Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 356: As soon as I went out, I saw Hellboy fighting with someone!

(Sorry, I went to KTV for my friend's birthday after work. I can't finish two chapters after I come back, so I'll combine them into one chapter!)

Looking at the rough-skinned man's careless look, a middle-aged man with glasses also said: "Ah Niu, things are a little wrong recently. The S department base was destroyed, the building collapsed, and a lot of people died in the collapse of an area. Now the supernatural events are completely exposed. Ordinary people will be emotionally resistant. Don't get yourself into trouble."

"I know, Daddy Brom." The rough man named A Niu nodded seriously.

After all, this is his adoptive father, and he still has to listen to his words.

However, from the action of his palm constantly touching the broken horn, it can be seen that he is obviously thinking something.

On the other side, Hu Qing also took his mobile phone and looked at the news about "Hellboy".

It can be seen that the news of "Hellboy" has also attracted a lot of attention because it can emerge under the news heat of the incident of Jiang Chen.

However, compared with the huge impact of the building collapse caused by Jiang Chen, which caused many deaths, Hellboy was in the news because of doing good deeds.

Hu Qing couldn't help thinking about the information about "Hellboy" in his previous life.

Hellboy is the son of the dead King of Hell Satan.

But those demons didn't expect how great the impact of the human world environment on intelligent life is.

As soon as Hellboy appeared, he fell into the hands of the Star-Spangled Army and was adopted and raised by Professor Bloom, who was in charge of investigating mysterious events at the time.

When he grew up, Hellboy was not interested in destroying the world at all. Instead, he was thinking about becoming famous. He could appear in front of ordinary people openly and become a big star admired by everyone.

I remember that in the previous life movie, Hellboy deliberately sold a little flaw every time he went on a mission, deliberately let the reporter take pictures of himself, and then intoxicatedly made a yes gesture to the camera.

But Hu Qing didn't know which timeline Hellboy was in now.

"Mr. Hu, it seems that you have finished your business?" Jiang Zhenzu's voice sounded at this time.

Hu Qing saw Jiang Chen asking doubtfully: "Teacher Jiang, you have caused quite a big trouble. What happened?"

Jiang Zhenzu waved his hand and said: "Who knows? I was staying in this hotel and a few people came to my door. They were ordered to arrest me and took me to a base called S Department."

"I have encountered many such cases where my identity was exposed before, but I don't know how they found out my identity this time."

"But it doesn't matter, just destroy them directly."

"Uh!" Hu Qing was stunned.

The area where the building collapsed is the S Department base?

These guys are crazy, and they actually went to trouble Jiang Chen?

However, this is good news. S Department has a grudge against him, and now someone has helped him destroy S Department.

Soon after returning to the hotel, Blade and Nisha, the two vampires, woke up. Nisha's condition was obviously not very good. After all, she just learned the truth about her brother's affairs and was attacked by her father.

Luckily, Blade was with her at this time.

Blade stayed in the room he booked for her and didn't come out during the day.

At night, Blade went out and bought a set of clothes for Nisha, and Nisha's mood was much better.

Hu Qing had no ill feelings towards these two vampires because of the movie in his previous life.

At least now Nisha did not die like in the movie, which was a blessing for Blade.

However, at night, when Hu Qing wanted to find JO to brush up his experience, JO had been called by Ellen.

The mother and daughter, Whistler, and Blade began to look for information about the vampire Klaus.

Klaus killed JO's father. Whether it was JO's mother and daughter, or Blade, they all wanted to kill Klaus for revenge.

This made Hu Qing, who wanted to brush up his experience, give up. While JO was busy looking up information, he also secretly left the hotel and went to the hotel where Selena stayed, intending to find a female vampire to brush up his experience at night.

In fact, Hu Qing knew where Klaus was.

He had watched American TV series in his previous life. Although he didn't know the specific timeline, the other party was either in Falls Town in "The Vampire Diaries" or in New Orleans in "The Originals".

Moreover, Orleans is a good place.

Although there are no grilled wings here, there is a vampire army.

Before, he didn't know whether these vampires existed in this mixed world, so he didn't look for them.

Now that he knows that Klaus exists, it means that this line of vampires also exists.

Now that the other party is the murderer of JO's father, this wave of experience must be taken.

Moreover, this line of vampires is not a naturally produced vampire, but a taboo vampire that was cursed and transformed by the powerful power of witches in ancient times.

Their power is stronger than the vampires of Dracula and Alexander, and even stronger than those vampires in Twilight, and they must have more experience.

It is precisely because these vampires are powerful that they have become the controllers of the entire city of New Orleans.

This city has a developed tourism industry, and countless tourists come to New Orleans for tourism, and these tourists who come to travel are the targets of this line of vampires, because they strictly control themselves and will not suck the blood of local residents.

Moreover, each time they suck blood, they will not go too far and do it secretly without even being discovered by tourists. When the tourists leave, new tourists will come, so they will never lack blood food.

