Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 447 Another Loki boss! Are you worthy?

The death of the Prime Minister also meant that the rebellion was over. Ellie wasted no time and took the witch beside him directly out of the palace. He needed to go out and show up to end the rebellion, otherwise many soldiers outside would die.

Two of the witches also directly pulled up the body of the Prime Minister. Only by seeing the body would everyone believe that the leader of the rebellion was dead.

But when she got outside, Ai Li'er showed a look of disbelief. .

Where is the fighting outside the palace? The soldiers summoned by the Prime Minister were all running away. A huge dragon was in the air, and with a casual breath of dragon flames, they fell on their backs.

What frightened her even more was the floating figure with four pairs of wings spread out on its back. That seemed to be a legendary angel?

An angel descended in front of him?

Moreover, she could clearly feel the terrifying aura emanating from the knight and angel.

In the palace.

Yafei also breathed a sigh of relief and said to Hu Qing: "Hu, you came in time. It would have been terrible if it wasn't you this time."

Hu Qing also looked away from the inventory.

He didn't want to waste time and asked directly to Yafei; "Aunt Yafei, I want to ask something. When I was in Banshee Town, I saw a storm knight taking out a medal and disappearing. This time I I got the news that this storm knight is looking for that kind of medal, what is it? "

"That medal?" Yafei obviously had a memory, and there was a look of surprise on his pretty face.

She remembered that the few storm knights seemed to care about the medal. If the queen had not brought the power of the witch to help and used special means to defeat those storm knights, the medal would not have been left. The demon elder brought the banshee town back.

It's just that she didn't know the information about the medal before.

"Yes, that's the medal." Hu Qing nodded and said, "Since the Storm Knight is looking for that medal, that thing should be very important, and there are more than one."

Yafei frowned and said: "Hu, when I met those storm knights, I was seriously injured. If the queen on the side of the light gate hadn't led someone to rescue them, I might have done something wrong."

"Moreover, I was seriously injured at the time. I couldn't go back after the light door was closed, and I didn't think about the medal. If you hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten about the medal."

Hu Qing frowned when he heard this and said, "Does that mean there are no clues again?"

"That thing may be the Knight of Purgatory Medal." Queen Ellie's voice sounded at the entrance of the palace.

She basically didn't need to deal with the situation outside, she could just leave it to those witches. However, her eyes when she looked at Hu Qing were completely different, with a kind of awe that could not be concealed.

She naturally guessed that the angel and the dragon were both related to the terrifying knight just now.

Yafei hurriedly asked Ellie: "Purgatory Knight Medal? Queen, do you know what that is?"

Now that her daughter is still in danger, she and Hu must find the Storm Knight's lair as soon as possible.

Ellie nodded and said: "After the Storm Knight appeared, I asked people to investigate the information about the Storm Knight. Moreover, there are some messages about ancient secrets recorded in the witch's inheritance secret book. One of the information about the Purgatory Knight attracted people's attention. get my attention.”

"It is recorded in the secret records that a long time ago, there were many terrible gods and demons in this world, and they each ruled an area. But later, these gods and demons did not know what happened, and entered purgatory and fought, among which there were Angels and demons are involved. "One of the gods and demons is this Purgatory Knight. It is said that this Purgatory Knight controls a special place and can create a kind of knight with special power and lead these knights to fight everywhere."

"Later, the Purgatory Knight offended the legendary fallen angel Lucifer and was eliminated by Lucifer in Purgatory. However, there are rumors that he left a special set of medals. As long as there are surviving knights under him, all those medals can be collected. Once everything is complete, the Purgatory Knight can come again."

"It's just that all of this has been too long ago, and there has been no way for people to verify the authenticity. The Storm Knight and the Purgatory Knight have not even been connected before."

"Now it is almost certain that the Storm Knights are left behind by the Purgatory Knights, so they are looking for those medals."

Yafei frowned and said, "But if those storm knights are just looking for medals, then what are they going to do with the residents of those villages and towns?"

Aili shook her head and said, "I don't know about this."

Hu Qing said: "In other words, if we can find one of the medals, we can attract the Storm Knight. If we do some tricks on the Storm Knight, we can track the Storm Knight's lair?"

Yafei frowned and asked: "Then where are we going to find that kind of medal?"

"Maybe I know!" Ellie said suddenly.

This made both Hu Qing and Yafei look at her expectantly.

Ellie added: "The Witches Guild, there is a medal sealed there. However, I need some time to deal with the follow-up troubles of the rebellion. I will take you there after that."

Hu Qing nodded.

When Ellie went out again, Hu Qing also led people out of the palace, taking advantage of this time to look at the remnants of Loki's life on the inventory again.

[Should the illusion that has been completed be used as a supplement to spawn monsters in the illusion? 】

Hu Qing directly chose yes.

If his guess is correct, this should add another Loki as the boss in the fantasy world.

Not long after.

Hu Qing led his men to a valley in the Storm Kingdom. After knowing the details of the Storm Knight, what he lacked now was a medal that the Storm Knight was looking for.

And the Witch Guild that Ellie mentioned just happened to seal such a medal.

Queen Ellie is a very powerful witch herself. She has studied in the Witch Guild. Now in addition to being a queen, she is also an elder of the Witch Guild. This is why she is protected by those witches.

No one knows who brought the medal back from the Witch Guild, but the Witch Guild has always had a ban that the seal cannot be destroyed, otherwise a great disaster will come.

This time, Ellie owed a favor and had to bring Hu Qing here.

After entering the valley, they soon saw a tall tower.

That was the Witch Guild, also called the Witch Tower.

The arrival of Hu Qing and his party alarmed the witches in the Witch Tower, and they were soon stopped by the witches at the entrance. Ellie took out a token to let the guarding witches let them go.

After entering the witch tower, Hu Qing found that the space of the tower was not upward, but the largest space was underground. He was led by Aili to walk underground until he was stopped by several old witches in an area.

These were several elders of the witch union.

"Her Excellency Queen Aili." One of the old witches stepped forward to salute, and then said with a hint of questioning: "The queen should know the rules of our union. The place below is already sealed and outsiders are not allowed to enter."

Another witch elder also said: "Elder Aili, although we have received your message, you should know that this is a serious matter. Although the ancestors did not say what disaster would happen, our union has always had a ban, which must be very serious."

Aili hurriedly said: "Several elders, we already know the origin of the seal. Today I brought a Mr. Hu, who needs the medal, and he should be able to solve the disaster of the medal legend."

After all, he is followed by an angel.

Several witch elders looked at each other and did not believe Aili's words too much. After all, this was something that their union had sealed for so long.

However, Aili was also one of the elders of the union, and they could not completely ignore each other.

One of the witch elders said: "Then let me see the power of Mr. Hu and see if he has that kind of power."

As soon as the witch elder finished speaking, she suddenly found that there was a figure in front of her. Before she could react, Amisius reached out and grabbed her neck.

The witch elder wanted to resist, but she was no match for Amisius and was directly lifted up.

The other witch elders were all shocked and looked at this scene in disbelief. They also failed to react just now, and saw a companion fall into the hands of the other party, and they didn't even have the ability to resist.

"You are worthy of seeing the strength of the Lord? You are too weak." Amisius looked at the witch elder with disdain.

The other witch elders subconsciously wanted to take action, but then, a terrifying aura enveloped them, causing a layer of cold sweat to break out on their backs, and they dared not move at all.


Ailier actually brought such a terrifying existence?

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