Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 385 Heading to Twilight City! Let the minister be the matchmaker!

In the castle.

Hu Qing sat cross-legged, with a thunder light surrounding him and floating in the air.

He is practicing thunder and lightning.

After reaching level 30, not only can you learn "Savage Crash" and "Hell's Lightning", but the lightning technique can also be upgraded to LV2.

After wiping out the original family in New Orleans, he separated from JO and returned to the castle.

After taking revenge, JO and Ellen did not plan to go back to the bar, but decided to go back to their hometown to pay homage and then rest for a while.

He has been practicing thunder and lightning skills for more than 10 days since he came back.

Suddenly, the suspended lightning dispersed.

Hu Qing opened his eyes and stood up, then looked at the skill bar.

After more than ten days, the lightning technique was finally upgraded to LV2.

"Thunder and Lightning lv2 (0/3000): Consumes 50 MP to summon a thunder and lightning falling from the sky. The thunder and lightning contains special natural power. It will ignore external obstacles and fall directly on the target. It increases the magic of normal targets by +30 magic. Attack increase against monster targets: Magic +40, level 37 can increase LV3.”

Hu Qing showed satisfaction when he saw the attributes.

Before the appearance of Sky-Destroying Fire, thunder and lightning had always been the single-target skill that mages relied on most, and one had to admit that thunder and lightning was powerful.

Now, the magic power of LV2's lightning spell has reached 30 against normal targets, and 40 against monsters.

In other words, if he uses all his strength to perform thunder and lightning, his magic power will reach 93.

If you encounter an enemy like Ares again, you don't need to rely on the paralysis ring. You can just use the thunder and lightning technique to chop him to death. Combined with the poison technique, you can definitely kill the opponent.

Hu Qing then looked at Amishius's small portrait, which still showed the prompt 'The level is increasing...'.

When he first seduced Armisius, Armisius had level LV4, and the upgraded energy bar was almost full.

After slaughtering the vampires of the ancestral family this time, Amishius was finally able to increase his level to LV5 and become an angel. .

However, Amishius' promotion took a long time, and it has not been completed even after more than ten days.

Hu Qing looked away from the light curtain in his mind, stretched and left the room.

As soon as he arrived at the hall, he saw the general.

That's right, the zombie king relied on him to reach the castle again.

Moreover, he secretly took the generals for a walk to conduct experiments, and the effect of restricting access to Hongming Village was of no use to the generals.

However, fortunately, within the scope of Hongming Village, the generals were affected by the peaceful attack mode and could not attack him, but he could attack the generals.

Here, if there was a fight, he should be able to kill the generals.

The general did not notice Hu Qing, but kept looking outside.

Hu Qing followed the general's gaze and saw Yu Zhi and Jenna. He saw Jenna, the witch, stuffing two bags of blood into Yu Zhi's hands, and then left in a hurry.

Hu Qing had long known that Jenna seemed to be interested in Zhi, but the witch's special operation of drawing her own blood and giving it to Yu Zhi seemed a bit coquettish.

It's just that he doesn't know why a beautiful woman likes Yu Zhi, a zombie who doesn't understand the charm.

The generals watched this scene with interest.

His focus now is on stopping.

Although he has been in the human world for a long time and has been learning what love is, he has never experienced real love, and he has never seen a zombie like him fall in love.

Now that he saw Yu Zhi and Jenna, he was very interested.

However, he was quite anxious.

He thought this descendant was an elm-headed person.

Even he could sense what the witch meant, but the descendant didn't know how to respond.

Seeing such a stupid descendant, he felt that he should do something to help him.

Perhaps, in his heart, Yu Zhi, a descendant, could have a happy relationship, which gave him some illusions about his future with Nuwa.

This is probably why he paid too much attention to the First Emperor and Kuang Tianyou in "I Have a Date with a Zombie". What these two people have in common is that they are in love.

Hu Qing didn't know what the general was thinking, so he walked straight towards the sofa beside him.

Kalinda, the succubus, was holding a plate of fruit, eating and watching the news.

It's what's happening in the city of New Orleans that's on the news.

Because of a holy water shower from the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department, many vampires from the Ancestor Family were exposed to the eyes of tourists, and many videos were posted online.

Even with the death of the three ancestors, all the vampires in this lineage died, but the storm did not stop. The most direct thing is that New Orleans went from one of the most popular tourist cities to the least popular tourist city. One of them.

