Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 422 Hunting bounty list! Kalinda in crisis!

As the positioning array was broken and the ripples disappeared, everyone was stunned when they saw the Holy Grail rolling down. The situation in front of them was too much to react.

They thought that the demon army was coming out and everyone was doomed.

Who knew that the yellow-eyed demon just said goodbye, closed the channel, and destroyed the positioning array.

This was completely different from the demons they knew.

Valentine grabbed the Holy Grail immediately and shouted at the place where the ripple channel disappeared: "Asshole, what's going on?"

"You've been sold and you don't know what's going on?" Hu Qing sneered with annoyance.

He didn't expect this result.

He was waiting for Valentine's wave of experience army to upgrade, but who knew that now he didn't get any experience.

Isn't this a waste of his time?

"You're looking for death." Valentine heard Hu Qing's taunting, and black energy instantly surged around his body, turning into energy claws to grab Hu Qing.

"Hmph!" Hu Qing snorted coldly, thunder condensed in his eyes, and he used the Flash Movie to rush out, directly piercing through the energy claws and heading straight for Valentine.

This scene startled Valentine, and the surging black energy instantly condensed into a black shield.

Boom! ~

The Flash Movie and the black energy shield collided instantly, generating a violent shock wave.

Simon, Clare and others were directly impacted and retreated backwards.

The thunder disappeared, but Valentine was not hurt.

He blocked Hu Qing's Flash Movie.

"You have some skills!" Hu Qing sneered, and Judgment appeared in his hand, and he also took all the equipment with attack attributes.

Valentine, who didn't bring any equipment, could block it, so let's see how the other party could resist the attack of this 171 warrior.

"If this is all you have, then you can die." Valentine looked at Hu Qing coldly, and black lines began to appear on his body. With these lines, layers of scales instantly covered his whole body.

A terrifying energy wave broke out!

Valentine has a fusion of human, angel and demon blood, which catalyzes a strong power.

His right arm directly turned into a demon claw and grabbed Hu Qing decisively.

Hu Qing raised the Staff of Judgment and performed a swordsmanship, instantly smashing the demon claw. The 171 attack directly blasted the demon claw and blood spurted out.

"Ah!" Valentine's scream sounded instantly, and his eyes widened in fear.

The Staff of Judgment was unstoppable, and then it hit his chest, and there was a sound of bone breaking, followed by a piercing pain.

Valentine looked down and saw that the Staff of Judgment pierced his chest and crushed all his internal organs.

Hu Qing reached out and took the Holy Grail in Valentine's hand. As soon as the Staff of Judgment was pulled, Valentine fell down weakly.

"You...you..." Valentine looked at Hu Qing, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't. Perhaps he understood that Neilo didn't betray him just now, but ran away.

Under the attack of the Staff of Judgment, Valentine was killed in one blow.

Jace and other Shadow Hunters were even more shocked.

They knew Valentine's power very well.

Now Valentine was killed just like that.

[Experience +17000]

17,000 experience points are considered to be quite standard, but for Hu Qing, missing a wave of experience troops, this experience point is not even a consolation.

He took a look at Valentine's body. This guy was too stingy to drop anything.

Hu Qing took another look at Jace and others, then took the Holy Grail and walked out of the Shadow Castle.

Since the experience troops were gone and Valentine was killed, there was no point in staying here.

Jace and Ackle looked at the Holy Grail in Hu Qing's hand and felt a little anxious. This was something that belonged to them, the Shadow Hunters, but obviously, they didn't dare to ask Hu Qing for the Holy Grail now.

Hu Qing went straight out of the Shadow Castle and put the Holy Grail into the inventory.

"Holy Grail: A special holy vessel, a treasure made by the archangels of heaven. As long as the Holy Grail contains angel blood, it can synthesize a special liquid that can transform the Shadow Hunter (Note: Please use the special liquid with caution. If you use it rashly without meeting the physical requirements, there is a high probability that the transformation will not be completed and the life will be devoured and die directly.)"

The note of the Holy Grail is very simple. Just like the effect in the movie, the special liquid must have a special physical condition to use.

However, this special physical condition must only be known by the Shadow Hunter. From the number of Shadow Hunters described in the movie, it can be known that people who meet this special physical condition must be extremely rare.

Hu Qing regained his mind, took out his mobile phone and called Nutrilite, and ordered: "The matter has been resolved. In addition, find a way to find two death row prisoners to my castle. I want to do an experiment."

