Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 406 Shocked: Transformers actually exist!

The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of the United States!

Apart from the base, the Statue of Liberty is more than 40 meters high. She is dressed in ancient Greek style clothes and wears a radiant crown on her head. The seven spikes symbolize the seven continents, but no one knows that the Statue of Liberty is not any of the Greek gods.

The Statue of Liberty is just a fictitious goddess created by the diplomacy of two countries, so her weapons are the torch of liberty held high and the Declaration of Independence held in her arms.

Since the appearance of the Statue of Liberty, the Statue of Liberty has the greatest power of faith in the entire United States.

Everyone in this country believes in freedom.

For a long time, under normal circumstances, the Statue of Liberty will definitely become a new god.

However, for decades, the Statue of Liberty is still just a sculpture exposed to the wind and sun.

At this time, some figures have already placed a special device on the top of the Statue of Liberty, releasing special ripples to attract and stimulate the two giant beasts.

Buffett stood on the top of the Statue of Liberty and could vaguely see the two giant beasts approaching here.

Even from a distance, the destructive power caused by the two beasts can be seen when seeing the collapsed buildings.

Now the power of the entire New York should be attracted by the two beasts.

The mistake of this energy gene biological company really provided him with a good opportunity.

"Boss, someone is coming up, and it should be for the special sonar equipment." A black man in a suit came to Buffett to report.

"Got it." Buffett nodded.

There are still people who will come to trouble him.

However, it doesn't matter as long as it's not the supernatural forces that came before.

There is a special escalator at the entrance on the back of the Statue of Liberty. Harvey and several agents from the X Department have quickly climbed up along the escalator.

This escalator is naturally used for daily maintenance of the Statue of Liberty.

After discovering that the special sonar equipment is on the top of the statue, Harvey rushed here as soon as possible.

But suddenly, a series of sharp arrows flew from above. The speed of those sharp arrows was extremely fast and directly hit several agents from the X Department, causing them to fall down with a scream.

Harvey, who was at the bottom, was directly crushed and fell to the ground and fainted.

Blood flowed out from the bodies of the agents and gathered around the Statue of Liberty into a scarlet color.

But at this time, no one paid attention to this place. Everyone was attracted by the news of the giant beast attacking the city.

The news was being broadcast live on the open-air screens of the surrounding buildings.

"Two giant beasts destroyed another building, and the people in the building had no time to escape... They are now heading in one direction, which seems to be the Statue of Liberty..."

The broadcast from the news caused panic all around, and the people in the area of ​​the Statue of Liberty began to flee quickly, and no one paid attention to the increasing blood gathering around the statue of Liberty itself.

"It's time for me to start..." Buffett walked down from the Statue of Liberty, holding a sculpture head in his hand.

The eyes in the sculpture were red, emitting a strange red light.



On the street, the terrifying sound of collapse sounded again.

Another building collapsed because of the giant crocodile.

Facing the attack and demolition of the two giant beasts, the military had already collapsed.

The non-strategic weapons they deployed could not hurt the beast at all. When they attacked the giant crocodile, they were completely blocked by the terrifying scales on the surface.

Some people also proposed an effective method, which was to use high-explosive weapons or TNT to get into the belly of the beast and solve it from the inside.

But how to get in? Who would go?

Several teams of soldiers were sent out and all were beaten into pulp by one claw.

As the army collapsed, the whole New York became more chaotic. Not only the attacked area, but also the places far away, as long as people in New York were panicked, many people had packed their luggage and rushed to the outside of New York.

This caused countless traffic arteries leading to the outside of New York to be blocked, and countless people could only stand anxiously by the car and watch the live news broadcasts everywhere.

The city of New York may really be cursed.

Perhaps the only people who can be happy now are those news companies.

The live news made their ratings explode directly.

How much advertising fees can this charge?

The boss of the news company hoped that the attack would not end so quickly, and it would be fine if it happened a few more times.

"Keep up, the boss said everyone will get an extra month's bonus this month!" Gu Lisa laughed when she heard the voice coming from the headset. She was a reporter, and as long as there was hot news, the bonus would not be less.

But no one would care about an extra month's bonus.

The photographer's voice suddenly sounded: "Gu Lisa, look at those cars, they are heading towards the area where the monsters are. What are they going to do?"

Gu Lisa immediately looked in the direction of the photographer's shooting, and immediately saw those cars, and the heavy truck in the front was particularly obvious.

This scene was naturally broadcast live by the news.

Reporters from other news companies also discovered this abnormal scene and also filmed it live.

So, almost at the same time, countless people saw these vehicles heading straight to the area of ​​the two monsters.

"It's Optimus Prime!" An innocent child recognized the heavy truck, just like in the movie.

"And Bumblebee!" A little girl pointed to a yellow Chevrolet in the news.

This scene happened in countless places. Children are always more innocent than adults, and they thought of the scenes in the movie.

Adults were also affected. Those who have seen the movie also recalled the appearance of the cars of the Autobots in the movie, as if they were really the appearance of the cars of Optimus Prime and the Autobots.

But how could Optimus Prime appear? After all, it was a product of the movie.

Adults all thought so!

Then, a scene that everyone could not believe happened.

