Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 423 Go to that town! Hu Qing: Reward amount is 500,000!

Kalinda felt a sharp pain in her shoulder and could only grit her teeth and retreat, shouting, "Jenna, come here."

Jenna used witchcraft to force one person back, and decisively rushed to Kalinda and hugged her.

She had worked with Kalinda for so long, so she naturally knew that Kalinda had something to escape from given by Mr. Hu.

Kalinda also took out a talisman (teleport) at the same time and used it decisively.

This was made after Hu Qing's teleportation was upgraded, specially for her to escape from danger.

A space wave appeared, covering Kalinda and Jenna.

The two women disappeared instantly.

The attacks of the figures that followed were also directly missed.

"Damn, what kind of method is this?"

"They actually ran away."

"The first target of our ghost fire failed."

Several figures began to curse.

"It seems that the guys on this bounty list cannot be underestimated." A voice said coldly: "However, if they escape here, they will not be allowed to run away again next time. Where is their other address?"

Another person looked at the tablet and said: "In a place called Nidoya, not far from here, they may have returned there."

Another person said: "Now the banshees and witches must be on guard. Ignore them for now and see how many are on the bounty list in Seattle."

The man holding the tablet operated it for a while and said: "There are more than 130. Among them, the highest bounty is Abbey, the richest man in Seattle, with a bounty of up to 10 million US dollars. There is also a werewolf leader named Luke, with a bounty of 5 million US dollars. There are many others, such as a policeman named Billy, with a bounty of 500,000 US dollars... and a bunny girl named Daya with a bounty of 200,000 US dollars... However, it seems that many people have come to Seattle."

"Find other targets first, don't let others get ahead of you." The figure who spoke first said and walked out of the detective agency.

In the castle.

Kalinda and Jenna appeared in Hu Qing's room. The castle's instant movement mark was in this room.

"Kalinda, how are you? Wait, I'll go find Mr. Hu." Jenna looked at Kalinda, who was covered in blood, and wanted to run out of the room.

But Hu Qing had already appeared at the door.

He gave Kalinda the amulet (instant movement), so he naturally found that there was one less in the light screen in his mind.

He came over as soon as possible.

"Kalinda, what's going on?" Hu Qing cast a healing spell on Kalinda as soon as possible, and quickly recovered the injury on Kalinda's shoulder.

Kalinda frowned and said, "Hu, someone ambushed us in the detective agency, it seems that we have been rewarded!"

Jenna frowned and said, "Mr. Hu, they seem to be exorcists, but why would exorcists trouble us?"

"Exorcists?" Hu Qing's brows were also frowned. Although the two women were banshees and witches, they did not violate the rules of the Exorcist Union and had never harmed humans.

There is no reason for an exorcist to bother them.

Just when Hu Qing was puzzled, Billy ran upstairs to report: "Mr. Hu, Abik is here, and he brought a lot of people with him."

Shaq followed behind Billy, looking at Billy with some resentment.

The other party ran faster than him, and this was originally what he reported.

The key is that the other party also stole his pizza.

"What is Abik doing here?" Hu Qing frowned, he didn't like too many strangers coming to his castle.

However, he also went outside the castle as soon as possible and saw a row of cars outside, and a dozen figures with panicked faces.

These dozen figures are not human, they are all people with supernatural blood, and many of them are injured, as if they have just experienced a battle.

"Mr. Hu, help!" Abik ran up to Hu Qing with a sad face when he saw Hu Qing.

"What's the matter?" Hu Qing found that Abik's stomach was still bloody and his face was very pale.

This is injured, so he immediately cast a healing spell on him.

Abik's wounds recovered, and he immediately cried again: "Mr. Hu, I don't know what happened. Suddenly, several exorcists rushed to my door to hunt me down."

"When I heard those exorcists say that they would pay 10 million US dollars to kill me, I immediately offered them 20 million US dollars and asked them to let me go."

"By the way, they had the same experience. It seems that all the people with supernatural blood in Seattle were hunted down, and many people were killed, so I contacted some people with good relationships and brought them to Mr. Hu for help."

Hu Qing frowned.

This was obviously wrong. Kalinda was hunted down, and Abik and the people with supernatural blood in Seattle were also hunted down.

At this time, Hu Qing's mobile phone rang, and it was Zha Kang who called.

After answering the phone, Constantine's anxious voice came over: "Hu, something happened to the Exorcist Union, and Chas was attacked by several demon hunters."

"Chas was also hunted down? What's going on?" Hu Qing was stunned. Although Chas was a werewolf. But the other party is Constantine's driver, and the people in the Exorcist Guild must know this.

