Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 405: Terrifying Behemoth! Autobots in Action!

In Carlisle Energy Gene Company.

When Harvey saw that someone had taken the special sonar equipment first, he immediately picked up the communicator: "McCallum, someone has taken the special sonar equipment away. The special sonar equipment is not here now. Use the satellite to detect the source of the sonar."

In the X Department base.

McCallum's face was not good when he heard the news, and he immediately said to Hu Qing: "Mr. Hu, please take action to subdue this giant ape George first. There is something wrong with the special sonar equipment."

Hu Qing nodded, and naturally heard the news from McCallum's communicator.

"Thank you, Mr. Hu!" McCallum thanked him, and took out the communicator and urged: "Quickly start the satellite to detect where the special sonar source that affects the giant beast is."

Hu Qing also walked towards the giant ape George. George, who has not yet recovered his clarity, has madness in his eyes, only destruction.

A group of witches next to him tried to cast witchcraft to subdue the giant ape, but their strength was obviously too weak. The giant ape has now grown to its largest size, and its strength is very terrifying.

Hu Qing had a demon-slaying sword in his hand, and he also put on a soul battle suit. At the same time, he cast a magic spell on the giant ape George.

In an instant, beams of light rushed up around the giant ape, instantly surrounding the giant ape George, and lines flashed.

The giant ape George had already grabbed a car in his hand and was ready to smash it. Just as he lifted the car above his head, the formation condensed by the magic spell had already taken shape, directly trapping George and making him unable to move.

George's violent eyes obviously showed a kind of astonishment. He lifted the car above his head and suddenly couldn't move.

Anne and the other witches were also shocked to see this scene.

They knew very well how powerful this giant ape was.

They joined forces to cast witchcraft to suppress it, but it was useless.

Now Mr. Hu easily cast a magic circle to make the giant ape stand in punishment.

At this time, the giant ape looked like a student who had made a mistake and was punished by the teacher to stand and lift a stool.

They were shocked by this method, and even more shocked that the magic circle was not arranged at all, but appeared directly out of thin air.

How much terrifying power does it take to do this?

"George!" A worried voice sounded.

Davis, who looked exactly like Hobbs, and the black female doctor Kate ran out.

"Davis, don't worry, it's fine, Mr. Hu just restricted it." McAllen also put down the communicator at this time, and after talking to Davis, he looked at the giant ape George and said, "However, what we are worried about now is how to deal with this giant ape. His consciousness is violent. Except for Mr. Hu who can subdue it, we have no other way to calm it down, unless we kill it."

"No... No, it's a good boy..." Davis said anxiously.

Hu Qing smiled when he heard the three words "good boy". It was obviously a social ape, just teasing you, but suddenly he would give you a middle finger gesture.

In the movie, in addition to pointing at Davis with the middle finger, he would also make a circle with his other hand towards the heroine Kate, and use the middle finger in and out of the circle. The meaning is very clear, you two heroes and heroines can go to the hotel to get a room.

Kate stepped forward and said, "George fell into rage because of the influence of the genetic medicine, plus the stimulation of the special sonar. It is not unsolvable. There is an antidote at the Energy Gene Biology Company. Moreover, I know which one it is. I can go and get it. Even if the antidote is not found, the formula data must be there. I can make it."

"Then let's go to the Energy Gene Biology Company quickly." Davis urged immediately.

"I'll go with you!" Hobbs stepped forward at this time.

"Ah...you!" Davis!

"How is it possible!" Kate!

The male and female protagonists of Rampage were obviously shocked when they saw Hobbs.

The two identical people seemed to be cloned.

"It may be difficult to understand, but I am your twin brother, but now is not the time to care about this. Let's go get the antidote first, and talk about other things on the way!" Hobbs smiled and said to Davis.

He had a kidnapping mission assigned by Mr. Hu, and now is also a rare opportunity.

"Yes, yes, go find the antidote." Davis was worried about the giant ape George at this time, and nodded, and followed Hobbs out of the base.

At this time, McAllen put down the communicator and asked: "Mr. Hu, how long can you suppress this giant ape?"

"I don't know!" Hu Qing replied.

The effect time of the skill of the magic spell is related to the Taoist magic. The higher the Taoist magic, the greater the power and the longer the effect time.

But unfortunately, none of the objects he cast the magic spell on can last until the end of the effect time.

This answer made McAllen open his mouth: "..."

Anne and other witches beside him also looked at Hu Qing in disbelief. They didn't know the effect time of the ability they cast?

At this time.

A report came from McAllen's communicator: "Captain McAllen, the place where the special sonar is transmitted has been found."

"Send the location." McAllen ordered.

A moment later, McAllen's communicator received a message. When he opened it, he was surprised: "It's actually in this place!"

He handed the location to Hu Qing.

Hu Qing was also a little surprised when he saw it.

It was a satellite scan of the top view. You can see that there are 5 buildings with strange locations in 5 locations, forming a shape similar to a five-star mandrel.

This looks like the Pentagon, a place as famous as the Pentagon in Washington.

Because there is a statue more than 40 meters high in the middle of the five buildings that form the five stars, which is the symbol of the center of the entire Star-Spangled Kingdom: the Statue of Liberty.