After all, no one wants to travel to a city where vampires appear, except for perverts and some people with brain problems.

Naturally, the outbreak of the New Orleans incident also led to "We want to know the truth" protest marches in many places.

First, the two supernatural incidents caused by the general and Prince Ajuda in New York were so big. This time, another vampire incident occurred in New Orleans, which completely touched some people's nerves.

These people believe that the government has concealed supernatural events and that everyone has been kept in the dark. They believe that they have the right to know the truth and are using their rights to force the government to give an explanation.

Stars and Stripes, a free country, has never lacked such people.

Hu Qing sat on the sofa and hugged the banshee Kalinda into his arms, moving his hands around and eating tofu.

Kalinda rolled her eyes at him and asked, "Hu, did you do the New Orleans thing?"

"Yes!" Hu Qing did not hide anything and roughly told the story. Of course, he omitted all the information about JO. He was not stupid.

At this time, the phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Alice's number.

This reminded him of Alice's request for help before.

More than ten days passed, and it seemed that Bella's delivery day had arrived.

As soon as the phone was connected, Alice's anxious voice sounded: "Mr. Hu, Bella is about to give birth. Can you please come over?"

"Okay!" Hu Qing agreed. Bella was about to give birth, and the royal vampire army should also be delivering experience to the door soon.

After hanging up the phone, Hu Qing said to Kalinda: "I'll take you on a trip, do you want to go?"

"Really?" Kalinda asked happily: "Hu, how did you think of taking me on a trip? Where are we going?"

"Twilight!" Hu Qing said with a smile: "That tourist area is a business of a friend of mine."

Kalinda was surprised and said: "It's this place. I've seen the promotion of Twilight. It seems that the scenery is very beautiful."

The scenery is naturally beautiful. After all, this is the real Twilight. Whether it is the sunrise or the sunset, with the town surrounded by clouds and mist, it is definitely better than a fairyland.

This kind of scenic tourist area with excellent natural conditions does not require much money and time to develop, but it can have high returns.

In the past, many people with vision took a fancy to the scenery of Fox Town and wanted to develop a tourist area, but they were finally scared away by various accidents caused by Edward's vampire family.

Now because of him, Edward's family will not cause trouble for Guo Gang, and there are werewolves from the Quitru tribe as bodyguards for the tourist area. This tourist area has been developed naturally. Guo Gang has already started to promote it some time ago.

But I didn't expect Kalinda to have seen the promotion.

Kalinda was very happy that Hu Qing was taking her on a trip, and she immediately ran upstairs to pack her luggage. Soon, she came down with her luggage and prepared to leave with Hu Qing.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor saw that his master was going out, and ran over happily with a grin.

The dog was a little sticky to his master, and he thought that his master would take him with him.

"Thor, you stay at home!" Kalinda said immediately.

She wanted to treat this as a honeymoon trip with Hu, so she didn't take a dog with her.

This made Thor's grinning mouth close immediately, and he looked at Kalinda blankly, not daring to believe what he heard, until Hu Qing and Kalinda got in the car and left, and then he shrugged his head.

He didn't take it with him?

Liu Qingqing also came out, and looked at the car in the distance with some annoyance. I don't know why she regretted getting her body again.

After all, when she was a ghost without a body, she could always follow Mr. Hu, and they were in the same room wherever they went.

After getting the body, Mr. Hu often left her behind when he went out.

But without the body, he couldn't...

Really tangled.

"Thor, do you want to follow?" Liu Qingqing looked at the dog with his head drooping, and unexpectedly felt a sense of sympathy.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor's eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at Liu Qingqing expectantly.

"Let's go, you are responsible for tracking!" Liu Qingqing decisively got on a spare car in the garage.

If Mr. Hu left her behind, she couldn't follow him by herself, and she wouldn't let Kalinda, the witch, get what she wanted. The other party was just occupying the body at the beginning.

Thor also decisively opened the door of the back seat and rushed up.

The car started and chased out of the castle.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor stuck his head out of the car, tracking the breath of his master, and at the same time, when passing the fork in the road, he didn't forget to raise his paw to point the direction to Liu Qingqing.

And not long after Hu Qing left, Jiang Zhenzu also started to act.

He went straight to Yu Zhi and stared at him.

Yu Zhi was a little nervous when Jiang Chen suddenly approached him.

That was the normal feeling of a descendant facing his ancestor.

