MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1659: Fighting

Five waves of arrows and rain covering the sky with two hundred thousand rangers have allowed countless people to see the horror of the ranger troops.

This kind of ultra-long-distance blow is really terrifying, and extremely shocking.

Although the players have experienced many battles, it was not until this battle that they really saw how terrifying the trump card army is.

"This is an epic war, gorgeous and terrifying." Some players couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, the real war of the ancient gods should be like this, it's just that in the previous battles, the main force of the camp hasn't really shot."

"Such a corps is really terrifying, and it strikes at a very long distance. How good would I be to have such a corps."

"I am the Ranger. I only understand the meaning of the Ranger when I see them."

The players, whether they were live players or the audience who saw this scene through the live broadcast, were shocked.

Chenfeng looked at the players who were silly on the deck and looked up at the sky, and shook his head slightly.

What's the matter with this? The opponent's ground troops attacked this time to make room for movement. When the rangers slow down, they will attack the air. When they get a million arrows, they will fly over their heads. What is the scene.

The arrow rain that the deputy commander of the magic group saw stopped, and said loudly: "It was just the performance of the rangers, now it's our turn. Also prepare spells in units of 100,000, and the sky will fall."

Following the orders of the deputy commander, the mages sounded incomparably orderly spells, and at the same time a magic circle enveloped one hundred thousand mages.

An illusory magic circle enveloped one hundred thousand mages, and one hundred thousand mages seemed to form a huge whole, and the sky was turbulent as the magic circle rotated.

The dark clouds in the sky were torn apart, especially in the innermost position of Desom, a red light appeared on the sky.

Then the chaotic cloud group in the sky seemed to turn into a burning cloud, and the whole Desom reflected in it turned red, and anyone could feel the earth and fire elements becoming violent and violent.

Dalkhan's entire black dragon queen fought, seeing the sky, and then the huge blue circle in the distance, his expression changed drastically: "Damn it, a hundred thousand-level sky."

"Fighting with me, you still dare to be distracted and look for death."

The black dragon dragon empress took advantage of his distraction, the ground suddenly spewed a lot of magma.

The hot magma collided with the sea behind him, transpiring a huge amount of steam. At the same time, in the open sea in the direction of the Tower of Windrunner, the monstrous water vapor transpired, and countless creatures in the ocean died tragically.

There are many ships passing by here, like a submarine volcano erupting, and the ships are far away.

No one knows that Dalkhan has used the secret treasure and borrowed the power of this sea area to fight the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen.

Dalkhan was rushed out, but this time he was supported by massive amounts of water in the sea. Although he was embarrassed and injured, he was not seriously injured.

"The Banshee Legion, energy shield." Dalkhan roared wildly.

The main force of the Banshee Legion, which was being consumed by spells, fought against the mages and rangers protected by the cockroaches. After hearing the order, the banshees in the rear separated, and they also began to cast spells collectively. A magic circle enveloped them .

Banshees, they were high elf female wizards before they were alive, but they were transformed into banshees after death. Although they lost their bodies, although they were controlled by the Lich King, they became chaotic in consciousness, but casting spells was their instinct.

It's basically impossible like the Magic Army, but it's more than enough defensively.

The burning cloud in the sky turned into a huge vortex, like a channel connecting another world.

In fact, the same is true. Players can see the endless dark starry sky through the red vortex. As the spell continues, the universe starry sky changes.

There were numerous meteorite clusters formed by broken stars, and the picture seemed to freeze at this moment. The meteorites originally floating in the universe seemed to be shrouded in red light, and then they rushed directly to the vortex channel formed by the fire cloud.

A large number of meteorites flew out through the vortex channel, appeared in the sky, and then fell rapidly, and then the meteorites began to burn, turning into meteors with flame tails and black eyes.

The goal is behind Desom. This time the players on the Sun can see more clearly, and meteorites are falling around them.

There are a large number of gargoyles in the sky, many of which were hit by meteors. After being hit, they couldn't even struggle and turned into flaming stone fragments, splashing around.

And at this time, below, the banshees' spellcasting had begun, and a transparent magical shield shrouded the sky behind Daisom, like a blue transparent mask, glowing with an ice barrier.

Countless meteorites and gargoyles that would stand in the air swept away, and then collided with the shield.

With the roar of the sky, a large number of meteorites burst, and countless ripples appeared in the magic enchantment.

"This is the meteor fire rain, right? The fire rain of the warlock and the mage is compared with this, it is simply scum."

This spell is extremely splendid, and the players who watch it are dazzled. First, the rangers cover the sky with arrows, and then the real communication with the universe star meteorite group summons meteorites. This spell completely exceeds the players' cognition.

Although the players also mastered the Meteor Fire Rain and Fire Rain spells, they were formed by the condensed fire element and imitated the counterfeit spells produced by the real Heavenly Fallen spell.

"What you're waiting for is your strong magic shield." The deputy commander of the Destroyer Legion sneered. The high elves magic kingdom is hard to say, but the mastery of magic is the strongest except for the blue dragon. The banshees are now in a chaotic consciousness. You can't fight them at all, if you keep your sober consciousness, it's almost the same: "All laws are broken."

The magic breakers threw out the flywheels in their hands, and countless flywheels rotated from all directions to the magic shield, constantly absorbing the power of the magic enchantment. Those dim flywheels quickly radiated arcane light.

When the light is dazzling to the extreme, those flywheels will fly into the hands of the lawbreaker, and then fly up again, this time into the second wave of 100,000 mages' huge array, transmitting the power absorbed by the flywheel like a magic array.

For a time, the second wave of the magical army was equivalent to the banshees helping to condense spells, which greatly increased the strength of the magic circle.

Morrowind looked at Dalkhan who was fighting against the Black Dragon and Dragon Empress, and sneered: "Dalkhan, you really are not worthy of your name. You don't even know the most basic way of fighting in our kingdom."

It's not to blame Morrowind for taunting, it is that this kind of fighting method is common sense, with the Legion of Lawbreakers, so that the fighting method of the Magical Legion becomes extremely flexible and changeable.

But Dalkhan actually ordered the banshees to use this kind of magic enchantment stupidly. It was a death. It only took a moment for Dalkhan to pay a heavy price for his ignorance and arrogance.

The magic enchantment has become extremely fragile, and finally shattered under the blow of the meteor and the magic-breaking flywheel, and the second wave of magic group casting has reached its extreme...

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