MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1660: Death Cavalry

The spellbreaker army and the magician army can be said to be seamless. This enchantment can withstand the sky, and its strength can be seen. Now most of it has been absorbed and moved to the second wave of the magical army, which is equivalent to an increase Almost double the number of people.

The first wave of spellcasting has ended, and the damage caused by the last meteor is not great, but the second wave of spellcasting has begun.

Moreover, the first wave actually wasted a lot of energy and mental power to communicate with the star realms and open up channels.

In the second wave, there is no such trouble, and you can directly communicate with the star realm and lock the meteorite group.

The meteorites that were many times larger than the original were wrapped in red light, and then torn through the tunnel and fell.

A huge meteor fell with a scream and billowing flame tail.

"Disperse quickly."

Darkan heard the sound, looked up, saw that the magic enchantment had been broken, and suddenly roared loudly.

But disperse, how to disperse, within Desom, the number of undead army is too crowded.

In Dalkhan's view, this is called concentrating troops and waiting for work.

But in Li Yao's eyes, this was a stupid behavior. If Desom's army was in its elite level, it would naturally be inferior to the Withering Sun Legion, but the number was many times that of the Withering Sun Legion.

If fighting in the field, even with the protection of enchantment, facing Desom's army, the possibility of attacking the Withering Sun Legion to victory is still relatively low.

But Dalkhan chose the most stupid way. You must know that there are an astonishing number of cannon fodder undead in Ghost Land, but because of the limited space in Desom, many of the clubs have been abandoned.

Dalkhan foolishly thought that his lair was an unbreakable fortress, and ended up trapping himself in a place where he could not move.

That's why Li Yaocai said that when the Withered Sun Army encircled the exit, the battle was already established.

Although the valley is huge, after all, it is impossible for all of Desom's troops to be deployed, that is, the Withering Sun Legion still has hundreds of thousands of troops in the rear that cannot participate in the battle and perform ultra-long-range strikes.

It is conceivable that the number of troops fighting with the Sun Army at the same time is limited, and Desom can only be passively beaten, unable to give play to his numerical advantage, how can he win.

Meeting on a narrow road is not the number but the level of excellence. In fact, Dalkhan has already realized that he is strategically wrong, but now it is too late to say anything. He is entangled in the black dragon and dragon queen desperately.

And his army has fallen into a bitter battle, and now the commanding heights have been occupied a lot by the players, and the long-range strike has also weakened to the extreme.

The Sky Withered Sun bombarded wildly, already fully opening the shield, with the attack of countless gargoyles, went deep into the depths and bombarded wildly below, slaughtering the undead army.

It can be said that the war situation is already precarious.

It was too late and it was fast, but the huge meteor in the sky still crashed down.

With a huge roar, followed by the tremors of the earth, a small mushroom cloud rose.

Desom's internal foundation has also been strengthened. The ground is extremely strong, but it is as fragile as paper in front of a huge meteor.

Accompanied by mushroom clouds and shock waves, a large number of undead remains flying over the debris.

However, the first huge meteorite just burst, there was a sound in the sky again, and another huge meteorite fell.

Not to mention the players, the undead have not recovered from the huge explosion just now, and the result is another huge meteor.

Only some high-level undead with sound consciousness can determine where the meteor will fall and leave frantically.

This kind of powerful spell is equivalent to a condensed spell casted by hundreds of thousands of people, not to mention the race-level camp-level bosses, even the world-class bosses will be hit hard if eaten, and the crispy type will probably be killed directly. dead.

Just now they saw with their own eyes several race-level leaders torn to pieces by a huge explosion.


The second mushroom cloud rose, followed by the third, fourth, and fifth. It wasn't until after the sixth that the spatial vortex formed by the burning garden in the sky disappeared and the sky returned to its normal color.

There were six huge craters in the rear of Desom, and even the remains of fiery red meteors could be seen from the craters.

Even a fire spread in the hatred army. Each meteor can destroy tens of thousands of undead at least. The 200,000 Sorcerer Legion has consumed its mana and eliminated enemies that exceed their number and are not much weaker than them.

The fighting on the frontal battlefield continued, but it became more intense, however, the world seemed to fall into silence.

In less than half an hour, first the rangers' ultra-long-range arrow rain, and then the magical group's meteor performance, completely conquered the players and the audience.

Only at this moment did they understand why Li Yaoneng, who led the Withering Sun Army, became the fifth person in the High Elf Kingdom.

Finally, I completely understood the real gap between myself and Li Yao, not to mention the dry body, just these two tricks can destroy the current legion of any player.

What's more, this is not the most prosperous of the Withered Sun Legion, and there are many withered people who have just transformed to recover their strength.

And the Withered Sun Legion is not just a legion, but with a large number of people. It is foreseeable that in the future, the Ghost Land will become the world of the Withered Sun Legion. Sitting on such a treasure, the Withered Sun Legion will only become stronger and stronger.

"You see, your struggle is meaningless. You can't defeat me or my master. The only question now is how long it will take to clean you up. The war will be divided." Vulcan, the two violent spells constantly collide and melt, and the ground around them is also in a mess.

"I don't believe it, I still have the hole cards." The soul fire in Darkan's eyes burned wildly: "Death Knights, show your strength, and tear them to pieces for me."

Da da da……

Accompanied by the tidy sound of horseshoes, nearly two hundred thousand death knights came out of various buildings and gathered together.

The faces of the players have changed They can see how powerful the death knights are, and their charge is simply invincible and incomprehensible.

Facing the death knight's charge, they couldn't even block it.

And these death knights are stronger than before, because each of them has a ghoul companion around them.

Don't compare them with ordinary ghouls. The ghouls summoned by the death knights are their most trusted partners who died in battle. They are also extremely powerful, which is equivalent to giving Desom an extra 400,000 trump cards.

These death knights wear an epic ice armor and hold rune arrows. The front is a death knight holding a rune sword, and the rear is a dual-wielding rune sword.

Their soul flames are icy blue, and their faces are hidden in their helmets. As they gather, there is snow in the sky.

Their mounts are like a nightmare, but their horses' hoofs also brave ice flames. As they progressed, a layer of frost was left on the ground.

Just this gorgeous appearance made countless people's eyes widen, which is simply pulling the wind to the extreme...

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