After a moment, he imitated his master and said respectfully: "Teacher Jiang!"

"You are very good!" Jiang Zhenzu looked at Yu Zhi and praised him first: "Among my descendants, you are the first one who can break through the restrictions and advance."

As the ancestor of zombies, it was too simple for Jiang Chen to know Yu Zhi's situation.

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang." Yu Zhi said respectfully again.

"Follow me!" Jiang Zhenzu said again.

Yu Zhi was a little confused and didn't understand what this person wanted him to do.

But he obviously didn't dare to refuse, and immediately followed Jiang Chen honestly.

But he didn't expect Jiang Chen to take him to find Jenna.

Jenna also looked at Jiang Chen in confusion.

She could feel a dangerous aura from Jiang Chen.

Yu Zhi was worried that Jenna would offend Jiang Chen, so he hurriedly said, "Miss Jenna, this is Teacher Jiang!"

Jenna also sensed something from Yu Zhi's tone, and said respectfully, "Teacher Jiang."

"You two follow me!" Jiang Zhenzu said again.

Jenna and Yu Zhi looked at each other in confusion, really not knowing what this person was going to do, but they didn't dare to refuse, so they could only follow Jiang Zhenzu.

After leaving the castle, Jiang Zhenzu took Yu Zhi and Jenna to the artificial lake and boarded a yacht.

Yu Zhi and Jenna could only follow.

Jiang Chen suddenly frowned and asked, "Can you drive a yacht?"

Yu Zhi and Jenna shook their heads immediately, as they had never learned it.

"It doesn't matter if you can't." Jiang Zhenzu said, and suddenly opened his hands downward, a wave appeared, and a moment later, the yacht moved on its own and drove out of the artificial lake.

Jenna's eyes widened in shock when she saw this scene. This guy was using his own power to control this yacht?

How powerful is this power?

Jiang Zhenzu ignored Jenna's surprise and used his own power to drive the yacht straight to the sea. It was unknown how long it took before the yacht left the scope of Hongming Village and went directly to the sea.

It was unknown how long it took before Jiang Zhenzu withdrew his power and stopped the yacht.

"Teacher Jiang, I don't know why you brought us here." Yu Zhi was full of doubts, not knowing what this guy was going to do.

"Let you fall in love." Jiang Zhenzu went straight to the point.


Yu Zhi and Jenna were both shocked.

Yu Zhi opened his mouth and looked at Jiang Chen with an incredible face. He wanted to ask if these were jokes.

Jenna was embarrassed, which surprised her too much.

But after Jiang Zhenzu finished speaking, he flew directly into the sky, with dragon wings spread out on his back, rising higher and higher.

"Leave?" Yu Zhi was stunned. He was about to walk out of the deck, but he was surprised to find that the entire deck was shrouded by an invisible energy, and he was blocked when he stepped forward.

This time, Yu Zhi was really confused.

"Well, he won't let us leave?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah!" Yu Zhi nodded.

Jenna asked again: "What should we do now?"

"I don't know!" Yu Zhi sighed.

In the sky, Jiang Chen spread his dragon wings and floated, staring at the yacht below with interest. He also took great pains.

At this time.

In another part of the sea, a yacht was approaching here.

In the yacht's cabin, the driver was controlling the yacht with an ugly face. Behind him stood two Chinese people, one with yellow hair and the other with a face that looked like he deserved a beating.

"Turn a little to the left!" The yellow-haired man urged.

The driver who was operating the yacht did not dare to hesitate and operated anxiously. He knew how terrifying these two men were.

The man who asked for a beating asked: "Xu Fu, are you sure that your descendant is on the sea?"

"Crow, are you questioning my mother?" Xu Fu said unhappily: "The other party is my descendant, how could I sense it wrong, I can find him soon."

These are the two zombies Xu Fu and Crow who came from China. Xu Fu naturally wants to subdue the descendant he sensed and take him back to China.

Crow did not question it, but asked: "Xu Fu, what if the other party does not go with us? Then there is no way to know the secret of his breaking through the limit."

"Then beat him!" Xu Fu said directly: "Even if he breaks through the limit and advances to Green Eye, he can't be better than us. We have been in Green Eye for so long."

After a while, Xu Fu and Crow really saw a yacht in the distance.

"I said!" Xu Fu immediately said to the driver: "Quick, drive to that yacht for me."

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