Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 427 Exorcist Guild Headquarters! A big fish is delivered to the door! !

Hu Qing and the Wen brothers did not waste time and decided to go to the Exorcist Guild Headquarters, so they reached the northern part of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, the Artesli area, as quickly as possible.

There is a special mountain range here that is shrouded in fog all year round.

Legend has it that a special water conservancy kingdom once appeared here, the Kingdom of Mist and Shadow, with many traces of magicians. Legend has it that the king was a powerful magician and created a magic city.

This legend has never been confirmed, but Hollywood has also filmed fantasy movies about this country of fog and shadow.

Hu Qing had experienced what happened to Prince Ajuda, and knew about the Dark Elves and the Golden Legion. He also knew that there was indeed a more advanced civilization before the Indian civilization.

There are many human countries in this civilization, and there are indeed magicians. Otherwise, it would be impossible to fight the dark elves.

There was even a unified human empire during that period.

Unfortunately, the king of this empire was too ambitious and was defeated by the Golden Army in the battle with the Dark Elves. The entire human race was almost wiped out by the Golden Army created by the Dark Elves.

Although the Dark Elf King had a brain cramp and let humans go and sealed the Golden Legion on the ground, human civilization also regressed and entered the Indian Age.

The Country of Mist and Shadow should be the country that existed during that period.

In the mist.

Hu Qing, Dean, and Sam kept heading deeper.

Because of the thick fog, it was difficult for them to see the way ahead clearly and they could not identify the direction. They could only rely on the special ability of Thor, the three-headed hell dog, to lead the way.

Although Bobby's friend didn't give much information, he also left something from the Exorcist Guild Headquarters, which Thor could use to find the Exorcist Guild Headquarters.

It's just that in this foggy environment, the speed is a bit slow.

Dean held an exorcism record book and frowned: "Hu, do you think what this information says is true? Although the exorcist union headquarters has always been mysterious, in this mist-shrouded mountain it is really true. Is there a castle left behind by the Kingdom of Mist and Shadow that was discovered by the Exorcist Guild and used as its headquarters?”

Hu Qing said with some uncertainty: "You have to go and take a look to find out. Since there is such a record in the exorcism records given by Bobby, there is always a reason."

Dean shook his head and said: "I still don't believe that the headquarters of the Exorcist Guild is really in a castle like this. What if they usually control those branches?"

"Bobby's friend said that the control center of the Exorcist Guild Forum is here. How do you receive network signals in such a foggy mountain?"

Hu Qing didn't know how to explain this.

Under normal circumstances, he didn't think it was possible. Internet signals would be weak in ordinary mountains, let alone such foggy places.

But this is a world with supernatural power. Maybe it is caused by some special power?

"Woooooo!" Thor suddenly shouted to the front.

"Thor discovered it again?" Dean asked immediately.

"Probably!" Hu Qing nodded, and he and the Wen brothers immediately stepped forward. They all frowned at the scene in front of them. There was a cliff in front of them.

"Did Thor make a mistake?" Sam asked doubtfully.

"This is a cliff, there is no way." Dean also said.

"Woooooo!" Thor still shouted to the front.

"Something's wrong!" Hu Qing also quickly discovered the abnormality. There were magic fluctuations in front of him, and there seemed to be a barrier.

At this moment, Thor had already crashed into the cliff. Before the Wen brothers could react, they saw a wave on the cliff, and Thor got directly in.

Hu Qing seemed to understand and followed Thor in. The scene in front of him changed instantly.

Looking outside, a magical scene appeared. There were no cliffs, which was a blindfold.

They were now surrounded by a transparent barrier, and the thick fog was blocked from the barrier.

Inside the barrier is a clear patch of trees and a repaired road going forward.

Behind the trees is a castle in front of you.

Dean and Sam came in, followed by exclamations.

"There is actually a magic barrier here!"

"It seems that the legend should be true."

The two brothers had seen a lot, but they were still shocked by the scene in front of them.

