Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 485 What a jerk! Want to be the king of gods?

Hu Qing's head was buzzing when he heard the news about his daughter.

What the hell, daughter!

How come he didn't know he had a daughter?

The key point was that Kalinda's words didn't seem to be a joke.

After hanging up the phone, he couldn't react for a long time.

At this time.

Cynthia and Liu Qingqing drove the Rolls-Royce he left behind slowly to the front.

Without waiting for the two women to react, Hu Qing walked in front of Cynthia, left a teleportation mark on the spot, and then took Cynthia back to her villa.

"Hu, you seem to be a little bit wrong." Cynthia found Hu Qing's abnormality and was about to ask, but Hu Qing disappeared in front of her in a flash.

This man!

Hu Qing appeared in the woods again, took the ghost car Rolls-Royce, hugged Liu Qingqing and moved again in a flash, disappeared in the woods again, and appeared again in the room of the castle.

After walking out of the room, he had a thought and summoned Yu Zhi and Amisius back, and then went downstairs.

Only the old man of the Death Knight was left in the forest.

The old man was a little confused watching Hu Qing and his party disappear one by one. The other party was so impetuous that he was a little confused about the situation.

However, with these people against Lucifer, Lucifer must have a headache.

Just right!

He can also enjoy himself with peace of mind. I hope that Lucifer, the bastard, will be solved soon.

In the castle.

When Hu Qing arrived in the hall, he saw Kalinda and Kelly who were angry.

As soon as they saw him coming down, the two banshees looked at him with resentment.

"Well, Kalinda should be joking with me, right?" Hu Qing asked with a confused face.

"Humph!" Kelly snorted.

Kalinda said coquettishly: "The person is outside, Hu, I find you are a scumbag."

Although Hu Qing felt wronged, he subconsciously walked out.

On the wide lawn outside, as soon as he came out, he saw Jacob, the wolf destroyer, sitting on the ground with a smile.

"Mr. Hu!" Jacob saw Hu Qing stand up and greet him respectfully.

"Why are you here?" Hu Qing asked in confusion.

Jacob smiled and explained: "Mr. Hu, a little girl came to our Fox Town. She is not an ordinary human, but we don't know who she is and why she appeared in Fox Town."

"Later, Alice accidentally saw a future, and you were seen holding this little girl in the picture, and she called you dad."

"So, everyone knew that the little girl was your daughter, and asked me to send her to you."

"Fuck..." Hu Qing wanted to beat him up when he heard this.

It turned out that the culprit was this Langmie. Does this guy know how much trouble he has caused himself? The family is jealous.

Jacob thought he had done a good thing, and continued: "Mr. Hu, your daughter is there, her eyes are like yours, very beautiful."

Hu Qing sighed, looked at the place where Jacob pointed, and saw three girls playing.

One is the little girl Mia. As a demon psychic, she had been running away with her mother before, and later she had been living in the castle. She had never had peers to play with. Now that there were two more little girls to play with, she was obviously very happy, and she was showing off the fireball technique she learned from Hu Qing.

The other little girl was naturally Jacob's little wife Renesmee.

She had grown from 7 to 12 years old during this period of time. If she grew another 7 years older, she could have sex with Jacob, the wolf destroyer, and it shouldn't take much time.

Hu Qing was stunned when he looked at the last little girl.

She was very cute and beautiful, and she was as smart as a rag doll.

Looking at this little girl, he actually had a special feeling inexplicably.

That feeling was so wonderful that he couldn't describe it in words.

The little girl was also stunned when she saw Hu Qing, and before Hu Qing could react, the little girl rushed towards him, shouting "Dad".

Hu Qing felt like the sky was falling.

This was very wrong.

How could he have such a big daughter?

He hadn't been here for so long.

In an instant, the little girl rushed forward and hugged his waist. She was only this tall.

The amazing thing about Hu Qing was that he did not dodge. It was a subconscious action. Perhaps it was that special feeling that made him forget to dodge.

That feeling could be called blood connection.

In other words, this little girl might really be his daughter. What the hell is going on?

"Are you really my dad?" The little girl looked up, blinked her bright eyes at Hu Qing, and said seriously: "Aunt Alice showed me the picture of my dad, and my dad is my dad!"

This was a bit difficult to say, but Hu Qing inexplicably felt that she was cute, and asked as if to verify: "What's your name? What's your mother's name?"

The little girl answered seriously: "My name is Otelis, and my mother is the mayor of the town of Gods, Ones, but my mother never told me about my father. This time I ran away secretly, and then I met Aunt Alice and Sister Renesmee."

Hearing Otelis's words, Hu Qing's face became a little gloomy, thinking of the clean and comfortable goddess spirit, and even more thinking of the madness with the goddess spirit in the town of Gods.

At that time, he felt strange, he was not infinitely charming, and the goddess spirit insisted on having sex with him all night, and even made him sign a contract.

That excuse of spring love was too weird.

