Hu Qing looked at this special fireball scroll and understood it in a blink of an eye. This means that the method of practicing the skill of fireball can be summarized.

This method of practice is different from the one given to him by the system.

Although he has various three-professional skills, they are all given by the system. There are methods of practice, but they are all ways to enter the practice room. The puppets that enter the practice room for each skill are different.

In fact, practicing means that he keeps releasing skills to increase the skill progress.

This naturally has no way to let others learn.

But this fireball scroll is different. The fireball summarized can be learned independently even without relying on skills.

Hu Qing's fireball is already level three. Uncle Da should have no reason to give him such a scroll and let him learn any more fireballs.

The biggest possibility is that the fireball summarized by this special scroll can be learned by others.

For example, his subordinates and the people in the mysterious incident investigation department.

Think about it, these Pangu zombies of Nutrilite all know fireballs, and throwing a fireball while fighting should be very interesting.

The most important thing is, if the fireball technique can be taught, are there special scrolls for other skills, and other skills are also possible?

If so, he can teach his descendants to inherit these skills in the future and create a super family.

Hu Qing was thinking about it, and saw Hu Yi holding a piece of cut meat and handed it to him: "Master, your mutton."

These slaves are not only hardworking, but also the most disciplined.

The first piece of meat cut by Chen Dalong was served to his master.

"Yeah!" Hu Qing nodded affirmatively to Hu Yi.

This made Hu Yi feel that he was praised and very happy.

This scene made the other slaves gnashed their teeth, and the opportunity to show courtesy to the master was snatched away.

Chen Dalong quickly cut the second piece of meat.

The other slaves immediately rushed up, and after a shove, Hu Wu grabbed the meat, and then ran to Kalinda with a flattering face: "Mistress, your mutton."

Kalinda was obviously very happy to hear the three words "mistress", and the mutton was no longer important.

Liu Qingqing curled her lips when she saw this.

One building was gone, and Kalinda, the witch, had completely regarded herself as the mistress.

How could this witch get what she wanted?

She had to do it secretly.

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed Liu Qingqing became. She looked at Hu Yi and the other slaves and coughed.

Hu Yi and the other slaves subconsciously looked at Liu Qingqing, and then shrank their necks together.

They felt a terrible breath.

Obviously, creatures like the female death god are very scary in the eyes of weak demons like slaves.

Liu Qingqing stared at the third portion of mutton that Chen Dalong had cut, and Hu Yi and the other slaves seemed to understand.

But this time, none of them rushed up, but instead shirked each other in fear. In the end, Hu Wu was pushed out again.

Hu Wu took the mutton and walked to Liu Qingqing with some fear. He put down the mutton and ran back in fear.

When the meat was in front of him, Liu Qingqing frowned and was obviously even more unhappy.

Why are these slave demons so blind?

Is she that scary?

After eating some roasted mutton, Hu Qing went back to the room and took out the special fireball scroll.

[Do you choose to use the special fireball scroll? ]

The prompt in his mind also appeared immediately.

Hu Qing directly chose to use it, and soon, the prompt appeared again:

[The method of practicing fireball is being summarized...]

Obviously, this summary of fireball cannot be done in a moment.

So, Hu Qing simply looked at the other three skills.

"Half Moon Scimitar", "Fast Light Movie", and "Trapped Magic Curse" are all level 28 skills of the three professions.

Among these three skills, "Half Moon Scimitar" is the first group attack skill of the warrior, but the power of this skill is not too strong.

The skill "Fast Light Movie" is actually similar to the lightning spell in the game, but the lightning spell is from the sky, while the "Fast Light Movie" is shot out from the parallel of the lightning condensed from the eyes, and it is more powerful and more handsome than the lightning spell.

However, the lightning spell can lock the person if the mouse hits the person, but the fast light movie can be dodged, and it will not hit every time, with obvious advantages and disadvantages.

As for the "Demon Spell", it is an auxiliary skill of the Taoist priest. After casting, it can form a formation that can trap the monster and make the monster unable to move.

This skill is not very useful in the game, because it is not worth casting this skill when there are few monsters, and it is not as good as an invisibility spell when there are many monsters.

The magic spell also needs to be cast by each monster. If you attack, the magic spell will be invalid, which is very laborious.

Therefore, this skill is basically not used in the game.

But in reality, it is different. As long as this magic spell can have even a little effect on the enemy, it will be of great help.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing chose to learn three skills without hesitation, and information about the three skills and the methods of cultivation appeared in his mind in an instant.

Not long after, the information of the three skills was fully accepted.

"Half Moon Scimitar lv0 (0/800): The first group attack of the warrior, consuming 40mp, can condense a half moon sword light to slash the enemy in front of you, the power is 70% of the total attack, and it can be upgraded to LV1 at level 28."

Obviously, the scimitar is not as powerful as in the game, with 70% attack, which means that he does not use the assassination sword technique now, and the total attack is 72X70%, which is only 50.4 power.

This is only slightly stronger than the Fire Wall, and is only suitable for clearing small monsters.

"Fast Light Movie lv0 (0/800): Consume 50 MP to condense two parallel lightning magic attacks in both eyes, magic +15 for normal targets, magic +25 for monster targets. This skill is powerful, but it has a great disadvantage. The condensation time is too long, and it cannot be locked, which is easy to be avoided by the enemy. It can be upgraded to LV1 at level 28."

This skill is almost the same as in the game. The additional magic power of LV0 is already equivalent to LV1 lightning, but it also has the same disadvantage as in the game. It cannot be locked like lightning and is easy to be avoided.

However, if there is a trapped spell, it seems that this disadvantage can be made up.