He had thought before that using special liquid to transform the Shadow Hunter would devour life. If he performed healing magic on the side, could people who did not meet the physical condition survive the transformation?

If so, this can mass-produce Shadow Hunters.

Hu Qing hung up the phone and moved back to the castle in an instant.

Two days passed quickly.

Early in the morning, after having breakfast, Kalinda took Jenna out of the castle and headed to the detective agency.

Their detective agency received another case.

At noon.

Nutrilite led people to the castle, followed by a transport vehicle, and two prisoners with handcuffs and shackles were brought down.

These were the two death row prisoners who were executed today.

Anyway, it’s all about recycling waste. It wouldn’t be difficult for Nutrilite to use some tricks to bring people over.

"Mr. Hu, what should we do with these two guys?" Nutrilite asked after taking the two death row prisoners down.

"Give them to drink this!" Hu Qing took two small bottles and handed them to Nutrilite.

The bottle contains the special liquid in the Holy Grail.

Nutrilite didn't hesitate, took the two bottles and drank them for the two condemned prisoners.

In an instant, the two condemned prisoners howled out, with pain on their faces, and ferocious green veins bulging on their foreheads.

A very strong wave appeared on the two of them. Special runes began to appear on their foreheads and bodies.

This is a special potion that is transforming it.

But as the special runes appeared, their bodies seemed to be burned by flames. Their skin quickly turned black and dried up, almost turning into mummies in just a few seconds.

Hu Qing immediately cast a healing spell on one of them. As the white light of the healing spell penetrated into the body, the dryness of the man's body stopped.

But when he looked at the other person, his breath was already weak, and within a few seconds he fell completely limp to the ground and lost his life breath.

Death is too fast.

This is also the reason why there are so few Shadow Hunters even though there is the Holy Grail. There are too few people suitable for transformation. Ordinary people who use it without special reasons are almost certain to die.

Hu Qing continued to perform healing techniques on the man. As time went by, the fluctuations in the death row prisoner became more and more intense.

Moreover, the healing technique is indeed effective!


The condemned prisoner finally roared angrily, his withered body quickly recovered, his arms and legs jerked away, and all the handcuffs and teachings were torn off.

He raised his palm, and a special energy was condensed. He slapped the ground, and a hole was made in the ground.

"Haha, what happened to my body? This power..." The death row prisoner laughed, feeling the terrifying power in his body incredibly, and then stared at Nutrilite and Hu Qing with sinister eyes: "Thank you for bringing me... Brought here to do this experiment, in order to thank you, I will use this power to kill you all."

Hu Qing looked at the condemned prisoner, blood appeared in his hand, and he directly gave him a thunder and lightning spell.

As the thunder fell, the condemned prisoner turned into a charred corpse and fell down before he could finish his excitement.

"Dispose of the body." Hu Qing turned to Nutrilite and ordered. Now that he has verified that the Holy Grail can be used, he can find an opportunity to transform some shadow hunters.

In the next few days, everything was calm, except that Kalinda and Jenna went out to handle cases for the detective agency and never came back.

As dusk sets in the west, Seattle is enveloped in a golden glow.

Kalinda and Jenna return to the detective agency.

"It took three days to finally complete this case. I want to have a good night's sleep when I return to the castle." Kalinda said as she opened the door of the detective agency.

The two women entered the detective agency and were suddenly stunned.

There were actually several figures sitting in the detective agency. Before the two of them could react, a trapping magic circle suddenly appeared around them and enveloped them inside.

"Who are you?" Kalinda's face changed greatly.

One of the figures stood up, held a tablet, looked at it and said: "Kalinda, Banshee, Jenna, and Witch are confirmed to be correct. They are on the Exorcist Guild's hunting bounty list, with a reward of 500,000 US dollars and 2 million US dollars respectively. US dollars…”

Another person laughed and said: "It's not bad, here is 2.5 million US dollars, let's deal with them!"

"Yeah!" Another person nodded.

The next moment, these figures rushed into the magic circle and attacked the two women respectively.

Jenna immediately activated the witchcraft attack, but found that her power was greatly weakened in the magic circle, and the attack was easily resisted.

Kalinda dodged, trying to avoid the slashing weapon, but found that she seemed to be trapped in the quagmire in this formation. She was not hasty to avoid, and was directly hit by a weapon on the shoulder, and blood spurted out.

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