MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 425: When planning

"You can really calculate, you can create so many doorways if you upgrade to a higher level." Sister Li sighed. If Li Yao's plan is successful, it will really do countless things in one fell swoop, and it will be of great help to Spark Guild.

It is impossible for Li Yao to say that it was planned to find this downfall prince.

It is also a coincidence that the players of the Xiaoyao Guild are also killing this stuff.

This frog prince was also very famous back then, wandering on the beach for two years.

Players at level 20 or so have killed the frog prince, but they all encountered the same situation as Xiaoyao Studio.

Obviously he was watching the killed boss, but he had no experience and no announcement, and he would not drop treasures.

This boss has become the most useless and least popular boss, and many players simply treat it as if this guy does not exist. And this matter has also attracted a certain amount of attention on the forum, but no one has discovered the reason.

Only later, with the opening of the ocean. The reputation of the Tide Frogman is open, as a wise and not aggressive race.

The three camps chose the Tide Arakkoa and became a cooperative partner, and then the Tide Frogman released a mission to find the Frogman Prince.

After a long period of time, a player with special eye equipment accidentally discovered that the sea giant was only in a state of transformation.

This was the truth, and then it was the task of helping my prince establish a tribe. Second, the player who completed this task, so even the guild has gained a lot of benefits.

This is also Li Yao's purpose, and cooperation with the frogman can indeed gain a lot of benefits.

"If it is really successful, will it be regarded as opening a new racial prestige?" Sister Li asked.

Li Yao said: "It should be forgotten. What are the specific benefits? I will know at that time, but only the distant materials can make our guild prosper."

Sister Li nodded. Li Yao's blueprint for the guild's residence was too magnificent. What racetrack, what port, what main city, it is not very easy to realize everything.

Especially when it became the main city, it was simply arrogant to the extreme. If this news were revealed, it would be shocking, and then Spark Guild would become a laughing stock.

"According to the map given by the prince, the frontier should be the territory of the tide frogman." Sister Li looked at the map and said.

With Zhenhaizhu, the two don't even have to worry about the pressure of the sea. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to go so deep just by breathing potions, and even a race under normal pressure would not be able to stand it.

"Well, it should be here." Below you are some simple villages built from huge stones and huge shells.

There are many frogmen inside, and there are many poison dart frogs outside the village.

Poison dart frogs are basically pets that frogmen must domesticate, and it is not difficult for them to communicate.

Frogmen are a strange race. They hatch, and not all eggs can become very intelligent frogmen. Most of them are poison dart frogs.

The stronger and the more noble frogman, the more difficult it is for a frogman to breed true heirs.

Under normal circumstances, those poison dart frogs will accompany the frogmen to grow up together. This relationship is not only the relationship between the brothers and relatives, but also the relationship between the owner and the pet.

This kind of poison dart frog is also a little different from Chun's poison dart frog. They have some wisdom, so they can often become frogmen's combat partners, so they cooperate more closely.

"Make some noise first." Li Yao owed to the seabed.

It's not a deep sea, although it's not barren, but it's not rich, but there are a lot of fish, shrimp and crabs, and you can see a lot of shellfish.

However, Li Yao didn't have any intention of getting any pearls. If he was to ally with a frogman, there would be no shortage of such things at the time, and there was no need to waste time.

Li Yao released the Hydra, and the Hydra was like a fish in the water. He was an abyssal creature, but some changes had taken place in the water.

When on land, the Hydra is more like a dragon, but in the sea, the scales of the deep mountains seem to become delicate and smooth.

The body is even bigger, and the neck stretches at least more than half, turning into a complete monster.

It was also the first time Li Yao saw the situation in Haili, and he was shocked.

"What's the situation?" Sister Li also asked.

The ice snake said: "Master, don't be surprised. At this time, our form in the water can fight better and adapt more to water warfare."

"Well, stop talking nonsense, wipe out the front team of frogmen and poison dart frogs." Li Yao said.

"Observe my master."

The multi-headed snake is faster in the water than on the land, and the appearance of the multi-headed sum has attracted the attention of the frogman.

But they didn't dare to provoke them, only seeing the bulls and rushing forward did they have to fight. At such a distance, they couldn't run the Hydra at all. What's more, their tribe was not far away, and they couldn't run either.

There are less than ten frogmen in this team, most of whom are 1-star elites and above, and the leader is a silver eagle. It's just that at least three or four poison dart frogs follow each frogman.

Even more, a fast frogman started to look for reinforcements. This is the difficulty of dealing with intelligent monsters.

For example, killing ordinary beasts can basically defeat them all. But this kind of intelligent creature is impossible.

This kind of organized and tribal person doesn't pay attention to single-handedness. Generally, they will be dispatched and directed by the leader.

Li Yao and Sister Li also stepped forward to help, after all, there were too many monsters, and the double-headed snake was hard to beat with four hands.

Li Yao and Sister Li are responsible for killing those frogman shamans with healing skills.

It was good for Li Yao to release the arrow tower, but the fort was not so good. You can't ignite in the water.

Among the ancient gods, terrain restrictions were also severe. For example, under the water, the flames of the flames can basically smoke, even if the powerful fire spells can be launched, the power can only be discounted.

"Their reinforcements are here, I think I'd better call Hitomi, our damage is not enough." Sister Li said.

"Isn’t it tired from playing in the arena." Li Yao originally came with Hitomi, but Hitomi played in the arena at night. To complete the 50 wins in the main arena, it consumed too much energy. Sister Li when she set off Said Hitomi Hitomi was still sleeping.

"I'm already awake, now I heard that I will upgrade with you, yelling to come over." Sister Li's eyes were full of doting.

"Okay, then you can call him over." Li Yao said.

Sister Li nodded and activated the special effect of the ring, which can summon the player wearing another ring to her side.

This was originally a couple ring. Sister Li accidentally obtained it by opening the treasure chest and gave the other one to Hitomi.

"The two of you are necrotic, you actually left me behind and upgraded yourself. Fortunately, you have a ring and didn't let you succeed, hum." Hitomi was unhappy.

Li Yao quickly drank her a bottle of breathing medicine, and then released an anti-pressure scroll. Just after being teleported over, there is a shield for more than twenty seconds to protect it into the seabed...

(To be continued.)

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