Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 373 The devil Hu Qing must be eliminated!

These figures in strange black robes turned out to be women, and the voices they shouted out were very neat.

Hu Qing was immediately confused at that moment.

He had no idea what was going on.

The scene before him was obviously an evil organization planning to sacrifice Dean, and then summon the devil from hell to come out and destroy the world.

But what the hell are these guys doing summoning the Death Lord?

Moreover, why would he respond when summoned by these guys?

This is a big joke.

And how do these guys know about the Death Lord?

"Who is it?" A voice shouted from the side.

I saw another figure wearing a strange black robe appearing on the right side of Hu Qing, staring at him coldly.

This was obviously a spy who discovered Hu Qing.

This also shocked the women around the altar.

They all stood up and surrounded Hu Qing's position.

At this time, Hu Qing could clearly see the appearance of these women. Each of them had a special flower tattoo printed on their face.

These women immediately surged with a special scarlet energy, which was evil and made people very uncomfortable. They all looked at Hu Qing with cold eyes.

A woman with at least 36* breasts said coldly: "I was sacrificing an exorcist but got no response from the Death Lord, so another one came to my door."

The next moment, those figures all attacked Hu Qing.

Hu Qing did not hesitate and decisively used the Resistance Ring of Fire. A ring of fire spread out instantly and impacted these figures.

In an instant, these figures all widened their eyes in shock. They all flew backwards under the impact of the ring of fire, vomiting blood and rolling to the ground.

These women looked at Hu Qing in horror. Knowing how powerful Hu Qing was, they turned around and tried to escape without any hesitation.

"Hmph." Hu Qing snorted coldly, and then launched a series of lightning techniques, which fell directly on them, killing them one by one in an instant.

【Experience +2300】

【Experience +2200】

The successive experience reminders that appeared in his mind made Hu Qing certain that these women were not human beings, at least not pure human beings, otherwise he would not gain experience.

In a blink of an eye, the woman with 36* on her chest was left. Seeing that those women were dealt with instantly, the pair of 36* in front of her rose and fell a little rapidly, indicating her fear.

"Tell me, what are you doing?" Hu Qing asked with a frown. He wanted to understand why these women summoned him to destroy the world inexplicably.

The woman gritted her teeth and stared at Hu Qing fiercely: "Exorcist, don't even think about knowing anything. Someone will find you."

"When our summons is successful, the Death Lord will destroy this filthy world, and you will also die in the hands of the Death Lord."

As soon as he finished speaking, the flower tattoo on the woman's face suddenly lit up with scarlet light and spread in all directions. The woman's entire face was instantly distorted, exploded, and blood spurted out.

"???" Hu Qing frowned when he saw this scene.

I wanted to stay alive, but unexpectedly I committed suicide.

At first glance, this looks like a sick-minded and fanatical evil organization, but why would this organization target him? It was still the identity of the Death Lord that he randomly arranged in hell.

Thinking of the call that appeared in his heart just now and waiting for him to respond, he felt that these people were really crazy and wanted to call him to destroy the world.

Only when he is crazy would he want to destroy the world.

Looking at the corpses, Hu Qing could only go to the middle of the altar and put Dean down. Dean was not only tied up, but also unconscious.

After untying Dean's rope, Hu Qing slapped Dean hard in the face.

Dean immediately woke up with a groan: "Hu?"

The next moment, he thought of something, suddenly stood up and looked around, and then saw the corpses.

"Hu, it seems you saved me." Dean breathed a long sigh of relief and stepped forward to give Hu Qing a big hug.

At this time, JO, Ellen and Blade walked over, obviously knowing that the battle was over.

Ellen looked at the bodies of the women and asked with a frown, "Dean, what's going on?"

Dean said angrily: "Hey, it's my fault. I received a call from Sam before. He came to see me from Hu, and we made an appointment to meet in this town."

"But when I arrived in this town, I found that Sam was missing. I checked the surveillance and found that Sam was gone with a woman, and the phone couldn't be reached."

"Furthermore, I discovered that the place where Sam originally stayed in the motel left a demonic scent, and the woman who took Sam away was a demon."

Hearing this, Hu Qing subconsciously thought of a character in "The Power of Evil", the female demon Ruby.

Ruby, the devil, had a very important role before Lucifer came out, and was even rated as one of the stage heroines. The other party was Lucifer's loyal lackey.

She is also Lilith's acting partner. For the entire two seasons, she played the role of Sam's mentor, and she even had Sam's crush on her.

