Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 374 Chasing Hu Qing to Waterfall Town!

Seeing the general's expectant look, Hu Qing secretly touched the cold sweat on his forehead. Don't worry, the Death Lord will never show up.

Who would have thought that just being forced to open the vest twice could cause risks?

Also, the Flower of Darkness organization only summoned a demon to understand the situation, so why did it summon the men of Nioro, the Pig Gang Hye? The key is also to learn about Zhu Ganghe, the yellow-eyed demon, who was scared away.

The key point is that Niall is also unlucky. Why is it that no matter who is summoned in the human world, he is summoned to his subordinates?

Is it possible that this guy has a connection with the human world?

If he hadn't attacked the opponent's territory this time, then maybe the one these flowers of darkness were going to summon was Niall, right?

After all, a yellow-eyed demon is at the level of a prince of hell, and is absolutely terrifying to the human world.

However, he didn't know anything about the Flower of Darkness organization, let alone their details. He didn't do anything at that time, but he was blamed one after another.

Liu Qingqing had already stepped forward, and black energy surged out of her body, covering the corpses of the dark witches.

She's using her new abilities.

The God of Death has some special abilities over the dead. The Messenger of Death is as famous as the God of Death, so naturally he has some.

It's just that she had just transformed into the Death God Angel before, so her abilities were limited.

The black energy immediately penetrated into the bodies of those dark witches.

There are wandering spirits and ghosts in this world, and any living being may become a wandering spirit or ghost after death.

However, ghosts are not so easy to be born. Even low-level wandering souls are very rare. This requires specific circumstances or special obsessions.

Otherwise, death is death, and it would be a mess if a ghost is born after a life dies.

After a moment, Liu Qingqing's black energy extracted a small ball of light from the corpses. She stretched out her palm, and the light ball flew into her hand. At the same time, she closed her eyes.

These lights are the remnants of dark witches, and they contain some information about these dark witches during their lifetimes.

She naturally wanted to find out some relevant information about the Flowers of Darkness organization from the remnants of these dark witches.

"Mr. Hu, these guys do a very good job of keeping confidentiality." Liu Qingqing finally sighed.

Many of the remnants left by these corpses are about daily life, but there is very little news about the Flower of Darkness organization. Even the dark witch makes every contact through the flower tattoo on her face.

That was not an ordinary tattoo, but a witch tattoo.

Ellen, Whistler, and Dean couldn't find any clues from the bodies.

Hu Qing also tried to summon Thor and said: "Thor, see if these dark witches have any companions nearby."

If these dark witches have companions nearby, they will definitely not be able to escape the detection of Thor, the hellhound.

Thor ran around, sniffing carefully, and returned to Hu Qing after a while, whining.

Thor also failed to discover a new breath, that is, all the dark witches who came to this town were dead.

As a result, the information about the Flower of Darkness organization was cut off.

"Hu, now that there are no clues about the Flower of Darkness organization, what should we do next?" JO asked.

Hu Qing thought for a while and said: "There are no clues now. Let's go back to the motel and stay there. If we don't see other dark witches tomorrow, we will go to Falls Town to find Klaus, solve this vampire, and then go back to investigate the clues about the Flower of Darkness. ”

Now the Flower of Darkness has no clue except these corpses, and it would be a waste of time to dwell on it.

Hu Qing made a decision, and others would naturally not object.

Then the cell phone rang.

It was a cell phone in Ellen's hand.

"Dean, Sam's phone number." Ellen picked up the phone, looked at it, and handed it to Dean.

Dean immediately took his phone and pressed answer: "Sam, where are you... Okay... Okay, I'll go find you right away..."

After hanging up the phone, Dean immediately said to Hu Qing: "Hu, I have news about Sam. I need to find him immediately. If you have news about the Flower of Darkness organization, remember to tell me."

"Yeah." Hu Qing nodded. Seeing that Dean was about to leave, he suddenly stopped him and took out a scroll from the inventory.

"Special mark teleportation scroll: This is a special scroll made using teleportation. A mark point is locked on it. After using this scroll, you can be teleported to the location of the mark point."

This is the ability that is instantly promoted to LV2. It can create a special mark teleportation scroll (Chapter 307) through the mark points left behind.

This is equivalent to a directional town-return scroll, but it's a pity that LV2 can only produce 4.

He had never had time to make it before, so he took the time to make this one a few days ago.

"Dean, take this." Hu Qing handed the special mark teleportation scroll to Dean and said: "If you are in danger, use this thing immediately. As long as you are still breathing, I can save you. "

If the woman who appears next to Sam is really the female demon Ruby, then Dean's first disaster will also occur. He will soon die in the devil's plan, and then be thrown into purgatory by Lucifer's men. In the border space between hell and hell, I was tortured for 40 years.

It was a special area with a different proportion of time loss. Dean had been tortured there for 40 years, and only 4 months had passed in the human world.

Dean took the scroll and gave Hu Qing a big hug: "Brother, if you have any news about the dark flower, please contact me. Sam and I can help!"

The group destroyed the altar and returned to the motel.

Dean left in the dark to find Sam, and Hu Qing and his group stayed in the motel.

A night passed, and everything was calm.

The dark witch did not appear, and the body was still there when they returned to the altar.

Thor still did not find any new dark witches, so Hu Qing and his group left the town and went to Waterfall Town.

But Hu Qing did not know that shortly after he left the town, several figures in cloaks appeared at the altar. They were the other dark witches, and the two sides missed each other perfectly.

These dark witches looked at the destroyed altar and the bodies with gloomy faces.

A dark witch frowned and said, "The altar has been activated. It seems that they have tried to summon the Lord of Death, but there was no response."

Another dark witch also said, "So, the Lord of Death we discovered this time is very powerful, and it is not something that ordinary sacrifices can respond to."

"However, they were killed, which is unforgivable." A middle-aged dark witch waved her hand with anger on her face, and the flower rune on her face began to emit a special scarlet light.

This light was the same as the last witch killed by Hu Qing who activated the flower rune on her face.

In an instant, the same scarlet light spots condensed around.

These light spots began to merge into her scarlet light, and then made the scarlet light wriggle.

In a short time, a scarlet crow shadow appeared in the scarlet light.

This was the information left by the dark witch before her death, which could help them find the murderer.

Sure enough, as the crow phantom appeared, phantom images flashed from the crow's body, and she saw a Chinese killing her dark witch.

"It's a damn Chinese, looking for death!" The middle-aged dark witch took out a dagger and stabbed it into her palm, splashing blood.

The blood quickly floated towards the scarlet crow phantom, and actually constructed a vein for the phantom crow.

"Take us to find those people." The middle-aged dark witch said coldly.

The next moment, the crow phantom flew out, and these dark witches followed it, heading in one direction.

Time passed.

It was night again.

The middle-aged dark witch drove with people, following the scarlet phantom crow all the way.

The scarlet crow phantom had begun to fade, and it seemed that it could dissipate at any time.

This is the time is coming.

Although this kind of witchcraft can help them find the murderer, there is always a limited time. If the time is up, there will be no way.

However, when they arrived at a small town, the scarlet crow shadow suddenly flickered, and the frequency was very fast.

"The murderer is in this town. It seems that God is favoring us." The middle-aged dark witch smiled.

Then, the dark witches got off the car and looked at the sign of the town.

"Waterfall Town!"

The middle-aged dark witch said coldly: "In this case, let's sacrifice the people of this entire town. I believe it will satisfy the Lord of Death. Let the Chinese sacrifice the flag for the Lord of Death!"

After a while, these dark witches spread out around the town and began to arrange witchcraft array patterns around the town.

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