Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 473 Take control of your life! Finally it’s not New York anymore!

There are three most famous news companies in Stars and Stripes, and Ethan works for one of them.

He is very satisfied with his current situation. He has a beautiful girlfriend, harmonious colleagues, and the respect of his boss. He is also a well-known reporter. He previously participated in the Lianhe live broadcast of the Statue of Liberty rebellion in New York.

But recently, he always has some dreams.

In the dream, an indescribable big snake appeared, as well as a gemstone and jade pendant around his neck.

What the old man said when he was a child seemed to come to mind again.

If it were in the past, he would not believe the old man's words at all, and only thought that he had met a liar when he was a child.

However, this idea was completely changed once. That time, he saw a group of people dealing with strange corpses and saw those people raining salt on a prison.

It was at that time that he learned that there were demons in this world, and a group of people who specialized in dealing with demons.

The devil is afraid of refined salt, so those people rained salt into the prison just to deal with the devil.

Therefore, he always carried some refined salt with him after that.

But this also made him unsure whether what the old man said was false.

If there are demons, then maybe giant snakes, dragon balls and the like really exist, right?

Especially the dreams that keep happening lately.

Just as Ethan was thinking about it, a colleague came up and said pleasantly: "Ethan, the supervisor wants you to go to his office. There seems to be big news."

"Okay, Dave!" Ethan nodded with a smile and walked towards the supervisor's office.

After Ethan left, Dave suddenly said into a miniature headset: "He has already gone to your office."

Ethan arrived at the supervisor's office and knocked on the door. After getting the supervisor's response, he walked in.

"Ethan, here you go, take a look at this news." The supervisor took out a piece of information and handed it to Ethan and said: "Something strange happened in a small town. Everyone in the town disappeared. It’s pretty much destroyed, it’s a mess anyway.”

"Now the relevant departments have gone to investigate. This is inside information. You should get the first-hand information. Moreover, I have connections there and have already said hello. Just say that I asked you to go."

"Okay, supervisor!" Ethan took the information and walked out of the office.

Seeing this, the supervisor immediately said to the mini headset: "Follow the plan."

Ethan had no idea that the news company was actually controlled by a force called the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department.

When he left the supervisor's office, he asked Dave to be his photographer.

Just after leaving the company, a woman with a good figure ran towards Ethan.

"Lina, are you here like this?" Ethan saw a smile on his girlfriend's face.

"I came to see you. You seem to be on a mission?" Lina gave Ethan a deep hug before letting him go.

Ethan nodded and said: "There is a mission. There seems to be big news this time. When I come back, I will get the bonus and buy a gift for you."

"Ethan, you are so kind." Lina rewarded Ethan with a passionate kiss, and the two said goodbye.

After watching Ethan get into the car, Lina said to the micro headset: "The micro tracker has been placed on him. Even if something goes wrong with Dave, we can accurately track his whereabouts."

Soon after, Ethan took a plane and took Dave to the town the supervisor mentioned.

The entire town has been alerted by a group of people wearing FBI uniforms.

Ethan has met a lot of FBI. As a journalist, it is inevitable to come into contact with these people.

He found that these FBI agents seemed a little different from those he had seen before, and he couldn't tell what was different.

Looking at the scene around us, the level of martial law is very high. Under normal circumstances, reporters are not allowed to enter this kind of place, right? Can he really go in?

But the supervisor said that he could only give it a try.

As Ethan walked towards the town, he was stopped by several FBI agents.

Ethan thought of the supervisor's words: "I'm from Star News Company. Mr. Redela asked me to come here."

The FBIs looked at each other, and then one of them said to Ethan: "That's it, then go in, and remember to notify us if anything happens!"

"Thank you." Ethan thanked him immediately and took Dave towards the town.

He didn't notice that Dave and the FBI looked at each other. After he entered the town, the FBI also took out the walkie-talkie and said: "Captain Hobbs, the target has appeared."

"I know, everyone, please pay attention and don't make any oversights. This is something Mr. Hu personally explained." Hobbs's voice also sounded in the headset.

This made all the people in the mysterious incident investigation department full of energy. They naturally knew who Mr. Hu was and what kind of terrifying existence he was.

After Ethan entered the town, he was shocked. Many houses in the entire town were turned into ruins. The scene seemed to be caused by something violent impact.

I'm afraid this is a war and high-explosive weapons are used to create this situation.

The key point is that he didn't smell any smoke in the air, which meant that it was not caused by technological weapons.

The thought occurred to him that this was caused by supernatural forces.

"What is this?" Ethan suddenly ran towards a ruins, and he saw something glowing in the sun in the ruins.

When he saw the thing up close, Ethan had a look of disbelief on his face.

It turned out to be a scale, the size of a washbasin.