The sonar equipment is actually on top of the Statue of Liberty.

McCarron did not dare to hesitate and immediately picked up the walkie-talkie again and said: "Harvey, do you hear that? The special sonar equipment is at the Statue of Liberty. Please take someone there quickly."

Harvey on the other side did not dare to hesitate and immediately led people to rush to the Statue of Liberty.

An anxious voice sounded in McCarran's communicator again: "Captain McCarran, it's not good, the other two giant beasts have rushed into the periphery of New York."

This news shocked McCarron. He really wanted Mr. Hu to take action, but there was still a giant ape at the key base that needed Mr. Hu to suppress.

"Send the picture over." McCarron operated on the communicator, and a projection stood up and appeared on the communicator.

Two images appeared on the projection:

One was a giant wolf that rushed into the suburbs and smashed a suburban villa into pieces as it passed by.

One was a giant crocodile that hit a yacht. The yacht instantly tore apart and exploded. The giant crocodile swam towards the New York port as if nothing happened.

This scene made McCarron look ugly.

Almost at the same time, the entire New York was in panic.

For those news companies that had already dispatched helicopters, the reporters on the helicopters had already started broadcasting live as soon as the behemoth appeared.

Images of the beast appearing were broadcast across the Internet and on home televisions.

For a time, news of giant beast attacks was everywhere.

But seeing the destruction of the giant beasts, everyone was shocked. The two giant beasts were bigger than the previous giant ape. Naturally, they didn't know that the giant ape George was now bigger than before.

Just like in the movie, the giant beast has begun to cause crazy destruction under the stimulation of special sonar.

The giant wolf rushed onto a bridge and looked at the crowded cars on the bridge. With a row of claws, a car flew out like a ball.

The bridge was filled with cries, cries of fear.

In a car, before a pair of parents could get out of the car with their two children, the giant wolf bit them down with its bloody mouth, biting both the person and the car to pieces.

The giant wolf's attack attracted the police and New York's military guards. Police cars arrived one after another, and military helicopters also arrived.

There was a loud sound of gunfire, and dense bullets were fired at the giant wolf, but they failed to stop the giant wolf.

As the giant wolf jumped, the police officers collapsed and shattered under its claws. With a sweep of its claws, the police car rolled out, knocking away the surrounding police officers. Some unlucky police officers were directly crushed under the rolling car. It turned into paste directly.

This scene scared the policemen out of their wits. They felt that the New York police force was a job for them, and many of them would resign in the future.

The military helicopter also received the attack instructions. Rockets quickly impacted the giant wolf, and terrifying flame explosions appeared around the giant wolf.

The flames of the explosion swallowed up the giant wolf, causing its body to tilt. However, after the explosion, the giant wolf shook its head and was not hurt.

It was enraged and jumped up in an instant. It was extremely fast and very high. It even opened its mouth and bit a helicopter to pieces. This made other helicopters frightened and hurriedly rose up.

On the other side, the giant crocodile had also climbed onto the shore. On the shore, several pairs of soldiers were surrounding armored vehicles and shooting at the giant wolf on the bridge.

The sudden emergence of a giant crocodile made these soldiers panic.

This guy was much bigger than the other giant wolf. He opened his mouth and bit three armored vehicles, and threw the armored vehicles into the water with a flick of his head.

The giant crocodile roared, the cry was deafening, and the legs stamped hard, causing the ground to break and the cave to shake with each step.

It rushed forward, but a building stopped it. A promotional video for the movie "Transformers" was playing on the open-air screen outside the building.

People who saw this scene in the news really hoped that Transformers would really show up at this time to stop these two terrifying giant crocodiles.

But the giant crocodile crashed directly into the building. The walls and pillars of the building were like fragile paper straws, without any obstruction. When the giant crocodile hit the building, its huge size completely shattered the pillars of the building, and the building was shaking. It collapsed while shaking.

The dust was floating and spreading crazily in all directions, which also made everyone's hearts twitch.

This horrific disaster has surpassed New York's previous supernatural crises.

Naturally, the attack of this giant beast scared countless ordinary people, but it also attracted some beings.

On a building, a figure appeared with a stream of data. It was Mr. World in a suit. There were several new gods beside him. They all looked at the two giant beasts in disbelief.

"Is this something created by humans?"

"This destructive power is really terrifying!"

"Maybe we can harness that power."


Several new gods couldn't help but be surprised.

At this time, Mr. World looked towards a street, where a car stopped.

Odin and Shadow stepped out of the car.

"Human beings really can't be underestimated. They have actually created something like this." Odin frowned and looked at the two giant beasts: "But if this kind of power is not guided, there will always be huge disasters. This disaster It’s so big that humans can’t solve it, so humans still have to test God’s guidance.”

But the next moment, Odin and Mr. World looked in the same direction incredulously.

"New God? How is it possible?" Mr. World was suddenly shocked. This was not his new god. He almost immediately thought of a possibility.

It must be the new god created by that bastard.

"Where did this new god come from? I have never encountered this aura." Odin also frowned.

In the direction the two were looking, on a street, a domineering heavy truck was driving fast in front, and behind the heavy truck were several other vehicles driving fast.

Their target was the two destructive monsters.

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