Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 479 Chapter 479 Dragon Ball! Diamond Body!

(Let’s talk about God, one of the biggest bosses in the evil force. Starting from the Lucifer incident, the experiences of the Wen brothers are actually scripts written by him, called the New Gospel: The Winchester Gospel. Naturally, this ability is not Unrestricted, many things cannot be affected, and the position of God will still be disqualified and defeated)

On the aircraft of the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department, Sara was brought aboard after the issue of the monster army was resolved.

As for Ethan and Liya, they were left behind.

After all, Ethan is no longer of any use, and the agents assigned to him will also be recalled, so this guy may have to face various events such as his girlfriend breaking up, his best colleague leaving, his boss who valued him leaving, etc.

Naturally, if he has outstanding abilities in a certain area, it is possible that the female agent will not break up with him. It depends on his ability to do so.

"Mr. Hu, where are you taking me?" Sara was a little embarrassed.

Everything she encountered today felt like she was in a dream, and her entire worldview collapsed.

However, after seeing the terrifying power of Mr. Hu, she did not dare to be disrespectful at all.

The outside world thinks that the Autobots, Angels, Knights, and Cerberus are the heroes who saved Los Angeles. In fact, they are just following this person's orders.

"Go to the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department and take out the dragon ball from your body first. You don't want to be visited by those monsters again, right?" Hu Qing explained simply.

He already had a way to take the Dragon Ball out of Sara's body.

In the movie, Sara will die if the Dragon Ball is taken out of her body. That is because the Dragon Ball and Sara become one, and Sara can't bear the power that will overflow after the Dragon Ball is taken out.

Therefore, what Hu Qing has to do is to transform Sara into a Shadow Hunter, and then get the Dragon Ball, so that Sara should be able to withstand it and not die directly.

However, after transforming Sara into a Shadowhunter, she can no longer run around outside, so she should be handed over to Nutrilite and incorporated into the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department.

Sara didn't dare to ask any more questions after hearing Hu Qing's words, and sat down to the side obediently.

Hu Qing looked at the properties of the light screen in his mind.

Level: 35

Defense: 56

Magic Control: 56

Attack: 59

Magic: 53

Taoism: 53

Agility: 59

HP: 2800/2800


Experience: 2365312/25500000.

After reaching level 35, each attribute has increased a lot. Likewise, the upgrade experience has reached 25.5 million.

However, after upgrading, Bunaki's remaining monster men were all killed by his summons, allowing him to gain more than 2.36 million experience points. .

Moreover, after reaching level 35, his power has definitely increased a lot. A single fire sword technique can make his warrior attack reach a terrifying level.

There are also "Ice Roar" and "Summon the Divine Beast"

These two skills are the same as "Fire Sword Art". They are skills with the power of rules, and their power is absolutely terrifying.

"Ice Roar lvo (0/2400): Active skill, one of the magic skills of the mage. It costs 1000 MP. It can summon a forbidden spell with regular power, summon a powerful blizzard, and cause the sky and earth to change color due to the gaze. It can target non-teammates Target +50 magic damage."

Forbidden spell, this is the first time Hu Qing has seen it in the description of a mage skill. Moreover, the consumption of 1000 MP is absolutely terrifying, and the undifferentiated +50 magic damage is also absolutely terrifying.

In other words, after he upgrades and puts on magic equipment, if he uses "Ice Roar" and uses Soldier Roar, the magic power will reach 156.

This is more powerful than the LV3 lightning technique, and it is a group attack with a very large critical range.

This is just LV0's "Ice Roar".

The other is "Summoning the Divine Beast". He has learned this skill, but for the time being he has no way to summon the Divine Beast. It is somewhat similar to summoning a skeleton. Summoning a skeleton requires materials and a special summoning skeleton amulet.

Summoning a divine beast also requires a special summoning divine beast amulet, but the divine beast is too powerful and making this amulet is not simple. Therefore, for the time being, he is more concerned about the level 35 Transformation King Kong Divine Body.

The Vajra Divine Body not only allows him to increase his strength, but also allows him to absorb the special crown of divine power that was previously exploded from the Storm Rider. As long as he can absorb that thing, he will be able to fly freely in the future.

Thinking of this, he looked at a new icon that appeared on the light screen in his mind: Turning King Kong Divine Body!

"Vajra Divine Body: A function that is only available at level 35 of the Three Saints profession. After turning into the Vajra Divine Body, you can obtain a divine body, possess more powerful power, and possess the special attributes of the divine body, which makes it immune to the influence of most external materials, energy and toxins."

[Whether you want to turn around or not! 】

The natural choice is yes, there is no reason to choose no.

This Vajra Divine Body not only has stronger power, but also has divine attributes and is immune to the effects of most substances and toxins. This means that by turning around, the Vajra Divine Body can absorb the special crown of divine power?

[The transformation of the Vajra Divine Body requires 100 divine source materials. Is it consumed? 】

"Yes!" Hu Qing made his choice again.

He has a lot of divine source materials, some of which are obtained from the female gods, and there are also many divine sources that can be used to fight monsters and explode.