Then, Ethan looked around and suddenly made an incredible discovery. There were obvious traces of snakes crawling on the ground, and they were traces of giant snakes.

With the scales the size of a washbasin, it seems that it can be made solid.

For some reason, Ethan thought again of the story the old man told him when he was a child, as well as the gem and jade pendant around his neck.

This made Ethan take some photos around absentmindedly.

Suddenly, Ethan's cell phone rang, and the supervisor's voice came from inside: "Ethan, after you finish shooting the materials there, hurry up and go to Los Angeles. Something big happened there too. The buildings in an area collapsed, and it seemed that they were struck by a giant python." Pass."

Ethan hung up the phone and walked out of the town immediately. For some reason, he suddenly felt uneasy, and it seemed that even the gem and jade pendant around his neck was slightly hot.

When he arrived at the entrance of the town, Ethan saw a group of FBI gathering, and there was a special aircraft next to it, and an overly strong man was urging them.

Hobbs deliberately shouted to the agents: "Hurry up, leave one team here to blockade, and the others will follow me to the scene in Los Angeles."

The three in Los Angeles accurately fell into Ethan's ears.

Ethan immediately said to Hobbs: "Sir, I am Road Star News. Our supervisor has greeted you, so he asked me to come here for the interview. Can I go to Los Angeles with you now?"

Hobbes pretended to be embarrassed on the surface, but he smiled in his heart. He had taken the bait. The scene just now was naturally staged for Ethan.

He then said: "Okay, then come with me!"

He didn't understand why Mr. Hu paid so much attention to this reporter and arranged these things, but since Mr. Hu did this, he must have a purpose.

Hu Qing naturally did this because Ethan is the protagonist of "Dragon War" and the key to activating the gem and jade pendant, and he can only rely on him.

But the gemstone and jade pendant is the most important thing in the entire "Dragon War".

Ethan got on the aircraft as he wished, and the aircraft started flying towards Los Angeles.

Soon, the aircraft arrived in Los Angeles.

Far in the sky, you can see that a part of the city below is missing. The missing part has a sinuous shape. At a glance, it feels like it is left by some kind of long animal meandering forward.

This is not ridiculous, because some bugs crawling across the beach will leave such traces.

Now this is just magnified by who knows how many times.

Ethan followed Hobbes and stopped at the trace, and got off the aircraft together.

The area below was already under police security, and Hobbs intervened directly as the FBI.

Soon, he and Ethan found another giant scale at the scene, the same as the one Ethan found in the town.

At this time, Ethan discovered that reporters from other news companies had appeared. There was no way to impose a strict lockdown in this kind of city, so some news companies directly sent helicopters to fly above to take pictures.

Therefore, the news was broadcast quickly, and it caused a sensation just like in the movie. The only difference is that many people in this world who saw the news made various speculations.

There are even people on the Internet discussing what happened this time. What is certain is that there must be a monster. What is uncertain is whether Optimus Prime will appear to deal with the monster or Hellboy will come?

After the incidents that have broken out in New York, everyone is no longer unfamiliar with supernatural events.

Only netizens in New York began to celebrate: Finally, it’s not New York anymore.

Even this sentence directly made the trending news in New York that day. Finally, it is not New York. How sad is this for New Yorkers?

In a gym in Los Angeles, everyone who saw the news stopped and many people were frightened.

In the past, when those things happened in New York, they were still watching the excitement, but now that something like this happened in their own city, they felt complicated.

In the gym, a beautiful girl with a good figure turned pale when she saw the news, and ran out of the gym in a panic.

At the same time, on a rooftop in Los Angeles, Hu Qing also said to Nutrilite beside him: "Did you find that girl?"

The two key people in "War of the Dragons" are Ethan and the heroine. Ethan is already in control, and now all he has to do is find the heroine.

Nutrilite reported back: "Mr. Hu, I discovered in Chinatown, Los Angeles, that a blond girl bought a lot of talismans to ward off evil spirits from a Chinese warlock. The Taoist priest is a liar, and the talisman is definitely useless, but the blond girl may be what you are looking for. people."

Hu Qing nodded.

At this time, Nutrilite's intercom recalled the report: "Boss Nutrilite, we found a weird guy, wearing black armor and acting strangely."

Nutrilite heard the report and immediately said: "Follow me and see if it has anything to do with this matter."


On a street, an old lady was walking staggeringly when she saw a man wearing a strange armored windbreaker.

The man turned a corner and disappeared in front of the old lady. When the old lady stepped forward and faced the tightly closed place, she was stunned. There was no passage at all.

Two people from the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department soon appeared here, looking at the place where the man disappeared with astonishment on their faces.

It seems that this guy is really no ordinary person, and it may be related to the matter that Mr. Hu is concerned about.

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