Attack: 39

Magic: 33

Taoism: 33

Agility: 39

HP: 1300/1300

MP: 2000/2000

Experience: 2709/1600000.

Sure enough, the level has reached 28, and all data have increased by 2 points again, HP has reached 1300, MP has reached 2000, and the experience required for upgrading has also increased again, becoming 1.6 million.

If there is no demon army to brush experience like last time, I don’t know how long it will take to upgrade.

Fortunately, there are still many experience armies in the future, and he even has the opportunity to enter hell to brush monsters again.

Then, Hu Qing looked at the 28-level Uncle Da gift pack in the inventory.

There seem to be 3 more skills at level 28, the warrior's "Half Moon Scimitar", the mage's "Fast Light Movie" and the Taoist's "Trapped Magic Curse".

In this real world, more skills are better than less, and more skills will always be useful.

Hu Qing immediately opened Uncle Da's gift pack, and as the light flashed, 3 skill books appeared in the inventory.

But this time, Uncle Da seemed very generous and gave 4 things. In addition to the three skill books, there was also a strange scroll.

This scroll seemed to be missing from the game, and it immediately attracted Hu Qing's attention:

"Special Fireball (scroll): This is a special scroll that can systematically summarize the practice of Fireball, so that Fireball can be learned by oneself without the need for systematic learning, and can be taught."

"What does this mean???"

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