It was even done secretly. Vampire incidents were aroused in other places, but there was no vampire incident in New Orleans at all. Instead, New Orleans grilled wings are famous all over the world.

However, Hu Qing did not tell JO the news first. He was still waiting for Armisius to harvest the gathering place of Dracula's vampires in New York.

He was afraid that if he said it, with Ellen's hatred, he would be eager to take JO to Klaus for revenge immediately.

Hu Qing quickly arrived at the hotel where Serena was staying and knocked on the door outside the room where Serena lived.

The door opened, and just as Hu Qing was about to pounce, he realized something was wrong. A fat white woman appeared at the door.

"Handsome, are you okay?" The fat white woman winked at Hu Qing.

"Knocked on the wrong door!" Hu Qing turned around and left.

The aunt's flirtatious look almost made him sick to his stomach.

After leaving the hotel, Hu Qing found Serena's mobile phone number and dialed it.

After the call was connected, Serena's voice came over: "I have left New York and plan to go back to my hometown to worship my parents. Don't worry about me."

The tone of the voice already had the intimacy of a couple.

Hu Qing finally hung up the phone with some disappointment. At the same time, he also understood that he could not treat Serena, a female vampire, the same as JO and Kalinda.

This female vampire is so opinionated. After all, she is the heroine of a heroine movie.

This made Hu Qing think about teleporting back to the castle to see if Kalinda was back. After gaining experience with the banshee at night, he could teleport back tomorrow.

But just think about it, after all, he is not a womanizer.

Hu Qing finally returned to the hotel. He had no experience and planned to practice some skills. He now also has "Assassination Sword Technique", "Holy Armor Technique", "Ghost Shield" and "Laser Movie", "Half-Moon Scimitar", " "Trapped Curse" can be upgraded.

As soon as he started practicing skills, the reminder of experience sounded in his mind:

【Experience +1600】

【Experience +1600】

【Experience +1700】

This must mean that Armisius and Thor have found a vampire gathering place and started harvesting experience.

Moreover, for the next week, Armisius and Thor were able to find the gathering place of Dracula's vampires every day, and their experience increased almost like a tide.

However, one thing was beyond Hu Qing's expectation, that is, he did not live up to his expectations. After all the gathering places of Dracula's lineage were cleared, it was enough for him to advance to the next level.

It's a pity that the vampires of Dracula's lineage are not stupid. After Armisius cleaned them up for several days, the other vampires of Dracula's lineage got the news and hid them all, leaving Armisius to find them. Not here.

In the hotel room.

Hu Qing left the practice room early in the morning and looked at the skill bar on the mental screen:

"Flashlight Movie lv1 (0/1400): Spending 50 MP can condense two parallel lightning magic attacks in both eyes. The magic for normal targets is +20, and the magic for monster targets is +30. This skill is powerful and can be used for a huge amount of time. Disadvantages: It takes too long to condense and cannot be locked, making it easy for enemies to avoid. Level 33 can increase LV2.”

In the past few days, he has upgraded the skill "Flash Light Movie" to LV1, strengthening the mage's power.

In the game, the hit rate of the "Flashlight Movie" skill is not high, and it requires a lot of technical content. But in reality, he has the demonic pattern of telepathy pressure attack, which just makes up for the shortcomings of this skill.

Because this skill is more powerful than lightning, it actually makes this skill very useful.

In this way, he uses the mage weapon Golden Sea Soul to cast "Flash Light Movie" to kill monsters. The magic power is the weapon 10 + the laser movie itself 30 + himself + 33 + Sibei 5 + life necklace 10. This is the magic of 88 Powerful.

With the 88 magic power of "Flash Light Movie", even if you don't use other means, if you encounter an old god like Ares, this skill alone can make the opponent afraid.

Of course, now there is "Assassination Sword Technique". Using warrior methods, you can kill it even without a paralysis ring.

However, the old god is always a product abandoned by the times. It is nothing compared to the truly terrifying existence of evil forces. Therefore, he needs more experience to upgrade.

Unfortunately, the vampires of Dracula's lineage were so frightened that they ran and hid. He looked at the experience bar again and saw that the total experience had only reached level 28, 985362/1600000, which was still more than 600,000 experience short of leveling up.

Therefore, the only choice is to find trouble with another bloodline of vampires.

Hu Qing was about to go out of the room to tell Ellen and JO the news about Klaus, when he saw that JO had already opened the door first, and said with excitement: "Hu, we found the vampire who killed my father, Whistler's An exorcist friend said that he met the vampire in a place called Waterfall Town, but the other party said that the town was a bit strange. "

"Found it?" Hu Qing was a little surprised.

He originally thought that it would be difficult to find Klaus based on his name, but it seemed that he underestimated the abilities of these exorcists.

JO asked again with a trace of request: "Hu, will you go with us to find that vampire? Blade said that the vampire is very strong. Even if he goes to find him now, he will still be unable to defeat him. We need you!"