After Hu Qing was initially surprised, he was not too surprised. After all, he had even been to hell. Even the Shadow Castle was more magical than this.

Shadow Castle is located directly in the city of Seattle, and the garbage dump exposed by the barrier is only one-tenth the size of the castle, and it has not been discovered yet.

Even the Shadow Castle has a lot of powerful magical power, and even hell and heaven can be located.

It's just a pity that the positioning formation was destroyed by Zhu Ganghye.

In addition to being a bit larger in scope, the barrier in front of me is not much comparable to the Shadow Castle.

If I had to compare, this place might be worse than the base of the Recorder organization that the Wen brothers got later.

The base of the Recorder organization can still withstand the continuous bombardment of nuclear bombs and the earthquake caused by Lucifer's destruction. It should be impossible here.

"Hu, let's go over and take a look!" Dean said.

The three of them passed through the trees and arrived not far from the castle. They clearly saw a very high signal receiving tower built on the top of the castle. The height seemed to have exceeded the fog cover.

Moreover, there are some strange runes carved on the signal receiving tower, and there is even a special energy fluctuation in the base of the signal receiving tower.

"Perhaps, this is why the network signal can be received here." Sam said while looking at the signal receiving tower.

Just after saying this, a mechanical roar sounded.

Several miniature aircraft suddenly flew out of the castle and appeared above them. There were weapons and muzzles pointed at them below the aircraft.

Groups of guards also appeared on the castle walls, holding laser-like weapons in their hands and aiming them at the three of them.

Immediately afterwards, several jeeps drove away from the castle, and the vehicles were also equipped with modern weapons engraved with special magic runes.

A middle-aged white man appeared with a group of exorcists and surrounded Hu Qing and the other three.

"Winchester!" The middle-aged man looked surprised when he saw the two brothers.

The Winchester family is a well-known exorcist family in the exorcism world. Obviously, everyone in the exorcist union headquarters also knows the two brothers.

"Everyone, we don't mean any harm." Dean immediately raised his hands when he saw this scene and explained: "We are just here to ask some questions."

"Sam, Dean, are you here about the bounty list?" Abilton asked as soon as he opened his mouth, obviously knowing the purpose of the two brothers' visit.

Dean nodded and said: "Sir, you are right. The bounty on the forum may cause great disasters. I am here to find out the situation. I want to see the president."

"Call me Abilton!" the middle-aged man introduced himself, and then immediately said: "Come in with me, even if your brothers don't come, the president may still ask you famous exorcists to solve this matter. It’s over.”

"The bounty on the Exorcist Guild forum was not caused by the president, but by a special force. The Exorcist Guild has lost control of the forum."

"So, even if you don't come, the president will notify you, the exorcist masters, to come and find out that force."

Dean was annoyed when he heard this: "I just said that the Exorcist Guild's behavior this time is different from the past. It actually issued such a reward. It turns out there is such a reason."

The two brothers did not doubt Abilton's words and followed each other into the castle.

The Exorcist Guild's behavior this time is indeed wrong.

Now you can understand what Abilton said.

This special force may have done this to make supernatural creatures and humans deteriorate, and then achieve some purpose.

Then there's big trouble.

Hu Qing followed behind, but frowned slightly.

Entering the castle, he suddenly felt something very wrong. He tried to sense something, but failed to find anything, but the strange feeling became more and more abrupt.

A place at the headquarters of the Exorcists Guild.

Several figures were already staring at the surveillance picture in front of them, which was the picture captured by the surveillance camera of Hu Qing and the others entering the headquarters of the Exorcist Union.

Seeing the door of the castle slowly closing, one of the figures said coldly: "Unexpectedly, the big fish like the Wen brothers came to our door. We just took the opportunity to deal with this threat."

With that said, the figure pressed a button in front of him.

at the same time.

Outside the castle.

Strange lines began to appear one after another, spreading towards the entire castle, and a forbidden power began to slowly gather.

This power can prevent anyone from escaping from here.

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