Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 480 Finally I can fly! Snake fishing law enforcement!

In the room.

Hu Qing's body began to change. Mysterious lines appeared on his body and then spread all over his body. His skin seemed to be coated with a layer of gold. At the same time, his hair began to turn golden, and even his eyebrows turned golden.

This was entering the Vajra God Body state, similar to a transformation.

He remembered that in some legends of the previous life where there were Vajra God Body transformations, there were skins for sale for this Vajra God Body, which could be said to make players spend money to the extreme.

Naturally, after entering the Vajra God Body, you can get the attribute blessing of the Vajra God Body.

He looked in front of the mirror for a long time. At least he didn't think the Vajra God Body state was ugly, which was acceptable.

Then, he looked at the data of the Vajra God Body.

Vajra God Body: First Transformation (0/200)

Divine Body Divine Power Blessing: 5 (When entering the Divine Body state, the Divine Power Blessing will be transformed into the attack state blessing!)

Divine Body Attributes: It can be unaffected by most substances and toxins, and the resistance is level 1.

Possessing Divine Source: 1828

His real Vajra God Body is somewhat different from the game.

In the game, the Vajra God Body does not have the property of being immune to most substances and toxins.

And this property should be very useful. If you don't guess, now you can enter hell as long as you enter the Vajra God Body state, you should be able to resist the hell environment.

It's just that the resistance level 1 should be that the higher the level, the stronger the resistance.

As for the level of the Vajra God Body and the divine power blessing, they are the same as those in some legendary games. They are all additional attributes. That is to say, now the divine power blessing is 5, then enter the Vajra God Body state, cast a warrior attack, then the attack +5, cast magic, magic +5, cast Taoism, Taoism +5.

Don't think that you can underestimate the Vajra God Body just because it is only 5, because this Vajra God Body can be upgraded and turned.

In the game, the Vajra God Body turning material is very difficult to fight, and most people need to rely on krypton gold to upgrade the level, so that they can beat others happily, or the more krypton gold, the more they get.

In the past life, many people spent tens of thousands of krypton gold for this turning.

If Hu Qing wanted to upgrade the Vajra Divine Body, he could only rely on Divine Source. He had already converted all the Divine Source materials he had obtained into Divine Source, and now there were 1528 left.

He decisively carried out the transformation upgrade. It took 200 Divine Sources to upgrade from the first transformation to the second transformation.

[Consume 200 Divine Sources to transform to the Divine Level... Upgrading... Upgrading completed! ]

The transformation to the Divine Level was very fast, and it was completed not long after. Looking at the Vajra Divine Body again, the attributes had changed.

Vajra Divine Body: Second Transformation (0/300)

Divine Body Divine Power Blessing: 10 (Entering the Divine Body state, the Divine Power Blessing will be transformed into the attack state blessing!)

Divine Body Attributes: Can be unaffected by most substances and toxins, resistance level 2.

Divine Source: 1628

Sure enough, just like in the game, the transformation of the Divine Body was improved, and the blessing attribute was also increased.

And the resistance to the influence of most substances and toxins also became level 2.

Hu Qing did not hesitate and used all the remaining Divine Sources to transform in one breath.

Vajra God Body: 3rd turn (0/400)

God Source: 1228

Vajra God Body: 4th turn (0/500)

God Source: 728

Vajra God Body: 5th turn (228/600)

God Body Divine Power Blessing: 25 (When entering the God Body state, the Divine Power Blessing will be transformed into the attack state blessing!)

God Body Attributes: It can be unaffected by most substances and toxins, and the resistance is level 5.

God Source: 0

After the Divine Source is consumed, the Vajra God Body has been turned 5th, the Divine Body Divine Power Blessing has also reached the level of 25, and the immunity resistance has also reached level 5.

In this way, when entering the Vajra God Body state, the warrior's attack power when performing the Fiery Sword will change from 239 to 264. If the Judgment Staff critical strike is triggered, it can reach 316.

With this kind of power, even an old god like Odin can easily kill a group of people in seconds, but I don't know if it can compete with big guys like Lucifer and Jiang Chen who destroyed the world.

Naturally, casting magician and Taoist skills in the divine body state will also bless 25 magic or Taoist.

For example, casting LV0 Ice Roar, the magic power will reach 181.

The 5th turn of the Vajra divine body has very strong attributes. If it is further improved, the power will be even stronger.

It's a pity that there is no divine source, which is a problem.

There are probably only 4 channels for him to get the divine source now. One is to go to hell to kill high-level demons and get special demon crystals. The explosion rate is a bit low, and the number of converted divine sources is also small.

The second is to go to Purgatory. Like killing the Storm Knight, the rule fragments will be exploded. Other monsters in Purgatory should also be exploded, but this is not considered for the time being. Let's not talk about how to enter Purgatory, and the time of Purgatory is too chaotic.

If you encounter someone like Dean who has been inside for decades and outside for only 4 months, it's okay. If you encounter a place where you have been inside for 4 months and outside for 40 years, it will be really painful.

The third one is naturally to find the goddess Cynthia. You should know that in addition to gaining experience, she can also gain divine energy. Although +2 is not much, it accumulates into a lot, right?

This can be considered. I haven't seen Cynthia, the goddess spirit, for a long time. It's time to turn over the cards.

The last one is naturally to kill the old gods and explode the divine power crystal. This also has the highest explosion rate and increases the most divine energy. Previously, exploding a divine power crystal can directly convert 100 divine energy.