[Consume 100 divine source materials, turn around and enter the Vajra Divine Body...]

A progress bar also appeared under the King Kong Body icon. Obviously, this transformation into the King Kong Body was not completed instantly.

After looking at the progress bar for a long time, Hu Qing found that it seemed to take a long time, so he retracted his attention and then turned his attention to the skill bar.

Because level 35 can also upgrade to LV3 Temptation Light, which is obviously later than in the game, but the requirements of many skills in this reality are also somewhat different from those in the game.

The most important thing is that if this skill is upgraded, Bunaki can be tempted, and then it can be promoted to a dragon, which is a more powerful fighter than Yu Zhi and Ametheus.

With that size, if you want to kill monsters in the future, send a dragon to rush, and the monster army will be gone.

However, this also needs to be done step by step.

Back to the Mystery Investigation Department, Hu Qing asked Nutrilite to prepare a place to help Sara get the dragon ball.

"Are you ready?" Hu Qing asked Sara, who was a little nervous.

Nutrilite, Bobby, and Hobbs beside them were also looking forward to it. The three of them had never seen Dragon Balls, and they wanted to see what it was that caused the disaster in Los Angeles.

Hu Qing also took out the Holy Grail, poured out a portion of liquid and handed it to Sara.

The Holy Grail didn't look big, but there was a small space several times the size of the Holy Grail inside to store liquid. There was still a lot of it, and even if it was used up, when Amisius was promoted to the level of Archangel, he would just let Amisius bleed.

This thing is not afraid of using.

"Drink it, it will hurt a little when it is transformed, just bear with it." Hu Qing also told Sara.

Sara nodded. She had been told before she came here, but after seeing those terrifying powers, she had no objection to becoming a shadow hunter and gaining supernatural powers, but rather some desire.

Ordinary people are too weak in front of those supernatural powers, and they don't even have the power to resist.

Sara took the liquid without hesitation.

Hu Qing was also going to perform a healing spell on her. To his surprise, after Sara's body was transformed by energy fluctuations, her body was not damaged.

She had a physique suitable for transformation into a shadow hunter.

This puzzled Hu Qing. Wasn't it said that there were few people suitable for transformation? He had used it three times during this time. In addition to JO, Ellen and Lasa were all suitable for transformation.

However, he soon figured out that Sara should be related to the Dragon Ball.

Soon, Sara's transformation was completed. She could feel the changes in her body and jumped very high.

At this time, Hu Qing summoned Amisius. He wanted Amisius to take the Dragon Ball out of Sara's body through special magic, and he was ready to perform a healing spell just in case.

"Do it!" Hu Qing ordered.

Amisius nodded, and began to mobilize the power of angels, casting a special magic. After condensing a special rune on his palm, he pressed it against Sara's shoulder. Then, his palm actually penetrated Sara's shoulder, and white light began to burst out from there.

Amisius pulled his palm outward, and a round substance began to appear.

"Ah..." Sara also made a tragic cry at this time. The energy of the dragon ball appeared outside and overflowed, causing damage to her, causing bulging veins on her body and blood stains.

It's no wonder that after the dragon ball was taken out in the movie, her body couldn't bear it, and her soul was swallowed with the dragon ball.

Even the physique of the transformed shadow headhunter is so miserable, how can ordinary people bear it?

Hu Qing immediately cast a healing spell on Sara to let her body recover. After a moment, Amisius also took the dragon ball out of Sara's body.

Sara instantly fell to the ground, panting, and looked at the dragon ball in Amisius's hand. It was this thing in her body that made her suffer so much during this period.

Now that this thing was finally taken out, she inexplicably felt a sense of relief.

"Master!" Amisius handed the taken dragon ball to Hu Qing.

After taking the dragon ball, Hu Qing felt the terrifying power contained in it. No wonder it could turn the giant python into a dragon.

After putting it in the item column, he saw the note information of the dragon ball:

"Dragon Ball (Special): A dragon ball containing powerful dragon power, with special rule power on it. Only the evil giant python Bunaki and the righteous giant python Imogi can use it. After using it, either of them can absorb the dragon power and turn into a dragon."

Sure enough, the exclusive items in "Dragon War" can only be used by those two giant pythons. Otherwise, why haven't other monsters snatched the dragon ball for so many years?

If it can be used, it would have been snatched and absorbed by some monster long ago. Why wait for these two giant pythons to snatch it?

Now that the dragon ball has been obtained, it is time to upgrade the Light of Temptation, and then use the dragon ball to lure Bunaki out and tempt him.

After obtaining the dragon ball, Hu Qing used the teleportation to leave. As soon as he returned to the castle, he entered the special training room and began to practice the Light of Temptation.

After half a month, he received a system prompt again: [Skill level upgraded! ]

It took half a month for the Light of Temptation to upgrade to LV3, and now the number of monsters that can be tempted has finally become 5.

What surprised him even more was that soon after the level of the Light of Temptation was upgraded, a force burst out from his body and surged to his whole body!

Another system prompt appeared: [King Kong's body turn is complete! ]

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