Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 345: Klaus, the First Vampire! Surrounded?

Hu Qing was a little surprised when he heard Daofeng's words: "You have tied that woman to a chair and you are still worried about her?"

He did hear Blade's worried tone about Ellen from his words.

The blade tightened the long knife in his hand and threatened Hu Qing again: "You are not a vampire. As long as you don't hurt the woman inside, I don't have to kill you, but if anything happens to her, you must pay with your life today."

When Hu Qing heard this, he was even more sure that Blade was worried about Ellen.

This is interesting.

If Blade killed JO's father, Ellen would now seek revenge from Blade. Blade had no reason to worry about Ellen.

Hu Qing looked at Dao Feng teasingly: "What if I say that woman is dead?"

"Then you go die!" Daofeng shouted angrily, with anger and regret in his eyes, and he swung his sword and attacked Hu Qing.

He shouldn't have left her here alone, and now he could only let the guy in front of her be buried with her.

Blade's sword is very fast and tricky.

He has great swordsmanship.

That was something he had learned by killing vampires for a long time.

Unfortunately, before his sword could reach Hu Qing, a ring of resistance fire had already struck out from Hu Qing's body.

The blade collided directly with the resistance fire ring.

"..." Blade only felt a terrifying impact, and he couldn't control himself and flew backwards, hitting the wall behind him hard.

The wall cracked and shattered in a circle, and as the blade rolled to the ground, broken dust and stones also fell all over the blade.

Dao Feng turned over in embarrassment and looked up at Hu Qing again, with disbelief on his face.

He had killed so many vampires, and even killed a vampire king. He had never encountered such a terrifying force, and he couldn't resist even a single encounter.

Daofeng was not one to give up easily. He stood up, took out a special submachine gun from his waist, and fired wildly at Hu Qing.

At the same time, he once again held the long knife tightly in his hand, intending to sneak attack the opponent from the side while the opponent was dodging bullets.

This is also a strategic method for him to face powerful enemies.

Unfortunately, the bullets from the submachine gun in his hand were all used up, and Hu Qing did not dodge. The bullets hit him and rolled to the ground.

Hu Qing's current defense cannot be broken by a weapon like a submachine gun. What's more, the bullets on the blade are made of silver and are used to deal with vampires. The warheads are softer and less powerful.

Because vampires of Dracula's lineage are as afraid of silver products as werewolves.

"You...what kind of monster are you?" Dao Feng retreated subconsciously, with fear in his eyes.

Hu Qing smiled.

He didn't answer Blade's words. He raised his hand and cast a trap spell. Light beams instantly rushed out from around Blade, forming a trapping circle that trapped Blade in it.

Dao Feng tried to lift his legs and retreat, but was horrified to find that he couldn't move.

Regarding Hu Qing's current strength, the power of the blade is powerless in his hands.

The next moment, Ellen, Jo, Liu Qingqing, and Jiang Zhenzu were seen walking out.

"Are you okay?" The moment Blade saw Ellen, he was obviously relieved.

When Ellen saw the blade, she directly picked up a steel bow and arrow, attached a silver bow and arrow and pointed it at the blade: "If I didn't die, you should die, and I will let you pay for my husband's life today. "

At this moment, Hu Qing suddenly stood in front of Ellen and put one hand on Ellen's bow: "Ellen, don't worry, maybe there is some misunderstanding between you. Ask him clearly and let him die." It’s urgent.”

Hu Qing has memories of his previous life. He has watched "Blade" and knows that Blade is not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, let alone kills humans and sucks human blood.

Therefore, when it was said that he killed JO's father and sucked up all the blood of JO's father, he subconsciously thought there was something wrong with it.

Moreover, in Blade's words just now, he could clearly hear that Blade was worried about Ellen.

She even thought that he had killed Ellen and wanted to fight him to the death, which was unreasonable.

Ellen actually heard Daofeng's words just now, and because of her trust in Hu Qing, she slowly put down the bow in her hand.

"He should have a silver chain here, tie him up first." Hu Qing ordered again, because the trapping spell is time-effective.

Although he felt that it was impossible for Blade to kill JO's father, before the truth came out, he could only speculate on Blade's guilt first, because Ellen was his girlfriend's mother.

Ellen nodded, and led JO to find the silver chains that Blade had prepared for other vampires, and then went to the trapping magic circle and tied Blade with the silver chains.

Blade didn't resist.

Then, Ellen and JO pulled the blade to a chair and tied the blade firmly to the chair, giving him the same treatment as a prisoner.

Ellen was about to start asking questions immediately, but Blade was the first to say: "I didn't kill Radel, nor did I suck his blood..."

When Ellen heard this, his face was filled with anger: "At that time, I only saw you there, and you were covered in blood."

"Ellen, let him finish his words first." Hu Qing comforted the angry Ellen.

Blade continued: "I had just started hunting vampires at that time, and I was not very strong. I met Radel, who was also hunting a vampire. At first, Radel wanted to kill me when he saw that I was a vampire, but later he gave up. Preconceptions about me.”

"During that half month, he also taught me a lot of exorcism techniques, especially his experience in dealing with vampires."

"Among the many masters I have met, Radel is the one who left a deep impression on me. Moreover, he also asked me to experiment on the vampire he hunted."

"Unfortunately, Radel and I underestimated that vampire. That vampire was too powerful. We were no match for him. He killed Radel and I was seriously injured."

"If something hadn't suddenly appeared nearby and scared away the vampire, I might have died."

These words made Ellen frown tightly.

She and her husband were indeed dealing with a vampire at the time. She was delayed by some things and was not with her husband at the time. When she rushed to meet up with her husband, she did hear her husband say on the phone that he had found a helper.

Could it be that the helper her husband was looking for was this vampire?

Hu Qing was surprised.

He didn't expect that Blade and JO's father had a master-disciple relationship, so Blade was worried about Ellen?

Because he had watched "Blade" in his previous life, he still believed what Blade said.

Although Allen didn't believe Blade easily, he still gritted his teeth and asked, "Who is that vampire? Where is he now?"

Blade shook his head and said, "I don't know where he is. I have been tracking him down, but he has not appeared again. I only know that his name is Klaus."

"Klaus?" Hu Qing asked subconsciously.

He knew this name, plus the identity of a vampire, could this be the villain of that vampire drama with very unorthodox values?

Ellen asked subconsciously, "Hu, do you know this vampire?"

Hu Qing nodded and was about to explain when suddenly footsteps sounded.

The next moment, a woman with a slender figure and a beautiful face rushed out with a small team of people holding various weapons and dressed in non-mainstream clothes.

Hu Qing frowned and looked at these figures, and found that there was a Chinese among them. What surprised him even more was the appearance of this Chinese.

Isn't this Zeng Zidan?

In his previous life, Zeng Zidan's Ip Man was popular all over the country.

Then, he immediately realized that the other party was not Zeng Zidan, but the Snowman, the character played by Zeng Zidan in "Blade".

In other words, Blade is now in the timeline of the beginning of "Blade 2".

Hu Qing's eyes lit up, because of experience.

This is about to have a large army of experience.

As soon as these figures came in, they immediately surrounded Hu Qing and the others.

The woman looked at Blade and said jokingly: "Blade, I didn't expect to see you in such a mess."

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