It seems that there will be a world spirit conference later, and there will be many old gods. Anyway, most of them are not good stuff. If we kill them all at once, we will definitely get a lot of divine sources.

This can also be considered. It is time to arrange Nutrilite to pay attention to this aspect.

Then, Hu Qing took out an item from the inventory. It was the special divine power crown that exploded from the Purgatory Knight. It had a special sky-dancing rule, which could give it the ability to fly.

However, to absorb this divine power crown, you also need the divine body attribute. Hu Qing was naturally not a divine body before, but now he has the Vajra divine body, so he seems to be able to give it a try.

Entering the Vajra divine body state, Hu Qing tried to absorb this special divine power crown again.

This time, the special divine power crown immediately emitted a bright light, and a rule power began to surge.

He also received a prompt in his mind:

[Special divine body attribute rules are being absorbed... Please wait...]

Hu Qing showed a happy look on his face. It really can be absorbed, and it is not in vain.

However, this will take some time, because it will not affect the action, he also left the room and entered the hall.

Kelly and Kalinda, cousins, were watching the news in the hall.

Kalinda saw Hu Qing and said, "Hu, come and see, the news is broadcasting the Battle of Los Angeles again."

"It has been half a month since the Los Angeles disaster, and the ruins of the battlefield are still being rebuilt..."

The voice of the reporter was heard on the TV news.

The impact of the Bunaki army's attack on Los Angeles will not be less than that of the New York incident,

and this also caused the people of the Stars and Stripes to fall into some panic, so at this time people need heroes very much, and the Autobots, Ametheus, and Yu Zhi are naturally regarded as heroes.

It's just that the mysterious incident investigation department covered up, and no one could find their whereabouts, and no one knew they were in this castle, so they could only play the Los Angeles battlefield and the previous battle news video repeatedly.

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed. On this day, Hu Qing planned to go to the town to see the situation. He heard that Abik had invested 3 billion US dollars in the town and was going to expand the town here. Is he going to build a city here?

The key is that this guy has built a large area in the town to build a manor, and the scope is all within the Red Name Village. This guy is very cunning.

But before Hu Qing left the castle, a special rule fluctuation suddenly surged in his body, and he also received a system prompt in his mind.

[Special God Body Rule Attribute Absorption Completed! ]

He immediately looked at the Vajra God Body, and the attribute really changed.

Vajra God Body: Fifth Turn (228/600)

God Body Divine Power Blessing: 25 (Entering the God Body state, the Divine Power Blessing will be transformed into the attack state blessing!)

God Body Attributes:

1. It can be unaffected by most substances and toxins, and the resistance is level 5.

2. Dancing in the Sky: It can make the host fly into the sky, while consuming MP. The consumption speed is affected by factors such as the flight environment, flight speed, etc.

Divine Source: 0

After absorbing the special divine power crown, the Vajra God Body has the attribute of dancing in the sky, and he instantly understands the use of the rule power of dancing in the sky.

The next moment, he straightened his body and jumped into the air, getting higher and higher. In a flash, the castle under his feet became as small as an ant.

In the castle, Shaq, who was looking at the door, looked up at the sky blankly. It seemed that he reacted for a long time and shouted in panic: "It's gone, it's gone, Mr. Hu disappeared in the sky..."

Hu Qing stopped in the air and looked down. Even the whole town was only the size of a palm in his eyes. The experience was really indescribable and very wonderful.

This is probably why humans have always wanted to fly.

Flying freely! It is indeed a very attractive thing.

Naturally, with the use of the Wukong rules, Hu Qing's MP also began to be consumed. However, now 4700 MP is enough for him to consume some time. He immediately jumped and flew forward quickly.


Time is passing.

In a blink of an eye, another week has passed.

In a mountain range.

A giant python appeared in the mountain range, and you can see that it still has a wound on its forehead that has not fully recovered.

It looked around carefully. The last encounter in Los Angeles was still fresh in its memory. It had to be cautious. It made sure that there was no one around before it felt relieved to explore forward.

This giant python was Bunaki.

The reason why it appeared here was naturally because it sensed the special breath of the dragon ball, and the dragon ball had been in the open air without moving.

At first, it thought it was a trap and didn't dare to appear easily, but the thing didn't move for a week in a row, and it couldn't resist the temptation and decided to sneak out to check.

After discovering that it was surrounded by mountains, it felt relieved.

It knew that the dragon ball was in the human woman's body, and the other party couldn't stay in such a mountain for a week in a row, which meant that something happened to the dragon ball and it was left here.

So, this is its chance.

Bunaki immediately moved quickly in the direction where the dragon ball was sensed, but it didn't know that there were already some people on the peaks of the mountains who were monitoring everything, and it was discovered as soon as it appeared.

"Report, Bunaki has appeared!"

"We also found Bunaki, and the other party is moving towards the direction of the trap!"


In the castle.

Hu Qing's cell phone rang, and when he saw that it was Nutrilite calling, he immediately answered the call.

"Mr. Hu, Bunaki has appeared!"

This news immediately made Hu Qing smile.

This guy really couldn't resist the temptation of the dragon ball and was easily lured out.

The greed blinded his mind, and the powerful beast was inevitable.

In the mountains, Bunaki also locked the location of the dragon ball. What made it excited was that there was no one around the dragon ball.

Sure enough, something happened.

The dragon ball is his.

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