Moreover, hunting Chase is equivalent to provoking Constantine. Aren't you afraid of being tricked by this scumbag Constantine?

This guy not only tricks his friends, but also his enemies.

Constantine Jess said: "Hu, take a look at the forum of the Exorcist Guild! Someone has posted a bounty on the Luntang of the Exorcist Guild. Moreover, this bounty is very strange. Not only are many supernatural creatures and people with supernatural bloodlines rewarded, but also their specific addresses and concealed identity information... Damn, someone who is looking for trouble is here again, Hu is dead first..."

Hu Qing put away his mobile phone, found a computer, and connected the USB flash drive that he had taken from the Wen brothers to the computer.

This USB flash drive is a pass to log in to the Exorcist Forum. Without this USB flash drive, other people cannot log in to the Exorcist Forum.

As soon as I entered the Exorcist Forum, I saw the most popular post on it: Supernatural Exorcism Bounty List!

Hu Qing clicked in and saw dense name information popped up. There were corresponding bounty amounts behind these name information, ranging from tens of thousands of US dollars to tens of millions of US dollars.

Abbey's bounty of 10 million US dollars was clearly on the first page. This guy was not very strong, but the bounty was so high. This might be related to his status as the richest man in Seattle.

Moreover, the number of names was astonishing, with hundreds of densely packed pages.

Hu Qing flipped through a few pages and soon saw some familiar names.

Hellboy, a demon, 7 million US dollars!

Abel, murloc blood, 2 million US dollars!

Prince Aluda, a dark elf, 7 million US dollars!

Luke, a werewolf, 5 million US dollars!

Edward, a vampire, 5 million US dollars!

Selena, a vampire, 4 million US dollars!

Mag, a werewolf, 4 million US dollars!

Lycaon, a werewolf, 7 million US dollars!

Kira, a fox spirit, 1 million US dollars!

Freya, a witch, 2 million US dollars!

The bounty list is densely packed, each with a corresponding identity and a corresponding amount. The weaker the strength is, the less the bounty is.

Moreover, in the post, the poster clearly stated that as long as the target is killed, a photo is posted and the number is reported, the money can be transferred in real time.

With so many pages and densely packed lists, the bounty alone is probably more than 100 billion US dollars.

Who on earth spent so much money to make such a bounty?

The key is that there are already a lot of exorcists who have sent bloody photos behind the post. These are the people hunted on the list.

"Uh!" Hu Qing clicked the next page casually and was stunned when he saw the first two bounties.

Kelly, Banshee, 500,000 US dollars!

Hu Qing, Unknown, 500,000 US dollars!

Not only Kalinda was rewarded, but he and Kelly were also rewarded.

This amount...

"Mr. Hu, I took the initiative to do something." Abike suddenly said with an apologetic look on his face: "There are many people with supernatural blood in Seattle. I asked everyone to call everyone they can contact to Mr. Hu for refuge. Many of them are innocent."

Hu Qing frowned slightly, but did not say much. Anyway, the town is big enough, so he can just arrange these guys casually. In addition, this is a red-name village. If there are really evil guys, they don't have to leave when they come.

Now the real trouble is this reward.

There shouldn't be anyone who comes here to trouble him for the reward, right?


In an alley, a woman ran in panic. She was very fast and obviously not a normal human.

But before she could run a few steps, a series of crossbow arrows suddenly shot and nailed her to the ground.

The crossbow arrows were specially made, and they were made of silver. They hit the woman, causing the wound to corrode crazily and emit white smoke.

Then, another crossbow arrow hit the woman's head.

Several figures walked in, and one of them said, "Another one has been solved. Take a photo and claim the reward."

The others nodded and started chatting.

"It seems that many guys have fled out of Seattle."

"Indeed, other exorcists have also discovered that those guys seem to have gone to a small town. I heard that a witch worth 2 million US dollars ambushed by the will-o'-the-wisp people fled there."

"The witch is called Jenna, and the bounty is 2 million US dollars. Not only that, there are two banshees named Kalinda and Kelly, each with 500,000 US dollars."

"A Chinese vampire named Yu Zhi, 2 million US dollars, and a Chinese named Hu Qing are with these supernatural creatures. I don't know what supernatural creatures they are, but the bounty is also 500,000 US dollars."

"The most important one is Abik, whose bounty is 10 million US dollars. I got the news that he also went to that town. Now all the valuable people on the bounty list in Seattle have gone to that town."

"The will-o'-the-wisp people are already gathering other people, preparing to go to that town to catch all the valuable guys in Seattle."

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