Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 471 has been revised. I will post comments here. I won’t accept any coins!

As soon as Hu Qing entered the castle, he saw Kalinda. During this time, people from the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department had sent them back, including George, the Forest God, and the MiG mother and daughter.

Miguel was cleaning the house. When he saw him coming in, he said respectfully: "Mr. Hu, you are back."

"Teacher!" Mia also saluted respectfully.

"Hu, is the matter settled?" Kalinda also stepped forward to ask.

"Well, it's okay for now." Hu Qing nodded and put his arm around Kalinda's waist. Looking at the banshee, he was thinking about one thing.

That is Kelly. Now the people in Banshee Town are in the world on the other side of the Light Gate. It is naturally impossible for Kelly to go back to Banshee Town. She must take her back to the castle.

But the two banshees are a bit embarrassed. Who is the ex-girlfriend and who is the current banshee? Or together?

Somewhat difficult to do.

In the end, Hu Qing simply became cruel and made a plan. The two banshees were in the first year of junior high school, so don't blame him for the fifteenth year.

at night.

After dinner, Hu Qing went upstairs with Kalinda in his arms. As soon as he entered the room, he said to Kalinda: "You go first to the bathroom to clean up. I'll give you a surprise later."

"What's the surprise?" Kalinda asked curiously and entered the bathroom.

With a strange smile on his face, Hu Qing used teleportation with a thought and appeared in JO's bar the next moment.

The exorcists in the bar have left. The Mysterious Incident Investigation Department has taken over the exorcist union and has restored the rules of the exorcist forum. No one can oppress these exorcists anymore.

However, there were not many customers in the bar this night, or Ellen had not reopened it yet after the previous battle between the exorcists.

Except for Adam who was sitting in the corner and Crowley who was sitting in another corner, there were only three girls, Ellen, Kelly, JO, and Yu Zhi who was left looking at Crowley.

"Hu, do you want a drink?" Seeing Hu Qing appear, Crowley raised his glass and asked him.

When Hu Qing saw that this guy was still here, he felt a little dependent on him.

Thinking that the other party has not been injected with human blood like in "Evil Force", and the demonic nature and cunning still exist, he is not completely reassured about this guy.

Thinking of this, he pretended to be stupid and said: "Crowley, this time I met a crazy woman, she seems to be named Rowena. She is looking for her son. By the way, his son is also named Crowley, and the description is very similar." Is it you, you have a mother?”

"What?" Crowley stood up in shock when he heard Hu Qing's words, and the wine in his hand shook all over the table.

He hadn't heard from that crazy woman for a long time. Did she appear again?

"Hu, you didn't tell her my whereabouts, did you?" Crowley asked anxiously.

"I told you, she should be coming here." Hu Qing continued to pretend: "Crowley, that crazy woman can't really be your mother, right? That's really great. The meeting of mother and son is an amazing thing. Happy things.”

Crowley couldn't calm down after hearing this: "Hu, you are really a scammer. How can you tell her? You are hurting me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the King of Hell turned into a pillar of scarlet smoke and rushed out of the bar.

The King of Hell felt that he was extremely unlucky. There were ancient demons like Lilith and Lucifer in Hell who were looking for trouble for him. He finally found Hu, a powerful ally. Who knew that Hu was also a scammer? Rowena attracted.

He felt that he was really the unluckiest King of Hell.

Hu Qing couldn't help but smile when he saw Crowley leaving, and then walked towards Kelly and JO.

The two women were actually chatting at the table, and they seemed to have a harmonious relationship. This made him feel at ease. What men fear most is an unrest at home.

"Huh!" Kelly yelled when she saw Hu Qingjiao.

"Hu, are Miss Kalinda okay?" JO blushed slightly. As Hu's girlfriend outside, she was very satisfied when she met his girlfriend at home without being scolded or blamed.

She just hopes that Miss Kelly and Hu won't fight over her.

When Hu Qing heard JO's words, he looked at Kelly. Well, he even told JO about Kalinda. It seemed to be more harmonious than he thought.

Then, he pulled Kelly up and said, "Take you back first. There is something for you to deal with at the castle."

After that, he said to JO: "I will come back to you tomorrow."

"Yeah!" JO nodded a little embarrassed. Is it really okay to say this in front of Miss Kelly?

Hu Qing, however, had already disappeared from the bar in a blink of an eye, and reappeared in his room in the castle.

The next day, Hu Qing went to the town to take a look at the condition of Blood Queen Wei Weian.

However, when he arrived in the town, he found Serena leading the Blood Queen to buy clothes. The Blood Queen still had a look of embarrassment on her face. She should have fully understood her situation in one night.

Then, Hu Qing went to the Mysterious Events Investigation Department. The Mysterious Events Investigation Department took over the Exorcist Guild. He always wanted to understand the situation, and he might be able to use it in the future.

The existence of the Exorcist Guild is very early. After all, exorcists are passed down from generation to generation and were active long before the dark energy broke out.

Therefore, there are many branches of the Exorcist Guild, and their contact points are all over the Star-Spangled Kingdom. There are contact points for the Exorcist Guild in cities as large as small towns.

Therefore, the sources of information of the Exorcist Union are relatively wide. For some news about the supernatural world, those contact points and branches will report to the headquarters as soon as possible to let the headquarters know. If there is a big event or something that cannot be handled, the Exorcist Red Association headquarters will release the information on the Exorcist Forum.

However, the intelligence ability still needs to be developed, and the method is a bit outdated, especially for those contact points. Most of the people are exorcists like Ellen, which is more procrastinating.

Therefore, Nutrilite and Bobby plan to recruit and train more agents from the mysterious event investigation department to supplement the past, so that any information about the supernatural world can be grasped in the first time.

Hu Qing naturally has no objection to this. The two Nutrilite are better than him in these issues.

When he returned to the castle, the two demons, Kalinda and Kelly, were watching the news. When they saw him coming, they snorted together and ignored him. It was obviously agreed.

This made Hu Qing feel that the two demons were floating and forgot how they were taught a lesson last night.

In this case, let's see who is better.

After that, Hu Qing performed teleportation with a thought and appeared in JO's bar.

Except for Adam who was still in the bar, only Ellen and JO were left at the bar.

"Hu, you are here." Adam saw Hu Qing appear and stepped forward and said, "I want to say goodbye to you. Now that the matter of the Exorcist Guild has been settled, I also want to travel around the entire Star-Spangled Country. This time, the purpose is not to exorcise demons."

"Well, congratulations on finding your own way." Hu Qing nodded.

After the incident of the Night Dragon Clan, Adam was no longer entangled in his identity as a man-made man. He began to become more and more like a human, and was no longer as lonely as before. This is definitely a gratifying thing.

After Adam left, Hu Qing walked towards JO.

"Hu, Miss Kelly didn't make trouble with you, did she?" JO asked Hu Qing as soon as she saw him.

"She dares?" Hu Qing said, hugged JO's waist, and said, "Take you to a place."

As soon as he finished speaking, he performed teleportation and took JO away from the bar. He appeared again in the castle.

Jo saw Kalinda and Kelly in the hall and couldn't help but grab Hu Qing's arm. She felt that Hu was playing with fire.

Hu Qing glanced at the two witches, proudly picked up Jo and walked towards the room on the second floor, letting the two witches look at him.

Kalinda and Kelly stared at Hu Qing and gritted their teeth. This man had someone outside, but now he brought her home so arrogantly.

Liu Qingqing came down from the second floor and saw it, and she was also gnashing her teeth!

She just couldn't understand, why? Why? Why?

What was wrong with her?

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