"The spell of trapping level 0 (0/800): 50 MP is spent to cast a special formation to trap monsters. The power is affected by the Taoist priest. The higher the Taoist priest's skill, the longer the trapping time. Level 28 can be upgraded to level 1."

The notes of the spell of trapping are somewhat simple, which seems to be similar to the game, but also somewhat different. However, as long as the spell of trapping is successful, it will be a good combination of skills with the movie of light.

Just after reading the three skills, Hu Qing's mind appeared again with a prompt:

[Special Fireball Skills Summarized and Summarized, Information Transmitting...]

The next moment, Hu Qing's mind once again appeared with information about Fireball. This time, the information about Fireball was completely different from the first time, but a systematic magic to learn Fireball.

For example, how to meditate to absorb the special energy in the air and refine it into magic value, and then use the magic value to pull the flame element to condense the fireball attack.

This is indeed a systematic method of teaching Fireball.

It took some time for Hu Qing to receive all the relevant information, and then became familiar with it. To teach others, you must first be familiar with it.

This took him some time, and when he had almost grasped all the information, Kalinda also came back to the room.

As soon as the witch entered the room, she looked at him with charming eyes, began to remove her defense, and then rushed over to him.

She couldn't let the man rest when Kelly was not around, otherwise when Kelly came back, she would return the man to Kelly.

Hu Qing didn't want to fight with the witch now, and said to the witch: "Kalinda, don't worry, I will teach you a magic to see if you have talent."

Kalinda looked at Hu Qing with some resentment. Her defense was removed, and he said this to her?

However, when she heard that Hu Qing was going to teach her magic, she was also very interested and asked: "Hu, what magic are you going to teach me?"

"Fireball, you can cast a fireball attack. As long as you can learn it well, I can teach you other skills in the future." Hu Qing explained, and then began to teach Kalinda the method of meditation.

In the fireball technique summarized in the special scroll, meditation is a way for the mage to sense the energy in the air and cultivate magic value.

As long as you can sense the energy in the air and cultivate magic points, you can attract the fire element in the air to perform the fireball spell.

Of course, practicing magic is not something that everyone can do. It depends on talent. Some people can't even do the first step of meditation to sense the energy in the air, let alone learn the fireball spell.

And those who are talented can more or less sense the energy in the air through meditation within 10 hours. The shorter the time, the better the talent. Just 10 hours is barely qualified. If you can meditate and sense special energy within 10 minutes, you are a genius. .

After that, you can absorb this energy and refine it into magic points, and try to perform the fireball spell.

After a while, Kalinda began to sit down and meditate to sense the special energy in the air through Professor Hu Qing's method.

One night passed.

The next day, it was bright, and it was 10 hours later that Kalinda's surprised voice sounded: "Hu, I sensed it, there are many light spots, am I very powerful?"

"Yeah, very powerful!" Hu Qing said insincerely, which was just barely qualified.

Kalinda was very satisfied with this answer, so she decided not to go to the detective agency today, and to speed up her meditation to cultivate her magic points.

Hu Qing guided Kalinda for a while, and then left the room, letting her meditate on her own.

Kalinda's talent was limited, so he planned to find someone else to try, but when he arrived at the hall, he didn't see anyone else at all, but saw the little girl Mia watching TV.

"Hello, sir!" Mia stood up respectfully when she saw Hu Qing, which was obviously taught by Mig.

Hu Qing looked at the little girl and waved: "Mia, come here!"

"Sir, do you have any instructions?" The little girl ran to Hu Qing and asked immediately. This was also taught by her mother. In this castle, you must listen to the gentleman.

Hu Qing asked: "Miya, do you want to learn magic? I can teach you."

When Miya heard this, her beautiful eyes lit up and she asked uncertainly: "Sir, can I learn magic from you? Like the magic you use to fight demons?"

Hu Qing nodded, asked Miya to sit down again, and then taught the little girl the meditation method of fireball.

The little girl was very smart and could remember the content faster than Kalinda, and could understand the consciousness in it.

When the little girl remembered it completely, Hu Qing asked her to start trying meditation.

But within 5 minutes, Hu Qing heard the little girl shouting excitedly: "Sir, I can feel it, there are so many small light spots."

"???" Hu Qing was surprised.

It only took 5 minutes to feel it?

Is the little girl a genius?

He immediately questioned the little girl and finally confirmed that the little girl was really a genius.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing wanted to continue teaching Miya to absorb refining energy, but the ringtone of his cell phone rang at this time.

After looking at the number, it turned out to be Kelly's half-brother Lin Ren calling (Chapter 78).

Why did this cheap brother-in-law call suddenly?

Hu Qing pressed answer and heard Lin Ren's anxious voice: "Brother-in-law, I'm in big trouble. Come and save me. I can't get through my sister's phone."

Hu Qing frowned and asked, "Lin Ren, don't worry, what's going on?"

Lin Ren said anxiously: "Brother-in-law, I asked my classmates to go on a self-driving trip, but when we were about to cross a bridge, the bridge collapsed and many people died."

"Originally, I was supposed to die, but there was a man on the bus next to us who yelled like crazy that he was in danger, and ran away with his girlfriend, and asked many people to get off."

"Others ignored him and thought he was crazy. But I had experienced those things and thought there was something fishy. I pulled my classmates out of the car and ran off the bridge and escaped."

"I thought everything was fine, but people have been dying these days. When I saw the news, I found out that the people who died were the people who followed the man on the bridge and escaped. There must be something wrong."

"Moreover, I found the man who took his girlfriend to escape, and I learned from him that he actually saw the death scene before the bridge collapsed. In that scene, we all died in that disaster."

(One more chapter!)

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