In order to sleep with such a beautiful goddess without having to take responsibility, he did not hesitate to get so angry at being seduced. They did not disturb each other later, and gradually did not care about it.

Now this Onis quietly gave him such a big daughter.

Did he borrow the seeds from the goddess that time?

But that's not right. It has only been so long, but Otelis already looks like 8 or 9 years old.

Could it be that the children born to the Goddess are also somewhat special, growing as fast as Renesmee?

Feeling the breath of the crown of divine power in Otelis's body, Hu Qing felt that it was very possible.

Yes, the little girl has a crown of divine power in her body, and the crown of divine power actually has special regular power fluctuations, which are very strong.

That kind of rule power is even very strange.

This is probably why she can walk from the town of Gods to Fox town alone.

You know, even god kings like Odin and Zeus did not have a special crown of divine power with the power of rules in the era when the gods were declining. Now a little girl actually has this special crown of divine power.

Hu Qing suddenly felt two resentful glances, looking at the two banshees Kalinda and Kelly.

"Hu, who is Onis?" Kelly asked lightly.

Kalinda also hummed: "Yeah, who is she? I haven't seen her before."

The eyes of the two banshees were scrutinizing. They suddenly realized that this man was really not simple. There was a JO before, and now there is an Onis and such a big daughter.

"I'll explain it later. Now I also want to figure out what's going on." Hu Qing looked at the two banshees awkwardly, and then led Otelis towards the hall.

When he got inside, he said to the little girl: "Wait here first."

With that said, he disappeared from the spot with a teleportation, and reappeared in Cynthia's villa.

"Hu, why are you back again?" Cynthia was holding a fruit plate and asked in surprise when she saw Hu Qing.

"Come with me." Hu Qing didn't care about anything else, hugged Cynthia, and appeared in the castle room with a blink of an eye.

When he pulled Cynthia downstairs, he found Kalinda and Kelly, two fairies, holding ice cream and ice cream and passing them to Otelis.

After it seemed that she was confirmed to be Hu Qing's daughter, the two banshees also accepted their fate and felt that they should have a good relationship with this little girl and at least play the role of a stepmother.

When they saw Hu Qing taking Cynthia downstairs, the two banshees looked over again.

"Is she Onis?" Kalinda asked in surprise.

"Huh, did you take it home directly?" Kelly also snorted.

At the same time, the two banshees also looked at Cynthia, and they had to admit that Hu's vision was obviously good, and his figure and appearance were excellent.

Inexplicably, the two banshees felt the slightest threat.

The threat of women to women.

Liu Qingqing shouted lightly at this time: "Sister Cynthia, come here and pull me!"

The two banshees were stunned and looked at Hu Qing with doubts on their faces.

What's the meaning? Isn’t this the Onies?

"..." Kalinda!

"..." Kelly!

The two banshees wanted to know how many of these scumbag men there were out there.

Liu Qingqing was inexplicably happy, just wanting to see Mr. Hu end up like this this time, making him a scumbag, a special scumbag.

Hu Qing felt the questioning gazes of the two banshees. At this time, he knew it was best for him not to explain anything.

"Cynthia, she is Onies's child! Moreover, it should be mine and Onies's!" Hu Qing asked Cynthia: "Do you know what's going on?"

"What?" Cynthia saw Otelis and looked at Hu Qing in disbelief: "Hu, you and Onies, I remember the time when you helped Qingqing transform into the angel of death. Hu, you are such a scumbag. , on that one night, you had sex with Onies."

"She seduced me and asked me to sign some kind of contract." Hu Qing said with a frown: "Now I feel that Ones must have done it deliberately that time. What's going on with this child now? They are both old Greek gods. , you should know, right?”

When Cynthia heard this, she subconsciously looked at Otelis and said: "It should be Chun Xin, a special existence in the Greek pantheon. Chun Xin will choose the opposite sex by herself, and the children born will be born with the power of rules that can only be mastered by the Lord God. That is to say, the gods who emerged from the Spring Heart are the main gods. Apollo, Ares, and Athena in the Greek system were all born through the Spring Heart.”

"But it is impossible for ordinary gods to have the heart of love. It seems that Onis's identity is definitely not as simple as the surface. Hey, no, this child's rule power is not right..."

Hu Qing frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Cynthia said in horror: "I just checked this child's crown of divine power, and found that I felt a sense of oppression, and a force of rules that was not bound by the power of faith. Is she the rumored child of hope?"

"What child of hope?" Hu Qing became more and more confused.

Cynthia explained: "There are rumors that a new child of hope will be born and lead the Greek gods to restore their glory. She will become the new god king, provided that she gets the crown and scepter of the former god king!"

"She, the God King?" Hu Qing looked at Otelis, who was licking the ice cream innocently.

Then isn't he the father of the God King?

Cynthia then reminded: "Hu, don't let Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon know of her existence. Zeus, the king of gods, will not let her get the crown and scepter. Poseidon and Hades will definitely make a crazy move to seize her crown of divine power."

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