When it rushed to the distance of the giant beast, the heavy truck that was the same as Optimus Prime in the movie suddenly jumped up, and then began to undergo mechanical transformation in mid-air, with legs, hands, and head, and then fell to the ground as a mechanical body several meters high.

Isn't that Optimus Prime?

The cars behind also jumped up at that moment, and also entered the mechanical body transformation, turning into mechanical bodies and appearing behind Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime rushed directly to the giant crocodile, punched it hard, and directly hit the giant crocodile back.

The other God Puppet Autobots rushed to the giant wolf and besieged it.

"OMG! What did I see?" Gu Lisa, the reporter, witnessed the scene for the first time and exclaimed: "Optimus Prime, is this the real Optimus Prime?"

The reporter's exclamation was broadcast with the news.

Naturally, countless people also saw the scene of Optimus Prime's transformation in the news. That one shocked everyone. The scene like in the movie appeared in reality.

In Seattle, Abike was also watching the news of the attack in New York in his office.

He himself is a supernatural creature goblin. He is not too surprised by the supernatural attack. He is only surprised by the power of those giant beasts and is glad that he has a backer like Mr. Hu.

This kind of attack will definitely not happen in Seattle.

But when Optimus Prime and the Autobots appeared, he was also shocked and widened his eyes.

He is familiar with the Autobots.

After all, he invested 200 million US dollars in Mr. Hu's movie investment. He also produces Transformers toys and his business is still very hot.

But he really didn't expect that the Transformers really exist.

This made him recall that he seemed to have seen the heavy truck when he went to Mr. Hu's castle last time.

It was incredible. I knew Mr. Hu would not invest in a movie for no reason.

The most shocked person was naturally Michael.

Because of the box office success of this "Transformers", he became a hot director in Hollywood. Therefore, after obtaining Abbey's consent, the second "Transformers" was already on the agenda.

He was interviewing the heroine of the second movie when he saw the news that New York was attacked by giant beasts.

At that moment, he was in a similar state of mind as others, but when he saw Optimus Prime and the Autobots in the news, he was completely confused.

The characters in the movie he shot appeared in reality and went to fight the giant beast?

Even the female star stared at Michael blankly, as if asking what was going on.

In the X Department base.

McAllen and Hu Qing also saw the news screen on the communicator.

"How could this happen?" McAllen was incredible.

He naturally knew about Transformers. He and his daughter had watched it and contributed a movie ticket.

He admitted that this popcorn movie was well made, a typical superhero movie, but this time the superheroes changed from humans to several transforming Autobots.

But he never thought that one day he would really see Autobots appear in reality, and the Autobots were dealing with the giant beasts that made them helpless.

Only Hu Qing showed a hint of an inexplicable smile. After Optimus Prime appeared in the news, he clearly felt that Optimus Prime's absorption of faith power became faster and more than ten times.

Naturally, some people looked unhappy.

One was Mr. World. Although he had confirmed Optimus Prime's information, he also felt a trace of the energy of the Tech Boy from Optimus Prime.

The key is that he could feel the power of Optimus Prime, which was far greater than the power of the Tech Boy.

Mr. World was directly annoyed: "Damn, how could that bastard create such a powerful new god."

Odin naturally felt the power of Optimus Prime and was unhappy: "Why did another such a powerful new god appear? It's really annoying."

Bang! ~

A dull crash was heard in the news. It was Optimus Prime who punched the giant crocodile on the head again, and this punch directly knocked the giant crocodile to the ground.

On the other side, the giant wolf was also hit and flew out by several God Puppet Autobots.

The two giant beasts roared wildly, obviously angry.

The giant crocodile rolled up, and its long tail swept. Its tail was very long, and the tail was like a round hammer. It hit a building next to it and directly swept out a terrifying hole.

It rushed directly towards Optimus Prime, and the terrifying tail hammer swung at Optimus Prime fiercely.

This time, Optimus Prime reached behind his back and took out a several-meter-long sword. Just like the scene in the movie, he jumped up suddenly and slashed at the giant crocodile's tail fiercely.

Before Optimus Prime was transformed into a new god, the pure mechanical body had more than 30 attacks when swinging the sword, and 50 attacks when using the laser cannon. After being transformed into a new god, he had the special rule power of divine power to bless 50 attacks.

Therefore, with the original attack of more than 30 points of the sword plus the blessing of 50 special divine power rules, the attack of this sword is about 80 points.

This is definitely a very terrifying attack. No matter whether it is the New God or the Old God, no one can ignore its attack.

If a laser cannon is used, the attack will reach 100%, and even Mr. World and Odin, the leaders of the New God and the Old God, cannot ignore it.

With a slash, the giant crocodile's tail, like a giant hammer, broke directly, spraying green blood, and a terrifying roar resounded, indicating its pain.

On the street, everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, watching the incredible scene in the news.

This is definitely the real Optimus Prime.

All the children clapped their hands crazily and shouted the name of the Autobots. In their innocent world, they always believed that Optimus Prime really existed. Now isn't Optimus Prime fighting monsters?

This emotion seemed to be contagious. In a moment, countless adults were also boiling.

"It's really Optimus Prime!"

"There are really Autobots!"

"This is not a movie, there are really Transformers!"


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