Especially when Lilith ran to the world, she pretended to help the two brothers fight against Lilith, making Sam believe in her. Until the last moment, she personally killed Lilith, lifted the last seal, and released Lucifer.

Unexpectedly, Ruby came to Sam's door after he left him.

In other words, Lilith's plan has already begun and she may escape from hell at any time.

This is definitely not good news for him.

Dean frowned and continued: "Originally, I wanted to look for Sam in the town, but I just happened to find a demonic aura. When I found it, I saw a demon imprisoned by a magic circle."

"I learned from this demon that a group of dark witches summoned it through induction. These dark witches seemed to be looking for a powerful demon king in hell, and I learned about a powerful demon king from the demon's mouth."

"It seems that the demon king just wiped out the territory of a yellow-eyed demon and scared the yellow-eyed demon away. That demon was the subordinate of the yellow-eyed demon who managed to escape."

"So, those dark witches used that demon's positioning to prepare to summon the demon king to destroy the world."

"As soon as I learned this information, those dark witches came back, and I fell into their hands."

"Destroy the world again?" Ellen asked subconsciously.

Several other people also had strange expressions on their faces. They had just experienced Prince Ajuda's plan to destroy humanity, and now they encountered an evil organization that wanted to summon the Demon King of Hell to destroy the world?

Jiang Zhenzu was a little surprised and said: "Do so many people in the West want to destroy the world?"

He felt a little weird. The word "destruction of the world" had always been buried deep in his heart, but after following Mr. Hu, he seemed to meet people who wanted to destroy the world one after another.

He finally understood why he had the feeling that it would be interesting to follow Mr. Hu.

"It turned out to be the Flower of Darkness Organization!" Whistler suddenly exclaimed, his face looking a little ugly.

"Flower of Darkness?" Dean exclaimed when he heard the name: "By the way, they all have those kind of flower tattoos on their faces. This seems to be the symbol of that organization. I have read relevant information, but I didn't expect this. This terrible organization still exists.”

JO asked doubtfully: "Dean, what organization is Flower of Darkness?"

Dean frowned and explained: "This is a group of lunatic organizations that once controlled the land of the West. They have some demon blood and will not become a voodoo curse because of their practice of dark witchcraft."

"For a period of time, they served as human sacrifices and led mankind, but their evil identities were eventually discovered by humans. Many dark witches were even hunted down by humans and burned at the stake."

"So, the dark witch of the Flower of Darkness began to hate humans and began to think of summoning the devil of hell to destroy humans."

"Once they summoned Beelzebub, a terrible demon king of hell. Beelzebub brought great harm to this land. Although he was eventually driven back to hell, Beelzebub left a terrible virus in the world. ”

"The outbreak of these viruses can almost destroy mankind. Although these viruses have been sealed, as time goes by, due to human greed, several viruses break through the seal and bring about horrific disasters. One virus caused death Even more than 200 million people.”

"There are rumors that the virus left by Beelzebub is still under seal, but the seal is about to expire, and it may break out around 2020, but this is just a rumor, and not many people care about it. "

"I didn't expect that the Flower of Darkness organization still exists, and it will continue to summon the devil from hell to destroy the world."

After hearing these words, Ellen and JO both looked unhappy.

They seem to know what those viruses are, and some humans have not yet completely conquered those viruses.

Moreover, they have also seen the power of the yellow-eyed demon. Now the people of this dark organization want to summon a terrifying demon king who can scare away the yellow-eyed demon, which will definitely bring terrible disasters to the world.

"Hu, we must stop this flower of darkness." JO said with a worried face: "If the other party really summons that devil, you must kill that devil."

"???" Hu Qing!

Ellen also nodded and said: "Once the Flower of Darkness organization summons that demon king, it will definitely bring great harm to the world. It must be reported to the Exorcist Guild and let them prepare the means to deal with the demon king."

"???" Hu Qing!

Dean also nodded and said: "When I find Sam, I must start this matter with Bobby and his father. No matter how powerful the devil is, there will be a way to solve the other party. We must be prepared."

"???" Hu Qing!

Jiang Zhenzu also smiled and said: "Mr. Hu, it seems that it is really interesting to follow you. That Prince Ajuda is just a small troublemaker and can't make it to the stage. I am a little curious about this Hell Demon King. If possible, I would like to give him a try. His ability to see if he is qualified to destroy the world,"

"???" Hu Qing!

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