Hu Qing hugged JO's waist and asked teasingly: "Then do you need me?"

JO's pretty face turned red.

In fact, he would go even without JO telling him, after all, he needs experience.

However, it would be even better if JO could accompany him to watch some movies of Japanese teachers and let her learn some postures and techniques.

I have to say that this world is better than the previous life in that at least it is not forbidden to use Japanese teachers' teaching films.

The two were hugging each other and didn't feel the door of the next room open at all, and a resentful look came over.

Liu Qingqing sighed silently. Why did she have to eat a mouthful of sour dog food as soon as the door opened?

"Hey!" Liu Qingqing sighed inexplicably again.

Beside them, Amisius and Thor, the dog, also came out. The vampire of Dracula's lineage ran away to hide. There was not much point in Amisius looking for him again. It was a waste of time. He had been asked to come back last night.

When they arrived at the hall, Ellen, Whistler, Blade, and Nisha were already waiting.

Whistler, Blade, and Muddy obviously looked at Amisius twice more, because he suddenly appeared.

But Blade and Nisha were very frightened. They could feel the dangerous aura emanating from Amisius.

It was obvious that Amisius had killed too many vampires these days, and he had a kind of evil spirit that made vampires naturally afraid.

"Sir, I'm afraid I have to rely on you again this time!" Blade came back to his senses and immediately said to Hu Qing respectfully.

To treat such a strong man, even a proud man like him can only give the greatest respect.

Hu Qing glanced at Nisha beside Blade, because she didn't die like in the movie. Now her father and brother are dead. She seems to have nowhere to go except staying with Blade, or she doesn't want to get involved in the bad things of Dracula vampires.

What Hu Qing wants to complain about is that the love between this vampire is too fast.

I didn't feel it when I watched the movie in my previous life, but now I am personally involved in it. It seems that the two of them have known each other for a short time and they are already in love.

Naturally, if Liu Qingqing knew Hu Qing's thoughts at this time, she would definitely express disdain in her heart. Some people just like to judge others and have no idea in their hearts.

Ellen also explained to Hu Qing: "Hu, the other party is called Klaus, and he may be in a place called Waterfall Town now."

Hu Qing nodded: "Well, let's go and deal with this guy."

The group was about to set off when they heard Jiang Zhenzu's voice: "Mr. Hu, why didn't you notify me if you were leaving? We came to New York together, so we naturally have to leave together."

Seeing Jiang Chen approaching with a smile on his face, Hu Qing was stunned.

Why did this zombie king still entangle him?

Does the other party know that he will bring great pressure to others?

Jiang Zhenzu smiled and said: "Mr. Hu, let's go! Where are we going next?"

"Waterfall Town!" Hu Qing said embarrassedly.

The group left the hotel, and there were already several cars parked on the roadside outside. These were all prepared by Nisha.

Although Duke Norma died and the vampires of Dracula's lineage had changed drastically, this little thing was still very simple for Nisha.

A moment later, the car started and drove out of New York City, but when passing through a street in a district next to Manhattan, it was found that many people gathered on the street ahead, and it was even on alert. There were also many reporters who were attracted and were taking pictures of a building.

"Hu, something seems to have happened here." JO frowned.

"Yeah!" Hu Qing nodded, and the group's car had to stop. The road ahead was temporarily blocked.

But just as his car stopped, a loud explosion suddenly sounded, and even the ground shook.

The cars of Hu Qing and his group stopped.

Hu Qing looked out the window and saw the wall of a building collapsed, and countless flames and dust splashed everywhere.

The collapsed wall even smashed the cars on the street below.

Bang! ~

Hu Qing's car shook violently, and a figure hit the front of his car, causing the whole car to dent and even crack. ,

This figure seemed to be blown out from the upstairs, but he opened his hands and smiled as if he had deliberately flown out.

Hu Qing saw the other person's head with a broken horn and red skin, and immediately understood that it was this guy, Hellboy.

Suddenly, reporters from all around gathered around and frantically aimed at Hellboy and pressed the shutter.

Hellboy immediately excitedly made a YES gesture to the camera.

In the car, Hu Qing saw this scene and was sure that this guy was deliberately blown out and took the opportunity to appear on camera. This operation was the same as in the movie in the previous life.

But before Hu Qing could think about it, suddenly, the whole ground shook, and then panicked exclamations rang out all around, and the pedestrians and reporters who stopped began to flee frantically.

A moment later, a crack suddenly appeared on the ground in front of them, and then it bulged quickly, and strange green vines suddenly came out frantically.

Moreover, Teng Meng turned out to be a huge green figure, like an ancient tree spirit monster, even with a head, eyes, and nose.

The huge vines were its hands and feet.

The key is that its body is extremely huge, almost more than 10 meters high. As soon as it got out of the ground, it suddenly opened its mouth and let out a sharp howl.

Seeing this, Hellboy immediately jumped off Hu Qing's car with a serious look on his face.

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